MK 10 Character Storylines
posted11/12/2013 05:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/15/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
Hey out there. Since we are all awaiting the next game I thought that I would pitch another thread. The idea for this thread is for you to pick a character you would really like to see return in the next installment and write a storyline for them. Be as creative as you want. I will start by choosing Sub-Zero.

Somewhere hidden in the Artica Region is a clan of ninja who are the decendants of the long forgotten Cryomancers of Outworld. This clan is known as the Order of the Claw and its leader is Koga Ryokoji.
20 years ago, Koga and Bi-Han trained together in secret until the Lin Kuei discovered them. News of Bi-Han's death, along with Kuai-Liang's, troubled Koga who soon was confronted by Fujin and Kai. The two were searching for new warriors to fight for Earthrealm but Koga was not interested.
When Fuijn told Koga that his former friend was now a warrior of the Netherrealm, Koga was furious and immediately agreed to help the Forces of Earthrealm in their struggle against Shinnock. The Forces of Darkness will soon know the might of the Order of the Claw.....and the new Sub-Zero!
09/08/2013 09:26 PM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
Hey out there. Since we are all awaiting the next game I thought that I would pitch another thread. The idea for this thread is for you to pick a character you would really like to see return in the next installment and write a storyline for them. Be as creative as you want. I will start by choosing Sub-Zero.

Somewhere hidden in the Artica Region is a clan of ninja who are the decendants of the long forgotten Cryomancers of Outworld. This clan is known as the Order of the Claw and its leader is Koga Ryokoji.
20 years ago, Koga and Bi-Han trained together in secret until the Lin Kuei discovered them. News of Bi-Han's death, along with Kuai-Liang's, troubled Koga who soon was confronted by Fujin and Kai. The two were searching for new warriors to fight for Earthrealm but Koga was not interested.
When Fuijn told Koga that his former friend was now a warrior of the Netherrealm, Koga was furious and immediately agreed to help the Forces of Earthrealm in their struggle against Shinnock. The Forces of Darkness will soon know the might of the Order of the Claw.....and the new Sub-Zero!

That sounds like a better Sub-Zero to replace the brothers. Wonder if he's a good guy.

How about Liu Kang?
09/08/2013 10:59 PM (UTC)
The Order of the Claw is a clan that generally don't involve themselves in the affairs of the modern world but Koga is good and he wants to know why Bi Han fights for the Netherealm and so he is willing to venture outside his clan. As for why he has assumed the codename Sub-Zero is so he can honor his friend and to lure out his new enemies.

As for Liu Kang, I can post a storyline but I would like to hear your ideas. Its up to you.
09/08/2013 11:23 PM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
The Order of the Claw is a clan that generally don't involve themselves in the affairs of the modern world but Koga is good and he wants to know why Bi Han fights for the Netherealm and so he is willing to venture outside his clan. As for why he has assumed the codename Sub-Zero is so he can honor his friend and to lure out his new enemies.

As for Liu Kang, I can post a storyline but I would like to hear your ideas. Its up to you.

Liu Kang:
- His body is the Special Forces medic. But Shinnok appears and steals Liu from them mysteriously.
- Both Quan Chi & Shinnok try to turn him into a zombie, but it didn't work. Instead, Shinnok revives Liu Kang to his living self and blinding him with false memories of Raiden and the Elder gods and how Earthrealm fell.
- Liu wakes up in the middle of nowhere in Earthrealm. Alive, but with burns and scars all over. Wearing a hood, he hides himself in the shadows.
- He still cares about his friends dead and alive, but distrusts Raiden for all that's happened and a voice tells him to kill Raiden and the Elder gods in order to "save" Earthrealm from Shinnok's invasion.
- He is neutral in the game but still has some good in his heart.
- Kai wants to save Liu Kang and believes something evil is influencing him.
09/09/2013 02:13 AM (UTC)
I like the idea you have. Here is Liu Kang's storyline from me.

Liu Kang, an honorable Shaolin and former member of the White Lotus.

After Raiden accidentally killed the hero during the final hours of Shao Kahn's invasion, Liu Kang's soul began to plunge into the Netherealm. He would have been Quan Chi's next slave had a strange white light not intercepted him. Liu Kang found himself in an outer plane before the protector of Outworld, Ellena.
Ellena had been trapped in this void thanks to Shao Kahn's many invasions. Liu Kang thanked her for saving him and asked the goddess for what purpose had she saved him for. Although severely weakened, Ellena had just enough spiritual power left to restore him back to life at the request of the Elder Gods so that he may aid the Forces of Light in the impeding war against Shinnock.
Upon his return to Earthrealm, Shinnock's forces had already laid waste to much of the realm. Vowing to make Shinnock pay, Liu Kang begins his search for Raiden and the others.
09/09/2013 02:57 AM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
I like the idea you have. Here is Liu Kang's storyline from me.

Liu Kang, an honorable Shaolin and former member of the White Lotus.

After Raiden accidentally killed the hero during the final hours of Shao Kahn's invasion, Liu Kang's soul began to plunge into the Netherealm. He would have been Quan Chi's next slave had a strange white light not intercepted him. Liu Kang found himself in an outer plane before the protector of Outworld, Ellena.
Ellena had been trapped in this void thanks to Shao Kahn's many invasions. Liu Kang thanked her for saving him and asked the goddess for what purpose had she saved him for. Although severely weakened, Ellena had just enough spiritual power left to restore him back to life at the request of the Elder Gods so that he may aid the Forces of Light in the impeding war against Shinnock.
Upon his return to Earthrealm, Shinnock's forces had already laid waste to much of the realm. Vowing to make Shinnock pay, Liu Kang begins his search for Raiden and the others.

I like that story. It would be nice if his new look were scars and wearing a hoodie like in Legacy. But I take your word for it.

Kitana deserves to come back.

- Quan Chi revives Kitana as a servant of the Brotherhood of Shadow. As one of his newest assassins.
- Ordered to hunt down the traitor, Sareena.
- However, Liu Kang finds her being controlled so he uses Ellena's power to free her of the necromancer's control.
- Liu feels uneasy joining with Raiden after what happened.

(Will there for once be any romance between Kitana & Liu!?)
09/09/2013 03:15 AM (UTC)
Yeah I'm really excited to see him Legacy. I really like Sub-Zero looking more militaristic in this installment. I think that Kitana could come back as well but then again she could be seen in the cutscenes interacting with the other fighters.

Anything is possible in the series. I think that Tanya would be cool to see again if they heavily redesign her. Most threads I read talks about her a lot so I'm going to take a stab at her story.

Tanya, the daughter of an Edenian official and a traitor.

Among his newest recruits, Quan Chi's most desirable cohort is none other than Tanya, a woman skilled in survival and politics. Tanya is sent to Earthrealm to stage an alliance with the Forces of Light in order to gather intel. As a member of the infamous Brotherhood of Shadow, her skills in deception are unparalleled.
With no one left to suspect her, Tanya quickly gains the trust of her new "comrades." Their trust will lead them to certain destruction.

09/09/2013 03:23 PM (UTC)
- After his death, Tomas Vrbada's memories were unlocked during his time in the Netherealm.
- Discovering he is an enenra. He brings himself back to life.
- Alive again, he discovers things have changed and encounters a new Sub-Zero who thought was Kuai Liang human again.
- Explained by Koga, who is now the new Sub-Zero, Smoke rejoins the others.

- Being a slave to Shao Kahn, learning of his demise, Reptile believes this would be his chance in resurrecting his lost realm and race.
- While others fight over the throne of Outworld, he tries to gain the trust of Raiden and his comrades in order to have the Elder gods resurrect Zaterra.
- Kirehashi can be found somewhere in Outworld
09/09/2013 03:43 PM (UTC)


Earthrealm"s thunder god and protector, Raiden's visions had brought about terrible consequences during the struggle against Shao Kahn. Although the Elder Gods had destroyed the tyrant, Raiden would be severely punished for his meddling with the timeline.
Stripped of his status of protector of Earthrealm and banished to the Sky Temple, Raiden accepted his fate and plunged into the darkness of sorrow.

Alone with only his thoughts, Raiden's mind wondered back to the Elder War, the very conflict in which Raiden battled Shinnock over Earthrealm and nearly destroyed it.

As Earthrealm and Outworld fell deeper into ruin, Raiden awakens on the battlefront, face to face with Shinnock. Raiden knew that he could not unleash that power again within him, but what choice does he have now that his father is once again free.......
09/09/2013 04:06 PM (UTC)
This is not on topic but I wanted to include the main storyline idea that I have as well.

Mortal Kombat 2: Worlds at War

Shao Kahn is no more, but the price for victory is too high for the Forces of Light as only two remained aside from the thunder god Raiden.

Little did they know of the impending onslaught from the Netherrealm.

Casting ancient spells and incantations using Shinnock's ancient amulet, Quan Chi opened the gateways to allow the Forces of Darkness to storm both Earthrealm and Outworld. With Raiden banished for his meddling in the timeframe, the Elder Gods had no choice but to intervene in this conflict by appointing the young wind god Fujin as the new protector of Earthrealm.

Fujin quickly located the nomad Shaolin, Kai and together they journeyed the two realms quickly to gather strength for the Forces of Light.

Shinnock is not one to allow such time and laid waste to much of Earthrealm first. Governments and kingdoms collapsed. Fire consumed the modern world and all that was left was chaos.

In Outworld, its denizens fled to the vast Dragon Temple, praying for their king's return........the tyrant or the dragon?
Shinnock's venom seeped into all corners of Outworld as well and soon it was in the fallen god's control.

They were both his. After countless centuries, Shinnock obtained both realms he lusted for and now not even his son Raiden could stop him.........or can he?

The Age of War is upon us Shinnock's reign absolute or will the shadows of the Dragon King come to light?

This is the new age of Mortal Kombat!

09/09/2013 06:49 PM (UTC)
Raiden's powers are stripped. That should happen.

And I want Shinnok to know Raiden's timeline connections and learning that Quan Chi stole his real amulet and was replaced with a fake.

Got any story ideas on Kai & Reiko? Reiko deserves to be the new emperor of Outworld and Mileena to be empress.
09/09/2013 08:11 PM (UTC)
Sure. I will start with Reiko.

The Brotherhood of Shadow is known for producing some of the deadliest warriors including Noob Saibot and Tanya but none is more ruthless than the fallen general of Outworld Reiko.
First serving the Dragon King in his youth, the former emperor saw potential in Reiko and personally trained him in the art of warfare. He soon became general of Onaga's extermination squadron. When Shao Kahn killed Onaga, Reiko had no choice but submit. After a time Shao Kahn grew suspicious of Reiko. Setting a trap in the Wastelands Reiko was sent there on the notion of an uprising but instead he found Shao Kahn there waiting. Reiko died at the hand of the emperor and fell into the Neatherealm.
Now after countless centuries, Reiko returns as Shinnock's most trusted general.
Leading a massive army against Outworld, Reiko conquerors the realm in the name of Shinnock. Little does the elder god know that Reiko's true motive is to seize Outworld for himself.
09/09/2013 08:27 PM (UTC)

Known as the Shaolin nomad of the White Lotus, Kai has wondered Earthrealm searching for his true purpose. While travelling Asia, Kai was confronted by the new protector of Earthrealm Fujin. Fujin told Kai of the impending invasion begging the monk for help. Kai, feeling that this was the path he should take, agreed to help him. Kai and Fujin make haste across many realms in search of new allies. While in Outworld Kai senses an ominous force influencing the land. What other threats loom in the shadows?
09/09/2013 09:02 PM (UTC)
Shinnock elder god who was banished to the Netherealm.

He had witnessed it all....the beginning and the end. As Shao Kahn murdered Raiden during the past Armageddon events Shinnock used his amulet to merge with himself in the past. With a new timeline in place, Shinnock would not make the same mistake as he had done before. Instructing Quan Chi to aid Shao Kahn, Shinnock would leave it to the elder gods to do his dirty work for him. Now that Shao Kahn was out of the way, Shinnock could now conqueror both Earthrealm and Outworld without opposition. Raiden nor the Elder Gods can stop him...
09/10/2013 02:42 AM (UTC)
After Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of Raiden, Ermac starts losing control of themselves as the souls within the enigma fight for the physical bod.

That is until one soul was able to calm them all. King Jerrod, former king of Edenia, who was actually within Ermac all this time. With all souls under Jerrod's command, Jerrod himself became Ermac himself.

Joining the Forces of Light, he learns Kitana died at the hands of his wife, Sindel; who was actually controlled by Kahn and Quan Chi.

He joins them in hopes of saving his realm, wife and daughter. During his journey, he also learns Sindel absorbed Shang Tsung's soul and essence and must free her from it.

Jerrod being Ermac would be the best!

I know Skarlet, Kenshi and Rain will be in it. Wonder of Cyrax and Sektor.
09/10/2013 03:16 PM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
Shinnock elder god who was banished to the Netherealm.

He had witnessed it all....the beginning and the end. As Shao Kahn murdered Raiden during the past Armageddon events Shinnok used his amulet to merge with himself in the past. With a new timeline in place, Shinnok would not make the same mistake as he had done before. Instructing Quan Chi to aid Shao Kahn, Shinnok would leave it to the elder gods to do his dirty work for him. Now that Shao Kahn was out of the way, Shinnok could now conqueror both Earthrealm and Outworld without opposition. Raiden nor the Elder Gods can stop him...

I bet he'll learn that Quan Chi swapped his real amulet with a fake.
09/10/2013 03:18 PM (UTC)
Wonder how Scorpion will react when he meets Koga the new Sub-Zero.

Will both discover the truth and work together against Quan Chi and Shinnok?
09/11/2013 02:53 AM (UTC)

The undead ninja of the former Shirai Ryu, Scorpion.

With the forces of light destroyed, Scorpion awaited new orders from Quan Chi, who had been making preparations for the impeding invasion of Earthrealm and Outworld.

Sometime later, Quan Chi sends Scorpion to the deepest parts of the Netherealm to seek out the Oni warlords Siith and Baronslade. The warlords were not pleased to be summoned by Quan Chi after he had double crossed them millennia ago to find the Obilisk of Forbidden Knowledge.

As the three travelled back to Shinnock's fortress, Siith questioned Scorpion about his loyalty to which he replied that he had revived him to take revenge on Bi Han for destroying his family and clan. Siith laughed at him for being oblivious to the real truth.

Scorpion demanded the Oni to tell him what he knew. Siith told Scorpion that it was Quan Chi who had killed his family and clan, not Sub-Zero. He had used Scorpion to kill the Lin Kuei so that he could enslave him.

Angered by this revalation, Scorpion forms an alliance with Siith in order to complete his new take revenge against the sorcerer for his treachery.
09/12/2013 12:26 PM (UTC)

Thought to be destroyed by the purity of the soulnado, Noob instead found himself in the presence of the remaining Elder Gods. Aware of the wraith's presence, they put Noob into a trance-like state. In this trance, Noob was confronted by none other than Bi-Han, the Elder Sub-Zero. As they battled for dominance, none could best the other as a bright flash brought him out of his trance. A new warrior stood before the Elder Gods, master of shadows and as cold as the Arctic winter, Sub-Zero was reborn.

Desperate to put an end to Shinnok's menace, the Elder Gods made Sub-Zero their champion in a final bid to save the realms. Will Sub-Zero succeed?

(A little deja vu huh? Only this time around, it's Sub-Zero not Scorpion.) Just my idea, they did this in Deception with Scorpion, so I don't see why they wouldn't reuse a good plot. Would be cool to see and a great way to reuse a character.
09/12/2013 01:19 PM (UTC)
Cool idea.
09/12/2013 03:33 PM (UTC)
How about Hydro taking over the name Sub-Zero when he hears of Bi-Han's and Kuai Liang's demise?
09/12/2013 07:17 PM (UTC)
I like hydro as a cyborg in mk legacy
09/12/2013 08:14 PM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
I like hydro as a cyborg in mk legacy

Okay 3 options for Sub-Zero
a) Bi-Han to return from the Soulnado and have another Noob Saibot take over.
b) Kuai Liang to be brought back by Sareena in an ice form and regains his humanity.
c) A new Sub-Zero to honor both the brothers and reveal to Scorpion the truth of his death, family's and clan's.
09/20/2013 02:52 AM (UTC)
Keep the stories of Rain, Kenshi & Skarlet from the MK9 DLC.

As for Cyrax & Sektor.....

- Sektor will be the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, killing his grandfather
- Cyrax joins the SF after being rescued. Sonya struggles with him despite him not wanting to take Jax's place.
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10/08/2013 05:30 AM (UTC)
i said this in a another thread but honestly for MK10 id like to go back to the normal timeline and skip to the future:

"Its been 50 years since Liu Kang the champion of Mortal Kombat first defeated Shang Tsung and broke the 500 year winning steak of Goros since the defeat of the great Kung Lao.

Now Liu Kang must once again defend his title to ensure the safty of EarthRealm Joined by his and Princess Kitanas Child, as well as a new Sub-zero, And the daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya blade.

new and old villinas return as shao khan and shang tsung rally outworld to take Liu title.

Scorpion is back from the neatherrealm with a new mission the full ressurrection of the Shirai ryu but why is Noob Saiboot and his Cyber Demon army opposing him and what does Sekter and the Tekunin want from the Tournament.

Old men Kabal and Kano bring back the black dragon to go to full war against the Speciel forces agents Sonya Jax Stryker Kenshi Cyrax"
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