MK10s Top 12 character wishlist
posted08/05/2013 07:30 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
What's your top character wishlist? Those from MK4-MKD?

1. Kai
2. Reiko
3. Fujin
4. Tanya
5. Li Mei
6. Bo'Rai Cho
7. Ashrah
8. Hotaru
9. Dairou
10. Havik
11. Mavado
12. Drahmin
04/06/2013 06:41 PM (UTC)
That includes the top 12 of returning characters

1. Scorpion
2. Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang)
3. Liu Kang
4. Kitana
5. Smoke
6. Jade
7. Reptile
8. Rain
9. Skarlet
10. Kenshi
11. Sektor
12. Cyrax
04/06/2013 09:29 PM (UTC)
Sheeva (with a new design that i made)
04/07/2013 12:58 AM (UTC)
1. Kung Lao
2. Kano
3. Motaro (With all 4 legs, of course!)
5. Sub-Zero
6. Tremor...
7. Noob Saibot
8. Raiden
9. Shujinko (but redone!)
10. Onaga
11. SHAMOUS (or Quan Chi. I'm fine with either.)
And the biggest surprise yet, my #12...

Injustice Superman! Superman now is not afraid to kill people in Injustice and can use actual Fatalities. I would be able to nerd out about this, and it would tie in with one of my newest favorite game series, as well as give me a great new character to master and a new punching bag. Yes, I actually do want Superman in MK10, as stupid as it sounds.

Honestly, I would love MKvDCU2, but we know that's impossible. (Yeah, Mick, I actually want it!)
About Me
New sig on the way
04/07/2013 01:24 AM (UTC)
Li Mei. If I get no one else, I'm happy.
04/07/2013 01:54 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

In no particular order.
04/08/2013 09:08 AM (UTC)
This thread will be moved to the "Future MK Games" section, just letting you know.
04/08/2013 06:48 PM (UTC)
1. Mileena
2. Sheeva
3. Sindel
4. Rain
5. Tanya

I could take or leave the rest.
Getting Shinnok out of the way....

1. Fujin
2. Tanya
3. Kai
4. Bo' Rai Cho
5. Khameleon
6. Dairou
7. Drahmin
8. Sareena
9. Ashrah
10. Havik
11. Hotaru
12. Motaro

About Me

-sig by MINION

04/09/2013 05:27 AM (UTC)
Li Mei

That's it.
04/09/2013 11:24 AM (UTC)
01. Fujin
02. Reiko
03. Shinnok
04. Quan Chi
05. Kenshi
06. Kai
07. Tanya
08. Nitara
09. Ashrah
10. Havik
11. Hotaru
12. Mavado
04/09/2013 11:57 AM (UTC)
Bo rai Cho
Li Mei

About Me

big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

04/09/2013 07:21 PM (UTC)
7.hotaru mei rai cho
04/10/2013 12:22 AM (UTC)
1. Hotaru
2. Onaga
3. Rain
4. Shao Kahn
5. Reptile
6. Noob Saibot
7. Skarlet
8. Shujinko
9. Havik
10. Drahmin
11. Moloch
12. Shang Tsung
04/10/2013 10:40 PM (UTC)
7.Li Mei
8.Bo Rai Cho

3.Liu Kang (Battle scarred)
5.undead Kitana
6.undead Sindel
8.both Sub-Zeroes(one undead, one revived by soulnado)
9.Ermac (king Jerrod in control)
12.undead Nightwolf (werewolf animality)
04/16/2013 10:21 PM (UTC)
Top 12 New:
*Shinnok will appear both playable & final boss
1. Fujin
2. Kai
3. Tanya
4. Li Mei
5. Ashrah
6. Dairou
7. Mavado
8. Reiko
9. Sareena
10. Havik
11. Hotaru
12. Bo'Rai Cho

Top 12 Returning:
* We all know Scorpion, J. Cage, Sonya, Raiden & Quan Chi will return. Especially the DLCs: Skarlet, Rain & Kenshi
1. Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang)
2. Smoke
3. Jade
4. Liu Kang (Scarred)
5. Noob Saibot (Bi-Han)
6. Ermac (King Jerrod)
7. Kitana
8. Mileena
9. Baraka
10. Cyrax
11. Sektor
12. Reptile
04/24/2013 08:57 PM (UTC)
1. TANYA!!!
2. Kenshi
3. Li Mei
4. Johnny Cage
5. Kung Lao (not sure how they'd get him in)
6. Reiko
7. Rain
8. Sonya
9. Mavado
10. Kai
11. Nightwolf (same problem as Kung Lao)
12. Fujin
04/24/2013 10:47 PM (UTC)
1. Tanya
2. Bo' Rai Cho
3. Kai
4. Fujin
5. Frost
6. Li Mei
7. Sareena
8. Havik
9. Meat
10. Mavado
11. Dairou (only with Darrius)
12. Darrius (only with Dairou)

1. Quan Chi
2. Mileena
3. Baraka
4. Reptile
5. Goro
6. Sheeva
7. Skarlet
8. Rain
9. Ermac
10. Sub-Zero (Screw death!)
11. Kitana (Screw death!)
12. Johnny Cage
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/09/2013 05:32 AM (UTC)
1. Fujin
2. Kai
3. Tanya
4. Li Mei
5. Ashrah
6. Dairou
7. Nitara
8. Reiko
9. Sareena
10. Havik
11. Hotaru
12. Bo'Rai Cho

Shinock as an Unlockable Boss
05/11/2013 08:56 PM (UTC)
1. Scorpion
2. Mileena
3. Nitara
4. Frost
5. Tanya
6. Kai
7. Fugin
8. Kitana
9. Shinnok confused
10. Reiko
11. Drahmin
12. Montaro ( with four legs!!! )

Not sure if the list should have included people who would be making a re-appearance. So I added a few who would. tongue
05/31/2013 01:04 PM (UTC)

li mei
bo rai cho


sub zero
noob saibot
johnny cage

05/31/2013 05:55 PM (UTC)
I'm going with who I think has potential to be cool seeing as how NRS with previous games redeemed a number of fighters who I previously deemed kind of crappy. (Nightwolf and Stryker come to mind as becoming a lot cooler in MK9. I'm also going to ignore Quan Chi, Skarlet and Kenshi since they already were in MK9 and thus will almost certainly be in the sequel. Shinnok is also a given at this point so listing him is kind of redundant.

1. Darrius

I never got the hate for this guy. He's the pure anarchist to oppose Hotaru who may have a point when it comes to creating a better world but his methods honestly are so abhorrent that there's no way that you can actually side with him. He's a true extremist who can be a very effective villain in the right hands.

2. Tanya

Tanya is that type of scheming, manipulative villain who plots from behind the scenes that makes her the kind of character that you love to hate. That and she's has the potential to fit into the newer MK engine very well with a playstyle that has the potential to be highly technical.

3. Havik

Havik is completely nuts. He's insane and he's amusing in his own nonsensical way. That and his fatality where he eats a guy's arms like a Subway sandwhich was actually pretty funny. Havik need to reappear if for the sake of comic relief only.

4. Li Mei

Li Mei is one character who really needs more love. Or to put it lightly, she never really got the chance to shine despite a number of solid gameplay ideas. She has the right moves to stand out on her own while also having some mad juggle potential. She needs to be in MK10 since I could plan for some really sick combos with her.

5. Nitara

Nitara is another fighter who had a solid concept behind her but sadly lacked support from NRS. Projectiles which drain her health mixed in with a throw that leaches health is a unique concept that makes her stand out from the rest of the cast. That and she doesn't sparkle which already adds to her cool factor.

6. Mavado

Mavado has his grappling hooks that make him able to play with space in a really cool way. In the right hands, he has the potential to have a crazy poking game who'd exploit the limitations of a 2D fighter as gameplay features. Being able to hang from the ceiling, triangle jump, etc are all things that I can see Mavado do well. He needs more love.

7. Reiko

As somebody who could fill the void left by the death of Shao Kahn while also having a fast and agile fighting style. Reiko has potential to be really, really cool if given the chance. That and him having a woman's name but still being the new evil emperor of Outworld makes him the Jayne Cobb of the MK-verse.

8. Kai

Kai has a certain cool factor to him that was sadly never allowed to flourish. he was always just a background character. That and his moves were never suited to a 3D environment. He has the potential to be cool but he needs to be given a chance by NRS.

9. Hotaru

A small bit of a redesign to make his suit a bit more high tech would go a long way to making Hotaru cool. He has the moves and he has the personality to be this coldblooded killing machine. He just needs to be in a better game.

10. Ashrah

Ashrah's always had an interesting story, the problem was that she wasn't in a game with a decent fighting system. What she needs is to be in a better game with a larger role in the story mode. She's fine as she is but sadly didn't get enough love.

11. Sareena

Knife juggles + rushdown. Now if that wasn't good enough, she can also play a role in the story of redeeming Sub-Zero from the Neatherream and leading him against Shinnok (I still can't believe that Boon had the guts to actually kill Subby with one punch). I see her as kind of integral but she was only playable in the half-finished Armageddon. She needs to be in the next game as she has all the markings of a fan favorite character but never really got a chance.

12. Fujin

As somebody who was always pretty cool but only playable in the two worst games in the series, Fujin sadly has never gotten any of the attention he deserved. He has the moves, the look, the everything, he just needs to be in a better title.

Also, I really hope that the following never return
1. Bo Rai Cho

My escapist fantasy has never been an obese, flatulent drunkard. Bo Rai Cho is a thirteen-year-old's idea of funny mixed in a vomit pile special attack. No thank you.

2. Hsu Hao

I'm not opposed to a gay MK character but Hsu Hao was just a bit too much of a stereotype to the point where he became cringeworthy. Let's just assume that he never existed in the first place.

3. Mokap

I don't want to play as a programmer in a suit. Mokap is a self-congratulatory exercise in poor taste. Let him be forgotten.

4. Blaze

Between how broken he was in MKA and how little personality he has, I don't think I'd ever care to play as him again.

5. Drahmin

Drahmin... no. Just no. I could count the ways but it would simply be way too long.

6. Moloch

This guy was such an annoying boss to fight that I could never want him to appear again. Maybe he could be a cameo but I don't ever want to see him even as a boss again.

7. Jarek

He's a useless Kano clone. No. Just no.

8. Kira

She's yet another useless Kano clone.

9. Meat

As a joke fighter, he's kind of funny but that joke was already told. Meat has nothing interesting about him.

10. Shujinko

A completely broken mess of a fighter who has far too many special moves available to him to even be considered tournament viable. I can't stand this guy.

11. Kobra

So bland, so generic, so dull. Kobra has nothing interesting about him at all. He's pointless.

12. Taven

No. Never again. Taven added nothing to MK except for being there just for story mode and having no personality at all.
06/04/2013 02:52 AM (UTC)
1- Tanya
2- Skarlet
3- Reiko
4- Hotaru
5- Kira
6- Frost
7- Ashrah
8- Taven
9- Mavado
10- BoRaiCho
11- Jarek
12- Delia (playable)
06/14/2013 04:32 PM (UTC)
1. Scorpion
2. Reptile (Ninja and Creature form)
3. Sub Zero (Would Like Ninja and Unmasked version)
4. Johnny Cage
5. Raiden
6. Baraka
7. Kenshi
8. Reiko
9. Smoke (human and Cyber)
10. Kung Lao
11. Jade
12. Jax

Lots more to chose but hard to decide on furious tongue
06/15/2013 12:28 AM (UTC)
I've done some thinking about a new Mortal Kombat game, as I really enjoyed the main MK story arc and thought there were places to go after Armageddon. I felt that the story of Armageddon was quite forced, but that an aftermath was completely salvageable. I think that I would like to return to that storyline with a two game arc. In the first game, I would have the main story be an uprising from the Netherrealm, now controlled by Noob Saibot, who has overthrown Shinnok and has essentially become a "Shadow God." It will be hard to limit myself to 12 returning characters, but here are the ones that I feel would be most pressing to this main storyline:

1. Sub-Zero

The younger brother to Noob Saibot, and last we saw he was becoming more powerful with his ice capabilities, almost to the point where he was an "Ice God" in his own right. He's also seen his allies fall to darkness a lot, and he would take responsibility for that and fight against The Brotherhood that is now threatening the realms.

2. Scorpion

The man who killed Noob Saibot, and almost his antithesis. He's also one of the most popular characters, and love him or hate him, you can't really take him out of the story. It just so happens that he would fit perfectly fighting alongside Sub-Zero to battle the entity he was instrumental in creating.

3. Sareena

A character that "never really got a chance," but still has an extremely loyal bunch of followers. Her story would be most compelling, because on hand she admired the original Sub-Zero, but his falling into darkness would make it easy for her to concede her own dark nature. Or would this younger Sub-Zero, not the same man she fell for, continue to inspire the good in her? Her choices would make her an absolutely compelling character to follow.

4. Ashrah

A great character concept that seemed so "pure," but in her purity was a misguidance and a tunnel-vision that was almost militant. Her steadfastness in her decisions to slay evil would make her a great counterpoint to Sareena and her confusion. I think the battle between these two would be at the centre to their stories.

5. Smoke

Never one of my favorite characters, but I have to concede his popularity and there is no better time to include him in a main MK storyline than in a collision between his former best friend and his new master. Returning as a mixture between a cybernetic ninja and a wraith, Smoke would provide a challenging obstacle for Sub-Zero to battle en route to facing his brother.

6. Frost

Another odd choice, but in this storyline, I think she would fit like a warm glove -- the "warm" of course being an ironic choice of wording. Sub-Zero's prized pupil who wanted to take power for herself and fell into darkness. Killed by Sub-Zero in Armageddon, she returns having sold her soul to Noob Saibot, the darker brother she could have followed. Her character would be modified to reflect the darkness inside her, and she could use a combination of shadow and ice specials which could separate her more from her stigma of being "the female Sub-Zero."

7. Raiden

He's one of those characters that you just can't seem to remove from the story lines without upsetting people. He's become a part of Mortal Kombat and it's just a matter of making him fit. In a story about hell rising up and mortals trying to snatch the powers of gods, Raiden would make an obvious choice to stand against Noob Saibot and his attempt and gaining control of the realm of the living. They recently tried to give Raiden a darker side, and it was interesting, but I think after nearly becoming desensitised to mortality, Raiden can pull himself back from the edge after a battle with Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kai in Armageddon, where he is reminded of their valiance. Raiden once again fights on the side of humanity.

8. Kung Lao

I thought the time for him to become the main protagonist sailed with him losing in Deadly Alliance, but the character's popularity and familiarity to gamers cannot be denied. After a battle with Raiden, Kung Lao is wounded and loses an arm. Despite offers from Sonya and Earth's Special Forces to give him a technological replacement, Kung Lao decides to remain one-armed as a reminder of the darkness that almost overcame Raiden. Lao continues to fight, but using only one arm would certainly make him an intriguing and "battle tested" character to fight against the Brotherhood of the Shadow.

9. Kitana

She and Sonya are the iconic MK females, so it would make complete sense to include them in a sequel to Mortal Kombat. Armageddon would see Kitana finally overcome certain obstacles that have been plaguing her existence since her introduction to the series -- she kills her sister and Shao Kahn. After Armageddon, I'd have her mother the victim of an assassination, leaving Kitana to rule Edenia as Queen, evolving her character into one with even more responsibility and no one to turn to. A darker and more broodish Kitana, who realises that there are some people who do not want to see the former assassin of their oppressor rule the realm. Perhaps Kitana can find herself the obsession of a new character who has had someone close to them killed by Kitana for attempting to lead an early rebellion against Shao Kahn? The sins of Kitana's past haunting her as she heads into an unsure future would make her character quite the interesting one.

10. Sonya

I'm not her biggest fan, but she's very recognisable and that does the series a good service. She's a sturdy protagonist and one that could have her own conflicts coming out of Armageddon, having lost many of her closest friends and allies (or so she thinks). In Armageddon, I'd have had Cyrax and Jax kidnapped by Sektor and his Tekunin, and written off as dead by Sonya. Jax, however, would have escaped and destroyed the Tekunin base from within, closing up Sektor's story. Jax, having felt abandoned by Sonya after constantly following her across realms to save her life, would become warped by the experience, and go renegade and want Sonya to pay for her betrayal. Evil Jax would certainly freshen up him as a character, wouldn't it?

11. Jax

So that brings me to the big man himself. Again, not my favourite character, but another one that seems to be pretty close to the core of what makes Mortal Kombat the series that it is. Perhaps Sektor may have started some cybernetic experiments on him, causing certain empathic qualities Jax may have possessed to have disappeared. Losing sight of any patriotic desire to do what is right, all he wants to do now is crush Sonya's pretty little skull.

12. Havik

This is where I get more subjective. There are other characters that I think would have fit the storyline a whole lot better -- Nightwolf, Jade, Mileena (now loyal to Noob Saibot and more animal than ever) Kenshi, Kano, Mavado, Taven, and Li Mei are all other characters I would bring back in this game as well -- but since I'm going to have to stop at 12, I'm going to put Havik here, because I feel as if he could become an icon of Mortal Kombat himself. The chaotic figure that just wants to cause anarchy wherever he goes. He doesn't care who he fights, or even why, he would always provide a trigger for some bad event happening. As a character who sits outside the main story and is just there to do cool moves and wicked Fatalities, Havik has a "purity" to him that I think is too valuable to leave in the stories of MK past.

If I could keep going, the list would go to 19 characters. Many of them would see this as a swan song, providing obstacles for other characters to kill (again) and close up certain chapters of their development. This story would see the destruction of Noob Saibot and a seeming return to order of the realms, setting that stage for a more classic threat to the MK realms -- a foreign ruler trying to come in using a bunch of new warriors to fight against the surviving protagonists. This game would introduce a few of them (a female sorcerer and her bodyguard with an honourable warrior past who now wields the War Hammer of Shao Kahn he discovers upon arriving in Outworld) and even introduce some potential allies to fight against them (a darkly armoured berzerker who wields retractable twin blades, almost like Zorro crossed with Baraka). Then you also have that new character who was behind the death of Sindel and is now attempting to kill Kitana due to their past as allies to Shao Kahn (a personal vendetta more than anything). I'd probably make her a female character just because it seems to fit.

That'd take my main roster of Mortal Kombat X (which would be a cool name for the game, even if I have lost track of just what true number this would be chronologically) to 24 characters, which fits nicely on a grid of 8 x 3 or 6 x 4.

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