Kuai Liang or Bi-Han. *With Votes*
posted02/11/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/14/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
Bi-Han: 3

Kuai Liang: 6

Both: 8

*I'll try to update it with every person that chooses one or the other.*

First I have to say that this has been discussed to death, but while looking around the forum I didn't find a specific thread for it.

So if there is a thread for this and I missed it then I am sorry.

but the title pretty much says it all?

The Subby in MKX, do you think it's Kuai Liang or Bi-Han?

Now I also have to explain why I decided to open this thread.

I saw a lot and I mean a lot of people myself included talk about this sub-zero's identity and it seems that most people say it's Kuai Liang.

I disagree and that's the point of the thread, While a lot of people say it's Kuai Liang there are a few people out there who agree with me that it's not Kuai Liang.

Now I don't have a proof that it's Bi-Han but since I saw a lot of people being 100% sure that it's Kuai Liang I was wondering if any of you out there have a proof that it's Kuai Liang.

Here are some of the things I heard.

1.It's Kuai Liang because in the comics he was wearing Kuai Liang's MK3 Outfit.

2.It's Kuai Liang because he got the scar in the comics when Kano attacked him.

3.it's Kuai Liang because when he attacked the Red Dragon base, the Red Dragon member implied that Subby in the comics was working for Quan Chi at one point.

4.It's Kuai Liang because Bi-Han would never talk to Ermac in the intro like he did, Referring to him saying "Yet you have no heart"

5.It's Kuai Liang because Quan Chi told him "Your brother succumbed easily"

6.It's Kuai Liang because I love Kuai Liang and want him to be Sub-zero.

I disagree with all those except the last one because that's the whole reason people think it's Kuai Liang, And I'll shot down all the theories above except for the last one of course because that one is true.

First if I wear my brother's Outfit that doesn't automatically make me him.

Second if I get my brother's Scar that doesn't automatically make me him.

Third both brothers worked for Quan Chi at some point or another, Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and even before that he worked for him in MKMSZ to get the amulet for shinnok.

and Kuai Liang worked for Quan Chi as an undead near the end of MK9 along with the other Earthrealm warriors.

Fourth I agree that Bi-Han is an asshole and wouldn't say stuff like that but here is the thing.

If the Subby in MKX is Bi-Han that would mean that the Darkness in him is gone right? because he is no longer the wraith Noob-Saibot.

And if he is no longer Noob-Saibot that would mean he is cleansed, so he might have changed during those 25 years. either way you still can't say it's one or the other based on his attitude in the intro.

Fifth both brothers succumbed easily, Quan Chi had no problem getting both brothers to work for him.

I didn't see any of the two brothers resisting Quan Chi.

Sixth This is the only true one.

Since this is a forum for discussing MKX and I love speculation I thought I give my thoughts about this matter and hear other people's opinions.

But only tell me something with proof or something that's more than likely for example.

I personally, again i'll repeat that PERSONALLY. think it's Bi-han because it's more reasonable that Bi-Han was cleansed than a cyborg being fully human again.

There is no proof of this it's just a personal opinion because we know that Cyrax has been trying to become human again and up until MKA we saw that he was half and half but never fully human.

So we know that you can't go full human again after you've been a cyborg based on what happened in the past
02/10/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
Just because I can, I'm going with:

Costume 1: Kuai Liang
Costume 2: Bi Han
Costume 3: Subby Jr (Son of Bi Han and Sareena)
02/10/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Just because I can, I'm going with:

Costume 1: Kuai Liang
Costume 2: Bi Han
Costume 3: Subby Jr (Son of Bi Han and Sareena)

Honestly more reasonable than most speculations I heard.
02/10/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
Idk honestly, we'll find out when the game is released. I personally think the MK3 Sub that we saw in the comics is Kuai and the one in Raiden's visions was Bi-Han. So maybe we'll see both in the story, who the fuck knows tbh
02/10/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Just because I can, I'm going with:

Costume 1: Kuai Liang
Costume 2: Bi Han
Costume 3: Subby Jr (Son of Bi Han and Sareena)

Seems legit. Honestly I hope Noob is in this and this Sub Zero is Kuai Liang. But that's just me.
02/10/2015 06:29 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Idk honestly, we'll find out when the game is released. I personally think the MK3 Sub that we saw in the comics is Kuai and the one in Raiden's visions was Bi-Han. So maybe we'll see both in the story, who the fuck knows tbh

I agree that it could be the two sub-zeros just like in MK9, that would be the safe move to be on NRS's side.

And of course we will find out when the game is released but isn't this the fun of waiting for MKX to speculate about things. :p
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/10/2015 06:51 PM (UTC)
I haven't thrown in my two cents on the Sub-Zero Identity Crisis yet but since this is a hot topic...Question first...

Since Kuai learned in MK9 (MK3) that Bi Han is still around in some form, not to mention has a violent confrontation with him, wouldn't Kuai Liang just go back to being Tundra?

Or did he actually see Nightwolf kick Bi Han/Noob into the Soulnado?

Either way though, I don't understand why Kuai Liang would still want to claim his name as "Sub-Zero" after all that jazz.

I like both characters. Even in the olden days Kuai was ahead of most in terms of development. Bi Han has always been a fan favorite but mainstream wise, he skyrocketed in Deception. Kinda like Ermac...or Mileena...but anywho, point is, I like Noob as a character enough to ignore the Tundra thing and let Kuai Liang be Sub-Zero in MKX.

Also, the context in Bi Han's MK9 dialogue, after becoming Noob, gives me the impression that he enjoys being a wraith MUCH more than being Sub-Zero. And I'm behind on recent events in the comics. So if they've given more hints as to which Subby it is, I've only read the first issue so I won't know what's up until tomorrow.
02/10/2015 06:58 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I haven't thrown in my two cents on the Sub-Zero Identity Crisis yet but since this is a hot topic...Question first...

Since Kuai learned in MK9 (MK3) that Bi Han is still around in some form, not to mention has a violent confrontation with him, wouldn't Kuai Liang just go back to being Tundra?

Or did he actually see Nightwolf kick Bi Han/Noob into the Soulnado?

Either way though, I don't understand why Kuai Liang would still want to claim his name as "Sub-Zero" after all that jazz.

I like both characters. Even in the olden days Kuai was ahead of most in terms of development. Bi Han has always been a fan favorite but mainstream wise, he skyrocketed in Deception. Kinda like Ermac...or Mileena...but anywho, point is, I like Noob as a character enough to ignore the Tundra thing and let Kuai Liang be Sub-Zero in MKX.

Also, the context in Bi Han's MK9 dialogue, after becoming Noob, gives me the impression that he enjoys being a wraith MUCH more than being Sub-Zero. And I'm behind on recent events in the comics. So if they've given more hints as to which Subby it is, I've only read the first issue so I won't know what's up until tomorrow.

I do agree with a lot of your points, and your the first person to actually raise the question of why would Kuai Still want to claim the name of Sub-zero if he knows that his brother is still out there.

I really like your point of view.
02/10/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Idk honestly, we'll find out when the game is released. I personally think the MK3 Sub that we saw in the comics is Kuai and the one in Raiden's visions was Bi-Han. So maybe we'll see both in the story, who the fuck knows tbh

I agree that it could be the two sub-zeros just like in MK9, that would be the safe move to be on NRS's side.

And of course we will find out when the game is released but isn't this the fun of waiting for MKX to speculate about things. :p

yeah I know but this topic like you said has been discussed to death and I'm so tired of it personally lol. i like unleashyourtongues points though, good stuff.
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02/10/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
What if those projections in that dumbass netherrealm scene was just a tool of mindfuckery. & maybe Kuai Liang's soul completely left his cybernetic shell altogether? That could explain Kuai Liang's return.
02/10/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
Bi-Han (game-play)
Kuai Liang (comic)

BOTH are Sub-Zero.
02/10/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
To me nearly all quotes favor Kuai Liang and I doubt they would do 2 sets of intros for Kuai Liang and Bi-Han so IMO this is only Kuai Liang.
02/10/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
I think it's cursed Kuai Liang
02/10/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
A lot of people seem to favor Kuai Liang.

Bi-Han must be jelly as hell lol.
02/10/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
02/10/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
I think it's Kuai.

I honestly don't get the whole "elder gods champion" thing because the soulnado has ended and nothing emerged. I also still don't understand why the elder gods would choose him as their champion in that timeline. They had a REASON to make Scorpion their champion. We also still don't know if that story could be explored again with Scorpion.

Also, Kuai is still called Sub-Zero. Here's a good reason why he wouldn't go back to being Tundra. Everyone he now trusts knows him as Sub-Zero. All of the forces of light know him as Sub-Zero. The only ones who know him as Tundra are the Lin Kuei and he shouldn't care about the old lin kuei because they're all cyborgs.

It would be kinda dumb to be like "hey guys, you know how you call me Sub-Zero?, Well, I want to be known as Tundra now." Oh, but my name is actually Kuai Liang who went by Tundra, who is now Sub-Zero, who now wants to be Tundra again. Yeah, that'd be fucking stupid.

MK9 fucked that up anyway because the Sub-Zero name is a lineage with Bi-Han being the 5th and Kuai the 6th. This whole Bi-Han is Sub-Zero, Kuai is just Tundra bullshit needs to stop because Kuai has been Sub-Zero since MK2. Fuck MK9 and its dumbass retcons.

All NRS were trying to do was pay homage to what the character Sub-Zero was originally going to be named. Fans ruined that shit though with "Nuh uh, Kuai Liang is just Tundra". They should have just had Kuai say "The name Sub-Zero has been passed down for generations. Upon my brother's death I took the mantle. I only compete in this folly only to avenge his death."
02/10/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
Kuai should be Sub-Zero as well as in the story. I want NRS to take a firm stance and do something to show from now on there wont be any questions or debates over who it is.

Alt costumes for Bi-han as Sub is fine, hopefully Bi-han will return as Noob, it's a great character, would be great to see what he does in the NR.
02/10/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)
WOW! Nobody wants Bi-Han as sub-zero.

I guess people love Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and Kuai As Subby.
02/10/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
Does it really matter?
02/10/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
WOW! Nobody wants Bi-Han as sub-zero.

I guess people love Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and Kuai As Subby.

I'd say its Bi-Han based alone on his intro dialogue with Scorpion. Scorpion calls him a murderer. Bi-Han tries to maintain his clans innocence just like he did before he died the first time. Kuai never murdered anyone we know of.
02/10/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
WOW! Nobody wants Bi-Han as sub-zero.

I guess people love Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and Kuai As Subby.

I'd say its Bi-Han based alone on his intro dialogue with Scorpion. Scorpion calls him a murderer. Bi-Han tries to maintain his clans innocence just like he did before he died the first time. Kuai never murdered anyone we know of.

That's what I thought when Mortal Kombat X was first revealed, I mean when we first saw the gameplay of MKX and the intro between him and scorpion.
02/10/2015 10:58 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
WOW! Nobody wants Bi-Han as sub-zero.

I guess people love Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and Kuai As Subby.

Yes noob is the man.
02/10/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
WOW! Nobody wants Bi-Han as sub-zero.

I guess people love Bi-Han as Noob-Saibot and Kuai As Subby.

I'd say its Bi-Han based alone on his intro dialogue with Scorpion. Scorpion calls him a murderer. Bi-Han tries to maintain his clans innocence just like he did before he died the first time. Kuai never murdered anyone we know of.

that goof calls everyone a murderer. Everyone has wronged him /facepalm
02/10/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
Kuai Liang is Sub-Zero.

Bi-Han was simply the catalyst for his origin and is better off dead and as Noob Saibot.

To better illustrate my point I urge whoever reads this to watch this video
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02/10/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
I have to say both so there is my vote.wink
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