MKX is still set for release this summer on PS3 and Xbox 360.
posted08/20/2015 07:43 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/21/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
I have contacted WB Games Mexico again(on FB) for more news regarding the supposed delay and the response I got was this:
Hola, el anuncio que hemos dado es que se lanza en verano. Les recomendamos no hacer caso a rumores que se lean en otros lados, sólo son son rumores, la información oficial la pueden encontrar aquí, en cuanto tengamos una fecha de lanzamiento la publicaremos aquí mismo.
Translated,it means the announcement they did was that the port would be released on Summer. In regards to the rumors,they stated that they are only rumors,and that as soon as they get a release date for the port,they would announce it in the page(obviously,this doesn't mean the only announcement will be on this FB page,derp).
So yeah,there never was a second delay to begin with,the release date has always been set for this summer.
Hopefully,we'll get a release date announcement soon.
07/29/2015 09:52 AM (UTC)
Hey man since you've got the most information outta this lately, any word on an update?
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/29/2015 11:16 AM (UTC)
IamTheS Wrote:
Hey man since you've got the most information outta this lately, any word on an update?
no word at this point, good chance that it's not happening. I hate this whole 3rd party crap fucking things up.
07/29/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
IamTheS Wrote:
Hey man since you've got the most information outta this lately, any word on an update?
no word at this point, good chance that it's not happening. I hate this whole 3rd party crap fucking things up.

blame WB for that,they are the publishers after all,and even own the MK franchise.
as for new info,i've been looking in neogaf,but nothing new has come up.
the closest thing to some new information has been gamestop again,specifically,the italian version of it. the italian gamestop site lists the dates of these ports as August 21st. Personally,I think that's BS,especially after the fact that GS lied in the first place(it was already confirmed by HVS,prior to their new attitude of "Ask WB tech support,we won't answer you" that the June 2nd date was a placeholder date,not to mention that WB never officially announced that date to begin with,they only said Summer 2015,and that's it).
TBH,the port is up in the air at this point. Given the high probability of there being more DLC,wouldn't it make sense to release the port(with the first Pack + all the patches) now in August,especially given that there's not really any important games coming out on 7th gen consoles until late August?
IDK. I guess I could contact WB Mexico again,but I'm pretty sure they are going to give me the same old answer. If anyone wants to contact them,be my guest.
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07/29/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
TBH I really don't think it's coming. If it does, it won't be until they're completely done with their DLC and they release a GOTY edition for it.

I upgraded my PS3 the second I saw that interview about how NRS was only doing the next gen. I never looked back.
07/30/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Im hoping its a completed version with all the DLC on disc and we don't have to pay extra for all the DLC i think waiting over year is enough punishment for us! maybe a bonus character for waiting so long, which can be bought later on for PS4 and XboxOne
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/30/2015 12:33 PM (UTC)
seanay Wrote:
Im hoping its a completed version with all the DLC on disc and we don't have to pay extra for all the DLC i think waiting over year is enough punishment for us! maybe a bonus character for waiting so long, which can be bought later on for PS4 and XboxOne
lol maybe a bonus character? I remember being optimistic about things. Dude the only complete version that will be coming out will be for ps4/xbone. If, and I do mean IF a last gen mkx ever does release, it will have KP1 with it, small chance of fujin and 1more like injustice complete version did.
07/30/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
seanay Wrote:
Im hoping its a completed version with all the DLC on disc and we don't have to pay extra for all the DLC i think waiting over year is enough punishment for us! maybe a bonus character for waiting so long, which can be bought later on for PS4 and XboxOne
lol maybe a bonus character? I remember being optimistic about things. Dude the only complete version that will be coming out will be for ps4/xbone. If, and I do mean IF a last gen mkx ever does release, it will have KP1 with it, small chance of fujin and 1more like injustice complete version did.

There's not gonna be a bonus character. Maybe a few extra skins at most, I honestly believe that this thing is already scrapped, but idk
07/30/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
it's really frustrating,because the port is under wraps as well and no more info has ever leaked.
for all we know,it could be delayed or not,or approaching release or cancellation.
the only official answer has been the exact same as the one on March. it's getting tiring.
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07/30/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
If they do manage to come out with the ps3 version I pray to Raiden that it has cross save with the ps4.
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07/30/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
I would say this probably isn't happening, it sucks but you gotta get a PS4 or XB1. Also if it does come out there is no way they are adding a character just for the last gen.
07/30/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
well,you shouldn't leave the PC port out,I've heard it's gotten quite stable now and it's definitely not as buggy and crappy as it was back on April. Plus,you get the ability to mod the game,which is a neat little bonus.
08/02/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
still holding out on the ps3 version still, its kinda ridiculous how long its taking to down port a fighting game to last gen.

and no mention or updates from High Voltage Software or WB in over 3 months is really really unprofessional on both there parts

either come out and say its cancelled or say its still coming out guys!!! furious
08/03/2015 08:03 AM (UTC)
Crimson_Pool21 Wrote:
still holding out on the ps3 version still, its kinda ridiculous how long its taking to down port a fighting game to last gen.

and no mention or updates from High Voltage Software or WB in over 3 months is really really unprofessional on both there parts

either come out and say its cancelled or say its still coming out guys!!! furious

well,technically,WB did,at least the Mexican branch,but still. Same thing goes for PC patches,they pretty much announced them at the last minute,compared to the PS4/XBONE versions,from what I remember.(Please correct me on this if I'm mistaken) It would be really nice if they just announced something properly,so I share your pain there as well. Also holding out for the PS3 version. If it gets canned,oh well,guess I'll save up money and upgrade my PC later.
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08/05/2015 01:13 PM (UTC)
b-rad007 Wrote:
seanay Wrote:
Im hoping its a completed version with all the DLC on disc and we don't have to pay extra for all the DLC i think waiting over year is enough punishment for us! maybe a bonus character for waiting so long, which can be bought later on for PS4 and XboxOne
lol maybe a bonus character? I remember being optimistic about things. Dude the only complete version that will be coming out will be for ps4/xbone. If, and I do mean IF a last gen mkx ever does release, it will have KP1 with it, small chance of fujin and 1more like injustice complete version did.

And all the impossible-to-get skins please. VERY wishful thinking, but it doesn't hurt to mention what we want.

I don't really care about extra characters as long as it has everything the other versions have.

BTW b-rad, injustice had season pass + 2 characters. MMH and Zatanna weren't included in pass but are in complete edition.

So this port is supposed to be released in summer. Guess what? It's been summer for over a month now and still no news. That's what really hurts - the lack of info.
08/06/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
seanay Wrote:
Im hoping its a completed version with all the DLC on disc and we don't have to pay extra for all the DLC i think waiting over year is enough punishment for us! maybe a bonus character for waiting so long, which can be bought later on for PS4 and XboxOne
lol maybe a bonus character? I remember being optimistic about things. Dude the only complete version that will be coming out will be for ps4/xbone. If, and I do mean IF a last gen mkx ever does release, it will have KP1 with it, small chance of fujin and 1more like injustice complete version did.

And all the impossible-to-get skins please. VERY wishful thinking, but it doesn't hurt to mention what we want.

I don't really care about extra characters as long as it has everything the other versions have.

BTW b-rad, injustice had season pass + 2 characters. MMH and Zatanna weren't included in pass but are in complete edition.

So this port is supposed to be released in summer. Guess what? It's been summer for over a month now and still no news. That's what really hurts - the lack of info.

Yeah man,I feel ya. It really hurts,I mean,even if the port is going to come out soon,and it turns out to be a decent port,it still hurts the way they are leaving us in complete darkness,in regards to info.
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08/06/2015 09:15 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
I would say this probably isn't happening, it sucks but you gotta get a PS4 or XB1. Also if it does come out there is no way they are adding a character just for the last gen.

No way can i buying a new console i can't afford just for one game (nothing else interests me).

So who here is waiting for the port because they don't have any other option?

My ex brought his console round so i have played some of the game (story mode, classic tower), and i really want to get into it, but i can't until it's released.
08/06/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
I am waiting as well. MKX mobile has held me over a bit. And I must admit I've watched the story mode video on youtube a couple of times. I understand people arguing that we should upgrade systems, but as big as a fan as I am, I truly only play a few videogames (The ones that won my fandom years ago, and keep coming i.e. MK, Zelda, etc). So, with a family, sometimes money is better spent elsewhere. Honestly, my ps3 is still brand new.
On another note, I am one who has contacted Warner Bros., and I am disappointed in the fact that we know nothing. I have had it reserved since the original release date, and with a birthday coming up, I have to consider a refund. That's a pocket full of cash that could be well used NOW, as a matter of fact. Summer is almost up fellas. Where y'all at?!?!?! confused
08/06/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:No way can i buying a new console i can't afford just for one game (nothing else interests me).

same, other than Batman Arkham Knight and MKX there is nothing on ps4 im willing to pay for a whole new console for.

as a MGS fan im happy that MGS5 is coming to ps3 so that's nice of Kojima to remember last gen users

but ya no way am I shelling out 400 bucks for a ps4 just for MKX
it was promised for ps3 and they better deliver.....or just say sorry its cancelled so that we can all move on

besides I got this rule of 3 thing with MK going on per system I own tongue



PS3 - MKvsDCU, MK2011, ..........

so ya I kinda want to complete my ps3 rule of 3 with MKX smile
08/06/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
i'm on the same boat as you guys. there's really no reason for me to get ps4/xbone,about the only other games that interest me are Doom and Deus Ex Mankind Divided(MGS5 and RE 0 HD are coming out on ps3,and hell,I already own a Wii,so I can play the SD version of RE 0)
I'm seriously considering to upgrade my pc,even if MKX comes out on ps3,I'm really thinking about saving up money to upgrade my pc or get a new one altogether.
Honestly,it's more practical,and,at least,in the case of upgrading,cheaper than getting a PS4/XBONE.
08/07/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
about the only other games that interest me are Doom and Deus Ex Mankind Divided(MGS5 and RE 0 HD are coming out on ps3,and hell,I already own a Wii,so I can play the SD version of RE 0.

Ive never played RE0 yet....I am one of the noobs who sucks with tank controls so I loved RE1HD's optional controls....hope RE0HD has that option too. heard its good

Hope we get a update soon...only 3 weeks of august left WB!!
subzero823 Wrote:
I have had it reserved since the original release date, and with a birthday coming up, I have to consider a refund.

same, im gonna wait till at max September then im cancelling
08/09/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
Boon just tweeted that an update was coming soon.
08/09/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
I have a feeling IF this does come out for you guys who never updated your consoles, it'll be after KP2 finishes (if there is a KP2) and all the DLC will be packaged with it. Basically I think you'll just be getting the Komplete version of the game.
08/09/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
thank god!
hopefully,it's release is going to kome very soon. i'm checking neogaf like crazy,in case anything leaks out.
08/09/2015 11:19 PM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
thank god!
hopefully,it's release is going to kome very soon. i'm checking neogaf like crazy,in case anything leaks out.

I wouldn't jump the gun too soon. Sure, they could put it out pretty soon but best case scenario is once all the next characters have come out which could be another couple months.

Or perhaps last generation buyers will get them all early. Honestly, who knows at this point. It could be any number of things.
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