KaizuDragon Wrote:

8. Specials – I personally think you guys did a great job with specials for the most part, but a few simply are not fair. The tombstone drop for dairou is ridiculously powerful AND unblockable. That needs to be toned down or removed completely in the next game. The puke is also kind of crazy. I believe you should only be able to do it once per match. Otherwise, very good job on specials..keep up the good work, and just make sure that things are stable and fair. For example, if smoke can do his cloud up close how come Sub-Zero can’t do his ice clone up close? I don’t understand that. It looks as if you were trying to make Sub-Zero fair but totally forgot about making the cloud fair. Make both have the same weakness or make them both have the same strengths..that’s how I see it. Also, make sure specials have properties like I said in part 7.

To add to that, like mentioned somewhere else around this forum, Sub Zero has way less ice moves that he should have (especially when saying he has the medallion). If Kitana is back in the game, hopefully she has a fan toss that is unlimited (like any other projectile) and when it connects it goes back across the screen and carries blood. (Update): If they could even have the fan not stick in them and spin like MK2/U but be thrown at an angle so the fan swoops by and slices them and flies off into the background (differently each time due to a ragdoll engine wink) I like giving simple ideas sometimes..

Has Sindel really lost her powers in the story? No float? No hair moves?

Other than that, get rid of the damn cheap move properties like mentioned..
08/13/2005 06:08 PM (UTC)
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The idea of weapon upgrades kicks ass.

Scorpion could actually use both of the katana blades on his back and his legendary could be all out fire powered katana blades.

Primary: Ninja Sword. His most basic and standard weapon, provides above-average offense and average defense.

Upgrade: Mugai Ryu. Much stronger attacks, and enhances user's agility. Lacks on defense, leaves user more susceptible.

2nd Upgrade: Katana Blades. Using his dual blades, the offense and defense capabilities are enhanced greatly, but renders them far slower.

Legendary: Infernal Blade. Said to be forged from the lowest planes of the Netherrealm, from the orders of Shinnok himself. What more could a vengeful, revenge-seeking wraith ask for? Constantly ablaze, the sword is said to feed off the hatred and animosity of the user, making the sword a powerful tool for Scorpion. What the sword lacks in defense, it more than makes up for with stunning attacks and devastating moves.
08/13/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
KaizuDragon Wrote:

8. Specials – I personally think you guys did a great job with specials for the most part, but a few simply are not fair. The tombstone drop for dairou is ridiculously powerful AND unblockable. That needs to be toned down or removed completely in the next game. The puke is also kind of crazy. I believe you should only be able to do it once per match. Otherwise, very good job on specials..keep up the good work, and just make sure that things are stable and fair. For example, if smoke can do his cloud up close how come Sub-Zero can’t do his ice clone up close? I don’t understand that. It looks as if you were trying to make Sub-Zero fair but totally forgot about making the cloud fair. Make both have the same weakness or make them both have the same strengths..that’s how I see it. Also, make sure specials have properties like I said in part 7.

To add to that, like mentioned somewhere else around this forum, Sub Zero has way less ice moves that he should have (especially when saying he has the medallion). If Kitana is back in the game, hopefully she has a fan toss that is unlimited (like any other projectile) and when it connects it goes back across the screen and carries blood.

Has Sindel really lost her powers in the story? No float? No hair moves?

Other than that, get rid of the damn cheap move properties like mentioned..

Well, Ermac has the float now. wink And yeah, those hair moves were classic in UMK3, it would've been nice to see it make a return. Ah well...
08/13/2005 08:49 PM (UTC)
This is a neat post. I like this post. I have just licked it.
I really like the idea of different weapon upgrades. Awesome stuff.
My idea for finding them is to hide them in Konquest. Make the extremely difficult to find (with the net though, nothing is too difficult anymore). But once you DO find it, the task should be either lengthy or insanely difficult (kinda like getting ultimates in FFX...freakin chocobo race made me throw my controller). Like, one thing could be face scorpion while he does that INSANE percentage of damage (the one in Edenia, remember?). That's my idea for the upgrades. Finding them dificult, then the task is harder yet. For the true hardcore fans.
Take them online? Hmm...I believe so. As long as there is still SOME sort of balance.
But what about upgradable outfits? Maybe some outfits that can help decrease damage a bit, or might help in some other ways?
Also as far as outfits go, yes I would like multiple outfits for each character...but what about simple pallete swaps per multiple as well, just to add a little more diversity? Like they were in MKDA: TE (Yes, I am using Scorpions Flaming Skull outfit, but mine is black this time).
Most of my ideas rely on just about everything but engine, as that is being covered nicely in other posts.
At any rate, here are my ideas.

KONQUEST: Konquest was a dream come true for me. VERY well done. My idea for the next konquest is as follows.
Have multiple realms to explore again (loved Chaos and Nether). Instead of one person doing konquest, each character can have a mini Konquest to do. The realms remain the same, but the missions differ depending on the character you select. This way, it tells that character's story for this next MK up until this point.
There are character specific missions, and there are general missions that anybody can partake in. Character specific missions could include:
A: something as simple as more koins
B: That character's alternate outfits (yes, plural..we do need more..SC and other games have a ton, MK has one).
C: A key to someone's koffin to unlock that character (most likely an ally of theirs).
D: That character's personal weapon upgrades.
E: That character's second fatality, Hari Kari, or other Finisher (see below).
F: Keys to Koffins with Arenas particular to that character in some way. Sub could unlock the Frozen Catacombs. Reptile could unlock his lair from MK4 (wouldn't that be cool?).
There has to be a set end for each character...not just "Ok, I did 15 missions for this guy..I THINK that is all there is..". The story has to conclude with that character so you KNOW, storywise and missionwise, there is nothing more to do with him/her. You are free to move on, unless you want to take that character and do general missions.
By all means, bring the koin search back. I loved running around grabbing all the koins I could find..and racing that jerk Ermac to that one koin in Earthrealm lol fun stuff.

AESTHETICS (graphics and sound)
One of my beefs with the backgrounds in MK is that they are too clean. To me, the backgrounds in MK 1, 2 and 3 have all been a bit dingy, a little on the dark and dull side. While the backgrounds in MKDA and D have been very ornate and fabulous, they are also very ornately CLEAN. A little more dinge and dirt would help enhance the atmosphere. Some of these floors look like they have been polished before the fight.
Sounds: Sounds in MKD have been wonderful. Me, I always missed the little things. In MK2, when it says Fatality, it has that low tone playing as the words bleed on the screen. It also played a low tone when it said "Flawless Victory". Little things like that go a long way.
There also needs to be music of some sorts at the "Continue" screen and the (lack of) "Game Over" screen.
Endings: FMV would be nice, but the endings as we have them are nice now, except that I think the graphics could use a bit of work. If FMV costs too much, and we would have to sacrifice more of the ideas on this thread just to include FMV, then I would say ditch FMV and stay with what we have.
Vs Screen: We need a vs screen of some sorts back. Yeah, the loading pictures are nice to look at, but the vs screens seemed to be a staple of MK up until MKDA. If one is afraid of the vs screens getting old, then interchange the background of the vs screens every now and then.
These are all little things, but like I said, they go a LONG way into making the game look really polished and complete, a wonderful work of gaming art. I am sure I can come up with more.

SECRET CHARACTERS: Of course, I am all for them! However, we also need ones that we just fight, not unlock. Like MK2, some secret characters we see in the background and are like "whoa..who is that, and how do I find them? I wonder..." The method to fight them has to be tough. But, there also has to be a PURPOSE to fight them. Sure, saying you fought super duper noobermacade and won is good bragging rights, but not everyone is in it for the bragging rights. Perhaps fighting and beating them with a certain character could unlock one of that characters outfits or weapon upgrades, or even fatality.

FINISHERS: There do need to be more than two finishers. Sure, finishers are great, but there has to be something more to it, more of a purpose for doing them (can you tell I am hooked on the word "purpose"?). The Hari Karis had a purpose: they deprived the person of a fatality. Now fatalities need a purpose. There could be general fatalities, and something additional I am about to propose. I loved Friendships and Babalities. 1 because they were just...odd...and 2, it took something to sacrifice to pull them off (I cannot remember..wasn't one of them you could not use punches, or block?). I suggest a finisher that humiliates the opponent by having the player have to sacrifice using a button, special moves, or even blocking or an entire fighting style. This just adds a little insult to the game (I beat you without even blocking dude...). This new finisher could be just a flashier fatality, or something humiliating like a Babality, or the character just laughing at your pathetic attempt to face him before kicking you out of their way (maybe that's a little harsh..I can see a lot of people getting ticked over this lol). Just an idea..lets add purpose to the fatalities and finishers, and a little more random bizzareness. Not just funny, goofy stuff..but..bizzare...

ONLINE EXPERIENCE: Have a few things to say about this. First, yes, there should be a penalty, somehow, for pulling. I am not sure if it is possible, but if it is, it should be done.
Patches. If possible, make this game UPGRADABLE, like the arcade games were. Players find bugs faster than ANY play tester can, simply because there are more players and more playtime involved. So when something is found, SUPPORT and FIX it. I've said it a million times, nothing kills a game faster, whether videogame or RPG, than lack of support. This may involve putting the game on a recordable disc or putting it on a console with a harddrive, but I think it would be WELL worth it.
VIEWING MATCHES: There are a lot of matches I would want to see, but the only way to do it is if a person records them. I would like the option to watch matches. If we are trying to recreate and improve the arcade experience, this is a must. At least in the arcade I could watch some matches.
POINTS: This was suggested to me by a dude online (forget his name, as soon as I find out). At the end of the match, points are tallied, much like they are in Super Smash Brothers Melee, in that there are negatives for using the same move over and over, bonuses for quick matches, bonuses for not grabbing, for pulling off a fatality (hey! Another purpose for fatalities!) etc. These points help apply to rank, and I think will make rank a little more legit online.
Different Modes: I would like to see different modes online. Possibilities include:
Tag: This was fun in MKDA:TE and Tekken Tag. Something like that online would be a blast.
MK Trivia: Mentioned above, wonderful idea. Maybe play for rare koins...or just bragging rights.
Two (or more) on one: Players who think they are so good can put their money where their mouths are. I fear this might require an entirely new engine (even new to the one MK7 may have), to incorporate many players at once (might need an overheadish view, or a side-ish view like SSBM or a beat-em-up like Shaolin Monks).

I think that is about it for now. I have left out a LOT of what I would like to see simply because it is just not feasable. The ideas above (at least most of them) I believe are very doable and would help expand the gameplay experience.
08/13/2005 09:07 PM (UTC)
I think it's cool you guys liked his weapon upgrade idea, but I hope you don't ignore the main part of the guide, for the weapon upgrade will go to hell if the foundation isn't solid.

By the way, the idea of the Hado Scytche made me shit myself. That's hot.
08/13/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)
The theme idea is cool too. That was brought up in another thread, and I loved it from the start. But instead of one character having one overall theme, wouldn't it be better to have the characters two fighting styles be different themes instead of one theme per character? That way there is a blatant difference in styles.
There could be a difference between "theme" and "attributes". Themes could include: defense, offense, or basic. Attributes could include: slow but strong, quick but weaker, or all around average. This keeps the characters true to their personal nature, while the styles help enhance that nature (or get in the way if used wrong).
For instance, Hotaru could have a "slow but strong" attribute (he does already). But he could have one defensive stance, and one offensive stance, then the weapon. Themes don't have to be straight "offense" or straight "defense", just that some are stronger in a defense or offense area than others, and then some stances are just well rounded in general. I could see both of Liu Kangs being just well rounded, as well as his attributes.
The MK team is already trying with the attributes, and they are off to a good start. You can see this in a lot of the characters (milleena is supposed to be quick but weaker, Hotaru is slow and strong). But there are characters that need work.
One of the things that made Jade a little overbalanced, in my opinion, was that she was both strong AND quick. That was a little harsh. She should have been toned down either in strength or speed.
08/13/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
I think it's cool you guys liked his weapon upgrade idea, but I hope you don't ignore the main part of the guide, for the weapon upgrade will go to hell if the foundation isn't solid.

By the way, the idea of the Hado Scytche made me shit myself. That's hot.

Lmao, man tongue
08/13/2005 10:53 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
This is a neat post. I like this post. I have just licked it.
I really like the idea of different weapon upgrades. Awesome stuff.
My idea for finding them is to hide them in Konquest. Make the extremely difficult to find (with the net though, nothing is too difficult anymore). But once you DO find it, the task should be either lengthy or insanely difficult (kinda like getting ultimates in FFX...freakin chocobo race made me throw my controller). Like, one thing could be face scorpion while he does that INSANE percentage of damage (the one in Edenia, remember?). That's my idea for the upgrades. Finding them dificult, then the task is harder yet. For the true hardcore fans.
Take them online? Hmm...I believe so. As long as there is still SOME sort of balance.
But what about upgradable outfits? Maybe some outfits that can help decrease damage a bit, or might help in some other ways?
Also as far as outfits go, yes I would like multiple outfits for each character...but what about simple pallete swaps per multiple as well, just to add a little more diversity? Like they were in MKDA: TE (Yes, I am using Scorpions Flaming Skull outfit, but mine is black this time).
Most of my ideas rely on just about everything but engine, as that is being covered nicely in other posts.
At any rate, here are my ideas.

KONQUEST: Konquest was a dream come true for me. VERY well done. My idea for the next konquest is as follows.
Have multiple realms to explore again (loved Chaos and Nether). Instead of one person doing konquest, each character can have a mini Konquest to do. The realms remain the same, but the missions differ depending on the character you select. This way, it tells that character's story for this next MK up until this point.
There are character specific missions, and there are general missions that anybody can partake in. Character specific missions could include:
A: something as simple as more koins
B: That character's alternate outfits (yes, plural..we do need more..SC and other games have a ton, MK has one).
C: A key to someone's koffin to unlock that character (most likely an ally of theirs).
D: That character's personal weapon upgrades.
E: That character's second fatality, Hari Kari, or other Finisher (see below).
F: Keys to Koffins with Arenas particular to that character in some way. Sub could unlock the Frozen Catacombs. Reptile could unlock his lair from MK4 (wouldn't that be cool?).
There has to be a set end for each character...not just "Ok, I did 15 missions for this guy..I THINK that is all there is..". The story has to conclude with that character so you KNOW, storywise and missionwise, there is nothing more to do with him/her. You are free to move on, unless you want to take that character and do general missions.
By all means, bring the koin search back. I loved running around grabbing all the koins I could find..and racing that jerk Ermac to that one koin in Earthrealm lol fun stuff.

AESTHETICS (graphics and sound)
One of my beefs with the backgrounds in MK is that they are too clean. To me, the backgrounds in MK 1, 2 and 3 have all been a bit dingy, a little on the dark and dull side. While the backgrounds in MKDA and D have been very ornate and fabulous, they are also very ornately CLEAN. A little more dinge and dirt would help enhance the atmosphere. Some of these floors look like they have been polished before the fight.
Sounds: Sounds in MKD have been wonderful. Me, I always missed the little things. In MK2, when it says Fatality, it has that low tone playing as the words bleed on the screen. It also played a low tone when it said "Flawless Victory". Little things like that go a long way.
There also needs to be music of some sorts at the "Continue" screen and the (lack of) "Game Over" screen.
Endings: FMV would be nice, but the endings as we have them are nice now, except that I think the graphics could use a bit of work. If FMV costs too much, and we would have to sacrifice more of the ideas on this thread just to include FMV, then I would say ditch FMV and stay with what we have.
Vs Screen: We need a vs screen of some sorts back. Yeah, the loading pictures are nice to look at, but the vs screens seemed to be a staple of MK up until MKDA. If one is afraid of the vs screens getting old, then interchange the background of the vs screens every now and then.
These are all little things, but like I said, they go a LONG way into making the game look really polished and complete, a wonderful work of gaming art. I am sure I can come up with more.

SECRET CHARACTERS: Of course, I am all for them! However, we also need ones that we just fight, not unlock. Like MK2, some secret characters we see in the background and are like "whoa..who is that, and how do I find them? I wonder..." The method to fight them has to be tough. But, there also has to be a PURPOSE to fight them. Sure, saying you fought super duper noobermacade and won is good bragging rights, but not everyone is in it for the bragging rights. Perhaps fighting and beating them with a certain character could unlock one of that characters outfits or weapon upgrades, or even fatality.

FINISHERS: There do need to be more than two finishers. Sure, finishers are great, but there has to be something more to it, more of a purpose for doing them (can you tell I am hooked on the word "purpose"?). The Hari Karis had a purpose: they deprived the person of a fatality. Now fatalities need a purpose. There could be general fatalities, and something additional I am about to propose. I loved Friendships and Babalities. 1 because they were just...odd...and 2, it took something to sacrifice to pull them off (I cannot remember..wasn't one of them you could not use punches, or block?). I suggest a finisher that humiliates the opponent by having the player have to sacrifice using a button, special moves, or even blocking or an entire fighting style. This just adds a little insult to the game (I beat you without even blocking dude...). This new finisher could be just a flashier fatality, or something humiliating like a Babality, or the character just laughing at your pathetic attempt to face him before kicking you out of their way (maybe that's a little harsh..I can see a lot of people getting ticked over this lol). Just an idea..lets add purpose to the fatalities and finishers, and a little more random bizzareness. Not just funny, goofy stuff..but..bizzare...

ONLINE EXPERIENCE: Have a few things to say about this. First, yes, there should be a penalty, somehow, for pulling. I am not sure if it is possible, but if it is, it should be done.
Patches. If possible, make this game UPGRADABLE, like the arcade games were. Players find bugs faster than ANY play tester can, simply because there are more players and more playtime involved. So when something is found, SUPPORT and FIX it. I've said it a million times, nothing kills a game faster, whether videogame or RPG, than lack of support. This may involve putting the game on a recordable disc or putting it on a console with a harddrive, but I think it would be WELL worth it.
VIEWING MATCHES: There are a lot of matches I would want to see, but the only way to do it is if a person records them. I would like the option to watch matches. If we are trying to recreate and improve the arcade experience, this is a must. At least in the arcade I could watch some matches.
POINTS: This was suggested to me by a dude online (forget his name, as soon as I find out). At the end of the match, points are tallied, much like they are in Super Smash Brothers Melee, in that there are negatives for using the same move over and over, bonuses for quick matches, bonuses for not grabbing, for pulling off a fatality (hey! Another purpose for fatalities!) etc. These points help apply to rank, and I think will make rank a little more legit online.
Different Modes: I would like to see different modes online. Possibilities include:
Tag: This was fun in MKDA:TE and Tekken Tag. Something like that online would be a blast.
MK Trivia: Mentioned above, wonderful idea. Maybe play for rare koins...or just bragging rights.
Two (or more) on one: Players who think they are so good can put their money where their mouths are. I fear this might require an entirely new engine (even new to the one MK7 may have), to incorporate many players at once (might need an overheadish view, or a side-ish view like SSBM or a beat-em-up like Shaolin Monks).

I think that is about it for now. I have left out a LOT of what I would like to see simply because it is just not feasable. The ideas above (at least most of them) I believe are very doable and would help expand the gameplay experience.

Going to address it as ideas come to mind.

Yeah, the weapons would be hard to get, all right. But it wouldn't be some "massive obstacle", but it would take a good amount of time to get it, and a lot of skill.......like playing Very Hard mode with no losses 100 times or something............something that takes skill and time, not some almost impossible-to-beat thing.

Upgradable outfits? Could you go into further detail? Would they be upgrading from cloth to armor, or getting add-ons like "agility boots", ?? Not sure if I agree with that, reminds me of something like "Scorpion's super-mode" or something silly like that.

Yeah, they could jam all of that into Konquest instead......it would give me more of a reason to play it, rather than unlocking Ermac's alternate. tongue

Finishers.........I've never liked that word, let's stick to fatalities, Lmao. I addressed this in another thread, my personal opinion is that two fatalities per character is already more than enough. Yeah, the MK Team might be able to do 100 fatalities, but I'll bet you that the majority of them will lack in genuine originality. If you don't believe me on that.........try and come up with that many fatalities, and still maintain a decent level of originality. wow

A little more dirt? Let's see the perspiration on their foreheads also? These are current-gen consoles we're talking about, I don't think they could have went into better detail with that. But I see what you're saying, you want the arenas to have "more rugged terrain", as opposed to "flat, mopped, and polished" surfaces.

The soundtrack of MK D was nice, I liked the music better than any game (UMK3 comes in close, too). A lot of songs carried that "dark ambience" like the Dead Pool, the Dragon King fight song, etc. Probably one of my top picks is that Slaughterhouse Jive......one of the best. grin It all came together nicely.

When you win and get a "Flawless Victory", I think they should have more emphasis on it rather than a quick "Flawless Victory" and then an even faster "Round 2, Fight!" You beat your opponent without taking a hit, you need a little more acknowledgement than that. glasses

I've always liked secret characters. I have the GC version (I'm an Xbox man, thank you) of Deception, and one of its major downsides is that many more characters are already unlocked. I like something to aim for when I'm playing, I like unlockable. Super-unlockables are okay, but only for certain things, like those weapon and costume upgrades, etc.

As for online play, this sums it all up: fix the glitches.

Yeah, the option to record matches would be rather nice.....bragging rights, with no dispute. There'd be a lot of arguement and rubbish it would stir up, but all the better. tongue

Yeah, I REALLY like the concept of tag-teaming, that two on one, or even three on one. Would make for VERY nice bragging rights. grin

I've already addressed in previous posts where I stand on most of your other points.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

08/14/2005 06:52 AM (UTC)
That was an excellent read. I'd have to say, Kaizu, that was the best post (or series of posts as it is smile) I've seen in a while. Good stuff, good sticky, good all around.
08/14/2005 01:35 PM (UTC)
Means a lot coming from you, man. Thanx. smile
08/14/2005 02:49 PM (UTC)
Upgradable outfits were just some ideas that I was tossing around. But the more I think about it, the more it unbalances gameplay. Some options I had were:
1. Character takes less damage. Could really unbalance gameplay.
2. Unlocks a unique special move. So I have to get this costume to unlock Scorpion's ground flame? No thanks.
Eh, scratch the idea. All sounds complicated and lame.

I wasn't saying I wanted more detail in the graphics. They did an awesome job. What I DID write is that a little more dinge wouldn't hurt..perhaps dulling the colors a little bit in the backgrounds. Everything in the arenas just seems too "clean".

Fixing the bugs in Online isn't just the only thing that needs done. As I said before, upgrades and patches must be applied if this game is going to continue on as a success. I am not sure how...either put the game on a writable disk, use a systems hardrive, or memory card. Either way, this needs done.

As for fatalities, I don't want 100 either. I just want more of a purpose to doing them. Sure, seeing them the first few times is cool, but other than that, what's the point? A lot of other players online feel this way too. Now, if you make it so I had one particular finisher that I could pull off, while at the same time having to sacrifice something during the match to do it, then there is a little more purpose to it.
While we are on topic of weapons and more fatalities, it wouldn't be hard to put in at least one weapon fatality per-character.. or they could go all out, and instead of using that space for "chess" or "puzzle kombat" type kontent they could have the 3 weapon upgrades, each having it's own fatality. You know, there is nothing wrong with having some very simple fatalities as well instead of elaborate ones all the time. Most standard weapons could just lop a head off, stab a gut, cut the arms off.. easy stuff!

I think if they made konquest a little smaller in terms of ground to cover, more smaller villages and interacting with different "test your might" type games would be great for konquest instead of that huge aimless area of space that simply took up memory. Even though I'm really against Konquest and such, they could just make a huge fighting game. With a krypt that allows you to use points earned in arcade and versus and even online.

And it would do incredibly well.
08/14/2005 03:20 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Upgradable outfits were just some ideas that I was tossing around. But the more I think about it, the more it unbalances gameplay. Some options I had were:
1. Character takes less damage. Could really unbalance gameplay.
2. Unlocks a unique special move. So I have to get this costume to unlock Scorpion's ground flame? No thanks.
Eh, scratch the idea. All sounds complicated and lame.

I wasn't saying I wanted more detail in the graphics. They did an awesome job. What I DID write is that a little more dinge wouldn't hurt..perhaps dulling the colors a little bit in the backgrounds. Everything in the arenas just seems too "clean".

Fixing the bugs in Online isn't just the only thing that needs done. As I said before, upgrades and patches must be applied if this game is going to continue on as a success. I am not sure how...either put the game on a writable disk, use a systems hardrive, or memory card. Either way, this needs done.

As for fatalities, I don't want 100 either. I just want more of a purpose to doing them. Sure, seeing them the first few times is cool, but other than that, what's the point? A lot of other players online feel this way too. Now, if you make it so I had one particular finisher that I could pull off, while at the same time having to sacrifice something during the match to do it, then there is a little more purpose to it.

I get you. Fatalities are cool to watch, but there really is no incentive for you to use them, other than that 'thing to watch.' They look cool.....but if we had more of a reason to use them, right?

WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
While we are on topic of weapons and more fatalities, it wouldn't be hard to put in at least one weapon fatality per-character.. or they could go all out, and instead of using that space for "chess" or "puzzle kombat" type kontent they could have the 3 weapon upgrades, each having it's own fatality. You know, there is nothing wrong with having some very simple fatalities as well instead of elaborate ones all the time. Most standard weapons could just lop a head off, stab a gut, cut the arms off.. easy stuff!

I think if they made konquest a little smaller in terms of ground to cover, more smaller villages and interacting with different "test your might" type games would be great for konquest instead of that huge aimless area of space that simply took up memory. Even though I'm really against Konquest and such, they could just make a huge fighting game. With a krypt that allows you to use points earned in arcade and versus and even online.

And it would do incredibly well.

I actually liked the Chess and Puzzle aspects, but I'd forsake them anyday in the name of better kombat. It was nice for MK diehards like me and cool for Deception, but Mortal Kombat is a fighting genre game......let's stick to that.

Konquest was a good concept, but I didn't find it "interactive." Sure, you had to find shit and practice your skills on occasion, but it lacked any sort of interactive feel. There needs to be more of a reason to use Konquest; like you said, it could contain weapons upgrades and etc.

I would say to totally scrap Konquest, but it gives you a legit place to get alt costumes and etc, as opposed to the Krypt. Needs more work, though......more interaction. If you're going to make an adventure game, make one, and don't leave it half-assed, or go ahead and use that space for a better fighting game.
08/14/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
I don't really mind the adventure/training aspect to be a little below par grahpically and voicewise IF the correct elements are there.
1. Using Konquest as the training mode it was meant to be. Konquest NEEDS to be done with each character this time, not just one character morphing into the others. This way, you can train with that character (basics or advanced) anytime you want, instead of having to plod through half the story just to get to Mileena training.
2. More training missions. There weren't nearly enough of these. Training missions where you can pick a character, go out into the MK Realms, and find some good fights to train with. You could either practice your basics, or go out and try to conquer the more insane ones (double flawless in under 20 seconds each round lol). You still have to know where to go to find these fights..keep some of the exploration and location aspect in the mode.
3. Been said already, but make the unlockables worth unlocking. We need more items that enhance the game itself.

Like I said, I loved it, but I can see why some were disappointed in it, because it is the same reasons why I was a little let down.

Fatalities: Yep, you got it. I am pretty much all about purpose when it comes to games. The more purpose an extra feature has in a game, the more the players are going to want to keep on playing it until they get that extra. If the purpose of doing a fatality is just for some graphical gore..well..great..but how does that enhance my actual gameplay experience?
About as much as unlocking a developer photo lol
Now alternate outfits are just graphical upgrades, true, but more than that they prove that you really had to accomplish something, maybe something really hard, to get them. You could almost hear it now...two people playing online and one person busts out Reptile with his Ninja outfit..and the other person on the mic yells "How the @$@ did you get that costume..I've been trying for weeks to beat that mission!!"
Just things like that.
08/14/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
I don't really mind the adventure/training aspect to be a little below par grahpically and voicewise IF the correct elements are there.
1. Using Konquest as the training mode it was meant to be. Konquest NEEDS to be done with each character this time, not just one character morphing into the others. This way, you can train with that character (basics or advanced) anytime you want, instead of having to plod through half the story just to get to Mileena training.
2. More training missions. There weren't nearly enough of these. Training missions where you can pick a character, go out into the MK Realms, and find some good fights to train with. You could either practice your basics, or go out and try to conquer the more insane ones (double flawless in under 20 seconds each round lol). You still have to know where to go to find these fights..keep some of the exploration and location aspect in the mode.
3. Been said already, but make the unlockables worth unlocking. We need more items that enhance the game itself.

Like I said, I loved it, but I can see why some were disappointed in it, because it is the same reasons why I was a little let down.

Fatalities: Yep, you got it. I am pretty much all about purpose when it comes to games. The more purpose an extra feature has in a game, the more the players are going to want to keep on playing it until they get that extra. If the purpose of doing a fatality is just for some graphical gore..well..great..but how does that enhance my actual gameplay experience?
About as much as unlocking a developer photo lol
Now alternate outfits are just graphical upgrades, true, but more than that they prove that you really had to accomplish something, maybe something really hard, to get them. You could almost hear it now...two people playing online and one person busts out Reptile with his Ninja outfit..and the other person on the mic yells "How the @$@ did you get that costume..I've been trying for weeks to beat that mission!!"
Just things like that.

Brilliantly said.

Purpose gives meaning, meaning gives a reason to play, and a reason to play enhances the gameplay itself, and enhanced gameplay makes for a great game. So.....purpose makes for a better game. tongue

Do you feel the same way about death traps, though?

08/14/2005 06:27 PM (UTC)
Deathtraps: I am a bit uncertain about deathtraps, which is why I usually avoid the topic lol.
I see Deathtraps as "ring outs MK style". They are basically graphic enhancements to Ring Outs just to give MK its flavor. They serve an aesthetic purpose that helps enhance the MK universe, and leaves one more thing to watch out for in the arena..a bit of positioning strategy.
But after MKD, I am a bit against them for a few reasons. In a game like MK with its special moves that can stun an opponent (scorpions spear, subs freeze, etc), it is MUCH easier to abuse ring outs than it is in other fighting games. Another thing is that the programming for these traps seems a little..weird. There are many times I would be right next to a dt and an opponent would hit me with a hard hit, and I would not go in. Or, I would hit an opponent in when he was facing it sideways...in all respects, the opponent should NOT have hit the trap. I hit him almost AWAY from the trap, not into it. The other problem would be an opponent would be hit into a deathtrap when they were nowhere NEAR it. They were WELL outside of the death zone, and somehow I hit them once and they go flying (literally lol) into it. At the moment, they are just WAY too unpredictable.
All of the above statements can be fixed with a better engine and better programming. If those things were fixed, then I do not mind the "ring outs MK style".
I would, however, rather have the "button combination" stage fatalities of old back...but with these large 3d environments, I am not sure if that would be feasable. I guess the condition for pulling one off would be correct positioning: You would have to be right next to a danger zone in order to pull it off. Although I can see stage fatals where you knock opponents into ceiling spikes or through a weak floor (which I think was intended for the Dragonfly in MKDA..you can see the ground underneath the little leather covering on the ship..I think they had that in mind. They also apparantly had that in mind for the Glass Artifact Chamber and the Ice Caves that were never made). Those I can see with very little positioning required.
08/14/2005 10:56 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Deathtraps: I am a bit uncertain about deathtraps, which is why I usually avoid the topic lol.
I see Deathtraps as "ring outs MK style". They are basically graphic enhancements to Ring Outs just to give MK its flavor. They serve an aesthetic purpose that helps enhance the MK universe, and leaves one more thing to watch out for in the arena..a bit of positioning strategy.
But after MKD, I am a bit against them for a few reasons. In a game like MK with its special moves that can stun an opponent (scorpions spear, subs freeze, etc), it is MUCH easier to abuse ring outs than it is in other fighting games. Another thing is that the programming for these traps seems a little..weird. There are many times I would be right next to a dt and an opponent would hit me with a hard hit, and I would not go in. Or, I would hit an opponent in when he was facing it sideways...in all respects, the opponent should NOT have hit the trap. I hit him almost AWAY from the trap, not into it. The other problem would be an opponent would be hit into a deathtrap when they were nowhere NEAR it. They were WELL outside of the death zone, and somehow I hit them once and they go flying (literally lol) into it. At the moment, they are just WAY too unpredictable.
All of the above statements can be fixed with a better engine and better programming. If those things were fixed, then I do not mind the "ring outs MK style".
I would, however, rather have the "button combination" stage fatalities of old back...but with these large 3d environments, I am not sure if that would be feasable. I guess the condition for pulling one off would be correct positioning: You would have to be right next to a danger zone in order to pull it off. Although I can see stage fatals where you knock opponents into ceiling spikes or through a weak floor (which I think was intended for the Dragonfly in MKDA..you can see the ground underneath the little leather covering on the ship..I think they had that in mind. They also apparantly had that in mind for the Glass Artifact Chamber and the Ice Caves that were never made). Those I can see with very little positioning required.

I like how you put it, "ring-outs, MK style". Give them some justification for using them now, rofl.

There were a lot of nice MK DA stages such as Dragonfly and Palace Grounds that I would've liked to have come back.

There's one in particular I didn't like, Quan Chi's Fortress. Those glass windows on the ground...... it should've been able to make someone fall through those and into that laser grid below, would've been a bit more creative.
I don't mind the death traps, as long as it's not too easy to knock someone in to them.

Like how the ring out work in SC2. You need to use a powerful attack or a juggle to knock someone out.

I’m MK I think that launchers should be able to knock some one in to a death trap. On the ground or during a juggle.

Something like a Jab should not be able to knock someone in to a death trap.

It would also make more sense if you could only do it on the opponent's final round.
08/15/2005 03:04 AM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:

There were a lot of nice MK DA stages such as Dragonfly and Palace Grounds that I would've liked to have come back.

Imagine how cool the death traps coud be on the Dragonfly, Drum Arena (could be Pit 2 style), Acid Bath, Lung Hai Temple (the concept art dragon), Lava Shrine, Shang Tsung's Palace (the soulnado) etc.

So many possibilities from so many good stages...
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

08/15/2005 04:59 PM (UTC)
Here is my idea on how Death Traps should be on Mortal Kombat 7.

NOTE Some deathtraps will be unescapable. An example of an unescapable deathtrap is the kuatan palace's deathtrap, which you fall into a pool of lava. There is no possible or logical way of escaping that.


-This is what happens to you if you have 60% or more health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

Your character should automatically save themself from what ever deathtrap they may be threatened by in whatever way you possibly can without even having to pressing any buttons. For instence: If you are playing on the pit arena and get hit while your bar thing is yellow, you will fall off the platform and grab on to it saving yourself from a fatal drop to death and pulling yourself back up.

-This is what happens to you if you have 59% to 25% of health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

Now you will have to struggle to save yourself from the deathtrap by either tapping a certain button really fast or using some other useful method that may be used. For instence: if you are playing on the hells foundary arena and get hit while your bar is yellow, you will be knocked onto the hot orange metal. If you tap fast enough you will be able to crawl out of there avoiding being smashed into ashes but if you do not press it fast enough you will be smashed into ash.

-This is what happens to you if you have less than 25% health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

You will be too weak to save yourself from it and end up dying just like the way you do in MKD (Die instantly). For instence: if you are playing in the pit arena and get hit while your bar is yellow, you will fall off onto the spikes.

Like in MKD, there will be many arenas and about 70% of the arenas on the game should have deathtraps. Some deathtraps would be escapable and others wouldn't be escapable. Arenas like the pit, dark prison, nexus, golden desert, sky temple, etc, would be escapable in one way or another but arenas like kuatan palace, dead pool, slaughter house, etc would not be escapable because of obvious reasons.

I think that they tryed to use a something like this on the Dragon temple arena because whenever you get hit while your bar is yellow you sometimes will stagger on the edge but not quite fall into the spike and other times you will immediately be sent flying on to a spike.

Those are my ideas for now. glasses
08/15/2005 05:35 PM (UTC)
this things amazing guys!!!! i hvae some really cool ideas myself, like adding rpg elements in konquest, where u get experience points and level up and have the ability to learn those styles you want. i might give a list of all my ideas later but im somewhat in a hurry. but whats really important is, that someone has to post this stuff to midway. i reckon if they read this, they might wake up
08/15/2005 11:34 PM (UTC)
another thing that would be great, the torn clothing effect that after beating them a ouple of times their clothes rip, adn that means girls get to wear more clothing now and lose a lot if u know what im saying.

another thing would be, dont overuse blood! it dosent look so brtual if ppl are loosing 400 gallaons of blood, it just looks too fake. instead put less in, that makes it seem more realistic and then i dont have to put my blood ption down to medium. less is more. whixh brings me to somthing else, u get stained with blood to make it look more realistic, when wearing all white for instance, and one loses a lot of bblood, the entire clothing would be stained red of blood

more secrets, if something mk fans love, its secrets, thats what mk is all about, and ass your so called SUs next time.

create your own kombatant like sc is doing now.

super interactive backgrounds, like fighting in a battle between the shotokans and humans, and u will be in the middle of a huge battle, and with the power of next gen consoles that will be possible

stop adding new characters and just bring back the old ones

thats all for now....
08/16/2005 11:50 AM (UTC)
krsx66 Wrote:
KaizuDragon Wrote:

There were a lot of nice MK DA stages such as Dragonfly and Palace Grounds that I would've liked to have come back.

Imagine how cool the death traps coud be on the Dragonfly, Drum Arena (could be Pit 2 style), Acid Bath, Lung Hai Temple (the concept art dragon), Lava Shrine, Shang Tsung's Palace (the soulnado) etc.

So many possibilities from so many good stages...

Yeah, MK DA did have a lot of opportunities. I don't know if they'll scrap the Death Trap concept, but if they don't, those would be nice stages to revamp.
08/16/2005 11:56 AM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
Here is my idea on how Death Traps should be on Mortal Kombat 7.

NOTESome deathtraps will be unescapable. An example of an unescapable deathtrap is the kuatan palace's deathtrap, which you fall into a pool of lava. There is no possible or logical way of escaping that.


-This is what happens to you if you have 60% or more health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

Your character should automatically save themself from what ever deathtrap they may be threatened by in whatever way you possibly can without even having to pressing any buttons. For instence: If you are playing on the pit arena and get hit while your bar thing is yellow, you will fall off the platform and grab on to it saving yourself from a fatal drop to death and pulling yourself back up.

-This is what happens to you if you have 59% to 25% of health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

Now you will have to struggle to save yourself from the deathtrap by either tapping a certain button really fast or using some other useful method that may be used. For instence: if you are playing on the hells foundary arena and get hit while your bar is yellow, you will be knocked onto the hot orange metal. If you tap fast enough you will be able to crawl out of there avoiding being smashed into ashes but if you do not press it fast enough you will be smashed into ash.

-This is what happens to you if you have less than 25% health left when you get hit into a deathtrap.

You will be too weak to save yourself from it and end up dying just like the way you do in MKD (Die instantly). For instence: if you are playing in the pit arena and get hit while your bar is yellow, you will fall off onto the spikes.

Like in MKD, there will be many arenas and about 70% of the arenas on the game should have deathtraps. Some deathtraps would be escapable and others wouldn't be escapable. Arenas like the pit, dark prison, nexus, golden desert, sky temple, etc, would be escapable in one way or another but arenas like kuatan palace, dead pool, slaughter house, etc would not be escapable because of obvious reasons.

I think that they tryed to use a something like this on the Dragon temple arena because whenever you get hit while your bar is yellow you sometimes will stagger on the edge but not quite fall into the spike and other times you will immediately be sent flying on to a spike.

Those are my ideas for now. glasses

It makes more sense, having the escapable and non-escapeable traps.

Being able to come back with higher health is much better, it makes more sense than having full health and being knocked down to or into a trap. That might help to get rid of some of the trap glitches, too.

With the Dragon King stage, when we're at the edge, its hard to send my opponent flying, but when he's facing directly in front of it, he goes into the spikes.
08/16/2005 12:08 PM (UTC)
Boomstick Wrote:
another thing that would be great, the torn clothing effect that after beating them a ouple of times their clothes rip, adn that means girls get to wear more clothing now and lose a lot if u know what im saying.

another thing would be, dont overuse blood! it dosent look so brtual if ppl are loosing 400 gallaons of blood, it just looks too fake. instead put less in, that makes it seem more realistic and then i dont have to put my blood ption down to medium. less is more.
whixh brings me to somthing else, u get stained with blood to make it look more realistic, when wearing all white for instance, and one loses a lot of bblood, the entire clothing would be stained red of blood

more secrets, if something mk fans love, its secrets, thats what mk is all about, and ass your so called SUs next time.

create your own kombatant like sc is doing now.

super interactive backgrounds, like fighting in a battle between the shotokans and humans, and u will be in the middle of a huge battle, and with the power of next gen consoles that will be possible

stop adding new characters and just bring back the old ones

thats all for now....

I like the torn clothing effect, for many unspecified reasons. glasses But the main one being that it would provide a better substitute to the 1,000 gallons of blood. I'm a big fan of blood in a game, but we all know the human body holds only so much, so it starts to get a little silly after awhile.

Your super-interactive concept sounds all right, but I don't think it would work in MK. Kombat has been strictly a 2-person match for eons, let's keep it that way, and save that type of stuff for a game like MK SM.

I've heard that Create-a-character many times. I personally don't like it. Why? Well, if you can create your own character, then EVERYONE would do that, and give them the best of everything, which would compromise the game's entire character roster, and render them pointless. Save that for the wrestling games.

And yes, I also agree with bring back the classics. There are a few notable new characters that could return, i.e. Kenshi, Hotaru, Havik, etc. But for the most part, I'd like to see them revamp most of the classic characters, and bring them back, i.e. Sektor, human Smoke, Fujin, etc.
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