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08/20/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
Finishers-Guys Let The Fighters Have TWO Fatalities,Babality,Brutality and one Animality Like in The Good Ol' Days.No Half ass Spear Head Rip Go For The Toasty Boon...THE TOASTY 3D!
Make Sektor Return Cyrax and Smoke Already Have Time For The Raging Red Robot.Use The mk1,mk2,mk3 roster and Maybe a few Chars from MK4 like Quan Chi and Shinnok.Reptile Cant Be Dead Dragon King is dead Reptile Must be alive.
Storyline-Raiden's Tolerance for Mortals is Thin?...More like hes Evil Go with Your Mojo on that one.Make The Bad Guys and Good Guys Have To unite To Stop Raiden From Conquering The realms.
ALT Costumes-
Liu kang-MK1 Attire
Johnny-MK1 Attire
Sonya-MK1 Attire
Rayden-MK1 Attire
Scorpion-MK1 Attire No Details Just Plain out Yellow and Black!
Sub-Zero-MKSM Attire....I Like That Attire
Goro-Uhhhhh....He Had No Attire Different From Any Of The MK games
Shang Tsung-MK2 Attire That One Was Cool
Baraka-MK2 Attire
Reptile-MK1 Attire
Kung lao-MK2/3 Attire
Kitana-UMK3 Attire
Jax-MK2 Attire (w/ Mech arms)
Mileena-UMK3 Attire
Sheeva-Never Had Any Other Attire
Kano-Mk3 attire
Sindel-(Cant Think Of Any)
Striker-SWAT officer uniform
Sektor-a Really Cool Mechish Attire
Nightwolf-MK3 Attire
Kabal-MK3 attire
Quan Chi-MK4 Attire
Shinnok-MK4 Attire
Stages-All The Classic and or Fan Favorites like The Pit or The Kombat Tomb All The Classics boon ALL THE CLASSICS.
Stage Fatalities are a must uppercut Opponent at the Finish Him/Her
not anytime I Dont Like That as much its TOO easy!
Weapon Upgrades-No
08/24/2005 11:10 PM (UTC)
Gijoker Wrote:
Finishers-Guys Let The Fighters Have TWO Fatalities,Babality,Brutality and one Animality Like in The Good Ol' Days.No Half ass Spear Head Rip Go For The Toasty Boon...THE TOASTY 3D!
Make Sektor Return Cyrax and Smoke Already Have Time For The Raging Red Robot.Use The mk1,mk2,mk3 roster and Maybe a few Chars from MK4 like Quan Chi and Shinnok.Reptile Cant Be Dead Dragon King is dead Reptile Must be alive.
Storyline-Raiden's Tolerance for Mortals is Thin?...More like hes Evil Go with Your Mojo on that one.Make The Bad Guys and Good Guys Have To unite To Stop Raiden From Conquering The realms.
ALT Costumes-
Liu kang-MK1 Attire
Johnny-MK1 Attire
Sonya-MK1 Attire
Rayden-MK1 Attire
Scorpion-MK1 Attire No Details Just Plain out Yellow and Black!
Sub-Zero-MKSM Attire....I Like That Attire
Goro-Uhhhhh....He Had No Attire Different From Any Of The MK games
Shang Tsung-MK2 Attire That One Was Cool
Baraka-MK2 Attire
Reptile-MK1 Attire
Kung lao-MK2/3 Attire
Kitana-UMK3 Attire
Jax-MK2 Attire (w/ Mech arms)
Mileena-UMK3 Attire
Sheeva-Never Had Any Other Attire
Kano-Mk3 attire
Sindel-(Cant Think Of Any)
Striker-SWAT officer uniform
Sektor-a Really Cool Mechish Attire
Nightwolf-MK3 Attire
Kabal-MK3 attire
Quan Chi-MK4 Attire
Shinnok-MK4 Attire
Stages-All The Classic and or Fan Favorites like The Pit or The Kombat Tomb All The Classics boon ALL THE CLASSICS.
Stage Fatalities are a must uppercut Opponent at the Finish Him/Her
not anytime I Dont Like That as much its TOO easy!
Weapon Upgrades-No

They can have new characters, but they should stick with having mostly classics, because that's what defines any game series.

At first I didn't like the (costume) revamps, but with what they did with Deception characters i.e. Ermac, Sub-Zero, Smoke, etc, there's a lot of potential.
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08/26/2005 12:33 AM (UTC)
Sorry, but that was the most shortsighted suggestion towards MK7. No new characters, might as well stop playing any MK games. Newbies are necessary to keep the sequels rolling.

How come Im almost the only one who thinks that the overly flashynes of MK fatalities have coused the downfalling of interest and shock value in them?

08/26/2005 02:42 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
How come Im almost the only one who thinks that the overly flashynes of MK fatalities have coused the downfalling of interest and shock value in them?

You're not the only one.

I used to plead the case before MKD came out, stating that fatalities would be much more shocking and gruesome were they more realisitc.

For instance, I'd much rather see a defeated opponent pleading to say, Scorpion, to spare their life, and then he approaches them with a look of true menace in his eyes, then just snaps their neck (accompanied with a sickening neck-breaking sound) mercilessly. Or perhaps he could even garrote them with the rope from his spear...

I don't think it's a conincedence that MK1 and 2 (and somewhat 4) are considered the best games for finishers, seeing as how they had the most realisitic ones.

But it seems you and I are in the minority Chrome...
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08/26/2005 04:23 PM (UTC)
in that case:

POWER TO THE PEOPLE! A possible sollution would be my lethality idea whaqt would be an in game finisher of quick movement, like instant neck breaks, throat punches, eye carves...like in BIO FREAKS, where you could instantly kill someone. Of course, here you would have to stun someone to actually kill him.
08/26/2005 08:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sorry, but that was the most shortsighted suggestion towards MK7. No new characters, might as well stop playing any MK games. Newbies are necessary to keep the sequels rolling.

KaizuDragon Wrote:
They can have new characters, but they should stick with having mostly classics, because that's what defines any game series.

What part of "mostly classics" don't you get?
Chrome Wrote:
in that case:

POWER TO THE PEOPLE! A possible sollution would be my lethality idea whaqt would be an in game finisher of quick movement, like instant neck breaks, throat punches, eye carves...like in BIO FREAKS, where you could instantly kill someone. Of course, here you would have to stun someone to actually kill him.

I do agree the fatalities need more depth to them, and the suggestions so far would make for great add-ons. But I'm not feeling those 'lethalities' that much. Sounds like a watered-down fatality to me.
08/28/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
I still think fatalities have to be different somehow. They either have to have a condition for pulling them off (no blocks or no triangle button in last round) or maybe it is more than just a button combination to set them off.
Perhaps first you do a button combination, then at another point you have to input something else (something like Subs deep freeze fatal in MK2)..but the timing has to be right otherwise you won't pull it off. This would make the fatality execution perhaps a little more impressive. I'm not saying they should all be like that, but maybe one per character.
08/29/2005 03:02 AM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
I still think fatalities have to be different somehow. They either have to have a condition for pulling them off (no blocks or no triangle button in last round) or maybe it is more than just a button combination to set them off.
Perhaps first you do a button combination, then at another point you have to input something else (something like Subs deep freeze fatal in MK2)..but the timing has to be right otherwise you won't pull it off. This would make the fatality execution perhaps a little more impressive. I'm not saying they should all be like that, but maybe one per character.

I kinda like this idea. I'm not even sure how to change the fatalities in a way that would be beneficial, but I believe an improvement of the current system of inputting a quick button combination is necessary.
What happened to being a specific distance from your defeated foe? Even that made it more difficult, which in turn made it more of an annoyance if you missed it cus you weren't in the right place, which in turn made it all the more satisfying when you did pull off a fatal...

So yeah, I agree that fatalities perhaps should be harder to pull off, or at least have 2 parts to them like Sub Zero's MK2 deep freeze or Kung Lao's MK2/MKT decapitation (had to direct the hat). Anything to make it more difficult, make them more worthwhile and satisfying to pull off...
08/30/2005 05:08 PM (UTC)
I think people are a bit hard of the game though, I mean I love deception and i suppose while higher level players can abuse certain features to the more average person(which i suppose I am) the game feels and plays good, sould calibur II has the same problems, that game is beautiful and flashy to the average players, but all high level players need to win is a couple of small attacks and counters, i do seem to recall MK D winning most every fighting game award last year so....even if it wasnt fighting games biggest year it is still an impressive feat none the less, I dont think criticizms calling the developers lazy or unwilling to move in to the future is fair because they made a very good game, and I dont see anything wrong with that (no im not saying they shouldnt make more improvements, I would love that but to discredit the last game is unfair) and on a side note I think all that weapon things are too much, I think a mod said this once and i agree, I think 2 fighting styles would be superb, one hand and one weapon just both really fleshed out
09/01/2005 11:46 AM (UTC)
A few pointers for the guys at Midway for MK 7:

Gameplay system:

I have to commend Midway for the great fighting system style, being able to change styles is great, I like that concept.

MK:DA (MK5) and MK:D (MK6) were both very good storywise, and gameplay wise as well. The fighting system, while very great had flaws in both, where MK:D lacked a counter-grab/intercepts, its prequel (DA) actually had counter-grabs/intercepts. MK:DA does not have a combo breaker system, MK:D does. MK D also includes a neat bar telling when an attack is unblockable or when excecuted from the attacker's point of view, not recoverable from, and all the little dangers.
MK 7 should incorporate all of these into them, along with multiple throws and counters/intercepts.
Fatalities for MK:D is too explosive (In example someone gets hit they blow up) Fatalities should more varied in the next version (and a bit less explosive). (Prefferably with 3 regular fatalities and 1 weapon fatality per character, along side multiple stage-fatalities.)

Graphics (and gameplay still):

While MK:DA and MK:D had great prerendered intro movie graphics, the in-game play is too bright looking and plastic looking.
The in-game play should look like the intro movies.
When people are on the recieving end of attacks, if taken by surprize their facial expressions should change (getting angrier with every attack recieved). (aggressor meter, anyone?) Perhaps the more attacks someone recieves (instead of gives), the more their aggressor meter charges and they have a chance of retaliation (come on, people need a chance for a come back in a fighting game, no fighting game really incorporates that, at least that I know of)?
09/01/2005 01:29 PM (UTC)
It'd be interesting for the "lethality" moves if they were executed during the second or third round only, and only when the fighter has less than 10% health left, and if they were hard to land (a la Killer Instinct 2), but keep the fatality/dizzy time, and also I had a unique idea, during fatality time i think it'd be cool to draw your weapon and manually attack parts with regular button taps for a weapon fatality, and it could be determined by direction (like the shaolin monks system) which parts are damaged/mutilated
also more physical damage would be a bonus... not just facial injury, but bodily injury too would be cool, skinned knees, bruised arms from blocking, etc. plus some slight clothes-tearing would be cool (nothing too drastic or anything if midway wants to avoid nudity issues.. although nudity seems less shocking than violence to me lol) btw my idea is if the lethality is pulled off it would cancel out the fatality time and count as a fatality but if you dont pull it off you're given a second opportunity by executing a regular "dizzy time" fatality... i think it'd be cool. plus prutalities sould be performed around the same arrangements of 10% health left 2nd/3rd round (sorry I'm a Killer Instinct fan, too)

Please do not double post and please edit your previous post if you wish to add anything. Thanks.

09/01/2005 02:18 PM (UTC)
DClem Wrote:
It'd be interesting for the "lethality" moves if they were executed during the second or third round only, and only when the fighter has less than 10% health left, and if they were hard to land (a la Killer Instinct 2), but keep the fatality/dizzy time, and also I had a unique idea, during fatality time i think it'd be cool to draw your weapon and manually attack parts with regular button taps for a weapon fatality, and it could be determined by direction (like the shaolin monks system) which parts are damaged/mutilated
also more physical damage would be a bonus... not just facial injury, but bodily injury too would be cool, skinned knees, bruised arms from blocking, etc. plus some slight clothes-tearing would be cool (nothing too drastic or anything if midway wants to avoid nudity issues.. although nudity seems less shocking than violence to me lol)

btw my idea is if the lethality is pulled off it would cancel out the fatality time and count as a fatality but if you dont pull it off you're given a second opportunity by executing a regular "dizzy time" fatality... i think it'd be cool.
plus prutalities sould be performed around the same arrangements of 10% health left 2nd/3rd round (sorry I'm a Killer Instinct fan, too)

I thought about the KI style finishers way back in MK5 development, but I decided against it because it would take away one important staple of the MK games: The "Finish Him!/Her! screen. Yes, some would say it is just a little screen, but that one little screen has been associated with and to Mortal Kombat since day one. It's a flagship tagline, one that I don't think could go away. Even the casual Joe who doesn't know video games more than likely knows that if he's watching someone play a fighting game and the words "Finish Him!" appear, he's going to think "Oh hey, this is Mortal Kombat". In a sense, it'skinda like taking the yellow scrolling words out of the beginning of a Star Wars movie.
09/04/2005 12:57 AM (UTC)
If they were to add mid-fight finishers, it would be possible to include the 'finish him' screen. For example, Scorpion could execute a "lethality" (as it was called above)
He would kick the back of the opponents knee to drop them into a kneeling position, then as he grabs their throat "Finish Him" would appear on the screen. He would tie the end of the rope around the kneeling victim, and fire the spear into the roof, lifting them into the aim, as they struggle for air. For a little added violence, when they start kicking their feet compulsively due to nerve damage, he could slice them in half with his sword. On the idea of death traps. They are entertaining and add to the gameplay. Rather than simply saying "they were flowed once, so throw them out the window" why not take the approach of improving them. 1)only strong moves, or 3 hit plus combos, within the death range, should hit the opponent in. 2) The angle created between the death trap, the victim, and the attacker, should add up to 180 degrees (straight in line with each other) with about 15-20 degree alowance each way. 3)Since an improved counter/parry/reversal system is a must, it would be cool if someone went for a strong hit on you, and you reversed it, you would send tehm into the trap. So if someone is being very predictable and trying only for DT's, you could simply do a counter. eg. Kombatant 1 mid-kicks at Kombatant 2. K1's leg is caught by K2 and K2 swings K1 around and into the trap. a sort of risk reward system Finally, on the idea of a "king of the hill" mode, i love the idea. But to add to it, the first bout would be 1 round to 'crown the king'. The winner would be crowned, and a challenger would come in. If the king looses, he would be dethrowned, but not defeated, another crown the king fight would come into play. So the defender of the crown would get a second chance. I would hate holding the crown for 30 odd matches, and having someone fluke a victory, just to have them suck and loose it, and having to wait in cue for ages to reclaim my thrown. The king should get a second chance.
Games like Burnout can have immense detail in the way the car breaks, scrapes, and most importantly gets totaled. They should implement scratches, cuts, slices, broken and bleeding noses, torn clothes etc etc.. to the MK fighters especially since they have the power of next generation technology.

I know this is mentioned a lot but the comparison to Burnout I felt had to be made.
09/15/2005 10:29 PM (UTC)
Some ideas I had to make Arcade mode a bit less boring to the MK fans:

Bring back the Choose Your Destiny screen. Some players just want a few battles, some want a crapload. Give the players the option of choosing. The last two MKs, I really didn't like the arcade mode, because the options of choosing a short, beat 'em up game, or a long, grueling and difficult climb to the top just wasn't there. I am sure I am not alone in this.

One Endurance Match: Endurance matches were killer, and a lot of fun. Maybe this time, in some way, they can be story-specific.

[?] 1. Put the [?] back on there, and players have to figure out how to access that secret match, just like in MK2 where you had to use just low kicks. Perhaps this time, with the ammount of data we can cram onto discs, it could be a different match stipulation for each character (Scorpion cannot use special moves, Hotaru can only use his weapon the final round, etc). That would make Arcade mode a lot more challenging, and would put some secrets back into THAT mode, instead of cramming them all into Konquest.
2. After the player figures out the stipulation, they go into a fight with the character they are supposed to unlock. This fight is VERY difficult, but if the player beats the character, they unlock him/her. Or, they could fight a charcter that cannot be unlocked, with the match being very difficult. If the player wins that match, they unlock something else (an extra costume, weapon upgrade, new fatality, etc).
There could even be hints as to accomplishing match stipulations with specific characters thrown throughout Arcade Mode. For instance, we could bring back the way characters would appear, give a hint, and disappear that was in MK2 (Noob appears, raises his hand, and at the bottom of the screen it says "The blade of Scorpion will not prevail" and then disappear).

3. Choose your prizes after you beat the game: I loved this feature in MK3/UMK3. We could even hide some of the unlockables in there as well. Set it up the same way, with icons to choose. One of the most difficult icons to access (after you beat the highest Choose Your Destiny tier) could take you to a character battle that could unlock something special to the game. This would also take some of the unlockables out of Konquest and put them back into Arcade Mode (but not ALL the unlockables..I loved Konquest wink ).

I'll think of more stupid stuff later.
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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

09/20/2005 08:09 AM (UTC)
I wrote this in response to this member on another thread but I beleive it belongs here. Tell me what you think:

::::: Wrote:
I had this debate with somebody here a while ago, and I took the side of "3D," because that's pretty much where the entire market is headed, that's where the big money is, that's what people want, and 2D is starting to fade out of the mainstream fighting game market a bit now.

However, it's become perfectly clear that Midway can't make a 3D fighter to save themselves (This may yet turn out to be a truth - a few more like MKD and their sales will plument, and seeing as how Midway relies so heavily on MK to keep afloat, if MK went under, Midway might too). So with this in mind, I think they should maybe revert back to 2D. I know in reality it's never going to happen, but that's where MK's roots are, and that's where the deepest gameplay has been, so it only makes sense.

They could make a 2D MK game and it could be far, far better than the recent 3D failures. Bring back the old LP, HP, LK, HK system with the basic universal commands for moves like sweeps and uppercuts, but give the moves different properties for different characters so that no two characters play the same, even though they share the same commands. For example, Sub-Zero's uppercut might launch quite low, but allow for a mix up between his slide and another mid move, while Scorpion's uppercut might launch high, allowing players to get the most out of air combo's using telepunch's, spear's, hellfire's, etc, while another characters uppercut may not even launch at all, but give a stun on CH, or something else entirely different. Same deal with every move, all moves, including the basic 4 HP, LP, HK, LK commands could be given different properties to encourage different styles of play - depth within simplicity (as opposed to the recent games that feature no depth within complexity).
Characters could be given a "special" move or two extra to compensate for the lack of moves in their movesets if necessary.

I don't know much about 2D fighter's, but i'd say that by using the old command system MK could return to it's roots of simplicity and start to work again. I'm willing to try anything new to save MK at this point. Problem is though, that Midway don't understand things like move properties very well at all, so if they can't give moves decent properties in a 3D fighter, I don't think they'd really know how in a 2D fighter either.

Just a thought though.
No way! If the series is going to move forward they can't take steps backwards like this. Can you imagine what kind of criticism the game would get if they made the old system return? You would hear comments like "Same old shit we hated before!" etc. If anything the team needs to take what they have in terms of this engine's bugs and fix those. Next add the missing game play elements such as throw breaks, parries, wake ups, dashing and then take it a step further like adding new play mechanics. I was thinking of a super attack that each character could possess that would be a really powerful set of moves strung together in a skillful manner such as timed joystick-button combinations. This move must be initiated by a special command that can be linked (buffered) as an ender to a combo string or done as an individual move.

There should also be a meter build in order to gain access to these "Super" sets, to build meter you must perform a successful attack on your opponent. This will eliminate "cheesy" meter building tactics as in Streetfighter where players just turtle you and rapidly press the strong attack button to build meter.

This is how it will work:

f,d,f (1+2) initiates your character's " Super Set" and on successful contact you get a slight pause with a Special effect letting you know you must enter Super set combo commands (each Character should have at least Two Super Sets to choose from)

Here's how the first one looks:

f,d,f(1+2) .......1,2,3,4,1,4........b,f 2 (Normal ender)

The Normal ender should end in something flashy but you should be able to cut the combo short for a custom ender if skilled enoughgrin.

Knowing that these move sets can be very damaging there must be a defense to them. In my opinion, if it will take that much effeort to start one it should take just as much to stop one.

In order to counter the Super set once attacked you must first know that combos pattern of high/ low hits and you must tap back for each high hit and down for each low hit. Your taps must be well timed and you must be wary of your opponents ability to use one Super Set or another to keep you on your toes. If your opponet goes for the full Super and you parried the entire set you will gain a large frame advantage. If your opponent cuts the combo short because he is being parried you gain a slight frame advantage because of the risk involved with using powerful moves.

The whole thing should flow like the Attack/Counter sequences of the old Kung Fu Flicks of the 70's grin

Think of them as Brutalities done right! They are part of normal game play that can be used at any time and not a "Finisher" It should be MK's version of the Standard super in fighting games only you have way more control and satisfaction in completing them. However if you do finish your opponent with one you should get a flashy Brutality kill!
These should be the only guaranteed string combos on first hit in the game.
09/25/2005 05:08 PM (UTC)
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a>OWG-OVERLORD :Pig Of The Hut: www.pighut.com: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=pighut

09/26/2005 08:59 PM (UTC)
it'd be nice to register your clan/team and when one of your clan members losses it affects your clan. Would make things very interesting. Also did i mention online tag team clan battles...bad ass.

One last thought, I want mk1-4 on one cd with online play. Why the hell would they not do this? Who here wouldn't buy it?

Another thing is that the next sholin monks should have 4 player online system as well as a battle mood simliar to super smash brothers, it sort of turned out that way anyway...it just needs to evolve
09/29/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
Sure this is right thread?
09/30/2005 12:13 AM (UTC)
Mod(s), please close thread at creator's request. I feel with all its mirrored threads and noted ideas, its served its purpose.
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
09/30/2005 03:13 AM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:
Mod(s), please close thread at creator's request. I feel with all its mirrored threads and noted ideas, its served its purpose.


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