MKX Fan Wish List
posted03/20/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/25/2011 05:13 AM (UTC)
So Mortal Kombat is back in our lives again, everyone is talking about how hyped they are about the next MK and what their expectations/wishes are. So if by any chance let's say Boon or any member of his NRS team gets to read this in order to know or at least have an idea of what fans want or at least expect for their next MK game, here's your chance!!!

Also why not share your idea for the next MK game box cover art? I've got mine in my profile.

So what I'd love at least to return in the next MK game are Animalities or Brutalities, or heck why not both of them. We got a glimpse of Nightwolf's animality in his ending in MK9. I would also love to see the return of a fighting system that has long been forgotten: The HP, LP, HK, LK system that was used in UMK3, would be great to use the old B-HK (Back High Kick) where you send your opponent flying to the other side of the screen with just a kick. Perhaps a return of the old Run button as well? I would also like to see Elder Gods and other gods besides Raiden, Fujin and Shinnok. For example Argus, Kochal, Zaggot or Abacus joining the fight as well, just as the war that was held in the heavens where Shinnok was overthrown and got banished to the Netherrealm, somewhat like GOW3 type but bigger, better and badder.
02/22/2014 03:09 PM (UTC)
MK10 DLC Character Requests! Voting & Popularity (click this)

Features request:

Break into manageable parts. Leave your suggestions here. The sky is the limit.
Updated 01/06/14 (UK), 06/01/14 (USA)
=====Delay until 2015 to allow expanded features.
=====Full-size history of MK, all inclusive artbook! Character designs, unmade characters, stages, concepts! EVERYTHING!
=====Able to optionally use Street Fighter-style hold-back-blocking instead of Mortal Kombat-style Button-blocking in Mortal Kombat X. It wouldn't give anybody any advantages and would actually make you more vulnerable to crossups than in Mortal Kombat-style Button-blocking, because in Mortal-Kombat-style Button-blocking, attacks are blocked the same way whether the opponent is on the left OR the right, unlike Street Fighter
=====As cyborgs get more damaged, we see tiny sparks appear around them a little bit.
=====Personalized intro/outro dialogue based on character relationships.
=====Nimble characters to do Tricking/Team Tricking during cutscenes and during the fights for get ups after each round.

Click this

List of moves for reference purposes: Roundoff Arabian, Roundoff Back 360, Raiz, Chuck Up, Roundoff Back 720, Aerial, Frontflip, Webster, Backtuck, Side Flip, Kip Up, Cartwheel Back-Tuck, Kick The Moon, Corkscrew, Butterfly Kick And Twist, Butterfly Twist Swing Through, Butterfly Twist Vault, Parkour Roll, Dive Roll, Round Off, Cartwheel, Handstand, 540 Cresdent, 540 Kick, Backflip Jujimufu, Au Batido, Backflip, Backhand Spring, Cheat Gainer, Double Leg, Flash Kick, Single Leg, Tornado Kick.

=====Realistic Foot Planting - Inverse Kinematics With foot-planting and a robust next-gen animations engine, combined with motion capture, it will remove the canned animations in the game, you'll never see sliding feet, skipped animations, or repetitive jerky movements in MK. Athletes shift and move like real people instead of just hovering around a flat plane floating inside your TV or PC. Foot placement, along with accurate momentum, combine to bring the third trick to life.

Realistic Foot Planting - Inverse Kinematics

=====Using the cloud technology just like Forza, have the game be able to study your game play and essentially clone you and your skills into the game. Allowing you to play against cloned AI of yourself

=====Full theatre system including PANCAM for all game modes so you can watch with friends (have more than one person in your party) and you can use a mic when in or out of theatre mode. Evolve into a mode where we can edit it like a machinima, add special effects, and onomonopeas. Different Zoom Levels . Actual slow-mo. Rewind with left trigger. Mesh clips together. Group editing. Upload to youtube. Tag videos. More Camera Angles, the ability to adjust each camera angle to your liking. And have it show the gamertags of who was playing in that match. While this would be great to go back and rewatch great matches between you and other players, I'll admit that the main reason why I want this is to have proof when reporting someone that's using a hacked moveset or exploiting glitches. I'm running into these people so many times I'm starting to recognize them by gamertag. How is it that they haven't been punished yet? I can't be the only one reporting them, right? Well, with this feature, we'll at least have proof of what's going on and we can send it to the moderators so they'll know it's not just us trying to get someone in trouble for no reason. You send the video and say "Look. He's cheating. There's his gamertag. Handle it."

=====Alternate weather versions (separate stages you could pick) such as sunny, rain, snow, lightning, sandstorms, fog, blizzards etc and morning, day , evening, and night

=====Custom water. If Tekken can do it, MK can do it. Adjustable Depth, color, Temperature (icebergs and glaciers form when you make water cold, and bubbles and steam comes when you make it hot), Current/wave directions, and water flow speed (Stagnant water, or rivers moving so fast they kill you if you step in them). Ground is covered by water like the island stage from MK vs DCU to see the water change into a dark red with all the blood that was spilled throughout a battle.
=====3DCG intro. Two sides of the story in storymode! One from the Heroes perspective and one from the Villains. Everyone should get a turn. Keep the cutscenes, but please change it so that we're not stuck with one character for a chapter. It forces the writers to put a character in fights they don't need to be in. Add nameless mooks to kill in story mode rather than constantly fight Sektor, Reptile and Baraka etc. A policeman that a bad guy can kill and a tarkatan a good guy can kill etc.
=====Team Battle mode. Allows players to make teams of up to 8 fighters and battle against a friend or CPU. After one character is defeated, the next one in line replaces them. The winner of each match will stay on and receive a slight increase in health. The last team standing will be the winner.

=====Tournament mode. Up to 16 players can take part in online tournaments. Players can also organize and host their own tournaments and stream them.

=====1P VS CPU in Versus mode - so I can pick the opponent and stage I want (as opposed to just random opponents/stages in Arcade mode)
=====CPU VS CPU in Versus mode - So I can watch max difficulty CPU characters fight on a stage that I choose.

=====4K graphics
=====Friendship (finisher) especially now with the story mode that imposes several comradeship, you'd think that Jax wouldn't rip off Sonya's arms and smash her head, no matter how annoyed he is with her at the moment, etc.
=====More funny Easter Eggs.

=====Some sort of system where if you quit too many times it will put you on a probation period and not allow you to access online features.

=====Bring chat back, but add in a spam filter so if you're annoying it will just temporarily mute you.

===== Bring back Chess.
=====Spectator mode. Users can watch other fights in real time (or of course those that are uploaded) and vote on things like Fight of the Year.

===== Turn the announcer off or have the option to turn the volume down on it
=====A stage with a castle, red full moon and northern lights (sky).

=====Better matchmaking. Search for players based on their true skill rank, then you could search for players 'any skill', 'same skill' or 'higher skill' rank.

=====Subsurface Scattering. It makes skin look more realistic (same technique used in the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition).

=====Tressfx tech for the hair (freeflowing hair). Hair Smoke could look awesome with better hair physics.

Tomb Raider TressFX Hair: ON & OFF Comparison

=====Online Training mode. In this mode, players will be able to invite their friends to play with them in the training arena under practice conditions.

=====Costume preview on character select screen.

=====All characters unlocked from start. No progression based unlocks. At least, not ones that affect gameplay.

=====Stance change is useless, remove it

=====Search region specific. Europe, USA Central, USA West, USA East. No region lock for online modes. At least give us the choice of competing with our friends from the other regions on private sessions.

=====GGPO netcode.

=====Player status 'online', 'away' and 'be right back'.

=====Import Facebook friends.

=====Leaderboard stat tracking.

=====The connect section allows the user to create and join community groups. Groups are several people who share one similar interest (Such as Chuck Norris, for example) that play Mortal Kombat. This lets people meet new friends that share each other's interests. To join a group, the user simply has to add that group's group tag (i.e. #MKfans). The user is allowed to be a part of 20 groups at once. Popular groups will be showcased in Featured Groups. The user can also create and join clans. Unlike groups, the user must be invited by the clan leader to join the clan.
=====Track your Mortal Kombat performance with rich game statistics in Nekropolis. Highest damage combo, most hits, win to loss ratio with said character, etc..
=====Choose your destiny.

=====More attractive feminine faces. Unique body models.
=====Multitiered stages

Khrome Took this from Zmoke
=====A white ninja is missing in MK after more than 20 years but Khrome can fill that spot. Khrome with mimetic polyalloy (liquid metal) powers like the T-1000 from Terminator 2 and T-1001 from the Sarah Connor Chronicles. There are no white ninjas in MK currently so to make him look less like Smoke, u can make Khrome in white and silver, his skin should be like the Silver Surfer but with a ninja costume over it. Also Plasma grenade as one of his moves and look of grenade can be like logo of Google Chrome. The mask from Shinobi

Liquid Metal is really cool, look what it can do:

Click this

Here is a short clip of T-1001 (from the Sarah Connor Chronicles) showing how liquid metal is an awesome ability.

T-1001 Shirley Manson

=====Colour edit mode. Editing the colours of a characters outfit. Instead of having 10-12 preset colours, like SF4, you can change individual colours on a character from a larger selection of colours. So with, say, Ryu, you can set his gi colour, his belt colour, his gloves colour, his headband colour, even his skin and hair colours (UV colours)
=====Multiple layer tattoo creator. Like a tattoo creator with multiple layers that you can piece together.
=====Custom matches with certain handicaps e.g.
Option to disable the Super Meter, HUD, X-Ray attacks, blood, battle damage
=====Tag X-Rays. Stage Xrays. Although X-Ray moves are awesome, it’s weird seeing them done twice in the same round with SubZero freezing and cracking the same organ or someone able to fight perfectly after suffering a broken leg. Make them more “down to earth” and maybe only able to be done once a round. Also, some of the x-ray moves look like fatalities in and among themselves. I don’t think anyone could keep fighting after having Baraka shove a three foot blade through their eye socket.
=====Characters to use their abilities/theme in fatalities. Mix up the stage fatality endings. Instead of having the same animation for each character, (Someone falling of The Pit, landing on the same spike with the exact same organ being impaled and forced through the body.) we wouldn’t know how they would meet their demise. Maybe the character could miss the spikes entirely and smack into the ground. Maybe only their arm could hit a spike and be ripped off. The possibilities are endless and this concept couldn’t only be applied to The Pit. Someone could land on the hook in the Dead Pool and slowly be lowered into the acid. Or instead of someone stomping their opponent’s head into the lava everytime on the Hell stage, maybe they’ll get fully tossed in or thrown to that Cerberus creature in the background. The same concept of differing animations could be applied to fatalities as well. Just to mix it up, we might not be sure how Scorpion will dice up his felled opponent. What body part will Reptile rip off with his tongue and eat this time? (possible the leg, leaving his opponent to bleed to death...) Again, the possibilities of “random animations” are endless and could add a whole new dimension and diversity to Mortal Kombat.

===== A shallow Pit with wild animals at the bottom. Lions or snakes or scorpions etc. Lions for instance could fight over the body, ripping apart limbs an’ such etc.
=====Limited destructible environments. Maps that change as you play similar to the levolution on Battlefield 4, but on a smaller scale.

=====Electronic beats for MKX. They are catchy and raises hype. Street fighter has some catchy beats. Electronic beats can work in MK, do it like The Exorcist's theme song.

Listen here

The Exorcist theme

This awesome Electronic song in a Eastern Martial Arts Film called Raging Phoenix

Click this

=====Future Character Costume Designs

NRS must make faces as hot as Red Sonja's face. She was ranked first in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics" list.

The most important thing is that the outfits are practical but match the characters' personalities at the same time. Although my runway (fashion) pictures of the dresses wouldn't be form-fitting for fighting, redesigning the bottom of the costume to panties/knickers would work with the whole top covered up except for slightly showing of breasts, that way it’s still naughty but nice. As they are magnificent royal female warriors they should look high value and not wear such revealing clothes like the girl next door. Less clothing only works for certain situations like sexually charged environment such as strip clubs and nightclubs where it’s OK whatever girls choose to wear. Also it's less likely the wounds/cuts will be seen on flesh if their top is more covered up.

Shoes Shoes Shoes


More accessories

Trench Coat

Inspiring Hair Styles

This is how America's Next Top Model does it Warrior Style. See high-fashion can work in MK.

Click this for hi-res pictures (minus)
Click this for hi-res pictures (photobucket)
02/22/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)

- Chess Kombat to be brought back!

- Story Mode: Involving 16 the heroes side. And 14 chapters on the villains side.


- Shinnok (as playable & non-playable as final boss)
- Kai
- Reiko (the new Shao Kahn)
- Tanya
- Fujin (taking Raiden's place)

- Mavado (change his appearance)
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei (MK's Jubilee)
- Sareena
- Drahmin
- Moloch (as sub-boss)

- Ashrah
- Havik

Those from MK2011:
- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero (wears shredder as primary. unmasked human sub-zero as secondary & broken cyborg as a third costume)
- Liu Kang (scarred & wears a hoodie as alternate costume)
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Raiden (turned completely mortal later turns to Dark Raiden)
- Kano
- Reptile (turned neutral or good)
- Mileena
- Baraka
- Jade
- Smoke
- Noob Saibot
- Cyrax
- Sektor
- Sheeva (turned good)
- Ermac (King Jerrod taking control)
- Quan Chi (wearing MK4 primary/MKDA alternate costume as primary)
- Skarlet
- Rain
- Kenshi

- Kitana
- Jax
- Kung Lao
- Kabal
- Stryker
- Nightwolf
- Sindel
- Shang Tsung
- Goro (appearing as cameo but a good guy)
- Motaro (as sub-boss)

New Kharacters:
- Arachnid fighter with webs

- Nature manipulator like poison ivy

- A necromancer who morphs into a vampire, lycan & lich.

- A female contortionist from the realm of Chaos (like Voldo from SC)

- Khameleon & Tremor! Please give them another chance! MK doesn't have an earth user yet! And not a REAL female saurian yet to be alongside Reptile!
02/22/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
All great ideas guys, hope some of them are taken in consideration in the game's development. I really hope Non-canon characters get a chance to actually be in the game this time, like I said early before more gods and why not the elder gods themselves?

My real concern is what's Sub-zero's appearance going to be in this new MK game? How is he going to look like? Cyber-Subzero? I understand NRS wanting to change the MK timeline, but as a Subbie fan I want human Kuai Liang back!!!!!!!
02/22/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
Don't count on many returning from MK 2011. Only the best will join the MK4-MKD then new kombatants.

Jarek will break a lot of BONES!!
02/22/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
It's no surprise that when collating ideas from other mk forums, most sub-zero fans said human needs to return rather than the cyber one. I agree.

Also how is chess kombat any good???
02/23/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Do u guys want an emblem editor?
02/24/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
Keeping this simplified and condensed:

The small things:

-Character specific background images on the select screen
-Great select screen music
-Classic music & announcer unlockable options (MK1 announcer & Select Screen music etc.)
-Ability to change attire in-between fights in 1 player(via a button press or quick menu)


-Women not all wearing high heels
-More varied outfits


-Lots of them, as many as MK9 would suffice
-Varying visuals and details


-More varied body types and builds, better modeling altogether


-2 per character
-Not so many cut line based ones, more creative
-1 Friendship


-Accessible to casuals, but with lots of depth for tourney players
-Lots of character variety and depth
-Decent tutorial and training


-Online training with another player
-Great side mode (Challenge Tower etc.)


-A couple characters
-1-2 Alt. outfits per person


I have faith that they have a good grasp on things for the most part, so there's really not much to list. They did a fantastic job with MK9 & Injustice, so I believe they'll bring something great to the table this time. Make it on next-gen(I guess current gen now) consoles, with a great updated engine and physics, and we're good.
02/24/2014 02:38 PM (UTC)
Really I want them to keep it mostly the same as MK9.

- Keep Super Meter

- Keep X-Rays

- Keep Tag Mode

- Add Tag Fatalities

- 30-34 characters

- At least 8 unlockable characters

- Add Animalities

- Go next gen and upgrade to the Unreal Engine 4

- Stay the course in terms of gameplay, no need to reinvent the wheel

- Chapter Select in Story Mode

- Choose Your Destiny for Arcade Mode
02/25/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Really I want them to keep it mostly the same as MK9.

- Keep Super Meter

- Keep X-Rays

- Keep Tag Mode

- Add Tag Fatalities

- 30-34 characters

- At least 8 unlockable characters

- Add Animalities

- Go next gen and upgrade to the Unreal Engine 4

- Stay the course in terms of gameplay, no need to reinvent the wheel

- Chapter Select in Story Mode

- Choose Your Destiny for Arcade Mode

Nice suggestions!!!! glasses
02/25/2014 03:13 AM (UTC)
Motor Kombat please!!!!!!! wink

Oh one more thing, do you guys think konquest should return???
02/28/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
Graphics - As an animator myself, I was a bit bothered by some of the silly stuff I saw that could easily not be a problem. One example is Sindel's outfit. When you win with her and not do a fatality, she spins around and flies into the air. Sometimes that cloth in the back tends to come forward and just hang there. I can tell that's something that could easily be fixed, any kind of cloth could be fixed.

I'm going to ignore talking about the hair issues because hair is THE hardest thing to animate. I'm not going to complain.

Arcade Endings - Now, I'm not really that huge of non-cannon endings, but some of the endings that we saw really made people splur out some really random shit, such as the mysterious woman in Jade's ending. I don't mind seeing stuff that leaves you hanging (despite that I'm not really a fan of cliffhangers) still, when it comes to arcade endings, I'd like to see that kind of stuff not really happen. Leave the story telling to the story and just have their arcade endings just be something fun to look forward to, not leaving it a mystery that could easily be abandoned by the next game.

Moves - Seeing how there's potential for characters to have similar moves, let's try to have it where if we have two ice wielding warriors, they play completely different from one another. I don't want to see four characters having a different slide move or teleports are being a thing with characters. Let's focus more on special moves where they are unique and completely different from one another.

The fans - I mentioned this once before, I will continue mentioning this again. I'd like to have the next game be a game where we don't need a stickied "rant" thread. I was really aggravated to even ask the mods to make that seeing how everyone had so much to complain. I mean, I understand that there are going to be things in the next game that might not gain a lot of like, but there were also some stupid, STUPID things that got bitched about, such as Sonya's versus face or Ermac's nose was weird looking. Noob's name gets announced by the announcer "Noob Saibot" but only "Noob" is shown on the life bar. Who the fuck cares? Seriously, I'd like to see complaints pop up a lot less than what they did for the last game. That was way too ridiculous.
03/01/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

The fans - I mentioned this once before, I will continue mentioning this again. I'd like to have the next game be a game where we don't need a stickied "rant" thread. I was really aggravated to even ask the mods to make that seeing how everyone had so much to complain. I mean, I understand that there are going to be things in the next game that might not gain a lot of like, but there were also some stupid, STUPID things that got bitched about, such as Sonya's versus face or Ermac's nose was weird looking. Noob's name gets announced by the announcer "Noob Saibot" but only "Noob" is shown on the life bar. Who the fuck cares? Seriously, I'd like to see complaints pop up a lot less than what they did for the last game. That was way too ridiculous.

I was gonna mention this on my wishlist - There shouldn't be a "things NRS won't tell u about MKX" when it's out.
03/01/2014 06:12 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

The fans - I mentioned this once before, I will continue mentioning this again. I'd like to have the next game be a game where we don't need a stickied "rant" thread. I was really aggravated to even ask the mods to make that seeing how everyone had so much to complain. I mean, I understand that there are going to be things in the next game that might not gain a lot of like, but there were also some stupid, STUPID things that got bitched about, such as Sonya's versus face or Ermac's nose was weird looking. Noob's name gets announced by the announcer "Noob Saibot" but only "Noob" is shown on the life bar. Who the fuck cares? Seriously, I'd like to see complaints pop up a lot less than what they did for the last game. That was way too ridiculous.

I was gonna mention this on my wishlist - There shouldn't be a "things NRS won't tell u about MKX" when it's out.

What the hell are you blabbing about now? What you just said has nothing to do with that entire section you cut out of my post.
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03/01/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Some really good suggestions here. Some, I agree with and some I don't, but we've all got our opinions. I'm going to do what I want and what I don't want, not to be contrary or anything like that, but just because there are a few things that I dislike enough to say that I wish they're not in the game. So yeah, still keeping with the wish list theme... Kinda. grin

What I want:

-A vastly improved story mode: Don't get me wrong, I LOVED MK9's story mode, so maybe "improved" isn't the right word. MK9 has the best ever story for a fighting game. But now I want them to take it to the next level.

They have an alternate timeline, so they can now tell a new story, and I'd love for it to be a sweeping narrative with twists and turns, surprises, complex alliances, betrayals, characters conspiring, mysteries to figure out, etc.

I want more themes explored (love, loss, etc). Give me some drama, some sad moments, some humor, etc. I want to care about characters and what happens to them. A death should matter more beyond the sheer shock value of it.

People might say "it's Mortal Kombat" or "it's a video game" as an excuse to tone it down with this kind of stuff. But MK has the best story of any fighting game and they can get even better.

-Make the characters more complex: I want characters to act realistically, to have character flaws, to work for their own self interest, or the interest of their clan, or for redemption, for any number of reasons beyond "I'm a good guy so I want to save Earth."

I want more 3 dimensional characters with motivations beyond lust for power or revenge. No more good versus evil, at least not in the strictest sense.

-For NRS to make their own game: In other words, I don't want them to feel like this game has to use the characters that come next chronologically just because they might do some of what's next in the story chronologically.

With this alternate timeline, they've carved out a nice excuse as to why some or even many of these characters might not appear. I'm sure they'll do this regardless, but I really hope that they pick the characters that they think they can revamp and can really contribute to the story and not just say "well, this character was in MK4 or MK:DA so people will expect them."

-I want what's dead to stay dead: Ed Boon talked about turning the page and starting fresh prior to MKvsDC. I want them to not be afraid to go this route now. Sure, I like a lot of those dead characters, but use this as an opportunity to make new, awesome characters. They have the time, the money, the createive team... Don't be afraid to make it new again.

-I want characters to feel different from one another: In other words, I want fast characters and slow characters, strong characters and weak characters, throwers, zoners, etc. Don't just give me the standard "teleport, projectile, special kick" move set anymore. A slender shaolin monk shouldn't fight like a muscle-bound, cut-throat criminal.

-Modernize the outfits: The last game had an excuse. It was going back to the 90's. So fine, the series doesn't have to live there anymore though. No more spandex. This is next gen. Give us flowing outfits, or clothes with texture to them, and make them fit the character. Give them tons of details.

-I want to see smoother animation: I love the way MK9 played, but compared to some other fighters out there, it still felt a tad bit on the rigid side.

-Return Sub Zero to human form: I know I said not to retcon all of the deaths, but this one gets to disobey that rule. Either bring in a brand new Lin Kuei ninja using the name Sub Zero, or make it so Cyber Sub Zero somehow gets his old look back.

You want to have some sparking wires on one of his forearms? Sure, go for it. But personally, I don't like the cyber ninjas and I kinda hope that this part of the story gets written out with the quicknes.
-Several outfits per character: I'm talking 10-20. From classics to fresh takes on old characters. There should be a lot to unlock in this regard. No more two or three outifts per character.

-Kreate a Tournament: I've been saying this for years now, but I'd love to be able to play and earn items that I can use to build my own tournament with characters that I create.

You earn koins by playing all of the modes and you use those to by everything from select screen templates, versus screen backgrounds, special moves, clothing options etc. There could be thousands upon thousands of options that people can mix and match to create characters, bios, endings etc.

If NRS has to farm this out to another studio so it won't interrupt their main game, then so be it. I'd also want the option switch between fighting regular MK characters as an MK character or fighting created characters with created characters online, as I'm sure this could lead to terrible balancing issues.

-Vast improvement to women's faces and hair: It's next gen. This stuff has to get better. I'm not just saying that NRS has had issues with this stuff. A lot of studios have issues with it, but when see Orchid in the new Killer Instinct, all I can think is that studios still have a ways to go in this area, and I really hope that MK can get the ball rolling in the right direction.

-Unique fatalities: In other words, don't have fifteen characters use slicing fatalities. These are unique characters. The way they kill their opponent should be unique to them.

They should be gory, taken as far as an MA rating will go, but more of Milleena's face eater and less of Johnny Cage punching the head off of his opponent. The former was sexy and then gory and could only be Milleena's while the latter could've been done by any character.

What I dont' want:

-I don't want to see the women dressed they way that most of them are dressed in MK anymore. This isn't 1993 and I'm not a kid who's enthralled by the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit issue. Show a little skin, but sometimes, less is more.

I dont' want to have a huge argument over this, it's just my opinion. I think it'd be cooler if some of the women weren't fighting in a bra, panties, stiletto heels and maybe thigh highs. I've seen that fetish style in the game enough. Give me something new, something cool, and if the fans demand it, then fine, give them some classic alts that reflect that older style, but give me several options that don't make me borderline embarassed to play the game in front of grown people.

-I don't want any old, non-fighting modes to return. I love a lot of those modes, but I still have those games and can go back and play those modes whenever I want. So no need to revist them. In fact....

-I don't want any non-fighting modes in the next MK. Yes, I said "Kreate a Tournament" above, but the purpose is to build your own fighter. The end result is fighting. It's not chess, or a racing game, etc (which again, I love, but just don't need to see again).

-Absolutely, positively no minigames in the fighting itself: That means no stopping the action for Free-Fall Kombat, no Klose-Kombat, no button mashing tug o war while one character's crushing the other through building after building etc. In fact...

-No past quasi gameplay mechanics: By that, I mean no run button, no rage meter, and while I liked X-Rays as a sort of super move, I'd want to nix them in favor of something new as well. Ya know. New game, new generation and all that.

-No ham-fisted dialog: I don't mind humor or anything, but this kind of goes along with the whole idea that the story needs to grow up a bit and tell a, well... story that people of all ages and get interested in and respect on it's literary merits. Yes, I said literary.

The MK fan base that loved the game and the story as kids are now grown up. Video game stories are doing more now than they've ever done before. The Last of Us, Mass Effect, the Quantic Dream games... MK has always been out ahead of the fighting game pack and it's what got me hooked on MK to begin with. The mythos. The mystery. The scheming characters.

So yeah, please don't feel the need to simplify things or dumb the plot down or make characters all good or all evil and don't give us some melodramatic, over-acted story with dialog that would feel right at home circa MK4's endings.

-Do not over-focus on fatalities: Don't get me wrong, I know that they're as MK as it gets, but most people, by now, have seen what you can get away with under an MA rating. So while sure, bring in some new, fun ideas, I don't need ten fatalities per character or ten different types of fatalities. Don't bring back animalities, brutalities, etc. We've seen it already.

Okay, I'll stop there for now. I keep thinking of stuff, so I just need to stop. Thanks to anyone that actually made it through all of this! grin
03/01/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
We need the Animalities back! Look back at MK3 and all we got were outlined animals. This time they would be real looking and better. Friendships and Babalities are trash.

Jarek, Kobra, Frost and Kira please! Don't forget about Sareena.
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03/01/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
Really what we DON'T want to see...

03/01/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
I wish they will go for more mature female costumes. I am tired of the 80% revealing attires.

Women/Girls look much more beautiful wearing respectable clothes.
03/01/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Barake u have pretty much said what I said. I gave some examples of costumes, the most important thing is that they match the characters' personalities. And I agree with u about story, MK needs a slightly more complex love story. I want rain to be in a love triangle. I don't see why there can't be a love triangle. All the best love films have a love triangle, titanic, Romeo and Juliet, And hunger games and twilight.

ErmaSco Wrote:
I wish they will go for more mature female costumes. I am tired of the 80% revealing attires.

Women/Girls look much more beautiful wearing respectable clothes.

Check out my costume ideas.
PickleMendip Wrote:
Really what we DON'T want to see...

The most important thing is costumes match the characters' personalities.
03/02/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is not a fashion show, it's a fighting game. However, since it has gone to a MG rating...I guess it wouldn't hurt for the females to have less revealing costumes.

On another note, they better do something good with MEAT. Give him costumes and awesome moves and kickass fatalities. Also he needs to be in the cast as a selectable character. @hankypanky1; The Khrome character would be a good addition, however...he looks too much like Smoke. Edited.
03/02/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not a fashion show, it's a fighting game. However, since it has gone to a MG rating...I guess it wouldn't hurt for the females to have less revealing costumes.

On another note, they better do something good with MEAT. Give him costumes and awesome moves and kickass fatalities. Also he needs to be in the cast as a selectable character.

@hankypanky1; The Khrome character would be a good addition, however...he looks too much like Smoke.


We don't know Edenians culture. So u can't say fashionable outfits won't suit the females because as long as it fits their characters' personalities then it wouldn't be so bad and stripperific like MK9 was.

I have said this before and I'll say it again, u can easily get around the Khrome character, Khrome is silver while Smoke is grey. Instead of black and silver costume for Khrome, make it white and silver. There are no white ninjas in MK.
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03/03/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not a fashion show, it's a fighting game. However, since it has gone to a MG rating...I guess it wouldn't hurt for the females to have less revealing costumes.

On another note, they better do something good with MEAT. Give him costumes and awesome moves and kickass fatalities. Also he needs to be in the cast as a selectable character.

@hankypanky1; The Khrome character would be a good addition, however...he looks too much like Smoke.


No, I don't think it's a fashion show at all. I think that's the opposite extreme of what MK is right now, and that's not a good sign for what MK is at the moment. I just want MK to come out of the 90's spandex era because it doesn't look very good anymore. MK9 tried to put some style on the characters, but they had to remain true to their original looks (for the most part, that seemed to be what they decided to do anyways).

But I do think that there's some middle ground between a fashion show and the 90's look. As far as the ladies, if it fits a character, fine, though there are still ways to make it less overt and obvious that you're trying to use polygon boobies as a selling point for your game. I don't think that NRS needs to do that, and maybe for original outfits, they tone that stuff down or at least find ways to be more creative than the typical stuff we've seen so far.

Now classic outfits? Sure, go nuts. They are what they are and history shouldn't be changed in that regard. But just because Milleena's evil or is more sexual or whatever, that doesn't make her fighting in a bra, panties and thigh high boots sound any less ridiculous.

But for both the men and the women, there are cooler things that could be done; more details, more little things that could give them more of a complete and unique look. I think that can enhance the game's look as a whole. Maybe not a lot, but every little bit helps.

Sorry, not a rant or anything, and I don't mean to hijack the thread. This is just something that I wish for, so there, I've come full circle! tongue
03/03/2014 02:06 AM (UTC)

Make them fit the character, each character should have four costumes. Lots of detail. Keep the same motif of all the other games, but try to make it slightly more realistic. This is still a fantasy game, I don't know why everyone is complaining about the costumes. Obviously that is how Outworld and Edenia people dress. So keep the same old motif for their costumes with just a little bit of updating and realism added. There needs to be a lot of detail to everyone's attire and they need to be very individualized. I don't know why everyone complains about the high heels either. It's aesthetically pleasing and it's fitting for Kitana, Jade, Sindel, Mileena, Tanya. Sonya doesn't need high heels though.

Better female faces and hair.

Better and more detailed arenas. I would like to see updates to some of the MK4- deception arenas, even some of the Armageddon arenas. We need a lot of new arenas too. All of them should be somewhat interactive, some more than others, who doesn't love a stage fatality?

The story. A good ass story. I was not a fan of the retcon in 2011, there were some good parts though, but overall a fail. All we have at this point is speculation so as far as the story goes, if it's a sequel to 2011 I hope they can redeem the story somehow and make it badass. I'm open to a reboot also, I love the original games, especially MK2, probably the most classic of them all. I also wouldn't mind them revisiting MK4/Gold as long as they don't fuck it up like they did with 2011. And I have said before a game about Shao Khan taking over Edenia, taking place over 10,000 years ago, would be good too.
03/03/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Nice ideas guys! Some I agree, others well everyone has a right to their own opinion. Ok what do you guys say about bringing back Weapon Style back into the fighting? wink
03/03/2014 06:15 AM (UTC)
CageFan21 Wrote:
Nice ideas guys! Some I agree, others well everyone has a right to their own opinion. Ok what do you guys say about bringing back Weapon Style back into the fighting? wink

I think if everyone had a weapon style and a hand-to-hand style, then there would be hell of a lot to do and what moves u can pull off. It sounds good, but in reality it might not work as good as it sounds. I'm thinking something like this would happen, so u are in middle of a hand-to-hand combo, and u switch to weapon style combo, it might be too late for u to carry on combo, unless u hold down a button, which does a weapon attack. So combos would play the same way as h2h i.e. the buttons to do combo for both style is same. It could work.
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