Kreate a Fighter for MK9
posted11/24/2008 04:19 AM (UTC)by
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09/25/2003 03:12 AM (UTC)
I'm with everyone concerning going back to what made MK what it is today. I definitely want them to concerntrate on the important things concerning the gameplay, fighting styles, etc. or MK. However, I would like to see KAF return back to MK9, but more defined though. It won't hurt to add this feature back into the game. It will appeal to those who love that feature. Just like any basketball or other game that has a customizable feature, you have those who love it and those who hates it, but it doesn't effect the game from being a great and fun to play. Anyway, for starts, I think they should have a huge library of names that we could choose from for the announcer to say in the actual game (example: how it is in the basketball games). That would make it appear as though the fighter was actually developed for the game itself. Another thing, you should have full control over their entire body structure and shape from head to toe. Another thing they should have entirely different wardrobes for the KAF mode vs what's present in the game for a more diverse look, also a variety of different styles and special moves. It should be a long preset menu of fatalities you can choose from based off of the animations that are created for the game (example. mixing and matching your favoriate fatalites into one). Each custom fighter will have the same amount of fatalies as an existing MK fighter in the game. Last but not least, make the fighters where as they do not over power the exsiting MK characters. To me, if they focus more on the game itself and the KAF mode, they don't have to worry about adding mini games like motor kombat, chess, etc. to fill the game up. If Soul Calibur can do it, MK can as well. Just adding my thoughts.
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11/13/2008 07:27 AM (UTC)
I like what you're saying on the names, and the fatalities. I also enjoyed the control that we had in MKA for setting our own moves. THAT kept me around that game longer than anything else because of trail and error. Needed a better practice mode though. One that let both players engage in practice....

But, I'm one of the fans of the KAKharacter implementation. However, I like the idea of building a character up through playing through mortal kombat. I think that if they sort of took the template of Shujinko, but a blank slate and let us progressively grow our own character, the reception of the mode would come out better.

I like the idea of an expansive dojo "area" of the game that "holds all your shit", lets you practice somewhere in the section, tests you in another place in the section, and gives you a store that you can buy, sell, & trade things based on experience points and money.

For instance, if you don't have enough experience, you can't get certain special moves or weaponry....BUT, you theoretically could still buy the ability or weapon. It just wouldn't be active until you earned the right to use those things.
Or maybe if you had enough experience to use a weapon that you have to buy, there could be a lesson attached to buying that weapon or special move. Give and take.

If I buy anything though, I'd mostly think generic garments, maybe armor (big maybe), and character appropriate weaponry would be best. Something new I was thinking about, is the idea of paying some old guy to tell you a good story about your family, something that happened in Mortal Kombat history, or maybe a spooky story about where he thinks you're headed based on the A.I.'s perception of your characters actions. Information is power. *gives the guy a couple coins and sits through a little cut-scene*.

For attributes and stuff like that, I'd be fine with a small expansion on MKA's. Just so long as I get something to wear at first, and I can make my character look like me in a few ways, I'm fine. I think this is because I'm a fan of earning new things, and having them be relevant to the build of the character. For instance, you don't put an inter-cooler on a street car for no reason, right? You want performance first, the look just comes with it, and happens to be something that can appeal as eye candy.

So, although I think it's cool, I don't need to be reshaping the head, and breast and all that. These things stick out right now for adjustables:

1. Color (everything from eyes, to skin, to hair, to clothing colors. I like to play with the color pallets for every little thing)

2. Facial features (big nose, small nose, eyes, no eyes...ect)

3. Hair (need alot of options on head/facial hair and hat//hood styles)

4. Height (adds a complication to gameplay that i did like, but can live without.)

5. More default head and face styles. I just wanna pick one, maybe make an adjustment or two to the facial features, dress 'em up, and go.

6. More DIFFERENT moves than that of the "official roster" than anything else. I liked more of these from MKA than the stuff that the "regular character" moves.

7. More DIFFERENT special moves.

8. Your idea on Fatalities

9. As much, or more control over basic attacks as in MKA

10. I liked the other little stuff from MKA's KAK mode too, like victory pose, stance, and fighting style names and so on. I don't wanna write a story next time though. Maybe just fill in a character profile for people online that wanna check my characters stats out.

Taking a KAKharacter through a story mode or something could have simple preexisting excerpts, and based on my behavior in game, my characters story auto-builds. If I don't like how a thing came out -replay a section, or replay the whole thing.

Same with building up my characters powers, strengths, weaknesses...ect
Weaves an intimate relationship with that "Dojo" I was talking about above. I'd like all the work I put in, to be relevant to real time character stats, attributes...ect.

Down-loadable content should be maps, and that see me invest more time into building my character depending on the missions that I buy for my character online.

Too, this way one map could be a "race" to get some object, and that pits us against one another online. The item obtained should improve something about my character dramatically. Like a re-visited realization to a "Scavenger Hunt" (the most brutal scavenger hunt ever...*coins*). No cars, no flying around, none of that goofy stuff in this thing, just one player navigating and sabotaging the next guy until the prize//information is found. Teams should be possible too....imagine MKA in real-time with small, maybe 5-8 man teams. (possible 10-16 different characters powers on screen working for or against one another)

Way I see it, some of these maps should be team based, to where depending on who you took through the thing, and depending on the terrain, your character gains something significant to the characters specifics. A Sub-Zero-type character, winning in a hell-type realm gains him resistance to heat and a bunch of other little things. While a Raiden-type character looses something, and becomes more tainted.

And then some of them should be offline capable for personal gain. Hm....maybe the only characters that we download are sensei'. The better the trainer, the stronger your stats turn up, the stronger character you are.

Basically though, I'd like to build my character, be able to build them up logically, as well as be able to fight with them up the latter. A library of names and fatalities wouldn't hurt though either.
11/13/2008 01:06 PM (UTC)
Hey ThePredator151,
Seems like we're on the same pathway concerning the KAF mode. Basically I just think its a great feature that should be kept in the future MK games. As I said before, I think they tried to add to much extra modes in the game (the mini games) instead of focusing on what really matters which is the gameplay, realistic martial art moves, creative fatatilies,etc. Anyway, I feel if the MK team expand on KAF mode and make it more of interest so that fans will see this feature differently than what they've seen on MKA, then I think it will be a great asset to the game! Let's hope that our view point about this will be heard!
11/18/2008 10:27 PM (UTC)
3DArts Wrote:
Hey ThePredator151,
Seems like we're on the same pathway concerning the KAF mode. Basically I just think its a great feature that should be kept in the future MK games. As I said before, I think they tried to add to much extra modes in the game (the mini games) instead of focusing on what really matters which is the gameplay, realistic martial art moves, creative fatatilies,etc. Anyway, I feel if the MK team expand on KAF mode and make it more of interest so that fans will see this feature differently than what they've seen on MKA, then I think it will be a great asset to the game! Let's hope that our view point about this will be heard!

I totally agree.

All those extra modes are why MKD came with endless glitches and weak gameplay.

I loved the KAF mode in MKA, it just needs to options, especially in the weapons department (i mean.... seriously), and more un-skimpy clothing options for the females.

I'm all for another KAF mode in future games.
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11/20/2008 04:23 AM (UTC)
Yeah, KAF in Armageddon kept me surprisingly entertained. If there's one thing I'd like to see that mode do though if it returns for MK9 is to GREATLY expand the options. By that I mean TONS of weapons, special moves, clothing options, hair, tattoos, you name it. There should be well over 500 or even a 1,000 special moves alone. Several variations on projectiles, teleports, etc. No two characters sould look or play like one another.

If they made this the big "add on" mode for MK9, and ditched all other add on modes that don't specifically pertain to fighting (and this includes in fight add ons like Aggressor meters, neijins, test your might, that awful klose kombat etc) like chess, motor kombat, test your sight etc I'd be a happy camper.

Maybe then they can put more single player modes into the game like a survival mode, a 3 or 4 player kombat mode (tag or all in at the same time), a bracket tournament mode or some brand new (gasp) FIGHTING modes that involve actual, I dunno... FIGHTING.

In terms of the what Predator was talking about, I'd want to keep that whole idea for the story mode. I'd like to see a whole living, breathing town (a dark, spooky, oppressed town mind you) where the player, as one of the characters, can go anywhere they want. Sure, they'll have a map indicating where their next fight is, and they can go there and engage. Or they can wander around, find koins, find secrets, unlock stuff like any of the 1,000 special moves or 1,000 clothing items etc like I mentioned before.

You can talk to the townspeople, and most of them would be afraid. They would tell you parts of your story, parts of the main plot, give you money, items, or tell you to eff off depending on what you say to them. Yep, I'm thinking of branching conversations.

But again, I'm talking about a city with a high level of interaction. You can kick and punch people if you want to scare people away, you can learn about the history of the tournament or the history of a rival, yourself etc. You can really explore a vast area. I'm talking a city that looks like something out of Assassins Creed, only much darker, and you can go anywhere you want, inside any building you want. You can kill innocent people if you so choose, though it might have a detrimental effect on something you might be able to get later (for example).

You could also use this city with your kreated kharacter though. There could be shops where you edit your look (clothing stores, barber shops, tattoo parlors etc), fighting style, special moves, weapons etc. This would mainly be menu driven, as you could zip to each store while essentially editing your character. But it would give the illusion at least. A three second intro of you entering the shop, seeing the shopkeeper and then the menu comes up.

I've said all of this before in another thread, but I'd personally like to have this type of option. To have an area that could be explored for hours on end, and you have 20+ characters that could interact with this city on entirely different levels. Maybe there's a door that can only be opened up by the flames of hell for example. Well, you're not using Scorpion, you'll have to remember that for later. Maybe there's a church in the city, maybe Scorpion can't enter the church at all because of, well, you know.

I just think that something like this, which would be mixed in with the kombat, the cut scenes for the story, etc would give the story mode a much needed face lift, while giving your KAF plenty to do besides simply being used in 2 player mode. Perhaps you set certain affinities to the character, and those affinities (good and evil for starters) grow depending on your actions ala Fable.

I'm probably going overboard for a fighting game story mode as well as the KAF but man, wouldn't it be nice if the MK team stopped going with quick, often times glitchy gimmicks and actually tried to do something innovative and exciting for their fans and the genre as a whole? Not just innovation for innovations sake, to try and be different or whatever, but something really cool that would make MK players proud to own such an awesome experience.
11/20/2008 03:58 PM (UTC)
Loving your ideas. You hit it on the point concerning the KAF for MKwink
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11/20/2008 05:12 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one who really don't care about KAF mode and just want to have more refined main characters?

I don't think the idea is plain bad. I just attach more significance to other aspects of the game and I want the same for the programmers to do. Additional costumes and character customization option is enough for me.
11/23/2008 02:36 AM (UTC)
I do not wish to see another Create a Fighter in Mortal Kombat, only because there's so much work that needs to be going on, it takes a long time to load fights when selected a created character, and nobody ever makes good characters. (Well, not everyone)

I choose no becuase there's a hell of a lot more things to be listed, but unfortunately if I continued, I'd start making a longer list than Predator's. So, I'm just going to say no for this and I hope that it doesn't return.

If it does, then there needs to be a lot more to improve on than Armageddon's, because that was just horrible.
I understand it was their first attempt. It was pretty fun, I'm getting back into it. I was expecting more though, as an avid CAF enthusiest(sp?) I have a few suggested goals.

They need to categorize things a bit better. Allow several layers, varying per area. Colors 1-4, depending on item/pattern.

Gender, Race("Human", Tarkatan, Zaterran, Vampire, Oni, Cryo/Pyro Mancer, Other(Shokan, Minotaur, Onaga, Blaze/Large Oni), Preset, Size, Skin Color
Aura: Raiden Electric Aura, Fire Aura, Mist Aura, Smoke Aura, Soul Aura, Psy/Magic/Etc. SSJ...

Neck, Lower Head/Face(Masks/Bandanas, Jaw, Nose, Teeth), Upper Head/Face (Eyes/Goggles, Masks/Cowls, Ears/Earrings) Hat/Hood

Lin Kuei Grandmaster Hood, Scorpion's Skull ninja mask, MK4 Reptile/Blaze's ninja mask, Rain's veil, Centurian Helmet, Classic Raiden Hat w/o the cowl, hood up hoodies, Tengu hood

Torso , Back, Accessories

Baraka's MKD armor, Saiyan Armors, Knight Armors, Mantles

Accessories, Fingers, Wrist, Gloves, Lower Arm, upper Arm, Shoulder

Loose robe sleeves, pauldrons

Belt/Sash, hip, rear, accessory/tail

Accessories, Boots, Pants, Lower Leg, Upper Leg

loose pant legs, Hakama

Footwear, Ankle

They had the right idea trying to keep movesets from being broken. Try some kind of strength/points system. I was dissappointed by the categorizing while trying to make a couple classic characters.

Preset(Previous MK movesets, special movesets)
- MKM:SZ Sub-Zero, MK1/2 Sub-Zero, MK1/2 Scorpion, Human Smoke, MK1 Reptile, MK2 Reptile, etc.

Projectile(Effects: Stun, Stumble, Knockdown, Juggle, etc)
- Ice ball, Fast/Slow Force Ball, Classic Forceball, H/L Fireball/Skull/Dragon, H/L Chi Blast, Acid Spit, Mouth Fireball, Shaman Arrow, Electric Spark, Missile, Arm Wave, Eye Laser(s), Machinegun, Cage H/L Shadow Balls, Knife Throw, Hat Throw, Shuriken Throw, Shuriken Spread, Kunai throw, etc

Projectile 2(Air, Ranged, etc)
- Summon Flames, Ice Geyser, MK3 Shang Skull Summon, Close/Far Fire Ring, Homing Missile, Stryker H/L Grenade, Cyrax Far/Close Bomb, Fire Breath, Chest Saw, Lightning Strike, Up/Down Fireball, Close/Far Ice Shower, Upwards Machine Gun, Air Fireball, etc
Tarkatan moves:
- Blade spark, Chop chop, Spin, Charge

- Classic Slide, Frost Trip Slide, Cold Shoulder, MKM Super Slide, Fire Backflip Kick, Flying Punch/Kick, Jade Kick, Shadow Uppercut/Kick, Shadow Shoulder, Victory Knee, Superman, Ashrah Superman, Kano Ball, Roll, etc

- Ice Clone, Ice Shaker, Kabal Spin, Spear, Kung Lao Spin, Ashrah Spin, Scream, Fan Lift, Ground Punch/Backdrop/Tombstone/Stomp/Jump, MKM Freeze Run, Split Punch, etc

- Goro Taunt/Victory, Kintaro Taunt/Victory, Kahn Taunt, Kahn Laugh, etc

Classic Telepunch, Telestomp, Telekick Mileena/Scorpion, Fujin/Kung Lao, Reiko, Smoke, Noob, Rain, Classic Raiden, Raiden, Tele Uppercut, Digital Fist, Square Wave Punch, Lava Pool/Oil Pool Teleport, etc

Weapon Styles
I can see why Nunchucks may be left out. They're cheap enough as it is.

Lance/Spear (I want to make a Dragoon character, Jump Telestomp-ish style)
Small, Normal, Large, XL Swords
- Katana, Scimitar, Claymore, Rapier, Straight sword, Dao, Saw, Broadsword/Chinese Broadsword, Pulseblade, etc
-Knife, Sword, Axe, Staff, Kama
Tarkatan Blades

Just a few ideas.

11/24/2008 04:19 AM (UTC)
Sounds goodsmile Hopefully this feature returns. I believe they can get it right. As you said Tetra_Vega, Armageddon was their first attempt. So we'll see if the KAF wil be an option again.
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