07/08/2009 12:54 PM (UTC)
Gone. Dead. Never to return. Needs to stay gone forever. Here are my picks.

Liu kang



Liu Kang

Lei Mei



Mokap (was he even a real character at all?)



Hsu Hao

Liu Kang

Bo Rai Cho





Oh and did I mention Liu Kang? No? Well then Liu Kang.
07/08/2009 11:55 PM (UTC)
Just keep Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Kenshi, Cage (wishful thinking?) and Kitana. Everyone else needs to go
07/09/2009 09:50 PM (UTC)
Honestly.I'd like to see them scrap all the old earth characters and move on forward with a whole new generation of earth characters.

So many years later these guys should be well gone by now.

07/10/2009 06:24 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
keep everyone that was in mk triology. everyone else can die after that.

Except for Frost and Nitara.

Also, Stryker, Nightwolf, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Kabal can die. As well as all the new characters from MK4 and MK6 (minus Kira). They're all utterly boring wastes of space.
anywayz they got to make this game 2d or another 2d newer and better and more realistic movements. cause 3d looks like damn claymation. I never liked those mks. anyways in my opinion they should have stayed 2d from the start . Never should stayed 3d . hollar at me if this sounds alright they should make another 2d more realistic more graphic and more serious wtf dc universe? HAHA! SHANG TSUNG yea!
07/13/2009 11:26 AM (UTC)
I think the only characters I would really bring back are:

Noob Saibot
Shao Kahn

Kano (as the sub-boss)

Liu Kang (as a character to unlock)
Sonya Blade (as a character to unlock)
Havik (as a character to unlock)

This is merely me talking from a business perspective. I just think these are the most marketable MK characters that still have places to go. Sub-Zero and Scorpion will be back. Noob Saibot has got connections to both Sub-Zero and Scorpion in the plot now -- drama. Kitana is a fairly iconic character within the MK universe, and she makes an instant protagonist for it, but one that will not steal the spotlight.

Shao Kahn as a playable character is just a way of "heightening" the new saga. What better way to make the new threat seem viable than by having the former boss of the games reduced to mere minion status. I also think that Kahn is too much of an enigma, and needs to be explained.

Kenshi is just a very cool character design. His telekinesis and swordplay make him an instantly attachable character, and he too makes an instant protagonist that won't out-shine the new guy.

Liu Kang returning is just a safety net. Retire him, or make him the Guardian of Earth, or something. Don't have him be a major part of the story, but I think the character is so iconic with the series, that it could actually be fun for a lot of people to unlock and kick ass with Liu Kang. He'd play a more detached, secondary mentor role -- which I think would make him more tolerable.

Sonya is on my returning list as the first female of Mortal Kombat. Her character is a favourite of the MK Team's, and I think that she still has some gas left in the tank. Especially if she is in more of a semi-retired, advisory "I don't want to do this crazy stuff anymore" sort of role.

Havik was just a really cool character, and I think it'd be a waste to let him disappear. Chaos being his theme could allow him to pop up without really having too many motives. You just unlock Havik, read a bio about him not only surviving, but thriving in the chaos of Armageddon, and his current motives being unknown, but he looks to shape the realms to his own personal vision by obviously having some effect on the plot of MK9.

Kano returning as the sub-boss would be unpopular with many, but I'm fan enough of the Kano character to suggest that he gets a proper send-off. If Blaze can be the ultimate boss of a saga, then surely Kano can bide time for the "good ideas" to start being used. I personally like the idea of Daegon's experiments on Kano leading to him having a bit of an MK dragon inside him. It seems stupid, but this is Mortal Kombat. You'd fight Kano for two rounds like he was the Black Dragon thug in any game, but when you get to the Finish Him screen, the screen goes dark like someone performed a Fatality, and he transforms into a giant dragon. You then have to defeat the dragon two rounds in a continuation from your previous battle (so if Kano beat you one round, you've only got one chance left to defeat Drago-Kano).

I can see that being a bit of a challenge for people, and frustrating more than a few gamers, which is just what made Goro, Kintaro and even Motaro (my personal favourite sub-boss) favourites.

All the other characters I would explain in a re-modelled "Krypt" function, where you can go to the MK graveyard, select a character, and read all about them, and find out any unanswered questions you might have regarding what exactly happened to, say, Tanya.
07/14/2009 05:59 AM (UTC)
Those that I would like to be forever removed from the series:

Blaze - He was created to be slain at Armageddon. He has fulfilled his purpose. His story is over and done.

Chameleon - Never had a story. Never got a story. Never had any original moves. Never got any original moves. The ninja sampler platter needs to be taken off the menu.

Dairou - Has the feel of a character made to take up space in Deception because they knew they couldn't keep reusing the same damn people. Can't see him having a future in the series, he just doesn't feel like he belongs in MK.

Darrius - The token black (and stereotyped as hell) character who was introduced because they knew that you can only use Jax so many freaking times....yeah, he needs to go. Another Deception filler character that needs to go the way of the dinosaurs....

Hsu Hao - Interesting special moves, but I just ain't feeling him. Then there's the fact that he's not liked much anyway. Yeah. Stick a fork in his ass. He's done.

Kira - No original moves. Wasn't given any original moves in Armageddon. We already have Kano and Sonya. We don't need a hybrid. Another filler Deception character destined for the trash...

Kobra - Ken belongs in SF, not MK. Piss poor moveset and fatalities (one was a ripoff of Kano's, the other was one of Deception's worst fatalities). Another Deception filler character that needs to go.

Meat - The guy was a skin from MK4. An easter egg put in by the staff. That's it. He's not a real character and has no place in the series. Gone.

Mokap - A tribute to Carlos Pessina, right? A cute little joke character, but nothing else. Adios, Mokap.

10/12/2009 02:29 AM (UTC)
I want to see these people shot, blown up, sliced IDC i just want them dead:

Mokap (why the hell was he included in any game?)
Hsu Hao
Moloch and Drahmin
Shang Tsung (just go away)
Quan Chi (leave scorpion alone!)

All Ninjas (Male and Female)
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang (On 1 condition: HUMAN and GOOD GUY!)
Shao Kahn
Bo Rai Cho
etc. (add some if i missed any smile)
10/12/2009 02:35 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Just keep Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Kenshi, Cage (wishful thinking?) and Kitana. Everyone else needs to go

Best list I've ever seen. I highly agree.
Historical Favorite
10/12/2009 07:07 AM (UTC)
What I've taken from this thread is that you guys don't understand how franchises work. MK doesn't gain anything by killing off a bunch (or really any) of it's characters. This is not to say that every fighter needs to be in every game, but there's a big difference between putting a character on the shelf for awhile and getting rid of them entirely.

Moreover, saying "I want so-and-so gone." is extremely short-sighted. Inevitably someone, be it fans or even someone internal to the MK team, is going to want those deceased characters back, forcing a convoluted reason for their return in-story. Is it worth mucking up the storyline (such as it is) to get rid of a less than favorite character for two or three installments?

You don't improve something by ripping out chunks of it.
10/12/2009 07:42 AM (UTC)
Man I cant believe the amount of Lui Kang haters on this forum... I think he needs to stay, he is what MK started with and was a big reason i never tried MKDA. No other character will fill his role as the new hero unless they decide to have no hero. Keep Kang Alive...

Get Rid Of
Quan Chi
Taven Daegon Blaze Onaga Ban Shinnok to somewhere he can't get free from... Tanya Shujinko Hsu Hao and many others...
About Me

10/12/2009 01:19 PM (UTC)
Either kill off everyone and start off anew, or slip back into the conformist cesspool that is the rehearsal of the Mk1-MK4 roster.

10/12/2009 10:29 PM (UTC)
Keep: Johnny Cage, Kitana, Mileena, and Jade.

Kill: Blaze, Mokap, MEAT, and Bo Rai Cho.
10/29/2009 05:27 AM (UTC)
kano is the mk equivalent of south parks kenny you kill him and he miraculously comes back wtf
10/30/2009 05:03 AM (UTC)
The main character that needs disposing of is Liu Kang.

If he is to be the leader of the heroes, the "Champion of Mortal Kombat," they need to make him more appealing and interesting.

He needs a revamped design. There's loads of secondary characters that look far more striking and exciting than him. He's critically the most inferior in this department. Same with his special moves - plain-ole fire blasts and kicks in mid-air. And as for his fatalities, only his Dragon Transformation has ever lifted my eyebrows.

Also, he's the main protagonist in most games and is so utterly boring. He's your average, straight forward, villain-stopping hero. He has no personality, no interesting backstory, no interesting goals or conflicts... simply nothing. Waste of space.

He needs to either die permanently or be revamped. It's stupid that this bland, forgettable, and ordinary character gets to repeatedly seize the leading role while richer, more creative protagonists are forced to the back seat.
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10/31/2009 07:55 PM (UTC)
Oh... I just think they should do the same as Tekken... All warriors in !!!! euh... ok all except Mokap ^^ !
11/01/2009 07:38 AM (UTC)
Why can't they just eliminate everybody, and give us a new Mortal Kombat game. Set new standards.
11/12/2009 12:07 AM (UTC)
just wipe the state clean, altough I got a weakness for Kung Lao, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Reptile, Kenshi, Kitana, Fujin, Raiden. If characters are staying, these would come into my mind.
11/26/2009 05:08 AM (UTC)
i would like to keep all the characters from MK1&2 some from three like sektor, cyrax, ermac, from MK4; fujin, kai, shinnok and rekio, and keep sareena,lei mai, bo ra cho,darrius, houtor add tremor,hornbuckle,and hydrowow
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/17/2009 06:32 PM (UTC)
woah woah woah wait a second. 1st of all, MK is a fighting game. 2ndly, no characters should die off period. They should be able to come and go as the story fits. The ONLY characters that should go for good is: Chameleon (just every "ninja" character cramed into one=irrelevant), Meat, Mokap (Both self explanatory) and Bo Rai Cho (for this guy could not be taken seriously in a dark mk game.)

Other than them, every other character can stay but only should appear in each game accordingly. (in which such appearences would make sense.)

Its only right people. Think about it, no matter how bad the previous game did, for Mortal Kombat to even be compared to a universe as iconic as DC is remarkable. It establishes the fact that MK has developed its own universe and thats saying something. Sub-Zero vs Batman? Scorpion vs Superman? I bet Ed Boon or any of the guys in the mk team never imagined that in 1992.

As for Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I love these guys both very much. BUT it dosent mean that these are the only 2 characters that make an mk game an mk game. Raiden, Kitana, Reptile, Sonya Blade, Sindel, Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke, Ermac, Noob. These are all characters that come to mind when I think of mk and Im only naming a few for the list goes on. So for Scorpion and Subby to be the only two that will never die in an MK game is UNFAIR and it is WRONG. (and im a scorpion fan saying this.) All of those names I just listed are without a doubt icons in their own right. Im pretty sure Hiehachi frm Tekken is pushing 100 by now and yet hes still throwing punches.

You guys wanna c new characters? By all means add on to the roster but DO NOT kill off these characters. Besides, we're talking about Mortal Kombat anyway. Nobody ever really dies...

"Mortal Kombat has always been and always will be" These are the words of Raiden.
12/17/2009 07:57 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
woah woah woah wait a second. 1st of all, MK is a fighting game. 2ndly, no characters should die off period. They should be able to come and go as the story fits. The ONLY characters that should go for good is: Chameleon (just every "ninja" character cramed into one=irrelevant), Meat, Mokap (Both self explanatory) and Bo Rai Cho (for this guy could not be taken seriously in a dark mk game.)

I can't take this statement seriously with you. You just stated that no characters should die off period, but then you state afterward that there are characters that should die.

To be honest, each of these characters that you want to see gone for good can be taken seriously. Even with Mokap. If we have Stryker, then we can have Mokap.

Meat can become a good character if his story is developed better... There's an artist that shows off his work, Acules or something like that, and he made an excellent story on how Meat could become a character.

Bo Rai Cho, yes, comical characters ruins dark games, but he can somewhat turn into a serious character if the creators wanted him to.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Other than them, every other character can stay but only should appear in each game accordingly. (in which such appearences would make sense.)

Its only right people. Think about it, no matter how bad the previous game did, for Mortal Kombat to even be compared to a universe as iconic as DC is remarkable. It establishes the fact that MK has developed its own universe and thats saying something. Sub-Zero vs Batman? Scorpion vs Superman? I bet Ed Boon or any of the guys in the mk team never imagined that in 1992.

Meh, I'm sure that Boon probably had some sort of vision throughout the process of MK developing into a series. It's just that they needed a better gaming system that would allow such a thing to happen. (Like the movie Avatar, James Cameron needed better technology to make this movie come to life, so he waited 12 years for this to happen, despite the fact that I think it's not going to be a good movie, still, he had to wait this long to make it)

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
As for Scorpion and Sub-Zero, I love these guys both very much. BUT it dosent mean that these are the only 2 characters that make an mk game an mk game. Raiden, Kitana, Reptile, Sonya Blade, Sindel, Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke, Ermac, Noob. These are all characters that come to mind when I think of mk and Im only naming a few for the list goes on. So for Scorpion and Subby to be the only two that will never die in an MK game is UNFAIR and it is WRONG. (and im a scorpion fan saying this.) All of those names I just listed are without a doubt icons in their own right. Im pretty sure Hiehachi frm Tekken is pushing 100 by now and yet hes still throwing punches.

It's wrong that the two most famous characters to make a return every single game? It's unfair that two of the most famous characters should return every single game? No it isn't. What about Street Fighter? Ken and Ryu make an appearance every single time, and you don't see people begging them to be killed off or something like that. They are icons of the game.

Why isn't Liu Kang? Come on, seriously? Liu Kang as an icon? Sure, he is the champion of Mortal Kombat, yeah, his death was certainly a shocker come towards Deadly Alliance, but here's the thing, he was such a crappy character to play as. He was a low tier character that basically sucked to play as against characters that could dominate over him.

Sonya, yeah, the only girl in MK1, the only girl we know so far that doesn't wear a bra, since a member here has a signature saying that he loves boobs... she might be an icon, but not a big one as Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

And the last time I remembered, Sub-Zero did die in a MK game, but then he was transformed into a new character, Noob Saibot... So, these characters can die... But as you stated before: No characters should die off completely," right now this is being hypocritical.

whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
You guys wanna c new characters? By all means add on to the roster but DO NOT kill off these characters. Besides, we're talking about Mortal Kombat anyway. Nobody ever really dies...

"Mortal Kombat has always been and always will be" These are the words of Raiden.

But... you just said that you want to see several characters killed off completely. It's either one way or the other, not both. I'm just stating that your entire post makes no sense whatsoever because you don't want to see characters die, but yet, there are some that should, but still no one needs to die in MK, but there's still some that you want killed off. Which is it?
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/17/2009 08:31 PM (UTC)
ok lady lets get some facts straight here. 1 I NEVER in my post stated that sub- zero or scorpion should die off. If thats what YOU implied then that was just ur silly misinterpretation. Of course they should be in every game as they are very iconic characters to the series. I MEANT that it isnt fair for other characters to be left out or killed just because they may not be as popular as scorpion and sub-zero. 4 u to even think that i wuld have them killed off is an INSULT to me.

In fact, u have insulted me throughout ur whole reply to my post. Yes I stated that nobody should die period and then went on to name a few that can go. I admit that u got me there so let me rephrase that for u sweetheart. Nobody in the game should die except: Chameleon, Meat, Mokap, and Bo Rai Cho for the reasons listed previously. I am entitled to my opinion as u are entitled to urs. If someone wrote a good story for Meat, great Ill look into it. Till then I stand by my opinions strong.

So there u go, are u happy? I still dont c how u thought i wanted scorpion and subby dead, for they're names were never mentioned with the people i did list. Use common sense please.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/17/2009 08:45 PM (UTC)
oh and one other thing. Did I say anything about Liu Kang in my post? No. Look at what u are reading before u disrespect me with ur posts. If u mentioned Liu Kang on ur own when I didnt, THAT RIGHT THERE proves that he is indeed an icon.
12/17/2009 09:36 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
ok lady lets get some facts straight here. 1 I NEVER in my post stated that sub- zero or scorpion should die off. If thats what YOU implied then that was just ur silly misinterpretation. Of course they should be in every game as they are very iconic characters to the series. I MEANT that it isnt fair for other characters to be left out or killed just because they may not be as popular as scorpion and sub-zero. 4 u to even think that i wuld have them killed off is an INSULT to me.

In fact, u have insulted me throughout ur whole reply to my post. Yes I stated that nobody should die period and then went on to name a few that can go. I admit that u got me there so let me rephrase that for u sweetheart. Nobody in the game should die except: Chameleon, Meat, Mokap, and Bo Rai Cho for the reasons listed previously. I am entitled to my opinion as u are entitled to urs. If someone wrote a good story for Meat, great Ill look into it. Till then I stand by my opinions strong.

So there u go, are u happy? I still dont c how u thought i wanted scorpion and subby dead, for they're names were never mentioned with the people i did list. Use common sense please.

Wow, okay here's the thing. If you're going to prove me wrong, read everything I wrote again. Where did I insulted you? Where did I insulted you? Because the only thing I wrote to you is that I can't understand why you're saying, "Let's not kill off every single character," yet here you are telling us that you want these four characters to be killed off completely. How are you telling us that we shouldn't have every single character to be killed off when you're clearly saying let's kill these guys off because they have no potential on being a good character.

Also, for the Liu Kang thing, that was an example I was showing if you were going to say that should be an icon for MK that's not Scorpion or Sub-Zero. IT WAS FOR AN EXAMPLE since you were naming off other characters that should be more of an icon than Sub-Zero and Scorpion. So, I named the first one that hit my head that somewhat could have been an icon for MK, but the fact that these two characters are basically the icons of MK and WERE STATED IN THEIR CARDS proves that they will forever remain as icons of MK. That was where I was going with my theory, if it didn't make sense, well I hope this whole paragraph shows you where I was leading that off.

And for killing them off, you just said that those two never dying is unfair and wrong. So you want them to die? There you go again, there you go again, naming characters that you want to see to be killed off when you're clearly telling us that no character should be killed off in the series. And I said that Sub-Zero did die because you just said that Sub-Zero and Scorpion are two characters that will never die... Which in fact they both have been killed in the series so I proved you wrong.

What, is proving you wrong an insult? Because it's not, at least it's not in my books. And if you think that was an insult, well then I truly apologize for proving you wrong but what you said just did not make sense to me whatsoever so there.

And people, seriously, I critique on people's opinions, I've been doing so since I've joined and will remain doing that until otherwise, everyone here does the same fricken thing over and over again, and yes, everyone is entitled to the first amendment I get it... Yeah, you have the right to share your opinions, it's just that you made no sense with yours. And, seeing how you took everything out of context with what I had to say, then I'm sorry you took my words of out context. There was no insulting to you whatsoever when I wrote that you just made no sense to me whatsoever.

So, if you think this is another insult, well then you're wrong, pal. Because you took everything I took out of context, and if you think that I misread everything, misunderstood you whatsoever, well then you're wrong. I didn't misinterpret anything you wrote because I looked over it carefully when I wrote what I had to say before... So, I don't know what the issue is here but I'm clearly not insulting you.

Insulting you is if I were to call you a horrible name in public to make you feel even more worse than before, which is soo not my thing.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/18/2009 12:01 AM (UTC)
lol, u r too much. Look, I do not need to sit in ur MK101 class, I knw that both scorpion and sub-zero had died before. Ill also admit that i should b careful about how I word my setences.

Can I say something? I respect u so much as a person. I understand that u do the whole critique thing with everybody and i dont want u to stop. In fact keep it comming by all means, u are welcome to comment on any of my ideas.

If i was in anyway unclear to u or didnt make any sense, I am sincerely sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope that I am clear now:

I was wrong to say that scorpion and sub-zero will never die nor do i want them to. Wat I meant to say was that gameplay wise, these two characters were always playable with the exception of scorpion not appearing in MK3 but later went on to appear in MKT. Sub-Zero was playable in EVERY mk game no matter what shape or form. That being said it is unfair to fans of other characters like Kitana, Reptile, Raiden, Ermac just naming a few, that these characters would not get the same treatment. Yes Ryu and Ken appear in every street fighter. So does Chun Li, Dhalsim, E Honda and everyone else. IMO that is how MK should be.
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