Little things youd like to see return for MK9+
posted01/04/2009 06:33 PM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
This is not a thread for characters

I'd like to see:
-Stage easter eggs (different MK games)
-A cool game over screen (MK4)
-the hidden icon feature (MK4)
-ability to choose both colors AND an alt costume (MK4)
-ability to cycle through your costumes (MK4)

What would you like to see return?
10/12/2008 10:38 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
This is not a thread for characters

I'd like to see:
-Stage easter eggs (different MK games)
-A cool game over screen (MK4)
-the hidden icon feature (MK4)
-ability to choose both colors AND an alt costume (MK4)
-ability to cycle through your costumes (MK4)

What would you like to see return?

Everything you said plus.
-Having to unlock a good amount of characters.
-Movie Endings like MK4, Not 2 or 3 screens.
-Run button

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Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...

Just wait till you're found

10/13/2008 01:22 AM (UTC)
The Krypt (like Deadly Alliance)
Choose your Destiny
Puzzle Kombat
About Me

Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/13/2008 05:41 AM (UTC)
Choose Your Destiny?
Cinematic Endings!
The One Being as Villain
Kreate A Kharacter (just something I put randomly)
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10/13/2008 07:21 PM (UTC)
-Cinemas (3 per character: Beginning, Middle and End)
-Kreate a Kharacter (with WAY more options for special moves)
-The actual MK tournament (haven't had one since MK1)
-Shocking fatalities, violence and gore
-A return to the art style of MK1 or perhaps MK:DA at least
-Scorpion and Sub Zero as the ONLY returning characters
-Real hidden characters (ie Smoke from MK3)
-One hand to hand style and one weapon per character
-The Uppercut
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Life is a journey. Enjoy it.

10/14/2008 01:05 AM (UTC)

- A strongly pushed M rating

- The ability to find and fight a hidden character on the arcade ladder(MK2 Jade).

- A dark, foreboding, and Asian-mystic atmosphere

- The blood spurt toward the screen effect(MK4, MKG), but done far better

- The ability to hear blood spatter on the ground after a booming uppercut(MK1 & MK 2 arcade).

- Attack sounds that are brutal. Loud and with enough impact to shake you and your TV( Previous 2D arcades + MKD which was loud on the Xbox)

- A mixture of brutal attack sounds from the previous hard hitting games(MKSM)

- The cloth rip bruise bloodstain effect(MK vs DCU) perhaps with an added ability to mess up the opponents hair

- The ability to flip character icons on vs screen and find question marks, hidden characters, etc.

- Hara-kiris and other alities

- An endurance match MK1 style on the arcade latter with a short epic music interlude when the second character jumps in to fight (MK 1 arcade).

- Jump kick and jump punch into combos

- Test your might and sight(MKDA)

- Multi-tiered stages. No repeat tiers please.

- Ducking and flipping over fireballs
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/17/2008 01:56 PM (UTC)
-The next true MK tournament (50 years + after MK1)
-the actual humanoids should be either dead or really old
-The Immortal MK champ as the boss (because if the boss loses, he isnt immortal anymore and we can finally get rid of him in the story)
-The one being
-elemental effects mid-kombat (lightning hitting the player, slipping in a puddle, being burned from the environment, pushed off cliffs from wind)
10/18/2008 02:52 PM (UTC)
1. To contribute to the asian feeling the power bars should be shaped as two long chinese dragons facing each other.
2. The character models and animations should be much more realistic and detailed.
3. Blocking animations should vary correspondingly to the attacks.
4. Magic special moves should be more graphically spectacular and only available when a special meter is charged up.
10/19/2008 05:56 AM (UTC)
_Remember that random guy that would interrupt the fight in the old games, and squeal in a high pitch voice in the old 2D games randomly? I want him back to add a little humor to the franchise.

_ I wish to see greater effects to the damage of the body. New generation systems means greater possibility in violent gaming. I want my ears to tremble as I hear the squirting of the blood pouring from the victom. I want my eyes to become violated from seeing blood and throw-up all over the floor after 30 seconds of combat. Lastly, I'm going to need my adrenaline pumped up to the max from fighting in levels so scary, so intense, I can barely pay attention to my opponent without having interfearince of a deadly by-stander.

_I want certain characters to shout and curse a little bit more when they get hit from the basic attacks. Then I want to hear realistic screams from weapon attacks, when you cut off limbs & cut open legs. In a fatality, some characters can have unique pleads & cries for mercy before their doom.

_I want a 2 versus 2 mode back in MK:9 from MK: Trilogy.

_Ofcourse with certain demands a M rating is more than necessary.

_Endurance mode should definitly return for the hardcore gamers of the world.glasses

_I want the boss fight to actually become a challenge in MK:9. I think over the years, boss fights in Mortal Kombat games have gotten off a little easy. Like MK:2 Motaro felt damn near impossible to kill. It was hell just to get over how much damage that big bastard would consume in cheap attacks. I WANT that expericence back. The experience of actually feeling vulnerable to a boss no matter what. That was what old school games were about. Maybe MK lost so much respect because of the media pressure to give in and hold back creativly. Now days were getting games from Mortal Kombat that says T for Teens. lol
About Me

Original Battle will Return... Mortal Kombat 9! Wishes: Bring Back Konquest Mode (Just like MKA) or Story Mode (Just like MKvsDC) Bring Back Cinematic or Picture Endings Bring Back Kreate A Fighter Bring Back Krypt Bring Back Past Characters If They Don't Return For MK9, My Hope For MK10 Begins!

10/19/2008 07:07 AM (UTC)
- The One Being for Storyline, and maybe him for Boss in MK10.
-minigames (only if they're good, like puzzle kombat)
-actual secret characters (like reptile in mk1)
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/21/2008 12:03 AM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
Like MK:2 Motaro

??? Motaro=MK3
10/21/2008 04:21 AM (UTC)
Mini Games
Kreate A Kharacter
Both Bio and Ending
10/21/2008 01:44 PM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
Gho$t Wrote:
Like MK:2 Motaro

??? Motaro=MK3

I ment to say MK:2 Kintaro.
10/23/2008 12:10 AM (UTC)
have an actual movie ending and not just a picture one
rather have a game with 15 characters at most with flawless fighting system mechanics then something with dumb flaws.
wider range of creating your character: more weapons, more combos, more costume designs.
an individual story line for each character.
chess kombat
motor kombat
a free mode similar to shaolin monks
and by saying that i mean EXACTLY like shaolin monks!!!!!!!
10/24/2008 12:06 PM (UTC)
Test your might / sight;
FMV endings;
Expanded Konquest mode, with MKD Konquest style;
5+ costumes per character;
a roster of about 22 / 25 characters;
unplayable boss and sub boss characters;
Krypt with new unlocking methods for some special koffins, based on classic MK games, like: win a specific round using specific moves under a specific mode etc;
2D ish gameplay with sidestep ability;
multi-tiered stages;
stage fatalities;
destroyable stage elements;
Hara Kiri ability;
3 fatalities per character;
Kreate a Fighter;
dark & serious looks and overall design;
no fucking comic relief.
10/25/2008 10:31 AM (UTC)
-Picture endings as always (no cinematics please)
-Scorpion furious
-Freefall combat
10/26/2008 10:55 PM (UTC)
The main things I want in MK 9 are New Characters, Destructible enviroments, Death Traps, More Bad-Ass Fatalities and the Dark and Gritty Mortal Kombat we were promised with before.grin
10/27/2008 04:52 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
The main things I want in MK 9 are New Characters, Destructible enviroments, Death Traps, More Bad-Ass Fatalities and the Dark and Gritty Mortal Kombat we were promised with before.grin

Yeah I can think of more gruesome fatalities for the Xbox 360 & Ps3. If only designers and Ed Boon gave me some position and some power within Midway I would make things happen creatively.

Remember Quan Chi's Leg beat fatality? I'm thinking more on the lines of that. Simple fatalites won't work for the new systems like back in the day, because as artists I feel it can get a whole lot better. A whole lot more mean. Ive noticed Mk seemed to be living in the past with some of the fatality methods they used from MK: Deadly Alliance.
After MK v.s. DC is done with, I want MK:9 to be on the 10 PM news, for violent gaming again like Last Time! As long as your mature enough to handle it, everything should be fine.
10/27/2008 05:21 PM (UTC)
-Picture endings, cinematic introduction

-VERY few classics returning, as promised.

-Strong M rating, without a simple array of decapitations and unexplainable body explosions

-Not the One Being. If he wakes up, the realms are unmade. There is no way to incorporate him into the game without it meaning the end of the world. I think it would be an excellent plot mover, but not a boss.

-2D style-fights, with minor 3D movement (MK DC)

-Fun minigames (More chess, less kart)

-Appealing story mode.

Just a few things off the top of my head, I'll edit if anything comes to mind.
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10/28/2008 06:13 PM (UTC)
Unique victory poses.
10/29/2008 05:24 AM (UTC)
more hidden treats to pump the replay value up. some of them being quite random. the chess was a fun addition. ive really started to like the konquest. kreate a fighter is great and with a lil work it could become amazing. maybe up the difficulty with bosses a little. but i disagree that we should go back to the rediculous cheapness of some earlier bosses. the ones that youd have to cheap out just to beat (no strategy there). more extensive endings, maybe even through in some illustrations and story halfway up the ladder. i could go on and on. cant wait to watch the franchise grow
About Me

Jeremiah 29:11

11/07/2008 07:15 PM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
-The next true MK tournament (50 years + after MK1)
-the actual humanoids should be either dead or really old

11/08/2008 03:12 AM (UTC)
More personality in the fights. By which, I mean no two characters should share a between rounds get-up animation or victory pose, and the poses should be more personal. Scorpion throwing his spear at the screen is a good example of how they all should be. Shang Tsung shouldn't be just randomly twirling his arms like any other martial artist, he's a sorcerer, when he wins, he should be doing something sorcerous. He should be holding up glowing green fist like in MK3, or have a flaming skull in his palm or something.
Also, bring back the pre-fight bowing to each other from MK4. And every character should have a taunt. Some speech would be nice too.
And chess was more fun and lasts longer than arcade mode. I'd like to see that return in EVERY game, or at least something like it where you have a whole team of characters you can take turns using and can stage some sort of war on a big battlefield map...maybe like Soul Calibur 3's...I forget what they called it, but it was a long, strategic sort of story mode.
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12/16/2008 11:05 PM (UTC)
Yo, one thing in MK vs DC which I hope returns is the ability to pick the player 2 palette of a costume
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