Konquests future.
posted08/01/2006 06:37 AM (UTC)by
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07/29/2003 03:43 PM (UTC)

I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about Konquest, the mode in the past few MK Games that has been improving dramatically. Konquest is a brilliant expansion into the MK series, and after MKA, there's plenty of places left to be improved.

Obviously, an important aspect would be graphics. Graphics, though not necessary, are pretty cool add ons that could improve gameplay by good amounts. There's no need to discuss this in detail, as everyone know all about graphics. It's what we look for in upcoming systems, sequels to our favorite games, etc.

Another area to be improved is the custom-ness. I truly beleive that Konquest could have great improvements if you could make your own character, based on a character you've created for the arcade. That way, you won't have to worry about hearing a voice like Shujinko's again. Instead, it would either be text based conversations (which eliminates annoying voices), or you could select from different voices to choose from for your character.

In addition, as Ed Boon has said in a few interviews for MKA concerning next gen, onlinep lay is supposedly one of his main focus points for future MK's. He's said before that he thinks online play will have a big impact in the next gen stuff. Now lets combine this with the customality mentioned earlier.

Having mixed them both, it could possibly create an atmosphere like that og online RPG's, such as Runescape (i know, shitty example, but bear with me). You could meet other players online, playing konquest along with you. You could form groups to tackle upcoming areas of the game. Trade systems could be implemented. And as much as I think it would actually hurt, people could actually make clans that could do something for a change.

Having these things been said, what do you think lies in the future for konquest, and do you think online play will be a factor?
07/31/2006 05:30 PM (UTC)
good job wow
About Me

98% of the Internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2% that isn't an emo bastard or scum, copy and paste this into your sig.

07/31/2006 09:22 PM (UTC)
What, did you expect some sort of shitty post? Lol. Even though I got two DP's, which I'm very thankful for, I'm surprised nobody's contributed anything relevant to this topic as of yet.
08/01/2006 01:20 AM (UTC)
at least im the first one that likes your idea and contributes to it.i love runescape and that was a great idea.perhaps there can be a "wilderness" area and mabye you need some sort of coin(instead of runes)to activate a special move and mabye you can get some special coin to activate a fatality.i really think konquest should be like this and it would be much fun like you can buy weapons,smith weapons at a weapon shop and all the other runescape stuff.anyways i really like this idea and i wish ed boon and his team were here to listen to this.
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98% of the Internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2% that isn't an emo bastard or scum, copy and paste this into your sig.

08/01/2006 02:05 AM (UTC)
Ok, maybe you didn't see where I explained it was a shitty example. All of what you just said would probably ruin konquest. There's only certain gameplay aspects of Runescape I can compare to.
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08/01/2006 06:37 AM (UTC)
ThePowersThatBe Wrote:
Having these things been said, what do you think lies in the future for konquest, and do you think online play will be a factor?

You bring up such good points here. I'll add.

I think that this Konquest type of game should from now on be tagged to the MK series. And yes, even though I don't have experience playing online, I can see how the ideas you had could definatly improve online interest and fun factors.

What I would say to improve the konquest mode is this.


First, imagine what it's like to walk down the street. The amount of scenery you are able to interact with is unappreciated but nonetheless incredible.

Another person, a dog, an ant. If you now take that litterality, and apply it to something like the Living Forest, you should see your player cringe at the sight of a weird bug or something(while walking). He might even *body jump* and brush his shoulder off if a leave hits him falling from a tree(your character standing still while you go to kitchen for a drink or something).

This could even suggest purpose for your character to have a weapon on such missions.(machette for cutting small trees and huge bugs [think of the scene in the new King Kong movie, where they fight off those huge bugs and have to climb] Of course this games time period is not that far back, but it's not a far fetched idea for Mortal Kombat.

He/She should be able to aquire modes of transportation. Horses, pay for carraige rides(he might hide from something or someone). Which would also give more of a real purpose for the coins, intead of justthe fore-mentioned weapons shop.

So, you see where I'm going with this, kind of a MK's version of some of these "True Crimes" type games, as far as interaction. But not so much.

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