12/10/2007 07:33 PM (UTC)
Brettski Wrote:
Strictly speaking, I wouldn't say Liu Kang even has a storyline. Why does he hate Shang Tsung, or why does he love Kitana? Neither question was ever really explained unless you count the first movie, and even then it's pretty predictable.

I wouldn't go that far, but it's just that Liu Kang was never developed too well. MKSM should have been the game that explored him and Kung Lao, giving them more depth. Unfortunately, it didn't do justice at all. Liu Kang despises Shang Tsung simply because Shang Tsung is evil and corrupted the Mortal Kombat tournament. Liu feels it's his duty to put an end to his evil. As for why he loves Kitana, well, I guess it's because she's a hot warrior princess who wears swimsuit-like outfits. *shrugs* tongue
12/10/2007 08:10 PM (UTC)
He's one of the toughest warriors from Earthrealm. You guys just don;t want him to come back because you're tired of seeing him. If you don't like him then don't use him. It's that simple.
12/10/2007 08:17 PM (UTC)
Shaolingangsta Wrote:
He's one of the toughest warriors from Earthrealm. You guys just don;t want him to come back because you're tired of seeing him. If you don't like him then don't use him. It's that simple.

It's more than just being tired of seeing him. Him being a tough warrior doesn't mean much. Baraka is tough, but he's not much of a character either. Liu Kang's character concept was never original to begin with, and his development was poor. In MK1-MK3, his story was fine for the most part. But then when you get to MK4, you have him once again as the main hero and even with his ending, his overall character development was very small. His death in MKDA was one of the best story elements in the entire MK story, imo.

Now, you bring up this bit about us not needing to use him if we don't like him. The problem with this is that he's still in the game and is still part of the story. Why bother dragging him? Your answer to my question about what makes him worthy for returning isn't convincing at all. Is that really your answer?
12/10/2007 10:41 PM (UTC)
A character that hates evil because evil is bad just doesn't work for me. I think the way fans of Liu Kang talk about him exemplifies why I don't want him to come back; because he's tough. So, what makes this character interesting is that he can lay a man out at the drop of a hat? How is that heroic in any respect?!

Take Sub-zero for example; a character who is due for the title of champion. He left the Lin Kuei in disgust of his own clan because of their cyber ninja program. After spending who knows how many years going by the same name as his older brother, he realises that being loyal to his clan can not justify giving up his humanity and free will. Sub-zero was taking a moral stance for the value of individualism (which was ironic for a character living in his brother's shadow). That's a hero. That's a champion.

Also, I would agree with SZ7 that his death was arguably his best plot development (and I don't mean that as an insult), so it would feel cheezy to retcon or otherwise erase it.
12/10/2007 11:03 PM (UTC)
you guys are saying that Liu Kang is unimportant, bland overused and getting boring. Incase you forgot, some other characters are the way too like Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I like those guys but how are they more important than Liu Kang? The only storyline Scorpion has in that he wants to ressurected his family and clan and that's getting old. Which brings me back to my question, why are they more important than Liu Kang?
12/10/2007 11:22 PM (UTC)
Shaolingangsta Wrote:
you guys are saying that Liu Kang is unimportant, bland overused and getting boring. Incase you forgot, some other characters are the way too like Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I like those guys but how are they more important than Liu Kang? The only storyline Scorpion has in that he wants to ressurected his family and clan and that's getting old. Which brings me back to my question, why are they more important than Liu Kang?

I didn't say he was unimportant or that Sub-Zero and Scorpion are more important than he is. I did say that he's bland and overused. He's not getting boring. He already is boring, not to mention poorly developed. You can't honestly tell me that Liu Kang has more and better character and story development than Sub-Zero does. I know that Sub-Zero has had constant appearances and is a poster boy of MK. However, you don't take into account that he continues to grow and develop.

Liu Kang is more or less the same guy he was since MK1, and even his special moves and costumes haven't really changed all that much. His MKD/MKA costume is pretty much his MK3 look, and his MK3 look is basically his MK2 look but with longer hair. Liu Kang has had the spotlight for three MKs (MK2, MK3, and MK4). He's way past his prime, and the story can easily move on without him. MK needs new main heroes to keep things fresh and interesting. Having the same character be the main hero and to especially not have any real character development is a big problem with Liu Kang.

You don't seem to understand Scorpion's storyline, but for him, I'll just say that his post-retcon story is a joke. I do agree that Scorpion is unimportant, overused, and boring now. Before MK4, he was slowly on his way to bigger things and his MKD story would've epitomized that. It's too bad that he got fucked over big time.
12/10/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
Shaolingangsta Wrote:
you guys are saying that Liu Kang is unimportant, bland overused and getting boring. Incase you forgot, some other characters are the way too like Sub-Zero and Scorpion. I like those guys but how are they more important than Liu Kang? The only storyline Scorpion has in that he wants to ressurected his family and clan and that's getting old. Which brings me back to my question, why are they more important than Liu Kang?

Really? I thought ... that I just explained why Sub-zero was cool???
Let's go over these storylines on a case by case basis:
Liu Kang: Saves the earth from Shang Tsung's villainy.
Sub-Zero: Not in this game, and his older brother just gets wasted any way by..
Scorpion: Takes revenge for his own murder.

Liu Kang: Saves the earth from Shao Kahn's villainy
Sub-Zero: Spares the life of unknown opponent in an act of random chivarly that saves his life (karma).
Scorpion: Spares Sub-Zero's life who ending the cycle of violence.

Liu Kang: Saves the earth from Shao Kahn's villainy, with thanks from Kitana.
Sub-Zero: Refuses to become a mindless machine. moreover attempts to free Smoke in his SECOND act of heroism, and Smoke assits Sub-Zero in the fight for Earth.
Scorpion: a wild card in the chaos until he realiases Sub-Zero is involved and honors his oath.

Liu Kang: Saves the earth from Shinnok's villainy, with thanks from Kitana.
Sub-Zero: Reveals to scorpion the truth about his family's murder, and specificly declares that Scorpion's soul "will never rest", rejecting the philosophy of revenge that Scorpion personifies.
Scorpion: Reniggs on his oath for unknown reasons. This is beggining of scorpion's downfall.

Liu Kang: dead, but only because he got sucker punched.
Sub-Zero: attempts to train a new apprentice, which ends in disaster despite his good intentions.
Scorpion: hunts down Quan Chi returning to the cycle of violence.

Liu Kang: save's his friend from mind control in his FIRST act of chivarly (some hero)
Sub-Zero: Saves Kenshi, and once again, karma comes through for Mr. Blue when Kenshi saves Sub-zero.
Scorpion: Now the champion of the elder gods, brings down a new version of wrath upon the world; holy wrath.

unresolved at this time.

If you understand my point, Liu Kang didn't even really become a hero until he was dead; he was just a guy that killed bad guys which technically, is just self defence.

Sub-zero conversely has an excellent theme of saving others, and then in turn being saved himself; he demonstrates that being a champion is really about inspiring the good in others; not just stomping on the bad guy. I can make two full arguments on the symbolism of Sub-Zero (Individualism and Karma), and they're both true at the same time; that makes a developed character that doesn't feel repetitive. You just can't do that with Liu Kang.

Scorpion is broken, there's no denying that, but at least they try different things with him where as Kang is just a lather, rinse, repeat character.
12/19/2007 09:21 PM (UTC)
I would like to see sporpion's son instead
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

12/20/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
I do agree im mean jesus christ liu kangs a freakin zombie let him rest in freakin peace!
12/20/2007 04:18 PM (UTC)
i think lui kang should stay dad for now even though i hate his guts
he come back and kicks the living shit in the boss guy and then dies of aids lol
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XBL GamerTag: Rexx Doom PS3 ID: Thor75

12/20/2007 05:27 PM (UTC)
Honestly I don't care if Liu Kang is back or not. I got sick of him winning all those tourneys. I like the zombie look though. If he's in fine, if not,fine. As long as Scorpion is there. And am I alone in hoping Kano makes it?smile
12/26/2007 05:06 PM (UTC)
Meh, I think Liu Kang's time is up. I'd say it's time for a new hero to step up.
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