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03/21/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
AFKAW Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
AFKAW Wrote:
Not really. He felt like a combination of multiple characters rolled in one: bow (Green Arrow), Boujutsu (Bo'Rai Cho), Charram (Jade / Kung Lao). Basically a copypasta character with little going on, on his own. In that he is not very different from MKD newcomers.
His design is also rather plain and his pesonality seems to be generic.

Takeda is also quite on generic side, but his gameplay seems fairly unique (depsite some idiots saying that he is based off Mavado, WTF?). Though, I am pretty sure, that his plasma swords, most likely rule out Baraka and, potentially, cyborgs, who could use this weapon.

Oh damn, I would hate to see you talk about Cassie Cage then.

Basically Stryker,Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade with little to nothing going for her.

It would also be a nightmare to see you talk about Reptile, he is basically the same character he was in MK9 with a few changes that show there is nothing creative they could do with this character.

Cassie has justification in that she is the daughter of Johhny and Sonya, so it's natural that she picked up some of their moves.

Kung Jin...unless he had contact with Green Arrow and Jade, doesn't have this.

I am not entirely against characters who borrow some moves, if its done "tastefully". Kung Jin looks is like three different movesets rolled in one character and none of them are unique to make him stand on his own.

Also, I understand that you are salty and everything, but don't low yourself to the point of saying entirely ludicrous bullshit. Why should I criticisize Reptile for having his own moves? It's like, if I started to criticisize Sub-Za\ero for having freezing moves or Scorpion for using spear.

Not really salty, I'm just allergic to hypocrites.

I didn't say judge Reptile because he stole someone's moves, I said Reptile is unchanged, you seem to preach that Kung Jin isn't all that creative, so why don't you judge Reptile on the same notion?

The developers themselves thought Reptile is so bland and there is nothing you could do with him so they basically gave him Flash's trait from Injustice, literally one variation where he only goes invisible(something you can do in all variations), and a variation where he is smelly and kills you by his awful smell.

I'm just judging Reptile the same way you are judging Kung Jin, so I don't get why you'd think I'm salty, unless you are yourself salty.

I don't remember ever Bo Rai Cho having amazing moves with his staff, just because he has a staff doesn't mean he and Kung Jin are the same, I guess you also think Bo stole the staff from everybody before him who used a staff.

What...hypocritical about calling new character on borrowing moves of others and not caring about old character reusing his own moves?
You don't make any sense.

"Looks at the name...oh...grin"
03/22/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
I dont understand the "he's just like green arrow" arguement. So what? two different games. Mk has never had a bow user. His type of character is new to this franchise. Just because there is a bow user in the companies last game doesnt ruin kung jin in this one. catwoman used a whip, do you need takeda? killer frost used ice, no need for sub zero right? two different games, people.
03/22/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
dawkness23 Wrote:
I dont understand the "he's just like green arrow" arguement. So what? two different games. Mk has never had a bow user. His type of character is new to this franchise. Just because there is a bow user in the companies last game doesnt ruin kung jin in this one. catwoman used a whip, do you need takeda? killer frost used ice, no need for sub zero right? two different games, people.


It's too bad most people are soooo narrow minded, glad there are still people that have an open mind.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/22/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
dawkness23 Wrote:
Mk has never had a bow user.

*looks at avatar*

Oh yes, I agree. tongue
03/22/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
dawkness23 Wrote:
Mk has never had a bow user.

*looks at avatar*

Oh yes, I agree. tongue

Why do people think Nightwolf is a bow guy?

He only has it in a special move, Kung Jin is an archer and his gameplay is based around that, it's not like Kung Jin only has one special move where he uses his bow.
03/22/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
he made a good impression on Kung Lao`s face at least
03/22/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
I don't think its about him being a bow guy, its when people say MK has never had a bow user before, its not entirely true. Nightwolf sure as hell never utilized it as much as Jin, but he has used his green energy bow since his debut, even if only for 1 special and an EX version.

It's great MK has a bow guy now but the bow guy is kinda boring.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/22/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't think its about him being a bow guy, its when people say MK has never had a bow user before, its not entirely true. Nightwolf sure as hell never utilized it as much as Jin, but he has used his green energy bow since his debut, even if only for 1 special and an EX version.

Even though I was honestly just teasing the guy due to the irony of the situation, this would have been my explanation, if need be. So thank you, lol.
03/22/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
if kung jin had an x ray that worked just like GA's super, and his arrows were the exact same as GA's trait, of if they were both in the same game, then i might have an issue. But the fact that two characters from two different games have the same weapon doesn't ruin the character for me. His meter draining arrows look awesome, and his stun arrows look great as well.
03/22/2015 12:41 PM (UTC)
What if the Shaolin monk Hornbuckle was Kung Jin all this time? :P *mind blown*
03/22/2015 01:09 PM (UTC)
Jin looks... promising. I'm kinda excited for him, hence my current avatar.

But... I'm not sold on his primary costume. It makes him look like an elf from the LotR. Hopefully, his alts make him more MK-ish.

Gameplay wise he lacks... integrity? Not sure if I'm using the correct word here. Dude's all over the place. A bow, a staff, a boomerang projectile...

The bow variation is awesome, but I suspect it's the hardest to master. I could not remember how many different arrows he used in the stream. But it's gonna appeal to tournament players.

The bojutsu variation gives me the Bo Rai Cho vibe (which is a good thing for me), I loved the combos that they showed, so probably it's the one I'll be using the most.

The projectile variation was just "meh" for me.
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03/22/2015 01:34 PM (UTC)
dawkness23 Wrote:
I dont understand the "he's just like green arrow" arguement. So what? two different games. Mk has never had a bow user. His type of character is new to this franchise. Just because there is a bow user in the companies last game doesnt ruin kung jin in this one. catwoman used a whip, do you need takeda? killer frost used ice, no need for sub zero right? two different games, people.
actually MK has had a bow user before. He's your avatar too.


And quite frankly, Nightwolf would've been a better choice than Kung Jin.

Not hard to even come up with variations.

Ancestral- (come on even the name is about spirits) Same thing that Green Arr... I mean Kung Jin has.
Something with Tomahawks based normals and specials.
And another based on lightning.

I don't dislike Kung Jin. He's one of my 4 favorite newcomers.
With 3 variations per character you're bound to get someone copying other characters from previous games.
I do dislike his fighting stance. It looks dumb.

But he's not original. At all. Expected more from a descendent of the Kung family.
03/22/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
How come so many fans hate on his outfit?! He looks so dope, I have absolutely no issues with his outfit
03/22/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
I liked him, being a fan of Green Arrow in Injustice and bow users in general I was already excited to see him, and then his Bojutsu excited me more since I am a fan of staff users as well. He also has a projectile similar to Jade's, so I'm sure I'll get some enjoyment out of that.

The only thing that disappointed me slightly was that he seems to use his chakram similarly to Kung Lao, and since he's already in the game I feel its slightly redundant. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong though.
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03/22/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
His gameplay is certainly more impressive than Takeda's for me.
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03/22/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
The other two arrows are ok but the stun arrow is going to be my main use for his first variation. I love it to death.
03/22/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
His gameplay is certainly more impressive than Takeda's for me.

Nah man, a green arrow ripoff is better than a Catwoman/Omega Red ripoff?

nightbreed_16 Wrote:
The other two arrows are ok but the stun arrow is going to be my main use for his first variation. I love it to death.

Lol, Yeah that stun arrow is pretty amazing, I like the timing of the stun, it seemed to last for a while so you have time to get it your combos.

But I really like the Meter drain arrow, I know I'll be using that A LOT, that arrow is the most annoying thing EVER.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/22/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
How come so many fans hate on his outfit?! He looks so dope, I have absolutely no issues with his outfit

Gotta agree with this. His is actually one of my favorites out of the SF krew. Takeda is probably second, although that quick peek at Jax we got looks like they've come up with a fresh design for him, so I'm actually looking forward to seeing more of that as well.
Love the inspired design. Though the Chakram would fit Takeda more, as his razor whips are similar to the Rajput ribbon swords.
lol mini Kung Lao hat...

Borrowed moves indeed, you do realize he is a Son Wukong reference?
Original Journey to the West, not Dragonball.

I`ve seen his head gear, and staff before somewhere...

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03/24/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
Not all that impressed tbh..
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