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03/29/2015 09:44 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
Kotal Kahn being the last of the Osh-Teck in this last MK Comic chapter 100% confirms the bios that were released from the German source were true. It's A HUGE SHAME, as it means Daegon and Sektor are going to die and we will even know about it before it happens in the comics. What's the point of buying the comics anymore if we know the ending?

I hate that the good guys always win. Daegon is a lot stronger and more cunning than Kenshi and Takeda. He's been evading Earth's gods for 10.000 years. Why would he die now just so that Suchin gets to be avenged?

Same goes for Sektor, he's a cyborg. How can he really die?

They have a chance to make intelligent villains like Havik, Reiko, Daegon and I think they' ll screw it up and give us... you know, Kano and the Black Dragon who nobody thinks can win a war against the good guys.

or he just guessed since we saw them all slaughtered against goro and the red dragon....a lot of these leaked are just really good guesses. people only look at the ones that are right, never the ones that are wrong
03/29/2015 09:55 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
Kotal Kahn being the last of the Osh-Teck in this last MK Comic chapter 100% confirms the bios that were released from the German source were true. It's A HUGE SHAME, as it means Daegon and Sektor are going to die and we will even know about it before it happens in the comics. What's the point of buying the comics anymore if we know the ending?

Because the comics are likely to keep going after this year so we'll have more shit to read and they can always resurrect them. Daegon's a demi-god like Rain, so if he got taken out, he'll be back just like how Rain is back in the game.
Cages_Shades Wrote:
a lot of these leaked are just really good guesses. people only look at the ones that are right, never the ones that are wrong

While this is true, he either knows SOME stuff like JamessMK being right about the Tarkatan sword for Erron Black OR he has an incredible run of luck. It's entirely possible that some stuff from the comics won't match what we see in game or vice versa. Or maybe NRS didn't like something Kittelsen wrote and retconned it or changed it with a twist for their own purposes in story mode. We just simply won't know until the game leaks. But until then, this guy's correct 'guesses' keep piling up. He has quite a few now.
03/29/2015 10:17 AM (UTC)
So Erron Black is a little bitch instead of an outlaw?

Havik definitely not the boss, I believe his story will be comics only and not be dealt with in story mode given the tweet by Shaun that Raiden thinks he's looking for a demon, but he's looking for something else..

LOL @ Goro going home like a bitch and his father pissed off. They make a lot of big and evil characters seem like little girls with feelings. A bit disappointing.
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03/29/2015 10:25 AM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
So Erron Black is a little bitch instead of an outlaw?

Havik definitely not the boss, I believe his story will be comics only and not be dealt with in story mode given the tweet by Shaun that Raiden thinks he's looking for a demon, but he's looking for something else..

LOL @ Goro going home like a bitch and his father pissed off. They make a lot of big and evil characters seem like little girls with feelings. A bit disappointing.

God forbid characters have more characterization than 'grr i'm big and scary'
03/29/2015 10:36 AM (UTC)
Haha, I just think it's funnny that Goro, the 9 time champion and fierce looking Shokan goes home and his father taking revenge. That's a classic 8 year old, going home to papa who confronts the bully kind of story grin
03/29/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
Finally the old artist is back. Johnny doensn't look like a grandpa anymore, and Sonya is pretty again.

Erron Black won't forget Kotal's decision, he might join the Black Dragon again once he escapes from the dungeon.

We don't know what happened between Sonya and Johnny for her to act this way, maybe he cheated on her? I'm sure there is an explanation. But I like her atitude.
03/29/2015 12:38 PM (UTC)
Dantesd94 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Holy fuck, awesome issue. Havik HAS to play some type of role in this game.

Notice how Scorpion says "Possessed", and we've seen Kenshi with a Possessed variation. Idk so many questions I hope will be answered with the games story

Thats what I said in the other post.

I dont see Havik being the Final boss, just because all havik wants is CHAOS.
f Kotal Khan is still emperor, There wouldn ́t be a conflict betwen Earthrealm and Outworld, so NO MK TOURNAMETN, NO WAR, NO CHAOS. That is the reason why he is helping Reiko because he wants a Bloody thirsty Emperor on charge, and not one that wants to cooperate with the Earth like Kotal Khan.

But then the only one who could be the Boss and give sense to all the trama, Is the Blood God, the Blood God is called that way because is the Blood of the One being who gives power and takes control over the ones that are cut with the Kamidogus.




There is no more

Notice how in Kenshi's possessed variation his sword is broken and he turns into some kind of samurai grim reaper. It's the spirits that inhabit his sword sento that are possessing him as they can't inhabit a broken sword. He doesn't have the symptoms of the kamidogu curse.
03/29/2015 01:05 PM (UTC)
What an awesome chapter that was. Good lord Sonya is a bitch. Johnny was trying to be nice and comfort her but that didn't work. Cool we got to see Kintaro.
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03/29/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
Just finished the issue now, thought it was great.

So Havik is the 'Blood God', or rather, up to his Chaos ways in order to get everyone to fucking kill each other. God, I love Havik. I so want him to be the super secret unlockable and part of me thinks he will be. I wouldn't be surprised if Blood God Reiko was the suprise final boss with Havik as the unlockable, but I have feeling Havik and Reiko are probably going to die within the next few issues. I hope I'm wrong on that one.

I agree that Sonya was a bit of a bitch to Johnny, but his choice of "keep it together" wasn't all that great to use. I'm still sick of Sonya constantly finding the time to call Johnny a piece of shit. It's getting real tiresome and I'd hate to be Cassie growing up with them two constantly arguing.

The Shokan uprising is looking really good. I'm probably more excited than that even though we pretty much know Kotal wins.

Scorpion vs Sub-Zero looks to be.....meh. I would normally be excited for this fight but a) we've seen it a hundred times, b) we know Scoprion is going to win but Sub-Zero won't die and c) the last blood-possesed fight we got was exceptionally lack-luster. Although I am getting sick of this comic finally getting to the good part only for it to end with "NEXT WEEK:______" and then we have to wait a week.

Something caught my eye though about what Havik said. He said that he wants to get all the Kamidogu for himself, and we know that's a pretty damn serious threat although I can't remember if collecting the Kamidogu brings back Onaga or the The One Being. Can someone correct me on this? If it brings back The One Being, then that means that Havik's lust for Chaos is so powerful that he would literally cause the exticntion of the realms and all the people in it just to get his Chaos kick. Damn, Havik just got a little cooler.
03/29/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
The kamidogu brings the One Being.

Onaga was brought back through an egg, he then got inside reptile.
03/29/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Havik will fail, Quan Chi / Shinnok will succeed since you need a god and Quan Chi can manipulate Fujin / Shinnok or the latter can kill Quan Chi and become the blood god himself.
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03/29/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
The kamidogu brings the One Being.

Onaga was brought back through an egg, he then got inside reptile.

Thank you. I can never remember certain parts of MK's lore smile
03/29/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
I don't know, this issue was kinda 'meh' to me... Like nothing really happened...

03/29/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
Just finished it, I know I prefer my Kuai Liang on the good side, but damn this and the past issue he looked really badass and imposing floating over all that ice. And Scorpion has to mention he lost last time :P

Btw... who is that corpse with Havik? Just some random dude? And is he supposed to connect with the kamidogu possessed by tearing bodies apart as sacrifices?

Can't wait for next week's issue! This keeps getting better!
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/29/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
I don't know, this issue was kinda 'meh' to me... Like nothing really happened...


Eh, they can't all be big. You need some building blocks here and there.

As Redman said, I feel like Havik has to be in this game. At this point HE is the common link. He's the one bringing this whole conflict together. I really hope this translates to a playable role in the game.
03/29/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
She's still a massive bitch for telling Poor Johnny to fuck off for trying to comfort her.

And for what? Because Cass was staying with Johnny before she got into trouble? Even though she was the one who ran off from Sonya's watch to be with her dad (who may have not even been aware she was staying at his place at the time)?

No way man I am not enjoying Sonya's role in this story one single bit and no amount of "Sonya did nothing wrong" can sway my opinion about this.

She had one tiny single moment of humanity before she ruined it with "Fuck off"

Yeah it's hard to like Sonya in here. She is being completely unreasonable.

And she partially blames Johnny, but she could've sent a team to his place the moment they told her Cassie ran away. But she was pissed so she didn't.

I understand Erron screwed up, but if the Shokans are going to attack why jail Erron? Why not jail him AFTER he helps fend off the attackers?

Good issue. Interested to see what D'Vorah does since she graces the cover.
03/29/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
I don't know, this issue was kinda 'meh' to me... Like nothing really happened...


That's because the digital issues are 1/3rd of an actual comic book, and this third happened to be all recovery from the last issue or buildup to the more interesting portion of this issue.
03/29/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
Fucking awesome chapter Havik my dude!
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/29/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
The last of the Oshtek? Wait, he said his father and his brothers were dead. I didn't remember him saying the people of his race were all dead.

As for Goro, I was a little mixed at first because it's hard for me not to think about that awful, "the journey begins," story where Goro kills his brother for the throne out of Shokan tradition and the only reason he won is because his brother showed compassion, which was suppose to be against their ways. I know, it's an awful reference, but it was a source of Shokan culture.

PS: Scorpion is a lying ass douche.
03/29/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Eh, they can't all be big. You need some building blocks here and there.

True that and I get that that was the case with this one.

Gillbob316 Wrote:
That's because the digital issues are 1/3rd of an actual comic book, and this third happened to be all recovery from the last issue or buildup to the more interesting portion of this issue.

True that too. This digital issue just got that transitional portion of the story and thus it kind of left me in need for more. The cover of the issue has me intrigued though as I like D'Vorah so I'm looking forward to more stuff relating to her.

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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/29/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
Kotal Kahn being the last of the Osh-Teck in this last MK Comic chapter 100% confirms the bios that were released from the German source were true. It's A HUGE SHAME, as it means Daegon and Sektor are going to die and we will even know about it before it happens in the comics. What's the point of buying the comics anymore if we know the ending?

I hate that the good guys always win. Daegon is a lot stronger and more cunning than Kenshi and Takeda. He's been evading Earth's gods for 10.000 years. Why would he die now just so that Suchin gets to be avenged?

Same goes for Sektor, he's a cyborg. How can he really die?

They have a chance to make intelligent villains like Havik, Reiko, Daegon and I think they' ll screw it up and give us... you know, Kano and the Black Dragon who nobody thinks can win a war against the good guys.

Very good points here. I'm a Daegon fan. I will feel robbed if he is killed "off-screen" somewhere. I imagine the Sektor fans will feel the same way. But one of the leaks says there is a Sektor NPC boss fight in story mode. I hope this is true for u guys.
03/29/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
Kotal Kahn being the last of the Osh-Teck in this last MK Comic chapter 100% confirms the bios that were released from the German source were true. It's A HUGE SHAME, as it means Daegon and Sektor are going to die and we will even know about it before it happens in the comics. What's the point of buying the comics anymore if we know the ending?

I hate that the good guys always win. Daegon is a lot stronger and more cunning than Kenshi and Takeda. He's been evading Earth's gods for 10.000 years. Why would he die now just so that Suchin gets to be avenged?

Same goes for Sektor, he's a cyborg. How can he really die?

They have a chance to make intelligent villains like Havik, Reiko, Daegon and I think they' ll screw it up and give us... you know, Kano and the Black Dragon who nobody thinks can win a war against the good guys.

Um, no, it doesn't. There are still several other contradictions in those bios. Where are the scars that Liu Kang is supposed to be full of even as a revenant? Why does it say Takeda saw his mother's death when he didn't? Why does it say the Shokan rebellion is Kintaro going against Goro when we know that's blatantly false?

Guessing one thing successfully does not prove those bios are real. Especially when that leaker's other crap has been proven wrong as well.
03/29/2015 06:10 PM (UTC)
I don't think Scorpion will win like some of you seem to think, remember what he said? It was stated Sub-Zero wasn't powerful enough to do what he did to that city even under Quan's control, so the Kamidogu is clearly giving him a huge amp in power.

Maybe he and Takeda working together might be able to pull a win, but I don't see Scorpion beating a power boosted Sub-zero, or at least not easily.
03/29/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
mattteo Wrote:
Kotal Kahn being the last of the Osh-Teck in this last MK Comic chapter 100% confirms the bios that were released from the German source were true. It's A HUGE SHAME, as it means Daegon and Sektor are going to die and we will even know about it before it happens in the comics. What's the point of buying the comics anymore if we know the ending?

I hate that the good guys always win. Daegon is a lot stronger and more cunning than Kenshi and Takeda. He's been evading Earth's gods for 10.000 years. Why would he die now just so that Suchin gets to be avenged?

Same goes for Sektor, he's a cyborg. How can he really die?

They have a chance to make intelligent villains like Havik, Reiko, Daegon and I think they' ll screw it up and give us... you know, Kano and the Black Dragon who nobody thinks can win a war against the good guys.

Very good points here. I'm a Daegon fan. I will feel robbed if he is killed "off-screen" somewhere. I imagine the Sektor fans will feel the same way. But one of the leaks says there is a Sektor NPC boss fight in story mode. I hope this is true for u guys.

I'd take that over an off-screen death for Sektor which I have a HUGE feeling will happen. Sektor will just be mentioned in passing

Sonya Blade: "Oh what happened to the Lin Kuei?"
Johnny Cage: "Nothing important, I heard that Scorpion and Subby fucked that red cyborg up and scavenged him for parts, they gave Takeda some of his parts."

Also I agree, I already made this point in the past, I really hate that the good guys ALWAYS win. It's just dumb and gets boring really fast.
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03/29/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
Ravenbez Wrote:
Was that Sheeva with the Shokans?

I'd like to see confirmation whether that was her or some random generic female Shokan.
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