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04/03/2015 12:08 PM (UTC)
If anything she's more unique this time around.
04/03/2015 12:34 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
If anything she's more unique this time around.

I think the main problem is the one variation that's like sonya is a counter one which some people suck at.
04/03/2015 01:39 PM (UTC)
Low tier? Wow. There's a lot of dumb in this thread.

Sonya has a strong Batman vibe in this game. She actually plays like she's an elite officer of the Special Forces, instead of just doing random gymnastics during a fight. She's gruff, prepared, and resourcesful. A month or two down the line there are going to be beastly Sonyas online. All of her setups and assists and traps are going to be brutal in the right hands.

Im reading a lot of "Im not good enough to use this character so NRS ruined her." Sonya will probably be better than ever. Wanting her to be simplified/dumbed down would make her low tier.
04/03/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
If anything she's more unique this time around.

I think the main problem is the one variation that's like sonya is a counter one which some people suck at.

Hm... no. I think the main problem the two other variations sucks. Yes I know I didn't played as her yet but still the first impression was meh... Only counter variation was a nice addition to her.

But she looks good in this game, better voice, cool x-ray and hopefully better fatalities this time around... Her mk9 ones sucked.
04/03/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
instead of just doing random gymnastics during a fight..

But gymnastic moves were what she always did and what her fans love her for, taking that away from her is like taking away Scorpion's teleport and spear.

For the OP, Sonya is not ruined, stop with this shit. I understand being a bit upset about them changing things up for her but I still think she is going to be great and this is coming from someone who mained her in MK9.

I loved her MK9 gameplay, and I'm happy to see how she turned out in MKX, I don't see why people are being mad about her gameplay, I think it looks fine, at least it's unique and different.

I think the only problem is them not showing what Sonya Blade can really do, all they do is drop combos and forget to mention things, they make the characters look shitty as hell in streams. Remember when 16 bit was on the stream? He made Takeda and Kung Jin look amazing because he knew what he was explaining and didn't forget shit like the people who did the latest stream did.

For the Sonya Blade fans, don't worry, I think once you play her you'll see how good she is. I liked Sonya Blade in MK9 and I'm sure I'll main her in MKX just like I did in MK9. I think everybody just needs to clam down about Sonya, she looks good and plays great, IMO.
04/03/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
instead of just doing random gymnastics during a fight..

But gymnastic moves were what she always did and what her fans love her for, taking that away from her is like taking away Scorpion's teleport and spear.

For the OP, Sonya is not ruined, stop with this shit. I understand being a bit upset about them changing things up for her but I still think she is going to be great and this is coming from someone who mained her in MK9.

I loved her MK9 gameplay, and I'm happy to see how she turned out in MKX, I don't see why people are being mad about her gameplay, I think it looks fine, at least it's unique and different.

I think the only problem is them not showing what Sonya Blade can really do, all they do is drop combos and forget to mention things, they make the characters look shitty as hell in streams. Remember when 16 bit was on the stream? He made Takeda and Kung Jin look amazing because he knew what he was explaining and didn't forget shit like the people who did the latest stream did.

For the Sonya Blade fans, don't worry, I think once you play her you'll see how good she is. I liked Sonya Blade in MK9 and I'm sure I'll main her in MKX just like I did in MK9. I think everybody just needs to clam down about Sonya, she looks good and plays great, IMO.

I agree.

Seriously, Tyler was terrible, not only because he was unable to do the Fatality, but, he failed to do any good combo, he didn't knew what each buttom did in the parry and in demolition he wasn't able to do the wake up attack with the grenades. Call 16 bit to show all the streams, he knows what he is playing.

And Tyler was realy faking it when he said he couldn't wait to show her, he can't even do a combo with her.
04/03/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
TL DR Version?

Every Sonya fan is mad because she isn't MK9 levels of BROKEN anymore with that ULTRA SAFE CARTWHEEL. Well done for removing it as a Normal special and limiting it to Military stance within one variation? (that last part is yet to be confirmed) & No Stun Kiss? NICE.

You have to actually learn how to play her now. None of that cheap stuff, She appears to have a super steep learning curve

Also she has 1 & a half viable variations?

Covert Ops looks fantastic (highest learning curve due to heavy parries) + X-ray parry

Demolition looks semi useful? depends on the circumstances

Special Forces is just utter ass.
04/03/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:

And Tyler was realy faking it when he said he couldn't wait to show her, he can't even do a combo with her.

LOL! I thought I was the only one who noticed that Tyler was not half excited in showing Sonya.

But yeah Sonya in MKX really needed someone like 16 Bit to show what she can really do, I think everybody needs to wait those 11 days and see how amazing Sonya blade is once you actually try her out for yourselves.

I like Sonya's fans, they are really passionate about Sonya and it really makes me feel bad that they think Sonya won't be good in MKX. I can tell you as a guy who likes to play fighting games competitively that Sonya is actually great and her variations have a lot of potential once you think about all the things you can do with them.

Sure everybody wanted her to have a variation where she uses a lot of leg grabs but just because she doesn't, it doesn't mean that what she has is bad. I really like her bombs variation especially the wake-up attack, I like the drone in the third variation as well.

I'm just going to say this, In the stream they didn't show what Sonya Blade can really do, it was the worst showing of a character not because Sonya in MKX is bad but because the people who were showing her off were bad.

Do you guys remember how they showed off Shinnok? They FORGOT the fucking move he has in imposter which is the teleport, we didn't get to see it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot to mention other things Sonya can do but even if they didn't she still looks good and will be amazing once you use her and improve with her.

Cheer up, Sonya Blade will knock you right out of the air, she's left, right, up and down, Got the quickest footsweep in this town, she controls the air so don't you dare to attack her 'cause she's everywhere. Don't try to fool her don't forget she can kill you with her kiss of death. She is the lady with the energy :).
04/03/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
Her gameplay didn't look that great to me either, which is a shame because I really like her new look. A lot of specials seem way too slow, like her arc kick, you can see that shit coming from a mile away lol

I cant hate though, I wasn't planning on playing her a lot either way, but do like her outfit, hopefully we get a MK1 or MK3 skin for her though.
04/03/2015 03:04 PM (UTC)
I am one of the biggest Sonya fans here i guess

I suck at parry moves.
I am the type of gamer who likes to combo the special moves like kartwheel then leg grab and xray ( mk9 ) so that made me a low tier gamer due to the fact i relied on the specials to much.

But i am actually very excited for this.
Now i can learn how to use Sonya in a badass masterfull way.
Learn how to parry how to use combo's and make myself a higher tier gamer.

This time around Sonya Will be someone who will be top tier in stead of a character who is very easy to use.

She has great variations and great combo's. To bad Tyler screwed everything up with her.

I am very happy how she looks. Sounds. And her moves. Yeah i Will also miss the bicycle kick. But hey cant have everything and now we have the opportunity to learn how to master her.

I am just " stunned " ( not by her grenades ) how people react to her. Does everyone want her to be low tier ? Have her easy moves and nothing special about her? Now we have a cool looking hot milf with awesome gameplay and variations ( maybe hard but still awesome ) and everyone is complaining about her.
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04/03/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:

And Tyler was realy faking it when he said he couldn't wait to show her, he can't even do a combo with her.

LOL! I thought I was the only one who noticed that Tyler was not half excited in showing Sonya.

But yeah Sonya in MKX really needed someone like 16 Bit to show what she can really do, I think everybody needs to wait those 11 days and see how amazing Sonya blade is once you actually try her out for yourselves.

I like Sonya's fans, they are really passionate about Sonya and it really makes me feel bad that they think Sonya won't be good in MKX. I can tell you as a guy who likes to play fighting games competitively that Sonya is actually great and her variations have a lot of potential once you think about all the things you can do with them.

Sure everybody wanted her to have a variation where she uses a lot of leg grabs but just because she doesn't, it doesn't mean that what she has is bad. I really like her bombs variation especially the wake-up attack, I like the drone in the third variation as well.

I'm just going to say this, In the stream they didn't show what Sonya Blade can really do, it was the worst showing of a character not because Sonya in MKX is bad but because the people who were showing her off were bad.

Do you guys remember how they showed off Shinnok? They FORGOT the fucking move he has in imposter which is the teleport, we didn't get to see it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot to mention other things Sonya can do but even if they didn't she still looks good and will be amazing once you use her and improve with her.

Cheer up, Sonya Blade will knock you right out of the air, she's left, right, up and down, Got the quickest footsweep in this town, she controls the air so don't you dare to attack her 'cause she's everywhere. Don't try to fool her don't forget she can kill you with her kiss of death. She is the lady with the energy :).

Literally everything you said, QF mother effin' T.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/03/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have to actually learn how to play her now. None of that cheap stuff, She appears to have a super steep learning curve
Covert Ops looks fantastic (highest learning curve due to heavy parries) + X-ray parry
Demolition looks semi useful? depends on the circumstances
Special Forces is just utter ass.

Pretty much this.

I'm not bugged about her revamped gameplay yet. Still about hands on experience but the demo definitely left me impress as hell and I can't wait to use those two variations of her. Especially Covert Ops.
I'm just bummed about her lack of Stun Kiss.

But seriously, that ex parry into a hurricanrana pop-up? Dick is diamonds.
04/03/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
In the Demolition variation, can the grenades be blocked or they are like the explosives Cyrax uses?
04/03/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
I would actually say that at the very least, Cover-Ops Sonya will be top tier. This is because she has the dive kick plus the military stance for great pressure. I like that her overall new moves have a more military vibe. However, it might have been more interesting for her Demolition variation to have land mines instead of the hand grenades.
04/03/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
I'm not trying to hate or anything, but her gameplay looked really unappealing to me :|
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/03/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
In the Demolition variation, can the grenades be blocked or they are like the explosives Cyrax uses?

No one knows. Kano didn't use block in the demonstration.
If anything, at least you have a bit of time to move the fuck out of the way.
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04/03/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
Seeing her moves, Ill definitely be using Cassie. Seems more my style.
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04/03/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
And some people say that complaining leads to interesting discussions.
More like it leads to stupid.
04/03/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)
As the one person who didn't want Sonya in the game and only enjoy her in MK1...


Seriously Sonya looks freaking awesome I love it.
04/03/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)
Only times I ever used Sonya in MK9 was in the Story Mode and Challenges Tower missions
04/03/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
As the one person who didn't want Sonya in the game and only enjoy her in MK1...


Seriously Sonya looks freaking awesome I love it.

I didn't want her in MKX. Still would prefer if she wasn't, but meh.
04/03/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Wow, they completely messed up Sonya. Very bland design, and an even blander gameplay.

No cartwheel, no bicycle kicks, no stun kiss. And plus, her X-ray isn't all that great as well. I loved her MK9 X-ray, probably one of the best.

Such a shame, cause I loved using Sonya in MK9. She was an absolute beast.

Low tier for sure this time around.

She actually does have a cart wheel, she didn't have bicycle kicks last game, and she has a stun grenade now.

Also, you don't know she's low tier. Go worry about Kitana and her TERRIBLE gameplay, UGLY face, and RECYCLED character moves (Jade).

And for the love of God, stop making threads to shit on characters that YOU don't like, because no one gives a flying fuck what you think.
04/03/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
Yea...while not really a Sonya fan, she isn't really performing like SONYA....! At least from what we have seen so far.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/03/2015 08:23 PM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
Yea...while not really a Sonya fan, she isn't really performing like SONYA....! At least from what we have seen so far.

And what exactly does Sonya perform like?
AFKAW Wrote:
And some people say that complaining leads to interesting discussions.
More like it leads to stupid.

Do keep putting words in people's mouths, though. ;)
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