MK prequel (battle for/of the realms)
posted03/09/2008 07:25 AM (UTC)by
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09/07/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)

How about a diffrent approach to an mk game

An MK game based on the war of the realms (I remember somewhere it said that a war raged on and the realms were casted into shadow for many years hmm.. maybe the Shinnok war with the gods anyway a fighting game of course but the story based around the creation of the realms and the war that was fought to save their very existancefurious
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01/29/2008 08:16 AM (UTC)
Different View? Okay..

I think it'd be fun to see Earth on the Offensive.

Good Guys "fighting for a just cause" to us....Bad Guys "who only want to kill our leader", to them.

It could work too, Raiden is earths representative to all the realms knowledge right now. All it would take would be for him and zombie Liu Kang to show up and kill somebody that they thought were a real threat to earth.

We also must not forget that "puppet master" inference in his bio. Raiden could very well be the organizer of a full scale assault on another world. Even to go as far as to say, he would be able to pull allies from those realms as well. Those who didn't know any better anyway....Imagine going after Havik in ChaosRealm.

Most of the citizens love him there, but he could be viewed as a threat to Earth. Hotaru, Tarkata, Centars, Shokan, Tekunin,Black Dragon, Red Dragon...the list goes on and on and that's just some clans...
01/29/2008 09:18 AM (UTC)
I think it's a pretty cool idea. It would be like WW3, but with the Mortal Kombat realms.

I think it would be cool to get all of the major armies and clans in the MK universe to fight each other in an epic battle to determine which group is superior.

Each group and/or realm has its leaders/advisors (Shao Kahn, Havik, Hotaru, Shinnok, Raiden etc.) and superior fighers. So it would be very interesting to see who would prevail superior in this battle.

Another idea would be like if leaders of realms would form alliances (eg. Earthrealm and Edenia, Outworld and Netherealm, etc.). So it wouldn't just be a free for all battle of the realms, it would be a whole bunch of alliances protecting their allies as well as themselves. It would be like WW1, with the triple alliance and the triple entente.

There are lots of possibilities for this idea, IMO.

My only problem with this is: what is to be done with the following MK if this happens? I mean, if a majority of realms are defeated and stuff, then it would be hard to come up with a storyline for the following MK game. Like, MK1 was about one Outworld trying to invade and/or merge with Earthrealm, so if most of the realms are eliminated, then there will be like no plot for the next game. The remaining realm(s) would live in relative peace. So it would be boring and the storyline could not be continued.

But yeah, I like the idea of realms fighting eachother, but then what would the following MK be like? How could they continue the story?
01/29/2008 07:36 PM (UTC)
MK-4-LIFE Wrote:
I think it's a pretty cool idea. It would be like WW3, but with the Mortal Kombat realms.

I think it would be cool to get all of the major armies and clans in the MK universe to fight each other in an epic battle to determine which group is superior.

Each group and/or realm has its leaders/advisors (Shao Kahn, Havik, Hotaru, Shinnok, Raiden etc.) and superior fighers. So it would be very interesting to see who would prevail superior in this battle.

Another idea would be like if leaders of realms would form alliances (eg. Earthrealm and Edenia, Outworld and Netherealm, etc.). So it wouldn't just be a free for all battle of the realms, it would be a whole bunch of alliances protecting their allies as well as themselves. It would be like WW1, with the triple alliance and the triple entente.

There are lots of possibilities for this idea, IMO.

My only problem with this is: what is to be done with the following MK if this happens? I mean, if a majority of realms are defeated and stuff, then it would be hard to come up with a storyline for the following MK game. Like, MK1 was about one Outworld trying to invade and/or merge with Earthrealm, so if most of the realms are eliminated, then there will be like no plot for the next game. The remaining realm(s) would live in relative peace. So it would be boring and the storyline could not be continued.

But yeah, I like the idea of realms fighting eachother, but then what would the following MK be like? How could they continue the story?

-Maybe the war that was fought between the gods and the dark forces which in turn saved earths very existance leading up to MK1 as well as a description of how most of these realms came to befurious
01/30/2008 06:23 AM (UTC)
Very interesting idea.

Your idea involving the gods got me thinking...

How about:

Shao Kahn's armies and generals have no respect for him as he was the one who poisoned their former ruler, Onaga, the Dragon King.

In an attempt to gain the respect of his armies he then goes to the Netherealm and fights his way to the top of Shinnok's spire. Before Shinnok attacked Shao Kahn, Kahn proposed and alliance with the fallen Elder God. Shinnok reluctantly accepted, but only because Kahn knew a way to help Shinnok escape from the Netherealm.

They plan to invade Edenia, both as commanders of realm armies. And plan to eventually invade Earthrealm together, eventually extending their plans to the Chaosrealm and Seido, and in turn, all of the realms.

However, the Earthrealm and Edenian gods have been warned by the Elder God's messenger, of the coming threat to all of the realms. So Fujin and Raiden travel to Edenia and rally all of the Edenian gods in an epic attempt to stop the alliance between Shinnok and Shao Kahn.

Haha what do you think?

I guess I'm just thinking out loud. lol

02/02/2008 01:32 AM (UTC)
No joke me and my friend thought up this idea long ago when deception had just come out. We thought it would be great to have a team of characters and have a battlefield option because we hated how Deception you had to actually fight them instead of outside regular combat. Anyways I would love to see this happen because then i could finally have a tag team not those indurance matches for god's sake
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02/02/2008 01:41 AM (UTC)
I dunno, I like it as if earths governments kept us from knowing any info of different realms. Just like they keep knowledge from us now
03/09/2008 07:25 AM (UTC)
If they were going to do a prequel I wouldn’t mind going back to some old tournaments, say to when the original Kung Lao was champion. Maybe to change things up, original Kung Lao a good guy is the boss and the story is told through the prospective of Shang Tsung and his minions seeking to destroy original Kung Lao. So basically Shang Tsung would be sort of like Liu Kang in MK 1 in that he is the main protagonist, only evil. You could have characters like Goro, Scorpion only as Hanzo, maybe like Subby’s grandfather or something. Obviously there would be new characters that we‘ve never before seen, but overall I think it would be neat to cut out any of the modern elements like guns, and cities and such and go back to the past. The time setting would also make melee weapons seem more appropriate. Because I always felt like the swords, spears, axes and so on felt out of place in the modern MK setting.

This would also allow us to see the origins of some of the clans in the current games, perhaps the formation of the Black Dragon and so on.

As for original Kung Lao, I always pictured him in my head as the zealous monk type. And for some reason I always envisioned him using prayer beads as a weapon. Like a really long string of prayer beads that he holds a small portion of in his hands, the rest coils around his body and legs and is used it like a whip of sorts.
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