Mileenas Ethereal Variation kinda feels like it belongs in Injustice, not MKX
posted03/24/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)by
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07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
I hate to make judgments before playing, but I don't think the ethereal variation is useful at all in MKX. MKX has a block button, so whether or not she's in front of you or behind I don't think it'll really create a mixup, since you'd block the same way anyway. Plus, using it to escape projectiles seems slightly difficult to do to the extent that jumping over them would be easier and make more sense, especially since the sai shows the person where Mileena will show up, and therefore she isn't as tricky as she seems to be.

So the ethereal variation I think is a dud low-tier one, even though some people are excited about it.

Does anyone else have any competitive speculation on that variation?

Also, I feel a little disappointed that she can no longer combo after a teleport drop, or that neither of her variations actually add any proper special moves, just new strings. She lost the only new move she's gained in years, so that Kitana could take it, and it makes no sense to me. But maybe her options are great in this game and they did that for an actual gameplay reason.
03/20/2015 12:59 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I hate to make judgments before playing, but I don't think the ethereal variation is useful at all in MKX. MKX has a block button, so whether or not she's in front of you or behind I don't think it'll really create a mixup, since you'd block the same way anyway. Plus, using it to escape projectiles seems slightly difficult to do to the extent that jumping over them would be easier and make more sense, especially since the sai shows the person where Mileena will show up, and therefore she isn't as tricky as she seems to be.

So the ethereal variation I think is a dud low-tier one, even though some people are excited about it.

Does anyone else have any competitive speculation on that variation?

Also, I feel a little disappointed that she can no longer combo after a teleport drop, or that neither of her variations actually add any proper special moves, just new strings. She lost the only new move she's gained in years, so that Kitana could take it, and it makes no sense to me. But maybe her options are great in this game and they did that for an actual gameplay reason.

The ethereal variation mostly gives her mobility as they said. What I got from their descriptions is that you can add pressure to your opponent and confuse them. So you if you decide to end a combo mid-way (no pun intended) you can decide to teleport behind them and start a new one to add pressure and normal mixups. Even if your opponent blocks, you're still in their face adding pressure (hello Kabal) and have the opportunity to start a new one if your opponent guesses wrong.
You can't say that's useless since it was one of Raiden's main gimmicks in M9 and it worked. You still knew that he would teleport behind you but that didn't mean it was easy to work around. It was annoying as hell. And Mileena not only has that now, she has the ability to teleport to 2 different spots AND extend her teleports. I know you might feel iffy coz she's your fav and you want her to be amazing, but give it some time. I'm sure they know what they're doing.

As for her telekicks, what exactly do you mean? She could never combo after that, unless the opponent was in the air and you hit them with an air sai after the telekick.
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03/20/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
The mix-up isn't on cross-up's (aka what the OP is referring to...knowing which side to block on) it'll be on high-low 50/50's and resets. Or in other words, you can teleport mid-combo instead of going full damage and then make the opponent guess on either a high, a low, or a throw. So basically you force the opponent to guess and if they guess wrong they get opened up again. That's the mixup.
Also on Tele-kick didn't combo as a starter in MK9 so I'm not sure what you're talking about. You can definitely tele-kick mid-combo as a linker.
03/20/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.
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03/20/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
Maybe. Ethereal is just an expansion on her teleporting though so it's not that big of a stretch to me.
03/20/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

I completely disagree. The Ravenous and Piercing variations are braindead obvious. One that focuses on her teeth, one that focuses on her weapons. Ethereal is less obvious, but considering the moves Mileena has always had, mobility really suites her and trickery has always been a part of her character.
03/20/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

This. You can clearly see how NRS struggled to come up with three solid variations for several characters.
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03/20/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
Lol @ "clearly see".
03/20/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
The mix-up isn't on cross-up's (aka what the OP is referring to...knowing which side to block on) it'll be on high-low 50/50's and resets. Or in other words, you can teleport mid-combo instead of going full damage and then make the opponent guess on either a high, a low, or a throw. So basically you force the opponent to guess and if they guess wrong they get opened up again. That's the mixup.

Also on Tele-kick didn't combo as a starter in MK9 so I'm not sure what you're talking about. You can definitely tele-kick mid-combo as a linker.

You have the oportunity to do a reset in the middle of a standing combo while the other character is still in Stun motion, then he will have to gues if you are going to try an overhead or a low to star another combo. It also can be used to overpass proyectiles (specialy with the ex version that ́s quicker) apearing right in fron of the enemy while he is still in recovering from the proyectile animation.
03/20/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

This. You can clearly see how NRS struggled to come up with three solid variations for several characters.

Exactly, especially for charactes like Mileena that have had less than 5 moves throughout the series. Even some of the originally revealed characters like Cassie, have variations like Spec Ops that serv no purpose but to troll people with the salute/taunt, and then there's Kitana, with a Jade tribute variation.

On the other hand, the variation system works amazingly well for characters like Kano and Sub-Zero.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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03/20/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)

diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

LOL. youre such a troll.

No they didnt. Her three variations were obvious way before they were revealed. All her variations are solely based on her various character attributes, far from "reached" or copied from another character.

03/20/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

At least she got something rather original instead of taking another characters weapon and making a variation out of it tongue
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03/20/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

At least she got something rather original instead of taking another characters weapon and making a variation out of it tongue

And someone brings Kitana into this when no one mentioned her.

Her impact! glasses
03/20/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
James_Sunderland Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
It feels like they had to reach real far to find 3 variations for her.

At least she got something rather original instead of taking another characters weapon and making a variation out of it tongue

And someone brings Kitana into this when no one mentioned her.

Her impact! glasses

No he's just stating the obvious. You can't really say they had to reach "real" far to think of 3 variations for Mileena when she got 3 variations that perfectly fit her persona and powers. Let alone when there are characters that got variations that are completely random and based on other characters simply because the creators probably couldn't think of 3 original ones. Cassie, Johnny and mostly Kitana comes to mind. It's not really her "impact" lol. It's people stating the obvious. I find it funny when Kitana fans are like that when I personally would be extremely upset if my fav character stole other people's weapons and powers.

Anyway back on topic, I was kind of expecting them to give her a variation where she would stab her opponents feet on the ground to immobilize them for a free hit (a la Batgirl), coz that's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of sais. But I'm more than happy with what she got. At least she didn't get any Skarlet powers right? ;)
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03/20/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
Mileena has never been better. All three of her variations rock.wink
03/20/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)
I actually think her three variations are really interesting and fit her well

especially when compared with Kitana and Johnny who clearly NRS were scratching their heads for

though I think Reptile really got the short stick in the variation department-even his stream demo was minute compared to Ermacs

Makes me a little worried about Sonya
03/20/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
I think some people are taking directhit's point personally, because of fandom.

I love Mileena, but like was stated Mileena's moves are scarce to begin with. Characters like Mileena, Johnny, Kitana, and Ermac(which I'm surprised no one mentioned) are some very obvious examples of how the variation system fails.

Literally look at how effective and "varying" all three of Raiden's variations look and compare his to any of the aforementioned. There are differences in Mileena's variations, but all I keep thinking about is when they were on display during the stream the only thing you heard was "mixup".

I love Mileena, she looks cool, but they could've done more. At least she wasn't stuck with a stupid variation where she flies around screen.
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03/20/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
I actually think her three variations are really interesting and fit her well

especially when compared with Kitana and Johnny who clearly NRS were scratching their heads for

though I think Reptile really got the short stick in the variation department-even his stream demo was minute compared to Ermacs

Makes me a little worried about Sonya

Nah mate,

Sonyas gonna have
Grappler - Lots of holds and throws
Acrobatic - Cartwheel, Arc Kick and enhanced Leg Toss
Garote wire - Defensive style using Garote wire for counter attacks and holds.
I hope...

I could think of a few more for her as well... Military grade - uses her tech to enhance ring toss etc
Poisonous - Variations of her kiss dust to either stun, damage over time or drain meter. I could go on...
03/20/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
Actually Yes.
There are characters with more variation in his moves aresenal. Actually some of the variations are more oriented to resets(mixups) and Frame traps like Mileena ́s Ethereal and the one where Johnny charges his special moves.

But something that worried me since the beginning was that some characters would just have a useless variation.
For me, the only one that i can ́t find a practicle use is Ermac ́s Flying variation.
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03/21/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
though I think Reptile really got the short stick in the variation department-even his stream demo was minute compared to Ermacs
I'm so angry about Reptile's variations and I don't even play as him.

I mean sometimes you can see where NRS was reaching for the sun, moon, and stars trying to come up with variations for some characters but Mileena is a bad example. She was always going to have something sai and bite related. I mean honestly. And actually I think I called out a variation that focused on her teleportation months and months ago. I mean she can already teleport and that's pretty much her only kind "super" power you know? It makes sense, at least to me.

Johnny's variation makes sense to me too. He's always created after images of himself, he's just better at it in his stunt double variation.
03/21/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:

I love Mileena, but like was stated Mileena's moves are scarce to begin with. Characters like Mileena, Johnny, Kitana, and Ermac(which I'm surprised no one mentioned) are some very obvious examples of how the variation system fails.

I don't know if you and diirectwhatever dislike Mileena or whatever but lbr comparing her variations to Johnny's and Kitana's is an absolute fail. Mileena got one variation based on her sais, one based on her teleportation, and one based on her tarkatan blood. Cage and Kitana got variations based on other characters. So I don't really see your point.
If you two take a look at older speculation threads, you'll see that many people predicted that she'd get variations based on those 3 traits. So saying that she's included in the list of examples of variation fails is just mind boggling to me. Cage? Yeah. Kitana? Absolutely yes! But I fail to see how Mileena's are a fail. They were the most obvious thing. You say that people take things the wrong way because of fandom but you're not being too objective here either tbh.
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03/21/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
As useful as Freddy's teleport in MK9.

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03/21/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:

I love Mileena, but like was stated Mileena's moves are scarce to begin with. Characters like Mileena, Johnny, Kitana, and Ermac(which I'm surprised no one mentioned) are some very obvious examples of how the variation system fails.

I don't know if you and diirectwhatever dislike Mileena or whatever but lbr comparing her variations to Johnny's and Kitana's is an absolute fail. Mileena got one variation based on her sais, one based on her teleportation, and one based on her tarkatan blood. Cage and Kitana got variations based on other characters. So I don't really see your point.
If you two take a look at older speculation threads, you'll see that many people predicted that she'd get variations based on those 3 traits. So saying that she's included in the list of examples of variation fails is just mind boggling to me. Cage? Yeah. Kitana? Absolutely yes! But I fail to see how Mileena's are a fail. They were the most obvious thing. You say that people take things the wrong way because of fandom but you're not being too objective here either tbh.

It's not a biased opinion, even Scorpion still surprises me when I see him shooting fireballs. And Quan Chi summoning a goddamn bat WTF? I feel like some variations are forced a bit. Mileena does have a teleport, but she never struck me as a teleporting-type. But I'm not complaining, I'm just glad they fixed her damn teeth, that's how she should have always looked imo.
03/21/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Mileena never struck me as a teleporting-type.

Whether she struck you or not, the fact is that she always had a telekick. And this proves she had teleporting powers since MK2. MK9 established that too (see gif above). They just never utilized her teleporting abilities properly in her gameplay. It was about time. And above all, it makes perfect sense!
03/21/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
I don't see why anyone wouldn't like her Ethereal variation. It seems like it can be used to link more combos together, add tons of fast pressure and confusion, and the big one.. Get out of corners.
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