04/06/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
Lemme really quick clarify...

I do think Mileena is popular, but I feel like she isn't as popular as some of you are leading on... she was what? like in the bottom 5 for most played fighters last game. Not to mention so many people hate on her just for being a clone and being "troll-y."

I absolutely adore Mileena, and she's my favorite hands down and has been since MK 2 but I just feel like she's always been the black sheep among the female ninjas. Maybe it was Jade, and I'm mistaken but idk... seems like she was to me.

I still really wanna hear what Ed thinks of her, and if she really is a favorite cause just because she was used as a front runner for MK:D doesn't mean anything to me haha. I guess she was a front runner for MK9 too... but still. I don't know, maybe it's just paranoia cause I want her in MK11 and every other game tbqfh but idk.

Also, Mileena PS4 fans ya'll better add me on PSN! ZachJxLP, we can slay others together!
04/06/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Fucking bald headed, barely audible, drowned 7th grader sounding D'Vora. smh.

Embarassing. And ugh at that look she gave after she killed Mileena. They were trying too hard.

I know, I simply cannot with D'Vorah and her baseness. Mileena could've easily swallowed the bitch but no, NRS decided the true Kahnum's at the hands of a C-list character was an acceptable course of action.

Fuck you NRS.
04/06/2015 04:17 PM (UTC)
Empress_Mileena Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Fucking bald headed, barely audible, drowned 7th grader sounding D'Vora. smh.

Embarassing. And ugh at that look she gave after she killed Mileena. They were trying too hard.

I know, I simply cannot with D'Vorah and her baseness. Mileena could've easily swallowed the bitch but no, NRS decided the true Kahnum's at the hands of a C-list character was an acceptable course of action.

Fuck you NRS.

The fanboy salt is so real here...

>implying D'vorah is already a C-list character because she took out your precious favorite.

Come off your pedestal and give the rookie that took out not ONE but TWO MK2 Icons.

I bet you're one of the users that bitched about the lack of 3D era characters but you're just as quick to brush off D'Vorah as if she were Hsu Hao simply because she killed your favorite when we know it's fucking meaningless in MK.

After seeing the clip, I feel like her death was just there for the shock value.
They even gave her lips so she could be kissed...err killed, in a shocking way.

04/06/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
The fanboy salt is so real here...

>implying D'vorah is already a C-list character because she took out your precious favorite.

Come off your pedestal and give the rookie that took out not ONE but TWO MK2 Icons.

I bet you're one of the users that bitched about the lack of 3D era characters but you're just as quick to brush off D'Vorah as if she were Hsu Hao simply because she killed your favorite when we know it's fucking meaningless in MK.

I'll be salty all over your ass if and whenever I feel like it.

Your baseless assumptions are cute; I couldn't care less about any of the 3D era characters, so if you're going to attempt to make yourself look smarter than you are I suggest you refrain from assumptions with no factual basis.

NRS' roster choices don't bother me at all; what I am offended by, however, is the fact that NRS built Mileena up as the Empress of Outworld only to have her killed by Kotal's subordinate.

I'm not going to argue with you any further; we can either continue this conversation as adults or we'll just end it here. Neither bothers me.
04/06/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
Mileena's death scene was so sad... I've warmed up to D'Vorah, i really will not play her at all, but i respect her place in MK, still, seeing her killing a character i loved as a child feels weird, and it's like they are getting as many classics out of their way for a sequel, with the bad guys being killed and the good guys retiring.

On the brightside, she was brought back to life before, i don't see why wouldn't this happen again, she went out with a bang at least, i don't think the scene was anticlimatic, in fact i think it's one of the best/ most memorable scenes, looking much better than Kitana, and with great fatalities.
04/06/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
I actually kinda dug the deathscene. Death means nothing in MK so the fact that Mileena has one of the best and by far the most disturbing deaths of the cinematic era is pretty cool. If Kenshi ever goes, I can only hope he'd get something just as amazing than that.
04/06/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Empress_Mileena Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
The fanboy salt is so real here...

>implying D'vorah is already a C-list character because she took out your precious favorite.

Come off your pedestal and give the rookie that took out not ONE but TWO MK2 Icons.

I bet you're one of the users that bitched about the lack of 3D era characters but you're just as quick to brush off D'Vorah as if she were Hsu Hao simply because she killed your favorite when we know it's fucking meaningless in MK.

I'll be salty all over your ass if and whenever I feel like it.

Your baseless assumptions are cute; I couldn't care less about any of the 3D era characters, so if you're going to attempt to make yourself look smarter than you are I suggest you refrain from assumptions with no factual basis.

NRS' roster choices don't bother me at all; what I am offended by, however, is the fact that NRS built Mileena up as the Empress of Outworld only to have her killed by Kotal's subordinate.

I'm not going to argue with you any further; we can either continue this conversation as adults or we'll just end it here. Neither bothers me.

Have you not been keeping up with the comics? Not going to assume since you're feeling super snarktastic.

It's been common knowledge that Mileena's rule was going to be extremely short lived.

NRS has been pretty staight forward that MKX would cover the RISE & Fall of Kotal Khan.

Did it come at the cost of your precious? Absolutely. Did she receive a fair send off?

I don't think mid-chapter was fair but it was fucking brutal and totally awesome to witness.

Your anger is baseless when you know for a fact that Milz is one of the poster girls for MK she has been in the past and she will come back in the near future.

04/06/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
I just can't stop being sad. Like wtf. I can't believe they treated Mileena like this. And I have a very bad feeling Mileena will be very bad gameplay wise..I mean by seeing all streams she seems the worst so far (no kidding or being negative, that's how I seriously saw it).

Seriously, at some point in the next 10 years Mileena really needs to be redeemed. She is such a special character in my opinion and I believe her developing possibilities are endless. She could handle her own movie or game. But no, let's just let her die in the hands of the most disgusting character ever...lol

Anyway, at least she's in the game, I can't wait to play her:)
04/06/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
Coming from a fellow Mileena fan, am I the only one who saw her death in the game coming?

Would have preferred Kotal to do it instead since it's their war and whatnot.

D'Vorah doing it was meh. The death was brutal as hell yes but a tad anti climactic since she's a lackey character.

Only thing I don't like about D'Vorah is her voice. It's fucking annoying. Sounds like someone talking into a fan.

Don't worry guys.Mileena will probably be in the next game.(Hopefully)
04/06/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Have you not been keeping up with the comics? Not going to assume since you're feeling super snarktastic.

It's been common knowledge that Mileena's rule was going to be extremely short lived.

NRS has been pretty staight forward that MKX would cover the RISE & Fall of Kotal Khan.

Did it come at the cost of your precious? Absolutely. Did she receive a fair send off?

I don't think mid-chapter was fair but it was fucking brutal and totally awesome to witness.

Your anger is baseless when you know for a fact that Milz is one of the poster girls for MK she has been in the past and she will come back in the near future.

Great, I see we're getting somewhere.

Although you make some fair points, I'm more bothered by the fact that D'Vorah is the one who killed her rather than Kotal's status as Outworld's Emperor. With the way they were hyping this Outworld Civil war, it was certainly anti-climactic.

Again you're missing the point; it's about how she died. While it was visually great and a gruesome way to go out, it was both ill-timed and disrespectful.
04/06/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
Think of it this way. Would you rather have had it be D'Vorah, the most well built new MK character since Kenshi, or would you rather have had it be one of the anonymous faces of the Deadly Alliance/Deception era? Like Ashrah? Like Kira? Or hell, even from this very same game it could have been Ferra/Torr or Erron Black, two guys who I'm still questioning why they were even included since they haven't done a damn thing yet?

It's kinda a Catch 22. New guys in Mortal Kombat have a history of becoming unpopular with fans because they don't really do anything or display character. But then D'Vorah comes in and accomplishes some pretty amazing feats in just her first game, and Mileena fans hate her. I think the mindset of "Mileena lost to a newbie which is lame" is all wrong. It should be the opposite, that this newbie came in and took down Baraka and MILEENA singlehandedly, meaning she's earned her keep in the MK lexicon and is already a really impressive fighter.
04/06/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
It seems like they're building up D'vorah to be a powerhouse in future games. I mean she's already killed two klassic characters with her debut appearance in MK. I wasn't really enthusiastic about her inclusion, but the story mode gave me mad respect for the Queen of the Swarm!

As for Mileena, I was always a Kitana fan, but I also was fond of her. Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be back in MK11 one way or the other. While Kitana is considered the "Chun-Li' of Mk, both she and Mileena are considered the female equivalents of Scorpion and Sub-zero. It's sad that they're no longer interacting as much as they did now as they were in the previous timeline, but I'm sure NRS will slowly build up to a major clash (or surprisingly a team-up based on MKX's events) between the two.

I thought her portrayal this time was great. Deception made Mileena interesting (my opinion) by portraying her to be this deceiving and cunning opportunist. I was a little annoyed (and somewhat disturbed) when they had her ret-conned as this under developed (lack of a better term) experiment who had the mind of a child yet was fully aware of using her womanly body to distract her opponents. Thank goodness we didn't go that route again for this game.

I like that she is demanding and aggressive this time around all while still retaining her mannerism from previous incarnations that we've come to associated with her character. I thought she was well represented. I felt sorry for her because it looked like she lost a lot of power after Kotal Kahn took over. That, and of course, she seemed to be always on the losing side whenever they attempted to usurp Kotal Kahn.

I don't mind her death at all if they're really building D'vorah up to be one of the mainstays of MK. I'm that kind of person that isn't really bothered with deaths in video games provided that they serve a purpose. If D'vorah turns out to be a jobber next game or is not in the game at all, then I'm gonna be pissed. Also, knowing it's MK, Mileena most certainly isn't gonna stay dead. She'll be in netherealm and depending on her actions there, she'll probably resurface again. She's just too "unique" not to appear again.
04/06/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
As I'm pretty sure we all realized by this game's roster, if you're popular or a classic death don't mean jack shit. Milly's not gonna be maggot food for long
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04/07/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
I love D'Vorah, is my fav newbie. I'm a dieahard Mileena fan, indeed. Don't get all the trash against D'Vorah. Mileena will be ma main in MKX, and D'Vorah my second, and then Kitana...

Like it or not, Mileena is still one of the most recognizable characters of MK universe. She is inmensely popular. And she looks amazing, gorgeus, sexy, fierce, badass in this game.

So sad she dies at chapter 6, but her story relevance is pretty important.

She is gonna be in the next game. They can't rid off her so easily. Sorry for the haters.
04/07/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
I'm going to be in practice mode 24/7 with Mileena, with D'vorah as my punching bag.

04/07/2015 02:07 AM (UTC)
mileenamou Wrote:
I just can't stop being sad. Like wtf. I can't believe they treated Mileena like this. And I have a very bad feeling Mileena will be very bad gameplay wise..I mean by seeing all streams she seems the worst so far (no kidding or being negative, that's how I seriously saw it).

Seriously, at some point in the next 10 years Mileena really needs to be redeemed. She is such a special character in my opinion and I believe her developing possibilities are endless. She could handle her own movie or game. But no, let's just let her die in the hands of the most disgusting character ever...lol

Anyway, at least she's in the game, I can't wait to play her:)

Her gameplay looks amazing. I was a kitana fan before mileena but now she is probably going to be my second main. Before tanya comes out she will probably be my first.
04/07/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
one thing I have to say regarding the D'Vorah kills,that was a crappy way to kill Baraka,honestly,a QTE?
at least Mileena had a more awesome death.
also,look at the bright side,D'Vorah could have killed Rain and Tanya too.
About Me

04/07/2015 04:49 AM (UTC)
I didn't really expect Mileena to live either or at least I expected her to end up in servitude of Shinnok/Quan Chi. Also to people thinking that Mileena's rebellion was going to be this huge conflict and eat up most of story mode well...that's pretty much on you for assuming.
04/07/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
I didn't really expect Mileena to live either or at least I expected her to end up in servitude of Shinnok/Quan Chi. Also to people thinking that Mileena's rebellion was going to be this huge conflict and eat up most of story mode well...that's pretty much on you for assuming.

Agreed. I thought it was pretty obvious once I saw how quickly the ambush came around in story that it wouldn't last long. Especially considering how much of the plot of the comics revolves around the rebellion, I knew it wouldn't be even half of story mode in the game.
04/07/2015 06:24 AM (UTC)
I haven't seen Mileena's death footage but when I heard she died, I was pissed. Because Mileena is my second favorite character next to Kitana, and was hoping she would have a even bigger story in MK 11. But something tell me she would return because she was killed before and returned
04/07/2015 09:03 AM (UTC)
Mileena's been my favourite since MKII, much more than Kitana even though they were just palette swaps and me playing Kitana better.

I don't care about the story.
If Mileena's not in the next one, I'll not buy.
She's a big fan favourite, despite them messing up her look this time.
04/07/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
Poor old Mileena.

I too, expected her to die but at least to go out with a little more dignity. Than mid-chapter. And by a newbie, as badass as they're making D'Vorah.
04/09/2015 12:12 PM (UTC)
Ive never been a Mileena fan, infact shes in probably my bottom 10 or thereabouts, but I must say I am quite impressed with Mileena in this game.

She has really good costumes, especially the Khanum one, and her primary is definitley an improvement on her past incarnations and im looking forard to he vampiress DLC costume (I just hope it isnt too slutty but I think it may be). Her gameplay also looks improved from previous games. I think I used her a couple of times in MK9 and that was it, so I wasnt expecting to even want to try her this game but she will definitley be on my use list to try out. I think others will be my main but I could definitley see her being an alternative choice.

That clawing and eating fatality is probably the best in the game. Its jsut so nasty and delightfully evil. The way the opponent screams and looks on in horror then pulls there torso away....nasty haha. its a shame her other face chew fatality is for me boring. We've seen that before.

Im not saying shes gonna jump up my list and be a favourite but she has definitley improved in my eyes this game.
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