12/18/2009 02:24 AM (UTC)
I don't think any characters should die for the sake of dying. There should be a reason, and the best one is quality. This is a product, so if there's a character not gathering any fans/customers, he or she should be eliminated.

The least favs come from MK3, MK4, MKD, and MKA so the devs should start there.

Stryker, Jarek, Kai, Dairou, Daegon, etc. Those fanless characters are who need to go.

As for the recurring characters, it should be the ones that keep being shoved down our throats like Liu and Bo. Only reason they have fans is because they keep being pushed to the forefront. Well duh.
12/18/2009 03:05 AM (UTC)
If it wasn't for Dan Pesina getting fired, no one would really mind Johnny Cage being around. I always liked the character, needed a smartass in there somewhere and he definately fills the spot. Just sucks that we had to go through the whole "He's Alive, He's Dead, He's Alive, Dead, Alive" bullshit. Alive, and keep him that way.

There's a story that needs wrapped up badly. Noob-Smoke & Sub-Zero (maybe Scorpion?) The Sub-Zero prior to MK2 became Noob Saibot and has since gone pure evil, like drinks kitten blood evil. His younger brother wants to bring him to the light. It's a shame that Armageddon didn't get written as well as it could have (THANKS VOGEL!) Also on the young Sub-Zero's agenda is to help free one of his best friend's soul. It would be interesting to see how this story plays out. I mean, Scorpion as far as I know, is not aware that his former nemesis still lives. What would happen if he found out? Would he help the young Sub-Zero in his quest or would he simply slaughter his Nemesis again to the dismay of the younger brother?

The Black Dragon. Kano disappeared from the gang after being muscle armed into Shao Kahn's group. During this time Kabal was further maimed at the hands of Mavado. Seeking to rebuild the clan with himself as the leader, Kabal recruited two new members to start rebuilding. What will happen when Kano sees what his group has become? Will he let sleeping dogs lie? Or will he try to regain power? Would Kabal give up his power to his former leader who ran the group into the ground? Or would Kabal seize the opportunity to press forward, killing Kano to make a better clan?

Some of these just need answers...
12/18/2009 05:40 AM (UTC)
dude i read this and i didn't mind them until you got to frost undoubtedly my best character and i was wondering why kill her?
12/18/2009 06:33 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:

It's cool. grin
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/18/2009 01:52 PM (UTC)
01/02/2010 05:36 AM (UTC)
I DEFINITELY feel MK needs to kill off or retire at least 70% of their cast.

A shorter list would be who I think should return. So here it is:

Sub-Zero: He's a mainstay. Like you can't have a Twisted Metal game without Sweet Tooth, a Mario Bros game without Luigi, or a Dead or Alive game without jiggle, he's a constant and a staple of the franchise. He may shift and sway, but he'll weather anything.

Scorpion: Just like Sub-Zero, it wouldn't be a MK game without him. The two are the bread and butter of MK and Scorpion's attacks and fatalities are synonymous with the franchise.

Kitana: She's almost the de facto female lead of the franchise after Sonya, but I think she has more depth. Sonya's chased Kano through 9 games or so with single-minded determination, but Kitana's status is always changing, always shifting. She's an assassin, a princess, a fugitive, a conquerer, a slave, etc. I hope she continues to appear and evolve.

Kenshi: The concept of a blind swordsman is a good one, especially in MK. His abrupt change from wandering mercenary seeking revenge to Special Forces agent was pleasant and surprising. He was a standout character in MK:DA but got lost a bit in following games. He could shine again.

Quan Chi: More than any other villain, Quan Chi seems the most manipulative and the most evil. He's still a mystery, but he's ruined more lives than even Shang Tsung has for MK characters. He's ageless, ruthless, powerful, and black-hearted to chilling degrees. Perfect for any MK game.

Sareena: By FAR my favorite female character in the series, which is ironic considering she's only had one proper game to be playable in. But she has such an amazingly rich backstory and she's such a morally complex and tragic character. I adore the concept of a demon betraying an all-powerful evil for a chance to stand in the light and dealing with the failed aftermath. She has more personality than half the current MK cast put together.

Noob Saibot: I actually don't like this character THAT much, but he has so much potential. As Sub-Zero's brother, Sareena's (relative) former love interest, Scorpion's original killer, Smoke's captor, the Brotherhood of Shadow's spy, and other bits, there's just so much you could do with him.

Sonya: I know I stated earlier she lacks depth... and she does. So that's a perfect excuse to shake things up with her. Drop Kano but introduce a new story angle for her.

Raiden: Dark Raiden or normal Raiden. Personally, I like the "dark, angry god" side. With Raiden on your side, you feel invincible. But when he's the enemy you have to fight? That's far more interesting.

Kung Lao: MK:DA showed we don't need Liu Kang, and Kung Lao is a perfect straight-man answer to him. He could've been the lead... had the MK team decided not to replace him with a generic idiot named Shujinko.

Shao Kahn: He's like Dr. Doom. He's powerful, authoritative, charismatic, brutal, intelligent, manipulative, skilled, and ruthless, and he just won't die. And he shouldn't. He's a mountain of evil towering over a sea of tiny fighters. The MK games nerfed him recently and it's been far too long since Shao Kahn was truly the powerful deity we faced in MK2 and MK3. Beef him back up and watch us tremble.

There are many others I just don't care about (Cyrax, Smoke, Reptile, Li Mei, etc.) that I wouldn't mind returning.

And then there are many more I hope stay dead and buried (Mokap, Meat, Chameleon, Hsu Hao, Dairou, Bo Rai'Cho, Moloch, Kai, Reiko, etc.).
01/02/2010 11:35 AM (UTC)
To me it is obvious which characters the fan base want the most in the next installment...aside from a select few that have smaller fan bases. Characters with small fan bases have small fan bases because they lack having major or interesting roles and don't get to have the spotlight they deserve. Even if it is short lived each character should have something to stand them out from the rest to make them special and attractive. Also,even if I am not a fan of a character I want to be able to choose them randomly to use and still be able to have fun and relate to or know of them at least a little bit. Edit:Unless of coarse they are new characters to the series.
01/08/2010 07:37 AM (UTC)

Blaze from Armageddon

They don't feel like MK characters or at least they don't have any memorable moves.

01/11/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
There are so many characters that sould just drop down and die, Here are the top 5 character that sould die.
1,Taven. He does not fit in.

2,Kano. He was only good for mk 1 and mk2, now he is useless

3. Johnny cage, He is a faget.

4.Kintaro, There is enough 4 armed monsters

5, Meat, what is the point of him.

There are so many more people such as mokap,rain, and kiri, but i dont feel like typing them all down

Historical Favorite
01/11/2010 03:41 AM (UTC)
Tone413 Wrote:
1,Taven. He does not fit in.

He looks like Ben Affleck and is dreamy.

2,Kano. He was only good for mk 1 and mk2, now he is useless

He wasn't in MK2. And he's only gotten better as time's gone on.

3. Johnny cage, He is a faget.

Is a faget something different from a faggot?

4.Kintaro, There is enough 4 armed monsters

There's only three. Compared to twelve ninjas.

5, Meat, what is the point of him.

If the Armageddon strategy guide is to be believed, his point is to be a fun character who assists Shinnok.

There are so many more people such as mokap,rain, and kiri, but i dont feel like typing them all down

But you just did.

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