About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/04/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
Gotta admit the secret character route makes no sense. She doesn't really fit the criteria that was used in the older titles right? She's not some enigmatic creeper hiding out in backgrounds and giving cryptic hints. If we're talking about an unlockable character via a Krypt purchase or some other criteria (beating story mode or something) then that's a bit more plausible.

My opinion is this - if she's in the game she's going to be just like everyone else. Either available from the start or maybe an unlockable. Possibly DLC.

BTW though if anybody wants me to break down possible reasons for Li Mei's inclusion I'll post my hypothesis and accompanying information again.

Did you forget Mokap was a secret character in MK:DA? Li Mei wouldn't be so nonsensical.

I hope she's not DLC, if she's playable.

Blaze and Mokap were unlockable. Secret character to me is Reptile in MK1 or Smoke/Jade in MK2. That's my definition.
03/04/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
Show time!
Minchken Wrote:
Show time!

Hey, it's not time for them to reveal Solid Snake yet.
03/04/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Her having a model puts her above the people who don't. I see her as either unlockable, DLC, or challenge tower at least. I would say the same about Rain with his new costume and everything.
03/04/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
Show time!

Hey, it's not time for them to reveal Solid Snake yet.

He's gonna show up surely, since he has a sexy beard and all.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/04/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
Actually, I'm just gonna post my crackpot and potentially dead-freaking-wrong CSI posts. Gathered from prior threads with some new musings. Be warned this is all just educated guesswork. This could all be completely, utterly, and embarrassingly wrong.

Why would she be included?

By now I think it's pretty clear that the woman in the trailer is indeed Li Mei as I and many others suspected. She is shown in close up and has actual storyline related dialogue. It's implied that her information is what tips Raiden and the Scooby Doo gang that the Civil War in Outworld is getting out of hand and that the prize is the amulet.

Why would she be playable?

She has literally the same amount of screen time and dialogue as heavy hitters such as Sub Zero; she actually gets more dialogue than the new characters that were obviously revealed. It wasn't a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" cameo but full on highlighting. She appears to be a catalyst for the Scooby Doo gangs' adventure. Having her exist as only a random NPC cameo with no build up to just randomly show up and say, "Oh hai guys the war is getting totes cray-cray up in Outworld lolol" makes no sense; she would only be noticed by series fans. I find the following situation to be more likely based upon the story structure of MKvsDC, MK9, and Injustice:

The amulet Mileena covets, for whatever reason, has found its way into Li Mei's village. Mileena's forces march onto the village. Kotal's forces take notice and also move on the village to confront Mileena and co. Battle breaks out in the village. Li Mei then does what she did prior to MKDA (defend the village, nearly defeated Kano before he got help) and defends the escaping villagers and refugees. This consists of a couple fights with punching bag characters on both sides before she is forced to leave. Li Mei and other refugees to seek shelter in Earthrealm where she proceeds to spill the beans to Raiden and co. in hopes they can intervene and stop the conflict before more people are hurt.

This scenario would be similar to the bit-part chapters that characters such as Jade had in MK9. How it might actually play out might be similar to the role that Stryker played during his chapter in MK9.

But I still think she's just a cameo...

I concede that that is possible. There is a problem though. This battle was a big deal from her words. It was a big deal, presumably, due to the amount of damage it caused and because it was fought over one of the most powerful trinkets in MK lore. This would not be something that is quickly glossed over in some anti-climatic exposition in an interrogation room. This (to me) is a battle that must be shown or depicted in some regard. It's not enough though to just show it though is it? Nobody that's playing this game is going to want to watch characters fighting; they're going to want to be fighting.

Also keep in mind Li Mei's character. In MKDA she knew how to fight extremely well; in the Konquest mode it's said she defended her village from the DA's forces and actually nearly defeated Kano until their bout was interrupted. This is the actual quote from that game:

"Although quite young, Li Mei grew up in the presence of martial arts masters and can hold her own in a fight. When Kano's troops invaded her homeland under the banner of the Deadly Alliance, she fought bravely and bested many of Kano's men. She might have defeated Kano himself had Quan Chi not interfered.

This is before she trained with Shujinko. Before she trained with Bo Rai Cho.

In terms of storyline now think about this: is Li Mei really going to just let her village and her people get stomped? No way. That completely goes against her established character traits. She wouldn't be some observer in the background; she'd be in the thick of it trying to protect her people from both sides. This fact alone makes Li Mei a candidate to be a playable character (perhaps in flashback as MKX's story is said to be told in) to experience this battle and more importantly set up the next chapter in the story. She's present for both. She's the story link.

Any other circumstantial evidence?

Sure. People are confused by what Li Mei is wearing. They for some reason assume she's wearing some kind of SF uniform. She's not.

As we can see she's wearing some type of collared pseudo Chinese/Outworldish top with a mix of different materials and fabrics. Leather, and a kind of silk like fabric. The silk portion has floral patterns which is a motif Li Mei had with her MKDA primary.

But that doesn't seem like something she'd wear...

I somewhat agree. Though she is clearly no stranger to the traditional MK bikini/leotard fetish she does wear clothing that is far more conservative than traditional MK females. Her MKDA primary and MKD/A alternate being examples.

Now with NRS's obvious attempt to somewhat mellow out their female designs what she's wearing actually does make more sense. This seems like perhaps it might be something similar to this:

Makes sense right? Now imagine if you will what her footwear might look like. Might it look something like this?:

The foot/leg definitely looks smaller, slimmer and feminine...looks like it might connect with the outfit...could be?

TL;DR - basically there's a fuck ton of circumstantial evidence that could potentially suggest Li Mei is playable if you're willing to entertain the idea. However it's all circumstantial evidence and as such could be completely misleading and incorrect. Believe at your own risk.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Actually, I'm just gonna post my crackpot and potentially dead-freaking-wrong CSI posts. Gathered from prior threads with some new musings. Be warned this is all just educated guesswork. This could all be completely, utterly, and embarrassingly wrong.

Why would she be included?

By now I think it's pretty clear that the woman in the trailer is indeed Li Mei as I and many others suspected. She is shown in close up and has actual storyline related dialogue. It's implied that her information is what tips Raiden and the Scooby Doo gang that the Civil War in Outworld is getting out of hand and that the prize is the amulet.

Why would she be playable?

She has literally the same amount of screen time and dialogue as heavy hitters such as Sub Zero; she actually gets more dialogue than the new characters that were obviously revealed. It wasn't a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" cameo but full on highlighting. She appears to be a catalyst for the Scooby Doo gangs' adventure. Having her exist as only a random NPC cameo with no build up to just randomly show up and say, "Oh hai guys the war is getting totes cray-cray up in Outworld lolol" makes no sense; she would only be noticed by series fans. I find the following situation to be more likely based upon the story structure of MKvsDC, MK9, and Injustice:

The amulet Mileena covets, for whatever reason, has found its way into Li Mei's village. Mileena's forces march onto the village. Kotal's forces take notice and also move on the village to confront Mileena and co. Battle breaks out in the village. Li Mei then does what she did prior to MKDA (defend the village, nearly defeated Kano before he got help) and defends the escaping villagers and refugees. This consists of a couple fights with punching bag characters on both sides before she is forced to leave. Li Mei and other refugees to seek shelter in Earthrealm where she proceeds to spill the beans to Raiden and co. in hopes they can intervene and stop the conflict before more people are hurt.

This scenario would be similar to the bit-part chapters that characters such as Jade had in MK9. How it might actually play out might be similar to the role that Stryker played during his chapter in MK9.

But I still think she's just a cameo...

I concede that that is possible. There is a problem though. This battle was a big deal from her words. It was a big deal, presumably, due to the amount of damage it caused and because it was fought over one of the most powerful trinkets in MK lore. This would not be something that is quickly glossed over in some anti-climatic exposition in an interrogation room. This (to me) is a battle that must be shown or depicted in some regard. It's not enough though to just show it though is it? Nobody that's playing this game is going to want to watch characters fighting; they're going to want to be fighting.

Also keep in mind Li Mei's character. In MKDA she knew how to fight extremely well; in the Konquest mode it's said she defended her village from the DA's forces and actually nearly defeated Kano until their bout was interrupted. This is the actual quote from that game:

"Although quite young, Li Mei grew up in the presence of martial arts masters and can hold her own in a fight. When Kano's troops invaded her homeland under the banner of the Deadly Alliance, she fought bravely and bested many of Kano's men. She might have defeated Kano himself had Quan Chi not interfered.

This is before she trained with Shujinko. Before she trained with Bo Rai Cho.

In terms of storyline now think about this: is Li Mei really going to just let her village and her people get stomped? No way. That completely goes against her established character traits. She wouldn't be some observer in the background; she'd be in the thick of it trying to protect her people from both sides. This fact alone makes Li Mei a candidate to be a playable character (perhaps in flashback as MKX's story is said to be told in) to experience this battle and more importantly set up the next chapter in the story. She's present for both. She's the story link.

Any other circumstantial evidence?

Sure. People are confused by what Li Mei is wearing. They for some reason assume she's wearing some kind of SF uniform. She's not.

As we can see she's wearing some type of collared pseudo Chinese/Outworldish top with a mix of different materials and fabrics. Leather, and a kind of silk like fabric. The silk portion has floral patterns which is a motif Li Mei had with her MKDA primary.

But that doesn't seem like something she'd wear...

I somewhat agree. Though she is clearly no stranger to the traditional MK bikini/leotard fetish she does wear clothing that is far more conservative than traditional MK females. Her MKDA primary and MKD/A alternate being examples.

Now with NRS's obvious attempt to somewhat mellow out their female designs what she's wearing actually does make more sense. This seems like perhaps it might be something similar to this:

Makes sense right? Now imagine if you will what her footwear might look like. Might it look something like this?:

The foot/leg definitely looks smaller, slimmer and feminine...looks like it might connect with the outfit...could be?

TL;DR - basically there's a fuck ton of circumstantial evidence that could potentially suggest Li Mei is playable if you're willing to entertain the idea. However it's all circumstantial evidence and as such could be completely misleading and incorrect. Believe at your own risk.

Fucking love you. 100% agreed.
About Me

03/04/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
Minchken Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
Show time!

Hey, it's not time for them to reveal Solid Snake yet.

He's gonna show up surely, since he has a sexy beard and all.

That's Big Boss.

Last time we've seen him, Snake was rocking a Tom Selleck mustache.
03/04/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
We also still have the unknown female from the Living Towers that we still don't know. (The woman above Goro) http://pp.vk.me/c619219/v619219073/1d9b4/AH5VWTRhYN0.jpg
People are saying that this is Sonya because of the salute stance, but anything could be going on there that it doesn't have to be a salute. The outfit also matches Li Mei's attire than Sonya's recent leaked one. Also if you watch the Living Towers/Factions trailer, you could possibly see that the hair matches "Li Mei's" hair. It could also be Frost because it looks like the woman is wearing a mask, however I don't see Frost's spiky blue hair (Which I love), but some dark chinese hair, like the one we see on Li Mei. Boot#3 could also very well be a female's foot and Li Mei's. It seems like a small chinese woman's foot and that's something Li Mei would wear. (Possibly being a reference to her DA sandals). It could also be a Shaolin Monk (Hinting at Liu Kang) foot but it could also be Li Mei's for the previous reason.
03/04/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
ddill Wrote:
We also still have the unknown female from the Living Towers that we still don't know. (The woman above Goro) http://pp.vk.me/c619219/v619219073/1d9b4/AH5VWTRhYN0.jpg
People are saying that this is Sonya because of the salute stance, but anything could be going on there that it doesn't have to be a salute. The outfit also matches Li Mei's attire than Sonya's recent leaked one. Also if you watch the Living Towers/Factions trailer, you could possibly see that the hair matches "Li Mei's" hair. It could also be Frost because it looks like the woman is wearing a mask, however I don't see Frost's spiky blue hair (Which I love), but some dark chinese hair, like the one we see on Li Mei. Boot#3 could also very well be a female's foot and Li Mei's. It seems like a small chinese woman's foot and that's something Li Mei would wear. (Possibly being a reference to her DA sandals). It could also be a Shaolin Monk (Hinting at Liu Kang) foot but it could also be Li Mei's for the previous reason.

It's definitely Sonya upon closer inspection. You can see the V of her jacket which the lighting plays off of. You can also see what looks like the collar the way it is in the screen-cap as well as the pockets on her jacket, unless those are just the lighting bouncing off her tits. lol
About Me

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03/04/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
I am indifferent with her inclusion... She deserved another shot... but then again so do other female characters that fans have been vocally asking for such as Tanya and Sareena..

I don't recall signing on and seeing 14 different threads talking about Li Me...
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/04/2015 07:59 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ddill Wrote:
We also still have the unknown female from the Living Towers that we still don't know. (The woman above Goro) http://pp.vk.me/c619219/v619219073/1d9b4/AH5VWTRhYN0.jpg
People are saying that this is Sonya because of the salute stance, but anything could be going on there that it doesn't have to be a salute. The outfit also matches Li Mei's attire than Sonya's recent leaked one. Also if you watch the Living Towers/Factions trailer, you could possibly see that the hair matches "Li Mei's" hair. It could also be Frost because it looks like the woman is wearing a mask, however I don't see Frost's spiky blue hair (Which I love), but some dark chinese hair, like the one we see on Li Mei. Boot#3 could also very well be a female's foot and Li Mei's. It seems like a small chinese woman's foot and that's something Li Mei would wear. (Possibly being a reference to her DA sandals). It could also be a Shaolin Monk (Hinting at Liu Kang) foot but it could also be Li Mei's for the previous reason.

It's definitely Sonya upon closer inspection. You can see the V of her jacket which the lighting plays off of. You can also see what looks like the collar the way it is in the screen-cap as well as the pockets on her jacket, unless those are just the lighting bouncing off her tits. lol

Could be Sonya...but let's play Devils Advocate here. Let's say we look at Li Mei's costume from the trailer. What if the leather portions meet lower down on her body in a v-shape. It could be a possible reference to Li Mei's primary outfit in MKDA with the deep, plunging, v-shaped top.

Either way I can't tell it's too small and blurry for me haha.
About Me

03/04/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Actually, I'm just gonna post my crackpot and potentially dead-freaking-wrong CSI posts. Gathered from prior threads with some new musings. Be warned this is all just educated guesswork. This could all be completely, utterly, and embarrassingly wrong.

Why would she be included?

By now I think it's pretty clear that the woman in the trailer is indeed Li Mei as I and many others suspected. She is shown in close up and has actual storyline related dialogue. It's implied that her information is what tips Raiden and the Scooby Doo gang that the Civil War in Outworld is getting out of hand and that the prize is the amulet.

Why would she be playable?

She has literally the same amount of screen time and dialogue as heavy hitters such as Sub Zero; she actually gets more dialogue than the new characters that were obviously revealed. It wasn't a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" cameo but full on highlighting. She appears to be a catalyst for the Scooby Doo gangs' adventure. Having her exist as only a random NPC cameo with no build up to just randomly show up and say, "Oh hai guys the war is getting totes cray-cray up in Outworld lolol" makes no sense; she would only be noticed by series fans. I find the following situation to be more likely based upon the story structure of MKvsDC, MK9, and Injustice:

The amulet Mileena covets, for whatever reason, has found its way into Li Mei's village. Mileena's forces march onto the village. Kotal's forces take notice and also move on the village to confront Mileena and co. Battle breaks out in the village. Li Mei then does what she did prior to MKDA (defend the village, nearly defeated Kano before he got help) and defends the escaping villagers and refugees. This consists of a couple fights with punching bag characters on both sides before she is forced to leave. Li Mei and other refugees to seek shelter in Earthrealm where she proceeds to spill the beans to Raiden and co. in hopes they can intervene and stop the conflict before more people are hurt.

This scenario would be similar to the bit-part chapters that characters such as Jade had in MK9. How it might actually play out might be similar to the role that Stryker played during his chapter in MK9.

But I still think she's just a cameo...

I concede that that is possible. There is a problem though. This battle was a big deal from her words. It was a big deal, presumably, due to the amount of damage it caused and because it was fought over one of the most powerful trinkets in MK lore. This would not be something that is quickly glossed over in some anti-climatic exposition in an interrogation room. This (to me) is a battle that must be shown or depicted in some regard. It's not enough though to just show it though is it? Nobody that's playing this game is going to want to watch characters fighting; they're going to want to be fighting.

Also keep in mind Li Mei's character. In MKDA she knew how to fight extremely well; in the Konquest mode it's said she defended her village from the DA's forces and actually nearly defeated Kano until their bout was interrupted. This is the actual quote from that game:

"Although quite young, Li Mei grew up in the presence of martial arts masters and can hold her own in a fight. When Kano's troops invaded her homeland under the banner of the Deadly Alliance, she fought bravely and bested many of Kano's men. She might have defeated Kano himself had Quan Chi not interfered.

This is before she trained with Shujinko. Before she trained with Bo Rai Cho.

In terms of storyline now think about this: is Li Mei really going to just let her village and her people get stomped? No way. That completely goes against her established character traits. She wouldn't be some observer in the background; she'd be in the thick of it trying to protect her people from both sides. This fact alone makes Li Mei a candidate to be a playable character (perhaps in flashback as MKX's story is said to be told in) to experience this battle and more importantly set up the next chapter in the story. She's present for both. She's the story link.

Any other circumstantial evidence?

Sure. People are confused by what Li Mei is wearing. They for some reason assume she's wearing some kind of SF uniform. She's not.

As we can see she's wearing some type of collared pseudo Chinese/Outworldish top with a mix of different materials and fabrics. Leather, and a kind of silk like fabric. The silk portion has floral patterns which is a motif Li Mei had with her MKDA primary.

But that doesn't seem like something she'd wear...

I somewhat agree. Though she is clearly no stranger to the traditional MK bikini/leotard fetish she does wear clothing that is far more conservative than traditional MK females. Her MKDA primary and MKD/A alternate being examples.

Now with NRS's obvious attempt to somewhat mellow out their female designs what she's wearing actually does make more sense. This seems like perhaps it might be something similar to this:

Makes sense right? Now imagine if you will what her footwear might look like. Might it look something like this?:

The foot/leg definitely looks smaller, slimmer and feminine...looks like it might connect with the outfit...could be?

TL;DR - basically there's a fuck ton of circumstantial evidence that could potentially suggest Li Mei is playable if you're willing to entertain the idea. However it's all circumstantial evidence and as such could be completely misleading and incorrect. Believe at your own risk.

03/04/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ddill Wrote:
We also still have the unknown female from the Living Towers that we still don't know. (The woman above Goro) http://pp.vk.me/c619219/v619219073/1d9b4/AH5VWTRhYN0.jpg
People are saying that this is Sonya because of the salute stance, but anything could be going on there that it doesn't have to be a salute. The outfit also matches Li Mei's attire than Sonya's recent leaked one. Also if you watch the Living Towers/Factions trailer, you could possibly see that the hair matches "Li Mei's" hair. It could also be Frost because it looks like the woman is wearing a mask, however I don't see Frost's spiky blue hair (Which I love), but some dark chinese hair, like the one we see on Li Mei. Boot#3 could also very well be a female's foot and Li Mei's. It seems like a small chinese woman's foot and that's something Li Mei would wear. (Possibly being a reference to her DA sandals). It could also be a Shaolin Monk (Hinting at Liu Kang) foot but it could also be Li Mei's for the previous reason.

It's definitely Sonya upon closer inspection. You can see the V of her jacket which the lighting plays off of. You can also see what looks like the collar the way it is in the screen-cap as well as the pockets on her jacket, unless those are just the lighting bouncing off her tits. lol

Could be Sonya...but let's play Devils Advocate here. Let's say we look at Li Mei's costume from the trailer. What if the leather portions meet lower down on her body in a v-shape. It could be a possible reference to Li Mei's primary outfit in MKDA with the deep, plunging, v-shaped top.

Either way I can't tell it's too small and blurry for me haha.

It's entirely possible, sure. Hell, her and Frost both for all we know (as well as Rain) could be unplayable fighters that you get to face on the Towers for all we know seeing as we know close to zilch about that stuff. It's believable.
03/04/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I have to say it again.

I LOVE how everything Ed says is a troll post :).

03/04/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
It's just a story mode cameo, it will last 30 secs at max.
Don't get your hopes too up for Li Mei.
About Me

I will rock you.

03/04/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
White Lotus or Special Forces. I am choosing White Lotus.
03/04/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
White Lotus or Special Forces. I am choosing White Lotus.

The Brotherhood of Shatroll here.
Minchken Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Minchken Wrote:
Show time!

Hey, it's not time for them to reveal Solid Snake yet.

He's gonna show up surely, since he has a sexy beard and all.

It would be MGS1 or 4 Snake if they had any taste.
03/04/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
Li Mei was always a bit underwhelming for me

But I'll take whatever 3d character updated that I can get at this stage

03/04/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:

Damn, after seeing the comparison with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, I'm sold on wanting Li Mei to return. Hope you get your character back
03/04/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
I really hope she is in. She could join the White Lotus and that would explain Boot3. Idk I just really want her.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/04/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
White Lotus or Special Forces. I am choosing White Lotus.

Honestly I don't think she's got an alignment with any of the factions. She'd be a seemingly rare "neutral" character in MKX; but naturally with generally good intentions. Going on past games I'd say generically she's a relatively proud Outworlder; that she'd probably be in support of a seemingly just ruler like Kotal. From what little we've seen we can tell that he is actually honorable and seems to genuinely want to rule Outworld the right way.

Problem though: if her village is the scene of a fierce battle though how likely is she to side with Kotal's forces? Particularly if it was enough to (presumably) turn her into a refugee? My guess she wouldn't be too happy with either Kotal or Mileena's camps. I mean she's apparently desperate enough to try and appeal to Raiden and his champions for help.

This does beg the question then of what happens after this scene? Does she fade into the background? Does she try to assist Raiden and the Scooby Doo gang? Does she adopt Earthrealm as a new home?

Plain answer: I have no clue and I literally just pulled those sentences from my ass in pure speculation.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/05/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
Argh...sorry everyone for this bump but I actually just realized something else that I find actually pretty compelling...but compelling in the same delusional, pathetic, fanboyish way I've constructed other conspiracy theories elsewhere in this thread. Either way if you'll entertain this you might find it interesting yourself.

In MKvsDC, MK9, and Injustice pretty much every single stage was utilized within the context of the story mode right? The stages literally act as stages for the action. What can we learn then from the various stages that are in MKX? That's when it hit me - the Refugee Camp stage.

It is interesting that they'd have this stage right? Is it just there to set the mood? Is it there to just act as a bridge between other stages? I don't think so. There has to be a reason a refugee camp stage exists. The biggest and most obvious reason is because NRS wants to show refugees. Are they just going to show any old refugees? Probably not...there will probably need to be some dialogue and more than likely a round or two of fighting to progress the story right? That means we'd need a character representative that can both provide dialogue and act as a combatant.

Yup, Li Mei could very well be that character. Possibly acting as a chapter ending fight leading to the interrogation/questioning scene. We now have an actual potential story based reason for the inclusion of the refugee camp stage...

...ugh I'm going to look/sound so stupid when all this turns out to be completely wrong... sad
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/05/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
Nothing wrong with speculating The Truth. I think EVERYONE will eventually be looking stupid in some form or another pretty soon lol.

Nothing we can do about it.
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