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02/15/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
Smoke's hair looked better in the artworks, it didn't translate too well to 3D, imo.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

02/15/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
His name is Captain Chivalry. How ironic...
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/15/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Y'know, it always seemed to me that the redesigned MK9 Smoke with his long, flowing hair is something that would appeal to female MK fans.

But how successful was it really? Can any grills in the thread share their opinions on bishie Smoke?

Absolutely gorgous in the render. And the way he carried himself in the game was very sexy dispite not being about to see his face. Same goes for the Sub bros.
02/15/2015 05:26 AM (UTC)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
On that note, I'm glad MK9 gave us the real names of most of the Lin Kuei. Why couldn't they have done that for Cyrax and Sektor?

Yeah, that was odd. They made no sense for the human versions of the characters.
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
To be fair, we knew nothing about his nationality before MK9.

What I meant was that he was Chinese during the retelling of MKII in the story mode, then magically became Eastern European after Sub-Zero's automation.
From what I've heard, his nationality was probably changed late in the development process.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/15/2015 06:02 AM (UTC)
^ This is the same series that made Jade white, black, asian in the show, than black again. Ermac was brown skinned in his first canon appearence now he's a mummy. lol
02/15/2015 06:05 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
Ermac was brown skinned in his first canon appearence now he's a mummy. lol

02/15/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
They should work on the sexiness tbh. Nothing I'd complain about, but a lot of the guys are too built and don't have nice faces. Reiko was much sexier face-wise in MK4.

Smoke wasn't hot at all in any way whatsoever.
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

02/15/2015 06:25 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
What I meant was that he was Chinese during the retelling of MKII in the story mode, then magically became Eastern European after Sub-Zero's automation.
From what I've heard, his nationality was probably changed late in the development process.

I haven't heard of that before. It looks like I'm going to have to take a closer look at the beginning of Subbie's chapter.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/15/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
Thread 3/10
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/15/2015 07:11 AM (UTC)
@Swingbatta He sure looks brown skinned in that first pic.
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New sig on the way
02/15/2015 08:25 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

But how successful was it really? Can any grills in the thread share their opinions on bishie Smoke?

There were a few fangirls.


And there's more out there, too.
02/15/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
Lol who ever complains about the men ?

thats why kotal kahn is pure sex now grin

And the females have to be nuns tongue
02/15/2015 02:59 PM (UTC)
You know, for the longest time.... I got used to seeing a certain depiction of the female kharakters in Mortal Kombat. They basically all looked like Wonder Woman or even She Hulk lol. Which I thought was cool and badass.

The females and males in Mortal Kombat all looked equally epik, tall and statuesque with six-pack abs. I personally liked that.

Now... there is too much diversity with the heights LOL.

I don't know if it's just the trailers... and maybe things will translate better on a television.... but to me, it appears that Kitana looks a bit like a bobblehead? Big head, narrow shoulders, short torso and short limbs?

I prefered the more statuesque, tall look they had going on for several years.
I don't want to nitpick on something like that though, when everything else looks so great! So, I don't really care.

I mean for a brand new kharakter like Ferra, for example... I beleive the Mortal Kombat team are free to do absolutely anything they want because they are brand new and we've never seen them before... so anything goes, it's all good.

Now, about the outfits.... the kostumes the female kharakters used to wear never bothered me. I have always been indifferent to that. To me, they looked like carnival costumes. lol Which is fine, there is nothing wrong with that.

Why would anybody want all the females to look like Ashrah's primary costume in MKDeception, for example?? This is a free country. Females can be dressed like Ashrah or like Sonya or like Jade, etc. It's not a problem.

The males look just as "carnival-ish" as the females. I think it's okay.
Kano looks really pretty, better than ever before!!! So does MKX shirtless Sub-Zero!! And even Kotal Kahn looks great and festive.

All the Mortal Kombat kharakters in general look badaasss. glasses
02/15/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
I usually judge the level of appeal of a male character by the number of mary sues the fans create on Deviantart (you can tell because they'll look like a vagina'd version of that character). I see a few for Scorpion, Ermac, Raiden, Havik, Kung Lao... Oddly, I haven't seen any for Smoke.
It was kinda funny seeing every Scorpion sue getting mistaken for Hellflame or whatever her name was.
02/16/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
If Tanya is in MKX, I hope she is tall like Quan Chi.
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02/16/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:>
Why would anybody want all the females to look like Ashrah's primary costume in MKDeception, for example?? This is a free country. Females can be dressed like Ashrah or like Sonya or like Jade, etc. It's not a problem.

The males look just as "carnival-ish" as the females. I think it's okay.
Kano looks really pretty, better than ever before!!! So does MKX shirtless Sub-Zero!! And even Kotal Kahn looks great and festive.

All the Mortal Kombat kharakters in general look badaasss. glasses

You'd be hard-pressed to find any fan - 'sjw' or otherwise - who wants EVERY female to dress like Ashrah.

What I and many others want is some diversity. Every single female character in MK9 was sexualised with their breasts hanging out and a thong up their ass.
There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself - but can't you admit that it's a bit tiresome when it's every female character?

You said yourself, females can be dressed like Ashrah, or Sonya, or Jade, but in MK9 they were all the same (right down to their body models, minus Sheeva), to the point it was detrimental to the character. Sonya's alt was fine, but you really think those shoes and a lack of a real shirt added to her character design?

But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake. You've got some robes, you've got some ninja ensembles, you've got suits, you've got a whole variety, some skimpy, others not. That's what the female cast was lacking.

Carnival-like is one thing, but everyone dressing alike doesn't really help.
02/16/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake.

MKII alone had three incidents of shirtless beefcake. (Not that I minded.)

Rainberri Wrote:
I usually judge the level of appeal of a male character by the number of mary sues the fans create on Deviantart (you can tell because they'll look like a vagina'd version of that character). I see a few for Scorpion, Ermac, Raiden, Havik, Kung Lao... Oddly, I haven't seen any for Smoke.

The Tumblr and DevArt fanbases also continue to ship Ermac and Kenshi like CRAZY.

I'm positive I've seen a female version of MK9 Smoke on DA somewhere.
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02/16/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake.

MKII alone had three incidents of shirtless beefcake. (Not that I minded.)

Rainberri Wrote:
I usually judge the level of appeal of a male character by the number of mary sues the fans create on Deviantart (you can tell because they'll look like a vagina'd version of that character). I see a few for Scorpion, Ermac, Raiden, Havik, Kung Lao... Oddly, I haven't seen any for Smoke.

The Tumblr and DevArt fanbases also continue to ship Ermac and Kenshi like CRAZY.

I'm positive I've seen a female version of MK9 Smoke on DA somewhere.

It also had multiple characters dressed exactly the same... there's a reason few people who take umbrage with MK9 go back that far - you just can't hold a digitized sprite to the same standard as character models in 2011.

02/16/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:

What I and many others want is some diversity. Every single female character in MK9 was sexualised with their breasts hanging out and a thong up their ass.
There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself - but can't you admit that it's a bit tiresome when it's every female character?

You said yourself, females can be dressed like Ashrah, or Sonya, or Jade, but in MK9 they were all the same (right down to their body models, minus Sheeva), to the point it was detrimental to the character. Sonya's alt was fine, but you really think those shoes and a lack of a real shirt added to her character design?

But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake. You've got some robes, you've got some ninja ensembles, you've got suits, you've got a whole variety, some skimpy, others not. That's what the female cast was lacking.

Carnival-like is one thing, but everyone dressing alike doesn't really help.

I find cleavage to be completely inoffensive and a complete non-factor. As a female, I was indifferent and oblivious to that. I only speak for myself, though.

And also, I personally enjoy wearing high heels and boots. High heels are badasss. And even more dangerous than a simple flat shoe! LOL
They are a weapon, basically.

There is nothing wrong at all with high heels. Most of us girls can even RUN in them, in real life! or jump or dance, ETC!

Sonya can wear high heels, in my opinion. And the fact that her sleeveless jacket in MK9 was several sizes too small for her... that was just hilarious to me! I think it's funny and humoristik. I don't care.

Again, I can only speak for myself.

If you look at the entire history of Mortal Kombat, you will notice how the females' outfits were just as diverse as the males.

In general, all the MK kharakters are quite equal and everything is well balanced, I think. This will be even more true with the release of MKX.

The Mortal Kombat team are doing a good job of creating fun and cool kharakters, in my opinion.
02/16/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
You know what else it is.... let's look at the difference between a kharakter like Sonya Blade in MK9, for example.. and a "Dead or Alive" kharakter.

Well, Sonya Blade is a badaass female kharakter from the military, with an epik attitude and an epik six-pack. lol

And Dead or Alive? Well, I don't even know, they are all basik kharakters. LMAO. I don't even know what that mess is all about!!! lol

That is a reason why Sonya can get away with looking the way she does. Nobody can mess with her, she is a Mortal Kombat fighter and champion, she does what she wants and doesn't give a dammn. This is a real inspiration to everyone.

Ed Boon can be proud of his game. smile
Thumbs up from me!
02/16/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake.

MKII alone had three incidents of shirtless beefcake. (Not that I minded.)

Rainberri Wrote:
I usually judge the level of appeal of a male character by the number of mary sues the fans create on Deviantart (you can tell because they'll look like a vagina'd version of that character). I see a few for Scorpion, Ermac, Raiden, Havik, Kung Lao... Oddly, I haven't seen any for Smoke.

The Tumblr and DevArt fanbases also continue to ship Ermac and Kenshi like CRAZY.

I'm positive I've seen a female version of MK9 Smoke on DA somewhere.

My God the pairings. I've seen Liu x Lao (no one can tell if they're related or not and it scares me), Raiden x Fujin, Havik x Ashrah. It seems like two characters can't make eye contact without fans thinking they fell in love and Mk is no exception. Except for the Havik x Ashrah one I have no clue where that came from.
02/16/2015 12:02 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:

What I and many others want is some diversity. Every single female character in MK9 was sexualised with their breasts hanging out and a thong up their ass.
There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself - but can't you admit that it's a bit tiresome when it's every female character?

You said yourself, females can be dressed like Ashrah, or Sonya, or Jade, but in MK9 they were all the same (right down to their body models, minus Sheeva), to the point it was detrimental to the character. Sonya's alt was fine, but you really think those shoes and a lack of a real shirt added to her character design?

But look at the men in MK9 - you've got some shirtless beefcake. You've got some robes, you've got some ninja ensembles, you've got suits, you've got a whole variety, some skimpy, others not. That's what the female cast was lacking.

Carnival-like is one thing, but everyone dressing alike doesn't really help.

I find cleavage to be completely inoffensive and a complete non-factor. As a female, I was indifferent and oblivious to that. I only speak for myself, though.

And also, I personally enjoy wearing high heels and boots. High heels are badasss. And even more dangerous than a simple flat shoe! LOL
They are a weapon, basically.

There is nothing wrong at all with high heels. Most of us girls can even RUN in them, in real life! or jump or dance, ETC!

Sonya can wear high heels, in my opinion. And the fact that her sleeveless jacket in MK9 was several sizes too small for her... that was just hilarious to me! I think it's funny and humoristik. I don't care.

Again, I can only speak for myself.

If you look at the entire history of Mortal Kombat, you will notice how the females' outfits were just as diverse as the males.

In general, all the MK kharakters are quite equal and everything is well balanced, I think. This will be even more true with the release of MKX.

The Mortal Kombat team are doing a good job of creating fun and cool kharakters, in my opinion.

No real woman can ever bring her self to defend MK9's objectifictaions...that is if you are indeed a real woman, which I doubt.

I think you're a male chauvinist pig masochist pretending to be a female gamer who's not offended by having Kitana dressed like a stripper. you're just upset about the franchise's recent sea change in portraying women. sorry about you not getting off on seeing cg boobs and asses in MK anymore, but they're gone for good, the MK games will no longer have strippers fighting monsters. Do what we've all suggested to rubes like you and go play DOA. NRS has listened to US, to those who wanted the female proportions and costumes to be normalized for the series to be taken seriously on an artistic scale, not to freaks like you who want to keep the series mired in cheese and 80s action cliches.

Admittedly me and others who share my opinions had to be mean to some fellow MK fans, I've felt bad after sending hateful PMs to other members on other MK sites, I know I may have ran some people off of other forums, I know I've purposely gotten people banned from other MK forums like TRMK, GameFaqs and TYM and I own multiple accounts on said sites and even banned from said sites but it was all for a just cause....We've won, they're no longer strippers, but the MK females still aren't where they should be.

I look at Kitana in her new duds and I STILL see a slut...not a warrior princess....whatever...I hate Kitana as a character anyways. We need more females like Cassie Cage in the MK universe to represent REAL WOMEN like we see in the REAL WORLD, not like from some 14 year old's porn infected fantasies.
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02/16/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
1/10, are you even trying anymore?
02/16/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
1/10, are you even trying anymore?

I only read half way through his boring monologue before giving up, seriously why is this guy still here.
02/16/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:

No real woman can ever bring her self to defend MK9's objectifictaions...that is if you are indeed a real woman, which I doubt.

I think you're a male chauvinist pig masochist pretending to be a female gamer who's not offended by having Kitana dressed like a stripper. you're just upset about the franchise's recent sea change in portraying women. sorry about you not getting off on seeing cg boobs and asses in MK anymore, but they're gone for good, the MK games will no longer have strippers fighting monsters. Do what we've all suggested to rubes like you and go play DOA. NRS has listened to US, to those who wanted the female proportions and costumes to be normalized for the series to be taken seriously on an artistic scale, not to freaks like you who want to keep the series mired in cheese and 80s action cliches.

Admittedly me and others who share my opinions had to be mean to some fellow MK fans, I've felt bad after sending hateful PMs to other members on other MK sites, I know I may have ran some people off of other forums, I know I've purposely gotten people banned from other MK forums like TRMK, GameFaqs and TYM and I own multiple accounts on said sites and even banned from said sites but it was all for a just cause....We've won, they're no longer strippers, but the MK females still aren't where they should be.

I look at Kitana in her new duds and I STILL see a slut...not a warrior princess....whatever...I hate Kitana as a character anyways. We need more females like Cassie Cage in the MK universe to represent REAL WOMEN like we see in the REAL WORLD, not like from some 14 year old's porn infected fantasies.

*Maria_Linda shakes her head and laughs*

I will not entertain this mess.
You are klearly being paranoid.

I am not impressed. lol

You are the mysogynist calling females "strippers" and whatnot. I am rolling my eyes.

It makes you look weak, insecure, threatened and mad.

You go right ahead with that ignorance, if you wish.

I'm not worried about your flop feelings towards this topik. You are free to imagine any delusion you want in your mind. It's not my problem.

I guess Kitana and Sonya Blade will keep you angry, insecure, jealous and oppressed.

Next. sleep

Can't wait to go practice my extreme ninja moves and kicks later with my badaass 5-inch high heels. HA! LMAO. grin
Just like Tanya and Sindel and the rest of that gang. lol

*Maria_Linda shrugs*

Speaking of Tanya, I really hope she is in MKX!!! And I don't give a dammn what kostume she wears, I just hope my favorite kharakter is in the game!!! smile
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