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04/07/2010 10:58 AM (UTC)
Had trouble accessing the links, but if I've understood the above posts, I think I got the gist.

I think everyone's getting carried away. Think about it: Every time they registered a name, the fans discovered it and the title was known months before the first press release.

You think they're going to be stupid enough to make that mistake 3 times in a row? They're probably just playing it safe.
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04/07/2010 11:20 AM (UTC)
It seems to be that alot of things are considered...
Goods and Services IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Providing an on-line computer game; conducting contests on-line; providing a computer game that may be accessed by a providing an on-line computer game; conducting contests on-line; providing a computer game that may be accessed by a telecommunications network; and electronic publishing services, namely, publication of text and graphic works of others on-line featuring articles, novelizations, scripts, comic books, strategy guides, photographs and visual materials
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 77960433
Filing Date March 16, 2010

Goods and Services IC 025. US 022 039. G & S: Clothing for men, women and children - namely, shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jogging suits, trousers, pants, shorts, tank tops, skirts, blouses, dresses, rainwear, sweaters, jackets, coats, raincoats, snow suits, ties, robes, hats, caps, sunvisors, belts, scarves, sleepwear, pajamas, lingerie, underwear, boots, shoes, sneakers, sandals, socks, booties, slipper socks, swimwear and masquerade and Halloween costumes and masks sold in connection therewith
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 77960439
Filing Date March 16, 2010

Goods and Services IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: CD ROM computer game discs; game equipment sold as a unit for playing a parlor-type computer game; downloadable software for use in playing online computer games, downloadable computer game software; video and computer game programs; video game cartridges and cassettes
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 77960446
Filing Date March 16, 2010
04/07/2010 11:31 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm gonna agree with people in saying that a reboot would be kind of stupid. Not saying that it wouldn't be cool because I'd probably eat it up anyways, BUT the story is very powerful (granted, silly at times), and I feel a sequel to Armageddon is in order. WHAT WOULD BE CLEVER is that if they did want to go back to the beginning, maybe they should do an MK prequel and really take it back to the very beginning and the invention of the tournament....Personally, most MK fans by now own the Aracade-perfect version of MK1. I honestly don't want two different versions of the same game. Someone made the comment that "It worked with Batman" and whatnot, BUT that was a movie that was 4 movies deep. This is a video game that's like 11-games deep (including Mythologies and extra versions), and restarting everything now would just suck. What a waist of an extremely long storyline that would be, not to mention 18 years of it! I think they're going to continue from Armageddon, and if they do go back to the beginning, then hopefully it'll be because of some kind of mishap from some kind of power overload that opened a time portal and took various kombatants back in time or something, due to the events of Armageddon.
04/07/2010 01:15 PM (UTC)
This is very interesting though I'm weary of the idea of having a reboot at this point. I can kind of understand why since Warner Bros. has the rights to Mortal Kombat and might want to reintroduce the series. I understand the complaints about the current story direction. Armageddon's story was severely flawed, but despite that, it would be nice to get closure on it and have the story (and series as a whole) more forward with a new generation.

If they're really going to do a reboot, I think having a subtitle would be nice to have. One thing that concerns me is how the characters are going to be done. With the way MK vs. DCU tried to portray each character in some sort of "definitive" manner, I'd be afraid that they wouldn't do the characters justice.
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04/07/2010 02:07 PM (UTC)
sounds like news about the new game is coming soon and what was found was the panten for the name for "mk" name was filed by warner bro's in order to make sure legally they can this upcoming game "mortal kombat" and from what it seems from what I posted earlier they might be releasing more items of figures and comics and also movies... for example the news regarding the pantent of "Sonya" that was a couple months ago... I just think we all wanting new information and offical confirmation of the new game instead of find little tidbits everywhere..
04/07/2010 03:04 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
This is a video game that's like 11-games deep (including Mythologies and extra versions), and restarting everything now would just suck. What a waist of an extremely long storyline that would be, not to mention 18 years of it!

18 years. And that is why it is time to start over. I'd like to see the series reimagined.
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04/07/2010 07:05 PM (UTC)
Some of you will flame me for this but in my opinion the story went from being great to a complete mess.
Im in favour of wiping the slate clean.
04/07/2010 07:31 PM (UTC)
i see some of you are mad because you wanted to know what happened to all those characters in Armageddon but from what i remember in an interview was that the rebot will have the some of the characters in it but will be a more darker version of mortal kombat. so it could be assumed that even though some characters are alive they probably wont have much of a role or will be like a story teller telling what happened during that time. in case some forgot they did armageddon so pave way to new characters so that a new story could be made. they did not want to keep repeating the same stuff i guess they probably wanted new heroes and new villains instead of liu kang being the only guy who could defend earth. i mean come on somebody other than him has to step up if he is in the next i be mad because he will be the main attraction if he is a mentor i do not mind but he should not be the main attraction.
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04/07/2010 08:37 PM (UTC)
I understand many of you did not like the MKA plotline. I personally don't think it was the shit storm people make it out to be; it was just an incomplete story that didn't get the attention it needed.

But let's say it is the atrocity people say it is. A reboot isn't going to change that. They can reboot MK a thousand times: there is only one MK franchise. If you try re-imagining it, that's exactly what it will be: a re-imagining. If you reboot the series, you're not fixing the problem, you're burying it's sad bleeding corpse in your backyard and hoping the cops don't show up at your door.

Don't believe me? Try telling a hardcore Spider-Man fan that the Marvel Ultimate Series replaces the canonicity of the origninal Spider-man comics. He'll probably tell you to go fuck your mother.

And then kill you.
04/07/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I understand many of you did not like the MKA plotline. I personally don't think it was the shit storm people make it out to be; it was just an incomplete story that didn't get the attention it needed.

But let's say it is the atrocity people say it is. A reboot isn't going to change that. They can reboot MK a thousand times: there is only one MK franchise. If you try re-imagining it, that's exactly what it will be: a re-imagining. If you reboot the series, you're not fixing the problem, you're burying it's sad bleeding corpse in your backyard and hoping the cops don't show up at your door.

Don't believe me? Try telling a hardcore Spider-Man fan that the Marvel Ultimate Series replaces the canonicity of the origninal Spider-man comics. He'll probably tell you to go fuck your mother.

And then kill you.

Marvel Ultimates is the worst reimagining ever PERIOD. They took everything and messed it up. They didn't do that with the new Batman movies for example.
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04/07/2010 08:56 PM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:

Marvel Ultimates is the worst reimagining ever PERIOD. They took everything and messed it up. They didn't do that with the new Batman movies for example.

True, but I don't really think of the Chris Nolan Batman films as a reboot. I kind of see them as what the Batman Universe would be like if it had to conform to a realistic setting. Not sure how well they accomplished that, but that was my impression.

I guess my core point is that a series reboot would be it's own entity. Good or bad, it wouldn't fix the problem.
04/08/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
I'll start off by saying that I will probably be buying and loving the new Mortal Kombat game no matter what. But I really, really hope it is a continuation of the story from Armageddon and not a reboot. It would be too weird for me to play the new game and have to try to imagine that none of the things that have happened since I was a kid never happened, or certain favorite characters never appeared at all.
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04/08/2010 04:05 PM (UTC)
I'm open to the idea of a reboot - not saying it's what I want, just saying it's an idea with some appeal - but first and foremost we need closure from MKA. I'm especially curious to see what happened with Scorpion and his Bone PatrolTM.
I found the Shirai Ryu resurrection to be one of the few great surprises MKA had to offer, and really want to see where this is taken. It goes down in MK history as the single biggest dick move in a long line of dick moves the elder gods have made, and I'm curious as to their reasoning. There's too much left undone for the series to be rebooted. MKA had a climactic sense to it, but no 'finality'. It raised more questions than it answered.
04/08/2010 06:15 PM (UTC)
i honestly think that it is just stating that the company is claiming and patenting the franchise as a whole in that merchandise category and not the title. also, even if it is self titled...does not exactly mean that it is a reboot. great effort on the info digging but i am not making any judgments until i hear it from the gift horse.

personally i don't like the idea of a reboot but i dunno...we shall see.
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04/08/2010 07:24 PM (UTC)
I don't think a reboot is a bad idea.
They don't need to change classic rivalries or character appearances.
Just the story.
Not that it's bad, it's just lost it's way a bit and we dont know whats canon or not anymore.

04/08/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
Some of you will flame me for this but in my opinion the story went from being great to a complete mess.
Im in favour of wiping the slate clean.

I'm in for this, the story has gotten out of control. I know majority would be like "no it's not, blah blah blah..." yeah in your opinions it isn't. In my opinion, the story needs to be wiped.
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04/08/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
I've been shouting "Move forward!" for months, now... Someone hear my pain.
04/08/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I understand many of you did not like the MKA plotline. I personally don't think it was the shit storm people make it out to be; it was just an incomplete story that didn't get the attention it needed.

But let's say it is the atrocity people say it is. A reboot isn't going to change that. They can reboot MK a thousand times: there is only one MK franchise. If you try re-imagining it, that's exactly what it will be: a re-imagining. If you reboot the series, you're not fixing the problem, you're burying it's sad bleeding corpse in your backyard and hoping the cops don't show up at your door.

Don't believe me? Try telling a hardcore Spider-Man fan that the Marvel Ultimate Series replaces the canonicity of the origninal Spider-man comics. He'll probably tell you to go fuck your mother.

And then kill you.

That's right ,the MKA plotline was incomplete because they didn' t post the bios to know what the hell happens.The bios are the key to mk games.But it was a very good idea in my opinion..pitting every fighter against eachother and the last man standing fights blaze for the fate of the realms(clash of the titans anyone?)glasses.The story must be continued from there..The aftermath of armageddon..that will be great! And like I said before,this plot was a relative strength of the series and what draw you to play mk some more...
04/08/2010 10:50 PM (UTC)
Warlady Wrote:
I've been shouting "Move forward!" for months, now... Someone hear my pain.

sometimes you have to take a step back before you can move forward ;)
04/09/2010 01:35 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
How do I know this?
I shall show you how I found this out,firstly I decided to check out this site.
www.uspto.gov what is that?, well its the united states patent and trademark office.
Stay with me here I will show you something very intresting indeed.

This database allows you to search alive and dead patents narrowing the field down to alive patents when searching mortal kombat gives you a list.


If we looks at this one it clearly shows midway filed the patent and trademark but its null and void now.

Now check this out warner brothers trademark for the new game on march 16 2010


heres another for clothing again march 16 2010


one more for online again 16th march 2010


The next game will simply be called mortal kombat.

heres one for deadly alliance to show you that the name of the game is in the patent file.


Hope that helps.


Can you make these clickable links? I'm too lazy to copy and paste grin
Adam Ronin
04/09/2010 03:54 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
cyberdog Wrote:
Some of you will flame me for this but in my opinion the story went from being great to a complete mess.
Im in favour of wiping the slate clean.

I'm in for this, the story has gotten out of control. I know majority would be like "no it's not, blah blah blah..." yeah in your opinions it isn't. In my opinion, the story needs to be wiped.

Totally agree. People assume that a remake means their favorite characters can't make appearances. If its a re-imaging who is to say they can't redo the MK1 story and add different things that they hadn't thought of in 1992? Why couldn't Baraka and Kung Lao make appearances or even be full characters? Kitana? All these people could easily be integrated into a fresh MK1 story

How awesome would it be to see an old Shang Tsung re-imagined? Shao Kahn could still play a huge part in the story, much like the Emperor did in the original Star Wars trilogy.

All they really have to keep is the basic story of the tournament, Goro and Shang Tsung, the island and Shao Kahn's plans. Things like Liu Kang's motivation, Scorpion and Sub Zero's rivalries, Sonya and Kano's story, all these things can be rethought and tweeked and made BETTER. These are things people are not considering in what goes into a remake.

Most of you are focusing on the CAN'TS rather than the CANS
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04/09/2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:

Most of you are focusing on the CAN'TS rather than the CANS

Well, I don't think anyone from the continuation camp is saying a reboot is bad in itself. At least I'm not. Seeing MK1 with current-gen graphics and articulate designs would be sweet. That's not the problem.

The problem is that re-imagined mortal kombat is simply not mortal kombat. Let's run with your star wars example. Imagine that Lucas decided to reboot the Star Wars franchise... before he created "Return of the Jedi." Wouldn't you be pissed that he re-started a great project before he even finished it?

You may respond, "but MKA was nowhere near as good as the Empire Strikes Back." This is true, but again, rebooting isn't going to fix the problem, it's just going to leave the original (real) MK series permanently unfinished.

That makes no sense to me.
Adam Ronin
04/09/2010 04:42 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:

Most of you are focusing on the CAN'TS rather than the CANS

Well, I don't think anyone from the continuation camp is saying a reboot is bad in itself. At least I'm not. Seeing MK1 with current-gen graphics and articulate designs would be sweet. That's not the problem.

The problem is that re-imagined mortal kombat is simply not mortal kombat. Let's run with your star wars example. Imagine that Lucas decided to reboot the Star Wars franchise... before he created "Return of the Jedi." Wouldn't you be pissed that he re-started a great project before he even finished it?

You may respond, "but MKA was nowhere near as good as the Empire Strikes Back." This is true, but again, rebooting isn't going to fix the problem, it's just going to leave the original (real) MK series permanently unfinished.

That makes no sense to me.

Nah, man. I totally get where you are coming from on that one. Your opinion is logical and valid and I hear that. No arguments there.

I guess, personally, for ME, MKA was a giant, GIANT disappointment in the story. I wanted the story arc from MKD to continue into something exciting after the defeat of the dragon king. The whole one being nonsense just was...bad writing. Again, this is just my opinion. I was so disgusted with the story at that point that I said to myself, "this isn't MK anymore."

So I guess, for me, rather than seeing whatever feeble outcome they could think of from that atrocious mess, I would rather just start fresh and go back to what works. And what MK is to me is a tournament based on the evil plans of an Emperor and his sorcerer and a 10, 000 year old half man, half dragon.

That, in a nutshell, is why I support a reboot so much. If that makes any sense. I don't mean at all to bash YOUR views of why reboots are a bad idea. smile
04/09/2010 04:47 AM (UTC)
I really have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing the MK1 tournament and all those fucking characters start from scratch.

Why in holy blue fuck would I want to see Liu Kang's quest to achieve his destiny start over, or Johnny Cage trying to prove he's a legit fighter, or Sonya & Kano's rivalry AGAIN?
Because it was so compelling the first time around, right..?


Yeah, let's wipe away all the development and progress characters like Sub-Zero and Kitana have made because, who the fuck wants to see them continue to grow and develop. Start them all over...rendering one of the things that made them great characters completely moot OR even better, make them shallow jokes from the start.

I can see it now: in the reboot, they'll make Kitana a worthless damsel in distress from the very beginning, so fans will have no reason to complain they're screwing her up...because rebooted Ultimate Kitana was a brain-dead clown from the start.

And characters like Sareena, Havik, Hotaru, Nitara, Drahmin, Ashrah, Kenshi, and others who've only just started and have actual potential to go somewhere..? Meh...fuck them.
We need to make way for Liu Kang and co. because maybe this time....THIS TIME....they might actually be interesting.
Adam Ronin
04/09/2010 04:55 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I really have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing the MK1 tournament and all those fucking characters start from scratch.

Why in holy blue fuck would I want to see Liu Kang's quest to achieve his destiny start over, or Johnny Cage trying to prove he's a legit fighter, or Sonya & Kano's rivalry AGAIN?
Because it was so compelling the first time around, right..?


Yeah, let's wipe away all the development and progress characters like Sub-Zero and Kitana have made because, who the fuck wants to see them continue to grow and develop. Start them all over...rendering one of the things that made them great characters completely moot OR even better, make them shallow jokes from the start.

I can see it now: in the reboot, they'll make Kitana a worthless damsel in distress from the very beginning, so fans will have no reason to complain they're screwing her up...because rebooted Ultimate Kitana was a brain-dead clown from the start.

And characters like Sareena, Havik, Hotaru, Nitara, Drahmin, Ashrah, Kenshi, and others who've only just started and have actual potential to go somewhere..? Meh...fuck them.
We need to make way for Liu Kang and co. because maybe this time....THIS TIME....they might actually be interesting.

Yeah, man, not arguing with your opinions either. I can go either way. Just simply stating that I was unhappy with the way things were going in the story. Just because I think a reboot would be fantastic doesn't mean you have to, my friend. smile

As much as I would love to see worthy characters with GOOD story arcs get fleshed out (i.e. Subby, Kitant, Kenshi, Quan Chi, etc) I just think that they have made such a mess of things that it couldn't be salvaged without seeming completely and utterly fucked.

I mean not to offend, guys. Just sayin'.
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