MK9 Sonya is better than MKX Sonya
posted04/04/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)by
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07/14/2013 02:42 AM (UTC)
Wow, they completely messed up Sonya. Very bland design, and an even blander gameplay.

No cartwheel, no bicycle kicks, no stun kiss. And plus, her X-ray isn't all that great as well. I loved her MK9 X-ray, probably one of the best.

Such a shame, cause I loved using Sonya in MK9. She was an absolute beast.

Low tier for sure this time around.
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04/03/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
Fuck the salt. Going straight for it!

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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
04/03/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
You're seriously calling Sonya low tier because she doesn't have a couple of moves and has a different X-Ray? Okay, lol.
Fuck the salt. Going straight for it!

04/03/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
It's way too early to say what tier she is

But u do find her variations disappointing

I like playing as Sonya but I kept going "nope, not for me" for all her variations"
I also hate parry xrays

That's all personal stuff though, which I could live with, but it just seems so odd to take away two moves (iconic) from a character, and then give them variations based on abilities and moves they've never displayed before. The grenade variation would be perfect for cyrax, the drone could be another cyborg variation,
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04/03/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
The trade-off was that Cassie Inherited classic moves from both Sonya and Johnny. It's great that Sonya got new special moves for 1 game.

I think it makes Sonya a more diversed character. The payoff will be using new techniques and having a new array of options. Will give Sonya fans the character they wanted with an upgrade. Honestly it's pretty cool if you ask me.

Hell Shinnok didn't get all of his classic MKA moves in this game. But that's okay because he feels fresh to me even if he does share some moves. It's an upgrade I'm very appreciative about.
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04/03/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
It's way too early to say what tier she is

But u do find her variations disappointing

I like playing as Sonya but I kept going "nope, not for me" for all her variations"
I also hate parry xrays

That's all personal stuff though, which I could live with, but it just seems so odd to take away two moves (iconic) from a character, and then give them variations based on abilities and moves they've never displayed before. The grenade variation would be perfect for cyrax, the drone could be another cyborg variation,

Yes, to everything here. ANd it's especially disappointing since I'm a massive Sonya fan (hence my sig).

I love her design, her voice, her attitude, her throw and I love the individual moves in her parry variation...


I hate parrying.

I hate grenade moves.

I hate 'leave object x floating around and use itlater', like Kung Lao's hat in his variation, or this... drone thingy....

Why not give the drone to Cassie? When has Sonya ever been about devices and tech?

NEVER. All the awesome acrobatic moves that she's known for are either gone, or stuck in one variation... replaced with meh things in her others.

Oh wow, she throws grenades. Big fuckin' woop. Ooo she has a drone that has a slightly homing projectile....... Colour me stunned.

I"m actually getting more and more steamed the longer the day goes on furious Obviously, final judgment is reserved for when I play as her, but she's definitely not what I was after. All that dev time and this is all they could think of for Sonya?
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04/03/2015 05:29 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
It's way too early to say what tier she is

But u do find her variations disappointing

I like playing as Sonya but I kept going "nope, not for me" for all her variations"
I also hate parry xrays

That's all personal stuff though, which I could live with, but it just seems so odd to take away two moves (iconic) from a character, and then give them variations based on abilities and moves they've never displayed before. The grenade variation would be perfect for cyrax, the drone could be another cyborg variation,

Yes, to everything here. ANd it's especially disappointing since I'm a massive Sonya fan (hence my sig).

I love her design, her voice, her attitude, her throw and I love the individual moves in her parry variation...


I hate parrying.

I hate grenade moves.

I hate 'leave object x floating around and use itlater', like Kung Lao's hat in his variation, or this... drone thingy....

Why not give the drone to Cassie? When has Sonya ever been about devices and tech?

NEVER. All the awesome acrobatic moves that she's known for are either gone, or stuck in one variation... replaced with meh things in her others.

Oh wow, she throws grenades. Big fuckin' woop. Ooo she has a drone that has a slightly homing projectile....... Colour me stunned.

I"m actually getting more and more steamed the longer the day goes on furious

In all honesty. I think they went more Sarah Connor with her this time around. Sonya now has the authority and command of Skynet.
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04/03/2015 05:31 AM (UTC)
The trade-off was that Cassie Inherited classic moves from both Sonya and Johnny. It's great that Sonya got new special moves for 1 game.

I think it makes Sonya a more diversed character. The payoff will be using new techniques and having a new array of options. Will give Sonya fans the character they wanted with an upgrade. Honestly it's pretty cool if you ask me.

Hell Shinnok didn't get all of his classic MKA moves in this game. But that's okay because he feels fresh to me even if he does share some moves. It's an upgrade I'm very appreciative about.

What move did Cassie get from Sonya?

A new array of options is great, but they're - forgive my bias against those types of moves - crap options. They may well play great, so reserving final judgment, but they're not inspiring or interesting. The drone in particular is annoying.

Her parry variation LOOKS amazing, but after months of practice I'mm still terrible at parries so it's of little use to me.
04/03/2015 05:52 AM (UTC)
You can't call a character low tier before the game even comes out. That's so fucking stupid, but I guess it's not a surprise considering AgentK is the one who made this thread.
04/03/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
The trade-off was that Cassie Inherited classic moves from both Sonya and Johnny. It's great that Sonya got new special moves for 1 game.

I think it makes Sonya a more diversed character. The payoff will be using new techniques and having a new array of options. Will give Sonya fans the character they wanted with an upgrade. Honestly it's pretty cool if you ask me.

Hell Shinnok didn't get all of his classic MKA moves in this game. But that's okay because he feels fresh to me even if he does share some moves. It's an upgrade I'm very appreciative about.

Cassie has little to no similarities with Sonya in terms of moves (or I just don't see them) It's obvious Johnny is the papa, but if I wouldn't know better I would say that Stryker was the mama.

I don't mind "new", it adds certain freshness as you said...but with Sonya it's too much new... to the point where,sans a few special moves, her play-style feels unfamiliar. And that's never a good feeling when it comes to your favorite's like MKDA all over again.

I'll probably warm up to her new gadgets, eventually...but damn I'll miss throwing kisses, bike kicks and cartwheels everywhere and anytime.
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04/03/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
I'm almost positive I seen her do a cartwheel in her variations video. Maybe not. But pretty sure cassie has one.
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04/03/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
I'm almost positive I seen her do a cartwheel in her variations video. Maybe not. But pretty sure cassie has one.

She has a reverse cartwheely-esque spin kick, true, but it doesn't look or act like Sonya's... and Sonya still has hers... it's just more annoying to use....
I'm almost positive I seen her do a cartwheel in her variations video. Maybe not. But pretty sure cassie has one.

She does have some kind of backwards cartwheel...but it reminded me more of Sindel's from MK9. (Mileena does it too)
Though she does a front one in her X-Ray.

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04/03/2015 07:19 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Wow, they completely messed up Sonya. Very bland design, and an even blander gameplay.

No cartwheel, no bicycle kicks, no stun kiss. And plus, her X-ray isn't all that great as well. I loved her MK9 X-ray, probably one of the best.

Such a shame, cause I loved using Sonya in MK9. She was an absolute beast.

Low tier for sure this time around.

This. I agree with you %100!!!furious
04/03/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
You can't call a character low tier before the game even comes out. That's so fucking stupid, but I guess it's not a surprise considering AgentK is the one who made this thread.


Man this forum has become so shit because of users like AgentK
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04/03/2015 10:15 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the laugh, OP.
04/03/2015 10:23 AM (UTC)
For what it's worth I love the war paint...
04/03/2015 10:30 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
redman Wrote:
You can't call a character low tier before the game even comes out. That's so fucking stupid, but I guess it's not a surprise considering AgentK is the one who made this thread.


Man this forum has become so shit because of users like AgentK

Lol, you're liked the evolved pokemon version of AgentK. The whiner and the guy who whines about whiners. AgentK is the Joker to your Batman.

Everything Redman said is true and all, but as someone who played high level Sonya's in MK9 and felt like bashing my head against a wall, I'd be completely happy with a low tier Sonya. No more panic button ex cartwheels. Its way too early to make these kinds of predictions tho and Sonya's grenade and drone shit could turn out very deadly. To me she seems to have some of the most unique game play in a fighter period, that could turn out very well for Sonya players.

Also, I would have never pegged AgentK as like a competitive player concerned with tier lists and gameplay. Some dude playing characters based solely on how pretty their costumes are and refusing to even touch the laundry list of characters he despises would probably do very poorly in an actual tournament. It'd be like Lady Gaga becoming an MMA fighter, her gloves and gym shorts would be very stylish but there would be a huge chance of her legit dying in the first round.
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04/03/2015 10:31 AM (UTC)
Wasn't there a foreign article a few months ago saying that the "older characters" (Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Jax, Johnny Cage) would play a bit different due to age? I'm not trying to justify Sonya's new moveset but that could be the reason they went this route with her, although all of the others mentioned above still play the same way they ALWAYS have. Looks like Sonya got the short end of the stick. Her first variation is by far her best, and probably the only one that I'd care to use. Smh grenades and drones though?

Although the other two variations can grow on me, why in the world would they discard the vertical bicycle kick?? It's so unique to Sonya's move set. If they had at least kept that move in across ALL variations, this probably wouldn't even be a discussion right now. I feel for the Sonya fans that are disappointed.

04/03/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
Bland design? Wait for the Klassic Skin of her (if it's going to be her MK3 outfit smile ).

I liked Sonya's first varation. How it looked atleast. Nice moves. The other variations I was less impressed with, don't like the last one that much.
But she's a character which is hard to learn. Going by her first varation, this is not a character you can simply pick up and get good results with.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
For what it's worth I love the war paint...

When I first saw that, I was reminded instantly of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the final part of the movie Commando smile.
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04/03/2015 11:00 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Wow, they completely messed up Sonya.

Do tell.

AgentK Wrote:
Very bland design

Stopped reading.
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"Retirement my ass!"

04/03/2015 11:07 AM (UTC)
For those who say she no longer has the kartwheel kick... look again. She does it off of the Military Stance. Forwards, and Backwards. I think Sonya is looking like fun to play. Especially loving the wire parry moves. Its probably the variation I'll use the most.
04/03/2015 11:31 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:

She has a reverse cartwheely-esque spin kick, true, but it doesn't look or act like Sonya's... and Sonya still has hers... it's just more annoying to use....

Honestly I was quite happy when I saw that. Her MK9 cartwheel was so annoying to play against. So safe (even the normal verison), not punishable and a shield to top it off. Most characters didn't even get shielded specials so it made her too powerful if you ask me. 4 years into MK9, I've become pretty good with many characters, and I still struggle to counter Sonyas' d4, cartwheel, d4, cartwheel. So yeah I'm happy they at least made it a bit harder to pull off!
04/03/2015 12:01 PM (UTC)
Covert Ops seems quite powerfull to me, and definetly looks like top 10 in a tier list.

Demolition could also be top tier, kinda reminds me of Cyrax.

Now Special Forces doesn't seems usefull, maybe against a zoner, but that's it.

She will be far harder to master this time, and because of that she won't be played very much, however her presence in tornaments is certain.

Don't forget, she seems far more powerfull than: Cassie, Ferra/Torr, Quan Chi, Shinnok. The ones I see giving real trouble to her are Kung Lao, Kenshi, Displacer Raiden and Takeda, Covert Ops can deal with the rest.

And one more thing, Covert Ops is MK9 Sonya upgraded, yes she lost the Kartweel but, The Leg Grab is far faster, EX Ring Blast has armor, and seems faster, Dive Kick has longer range, and the Arc Kick can do at least 3 hits on EX, the parrys can replace the Kartweel.
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