Midway nixes Austin office, lay offs in Chicago office, over a quarter of total staff cut
posted12/20/2008 06:55 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)

According to IGN.com, Midway has announced the layoffs of 180 employees. That aparently amounts to around 1/4th of Midway as a whole. To me, that's both huge and unsettling. I know that it's terrible to see anyone get the pink slip, and I don't mean to make light of that, but I wonder if any MK staff got eliminated in the company's slimming down efforts.

The article also says that several "non-core projects" that were scheduled to release in 2010 and 2011 have been suspended. I'm assuming that by "non-core" they're probably saying that MK is safe.

Well, for those of us hoping for new creative blood getting infused into the MK team, I seriously doubt it'll happen now. It seems to be more likely that Midway will go under or get purchased as opposed to the once great company adding staff for the time being, but obviously that's a complete and utter guess on my part.

Anyways, just thought I'd pass this news along. I looked around and didn't see it posted anywhere. If it was, than I apologize. I just thought that since this article could very well pertain to at least a few people that have a hand in our favorite game, that, well, it seemed both newsworthy and perhaps a little nerve wracking for MK fans, as this restructuring can't be a good sign for the future of Midway and possibly MK as well for that matter.
12/17/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)
I've got more, not all of it bad:

Newsarama.Com Wrote:

Speaking exclusively to Newsarama on the condition of anonymity, one of the laid off employees has given us more details. The layoffs in Chicago have affected all but two teams there, leaving the Mortal Kombat team and a team working on a Mortal Kombat adventure game. The Newcastle, England Studio was virtually unaffected- for now. Wheelman, their current property, is due out in the next couple of months, and currently close to submission. Speculation by employees at Midway is this will be the studio's final game. Likewise, Seattle Studio's This is Vegas is due next summer, and internal speculation has even that game possibly not being published by Midway themselves. One game that was about halfway through development at Chicago has already been shopped around to other studios, possibly allowing completion elsewhere. That may or may not allow some of the 100+ people laid off from the Chicago Studio to go with the game, however.

If Midway lasts long enough, or the studio that buys MK when Midway goes under keeps the current projects going, then there's another Shaolin Monks coming.
12/17/2008 06:04 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Well, for those of us hoping for new creative blood getting infused into the MK team, I seriously doubt it'll happen now.

Well if the MK franchise is bought by another company...which I think it would, as it is still reasonably profitable...we just might.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If Midway lasts long enough, or the studio that buys MK when Midway goes under keeps the current projects going, then there's another Shaolin Monks coming.

12/17/2008 06:25 AM (UTC)
It could be good news. Maybe it's a new story and not a mangling of an old one, this time?
All we have to go on until we learn what the story will be is it'll probably have the same or a similar gameplay engine to MKSM, which I certainly consider good news. I would, in fact, call Shaolin Monks one of the best platformers I've ever played. I certainly consider it in the same league as God of War and Prince of Persia.
12/17/2008 10:16 AM (UTC)

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It could be good news. Maybe it's a new story and not a mangling of an old one, this time?

All we have to go on until we learn what the story will be is it'll probably have the same or a similar gameplay engine to MKSM, which I certainly consider good news. I would, in fact, call Shaolin Monks one of the best platformers I've ever played. I certainly consider it in the same league as God of War and Prince of Persia.

Agree 100%. Absolutely love mksm, one of my favorite mk games.
12/18/2008 05:23 PM (UTC)
Though this is surly bad news still it soent mean that Midway nor MK is already died .

Midway may get over this but ofcourse wont be the big company as it is used to be and that is good imo .

No more wasting money on bad games aka BlackSite or Area 51 and other useless games .

More budget for limited list of games = better games .
less budget for a long list of games = unfinished bad games .
12/19/2008 01:05 AM (UTC)
The update mentions that it left the two mk teams alone. It mentioned that they are working on an adventure game if I interpreted that right. That means that about April or May of next year we should be getting information on it if they follow their established business pattern followed by a release in September, October, or November.
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12/19/2008 02:23 AM (UTC)
I really hope that's not the case. It sounds like Ed and company had been working on MK vs DC nonstop and then they have to get a new MK game out in a year's time? I know, there was probably part of the MK team working on it already, but that turnaround time is still really really fast.

I'd rather they come out with an awesome game in the fall of 2010 than a decent but nothing overly special type of title in the fall of 2009.

That's just my 2 cents.

After seeing games (albeit in trailer form) like Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Gears 2 etc, MK has some serious catching up to do in the graphics department. MK vs DC wasn't awful graphically by any means, but even when put up against other fighters like Soul Calibur 4 or the upcoming Tekken 6, well... It's just not that great.

And the gameplay/story/modes etc... Yeah I won't get started.

Suffice to say, I'm glad that the MK teams weren't affected by the layoffs. I just hope that Midway's trimming down doesn't affect the company's solvency going forward to the point where future MK games and those that make them aren't hung out to dry.

I mean, you never know, if Midway folds, who's to say that another company will jump at MK and snatch it up. I mean, let's face it, the fighting genre is nowhere near as popular as it used to be.

Oh well, here's hoping for an awesome action game ala Shaolin Monks and a true MK sequel on the horizon regardless!!
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12/19/2008 05:11 AM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
The update mentions that it left the two mk teams alone. It mentioned that they are working on an adventure game if I interpreted that right. That means that about April or May of next year we should be getting information on it if they follow their established business pattern followed by a release in September, October, or November.

That'd suck.

Or, I guess what I mean is that it doesn't sound good for purposes of quality.

What I would hope is that some semblance of production for this adventure game that was mentioned, started around the time MKvsDC started production. Little before, or little after.

Least then, it would seem that they were trying to get into a swing of 3-5 year projects...and starting with these current consoles, seem like, "they only release quality games every year // year and a half or so".

That could work. Sounds too good to be true though.
12/19/2008 06:05 AM (UTC)
As I understand it there has been 2 mk teams for the past few years. One for the fighting game and one for the other mk game whatever that turns out to be.

I would assume that they started production on the adventure game (if I interpreted that update correctly) a year or so ago, which would put the release date of 4th quarter 2009 at about 2 years of development.

That is what I was implying. Sorry if my above post was misinterpreted.
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12/20/2008 06:48 AM (UTC)
Oh okay. hm...

I guess then, I might be starting to loose faith in the 2yr plan. They usually end up complaining about a time and resources. Maybe they'll prove me wrong though, and release something as surprising as MkvsDc's gameplay up step in whatever type of game that they do make next.

I'd certainly hope so. Need some reassurance news.
12/20/2008 06:55 AM (UTC)
Shaolin Monks was done on schedule and fully loaded with secrets, unlockables, concept art, extra characters, hidden boss fights, etc. It's only fault was a poor script, which has nothing to do with deadlines.
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