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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Eww Eminem.

I wouldn't be surprised if the MK team wanted to have a celebrity guest kharakter... the same way Tekken had one.... Tekken had Snoop Dogg in their game.

I personally don't like the idea of putting any celebrity whatsoever in Mortal Kombat.

If they were to forced to do it somehow, I'd vote for Christina Aguilera.
Here are some tidbits for you guys :

1 - Christina is a great vocalist, she can do amazing "screams", like Sindel.
2 - Christina has an album called LOTUS, like the White Lotus of MK.
3 - Christina's new daughter's name is Rain. Like Rain, from MK.
4 - Christina Aguilera is a gamer. She plays Mario and Donkey Kong games at home. She has a huge arcade room, in her mansion.
5 - More than a decade ago, Christina went to the Nintendo Gamecube party in Hollywood.
6 - Christina also went to the "Skyrim" launch party. I personally don't even know what this Skyrim mess is.
7 - Something weird and hilarious : The "Maria" kharakter in the "Silent Hill 2" game is Christina Aguilera herself. LOL They literally copy/pasted Christina's outfit + accessories from the 1999 Teen Choice Awards to create the kharakter. Christina's full name is Christina MARIA Aguilera.
8 - Christina is also a guest kharakter in a game called "Tomodachi Life".

So I think she should contact Ed Boon about all these tidbits. Ed Boon will be impressed and jealous.

I'm increasingly positive you're hankypanky's newest form
01/15/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:

I'm increasingly positive you're hankypanky's newest form


How many times will people reply to my posts with this hankypanky mess?

My friends, I have no idea WTF a hankyflopanky is. Sit down.

Stay on-topik : this thread is about celebrities possibly being in MKX.

*Maria_Linda rolls her eyes*
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
01/15/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
So what you're saying is that this game ISN'T Mortal Kombat X, it's actually the sequel to Def Jam Icon? Oh, okay then. Cool.
01/15/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
The only way I would be okay with any celebrity kameo is if Quan Chi holds their decapitated head. Like he did with Moloch's.

Period, point blank.

Or Christina Aguilera singing in some random Earthrealm arena.

That's it. Bottom line.

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01/15/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
There's two instances on Boon's twitter in reference towards the "Detroit Rap God"



It's referring to his Tweet about Skarlet.
He used "Slim to Shady", to refer the expression "Slim to none".
Which means their chances of making it in are less likely.

I fucking hate that I hate to even explain this.

Someone get that FacePalm.gif in here.

The reason I said that was because both Slim Shady & Marshall Mathers has a direct correlation towards Eminem. This was in no way shape of form an attempt to slander anyone. I'm just trying to comprehend why he even referenced Eminem in response towards those two different tweets to begin with.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 09:06 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
There's two instances on Boon's twitter in reference towards the "Detroit Rap God"



It's referring to his Tweet about Skarlet.
He used "Slim to Shady", to refer the expression "Slim to none".
Which means their chances of making it in are less likely.

I fucking hate that I hate to even explain this.

Someone get that FacePalm.gif in here.

The reason I said that was because both Slim Shady & Marshall Mathers has a direct correlation towards Eminem. This was in no way shape of form an attempt to slander anyone. I'm just trying to comprehend why he even referenced Eminem in response towards those two different tweets to begin with.

Maybe he was on an Eminem kick. He does the same with Prince. He likes music
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01/15/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
He used "Slim to Shady", to refer the expression "Slim to none".
Which means their chances of making it in are less likely.

Surprised it took as long as it did to get to that.
01/15/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
I can't tell if this forum actually thinks Ed is considering using Eminem? This forum can't be that stupid... Right?
01/15/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I can't tell if this forum actually thinks Ed is considering using Eminem? This forum can't be that stupid... Right?

Don't underestimate this bunch.
After all, someone had actually suggested Dumb & Dumber as guest characters.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/15/2015 10:39 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
There's two instances on Boon's twitter in reference towards the "Detroit Rap God"



It's referring to his Tweet about Skarlet.
He used "Slim to Shady", to refer the expression "Slim to none".
Which means their chances of making it in are less likely.

I fucking hate that I hate to even explain this.

Someone get that FacePalm.gif in here.

The reason I said that was because both Slim Shady & Marshall Mathers has a direct correlation towards Eminem. This was in no way shape of form an attempt to slander anyone. I'm just trying to comprehend why he even referenced Eminem in response towards those two different tweets to begin with.

Maybe he was just listening to Eminem, and decided to use some Eminem puns. This is not the first time he's used musical references to answer a question.

I thought these "grasping at straws" threads would dissipate once news started rolling in... Eh. Carry on.
01/15/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Lol @ Eminem being the best rapper ever. Top 10 maybe, but not the best ever. Ill give him the best in terms of technicality, but that is it.
01/15/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I can't tell if this forum actually thinks Ed is considering using Eminem? This forum can't be that stupid... Right?

Have you seen the boob thread? This is nothing.
01/15/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:

I thought these "grasping at straws" threads would dissipate once news started rolling in... Eh. Carry on.

I'm glad to read that most people agree that this is a terrible idea. A celebrity in Mortal Kombat.

But since Tekken actually has Snoop Dogg in their game..... you never know what kind of shenanigans the MK team might be plotting, now.... you all KNOW how Ed Boon likes to troll other fighting games sometimes lol.... just look at Kobra (Ken) and Hsu Hao (Bison), for example.

So now, Ed Boon might try the same Tekken thing with his own rapper in a game. Of course, we hope this is absolutely not the case.

Why Ed Boon would even bother to twit about Eminem TWICE in relation to Mortal Kombat is inkomprehensible to me. lol

Keeping these things in mind, you can see that this thread is not sooooo far-fetched.

We have like 15% reasons to worry about this messy idea, we should be very slightly worried. lol

It's not wise to assume we know anything for sure.... until the game is actually released, this spring.
Nix Dolores
01/15/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
You disappoint me FROID. I had to check to see if the OP was ReignInBlood.
01/15/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
If any celeb is gonna be in this game, it has to be Bieber. Just so I can have the pleasure of mutilating him on my TV screen every day in multiple ways. Fuck that kid.
01/15/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be too worried about it lol worst case there will be an Eminem song on a soundtrack or something.

Shit even though im not a huge Eminem fan anymore, I wouldn't mind hearing him drop some MK themed bars. Not on the actual game though, im against that.
01/16/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Eminem can fuck off, period. His drug-addled ass is 41 yet he still blathers about abusing women and his nonstop mommy issues like he's stuck in the year 2000.

The best MC of all time? Not a chance. Great flowing but horrible lyricism.
Charybdis Wrote:

I'm increasingly positive you're hankypanky's newest form

What took you so long to come to that conclusion?
01/16/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Some of the post in here just blow my mind
01/16/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Eminem can fuck off, period. His drug-addled ass is 41 yet he still blathers about abusing women and his nonstop mommy issues like he's stuck in the year 2000.

The best MC of all time? Not a chance. Great flowing but horrible lyricism.

Charybdis Wrote:

I'm increasingly positive you're hankypanky's newest form

What took you so long to come to that conclusion?

I agree with your komment about Eminem. He is indeed an annoying homophobik idiot and a mysogynist lunatik.

No, I am not a hankypancake. What is even this hankyfailky thing that you all appear to be obsessing about, anyway? LOL???

Stop trying to mock me.

So I am a fan of Sindel-tina Aguilera. And? So what? What is the problem??
I like to post about Tanya 99% of the time. And? What is the issue? Really, what?

If my posts remind you of hankpancakes or donuts, I don't kare. I will kontinue to post how I choose.

I'd appreaciate it if you would all stop judging me.

Do some of you people really have nothing better to do than to try to make fun of other users? instead of talking about Mortal Kombat? Mess.
01/16/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
By the way, every single one of those tidbits I posted about Sindel-tina Aguilera are FACTS.

In case anyone thought I was joking or trolling.

No, they are facts. You can all gooogle it.

Aguilera will most likely purchase MKX, since she is a gamer. lol
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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01/16/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
Eminem is the greatest ever period. Record sales are almost double the next guy.

I think a Character from Mad Max could make it into the game though.

Predator fits the best
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01/16/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I can't tell if this forum actually thinks Ed is considering using Eminem? This forum can't be that stupid... Right?

You're part of this forum. Do you think Eminem is in MKX?
01/16/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Eminem is the greatest ever period. Record sales are almost double the next guy.

Record sales are irrelevant. Sales are nothing but sales.

Look at my favorite vocalist Sindel Aguilera : she is one of the best singers of all time. Yet her album LOTUS was a big flop. lol

It's unfortunate. lol
01/16/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
God no.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

01/16/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
RZA is getting in Mortal Kombat before fucking Eminem.
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