Kreate a Fighter
posted04/24/2013 01:50 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/24/2011 02:55 AM (UTC)
Put Kreate a Fighter in next MK... but a creator as Soul Calibur, with many things to make many characters including old MK characters, and other violentes charactes of other games.glasses
06/07/2012 02:00 AM (UTC)
That would really be a dream come ture
06/07/2012 02:37 AM (UTC)
Create a fighter sucked and hope it never returns.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
06/07/2012 02:52 AM (UTC)
If they did add it in the next Mortal Kombat, they should have you choose a fighting style of one of the current characters (like SC) instead of having you choose from different moves. This way their would be no balancing issues.
06/07/2012 06:12 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Create a fighter sucked and hope it never returns.

You've got to be bloody joking.

If they made it anything like Soul Calibur's it would be a welcome addition.
06/07/2012 08:53 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Create a fighter sucked and hope it never returns.

06/07/2012 03:07 PM (UTC)
Fucking morons
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06/07/2012 05:38 PM (UTC)
LemyAddum Wrote:
Fucking morons

Relax man. Even if it's like Soul Calibur's create a fighter mode, people might not like that or want that and given what the MK team did with MK:A's kreate a kharacter mode, there's no huge proof that NRS would execute that mode in a way that pleases fans, even if were to have a lot more in common with SC than MK:A.

All that said, I'd love to see them take it a step further. Sure, put in create a fighter and provide an endless array of customization options ala Soul Calibur and give us fighting styles/special move lists of current characters, but also give us other fighting styles/special move lists that are not used by a current roster character.

Then, give us the tools (background pictures, templates etc) for players to create their own tournaments. In other words, you put your 20+ created characters on your own created select screen, you use the templates for the opening story, for each character's bio and ending etc.

Once you create all of that, you can then share it online and essentially allow people to play your "game" and maybe even give you feedback or assign awards for stuff.

To me, that would be utilizing Soul Calibur's create mode, but then putting MK's individualized stamp on it, and I'd absolutely love it. Seriously, how much freakin fan-fic does this site have? I think that a lot of MK fans and even fighting fans in general would love something like this.
06/09/2012 03:46 AM (UTC)
I agree
06/09/2012 03:49 PM (UTC)
Just because the first Kreate a Fighter wasn't great in Mortal Kombat Armageddon doesn't mean it doesn't deserve another chance in future games. I think it's a cool idea to create your own character and now there's room for more posibilities and improvements.
06/10/2012 02:31 AM (UTC)
Cool, I'm a fucking moron for having an opinion about a one-time thing in a video game.


News flash people, not everyone is gonna like the same stuff you do. Respect that.
06/10/2012 10:18 AM (UTC)
You said that KAK sucked, well it would seem that Armageddon sucked as a whole, so it would come as no surprise that the KAK would also be total shit.

With the quality of the Last MK, one would think that if a KAK mode were to be included there may be a increase in quality. And if it resembles Soul Calibur in any way, it would be awesome.

06/10/2012 01:22 PM (UTC)
Soul Calibur characters and MK characters have always been so far away. Really different. So there are no proof that it would be that exciting in MK.

They probably could bring back KAK with better stuff, i might even like it but i couldn't care less about it for MK. I would prefer not even have KAK in the future. It has never been what MK was great for, or asked to do yet.
06/10/2012 02:30 PM (UTC)
LemyAddum Wrote:
You said that KAK sucked, well it would seem that Armageddon sucked as a whole, so it would come as no surprise that the KAK would also be total shit.

With the quality of the Last MK, one would think that if a KAK mode were to be included there may be a increase in quality. And if it resembles Soul Calibur in any way, it would be awesome.

And that's your reasoning for calling users a "fucking moron" if they didn't happen to agree with you? Wow, I totally like, appreciate your reasoning.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

No, I didn't like the mode just because the game sucked. I don't want it to return because there's no need for it. And you want to know why? With the game going in this kind of direction, people are going to be begging Boon to make their created characters somewhat be apart of the story mode. There's no need for this to return and I strongly believed that it was a one-time thing.

And no, Netherrealm Studios shouldn't learn how to make a create a character mode from a different video game, or make similarities to. That's just utterly pathetic and a desperate call for help.
06/10/2012 05:21 PM (UTC)
Lol I like this girl^^

Anyways before they even get back to the Kreate a Fighter mode. They need to develop all the characters. So maybe in the last game of this series theyll make one.

Like oh wait, idk, Armaggedon. I think they went into making Armagedon knowing it would suck, so they put in the create mode just to make it more interesting.

But if they could do this in the last game, and make improvements to it(make it offline only). I would be perfectly fine with itt.
06/10/2012 09:30 PM (UTC)
I think MKA did a poor job with KAK. But I think maybe somewhere on down the road they could do it again. A lot better than it was executed in MKA.
06/12/2012 02:04 AM (UTC)
I would absolutely LOVE to see Kreate a Fighter mode return to MK, but it should be heavily updated to fit today's standard of such custom-character modes. I am a big fan of making your own characters in fighting games, something Soul Calibur have done really well throughout the years and MK's take on it wasn't all that bad, but it definately was no where near perfect either.

I loved how extensive it was in terms of customizing your character's fighting style, picking each special move, each punch, each kick for your character, I simply loved that! I hope to see it come back in a future MK for sure. ^^
06/15/2012 12:18 AM (UTC)
Martin_Jacob Wrote:
Lol I like this girl^^

I don't
06/16/2012 01:11 AM (UTC)
i enjoyed kreate a fighter in mka even though it had it's flaws. didn't care to buy moves though. even if it was along the lines of sc would be ok. it be great if it was like how wwe games but then it most likly not be balenced.

have kaf only face other kreate a fighters. make it seperate from the main cast. had fun making akuma.
06/16/2012 02:11 AM (UTC)
LemyAddum Wrote:
Martin_Jacob Wrote:
Lol I like this girl^^

I don't

What's funny is that you're letting one's opinion get to you so badly that you're making yourself look like a joke. I hope you do realize that not everyone here needs to like what you like because you're certainly showing me that you can't handle people who have different opinions than you.

I don't want to see the mode back, but I'm certainly not dissing those who DO want to see create a fighter come back. You don't see me throwing out insults and saying to others who I like and don't like because their opinions are different. Hope you can see that and kind of grow up.
06/16/2012 04:10 AM (UTC)
All that said, I'd love to see them take it a step further. Sure, put in create a fighter and provide an endless array of customization options ala Soul Calibur and give us fighting styles/special move lists of current characters, but also give us other fighting styles/special move lists that are not used by a current roster character.

Then, give us the tools (background pictures, templates etc) for players to create their own tournaments. In other words, you put your 20+ created characters on your own created select screen, you use the templates for the opening story, for each character's bio and ending etc.

Once you create all of that, you can then share it online and essentially allow people to play your "game" and maybe even give you feedback or assign awards for stuff.

To me, that would be utilizing Soul Calibur's create mode, but then putting MK's individualized stamp on it, and I'd absolutely love it. Seriously, how much freakin fan-fic does this site have? I think that a lot of MK fans and even fighting fans in general would love something like this.

This sounds like an interesting concept to apply to the next Mortal Kombat, but I don't see how specialty moves that aren't used by the current roster of characters, could be implemented to newly introduced characters. I personally wouldn't want to have characters to have create-a-character mode in the video game because most likely it would be a carbon copy of established characters in the game no matter if you mix it up or not. And it would also take away from the potency and appeal of any newly introduced gameplay or movesets for old and new characters alike if you introduced a create a character mode. I'm completely against this idea.
06/27/2012 06:11 PM (UTC)
well i think thats a grat idea and that mabey we could cosmize with all caRITERS SPICHL MOVES that would be awsome and rainks/leve ups
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10/27/2012 04:49 PM (UTC)
Yes i agree that if the next mortal kombat game has the kreate a fighter option with ideas like soul calibre would be a dream come true!
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10/27/2012 04:52 PM (UTC)
No create a fighter had many independant oppurtunities as an engine, but what lurdpabl was trying to say was that it could be more innovative with borowwing ideas from games like soul calibre lol confused
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10/27/2012 04:54 PM (UTC)
Yes I argree that would be an extraordinary idea for the mk franchise!tongue
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