Konquest Or Story Mode Of MKX?
posted06/23/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)by
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Like the title stats what do you think will have, Konquest or Story Mode in this installment. smile
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06/03/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
I've always been a fan of the Konquest like MK: Shaolin Monks or MKD with Shujinko.

Always hated the Story modes. I don't like how it leads the player through. Feels forced, and I think there should be a training mode for that anyway.

06/03/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
Both! The Original implemented story and Konquest for unlocking stuff instead of the Krypt?
06/03/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
Konquest for damn sure.. Story mode is way to linear.
06/03/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
I loved the free-roaming Konquest mode of MKD. That was fantastic. MK has such a rich atmosphere, it was a joy to explore it. If they could create the missions so they could be a little less repetitive, it would be perfect for me.
06/03/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Well it's for sure going to have Story Mode.
Adam Ronin
06/04/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
Loved Konquest sooooo much. Loved MK9 story too. But a Shaolin Monks inspired story mode would be ideal. Missions, explorations, unlocking, etc. it was all so much fun.
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06/04/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
Konquest and Story are pretty much the same thing. If MKD/MKA's Konquest aren't a story mode then I have no idea what ever would be.

With a fighter, I'd prefer the development be focused on the fighting engine. I always pondered if releasing two games telling one story would work. The fighter and an adventure game, happening in parallel.

The only thing that would ruin that, is price. Two games for a single story? People might freak.
06/04/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Story Mode is a pain in the ass. It solely focuses on the good guys (ok in Injustice they did expand on Lex and Joker, but only because Lex was with the good guys in the alternate universe and Joker...well he's cool :B), the chapter formula is too dull and ruins story continuity, and the fights for the character in each chapter are thrown in as filler that contribute NOTHING to that character's development or the story itself. MK vs. DC, MK9, Injustice etc. have used this device over and over again.

There definitely needs to be a new story formula that should switch from different characters as the story progresses, not in separate chapters on sole characters. Some might complain, "That's not fair I have to fight one battle as Scorpion and then suddenly switch to Sareena in another battle!" Well maybe you need to ADAPT to this new gameplay as a gamer and if you happen to really CARE about the story mode. Fans come back to MK not just for blood and gore, but because it has one of the most extensive mythologies in video game franchise. It's great that you got these new innovative features in the next game that's great. That's what EVERY MK game does as time progresses, but you could at least acknowledge that you need a great slow-paced story along with incorporating these new features in respect to it.
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06/04/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)
Sorry but I hate the way MK does story mode. Konquest is infinitely better as long as they don't toss us another Taven.
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06/04/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I've always been a fan of the Konquest like MK: Shaolin Monks or MKD with Shujinko.

Always hated the Story modes. I don't like how it leads the player through. Feels forced, and I think there should be a training mode for that anyway.

I think they should go one of 2 routes in terms of the Story Mode we're accustomed to.

1. No character chapters, just switch off characters based off what's happening at the moment in the story.


2. Character chapters, but not linear. Meaning you can choose a character and as you progress, you reveal how he/she is involved in the story. And with each story revealed, you can piece it all together, and there could possibly be a final ending unlocked for beating everyone's story mode.
06/04/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Two sides of the story in storymode! One from the Heroes perspective and one from the Villains. Everyone should get a turn. Keep the cutscenes, but please change it so that we're not stuck with one character for a chapter. It forces the writers to put a character in fights they don't need to be in.
06/04/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)

I enjoy the cutscenes in story mode, but konquest mode in MKD was pretty awesome, they could make it even more awesome now. Story mode is just a movie with fights every so often.

My vote would go to konquest mode. But you switch characters as you progress through the story or the realms or something like that.

06/04/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
06/04/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
While I love Konquest Mode, I think that it only benefits the one character that is central to the mode. Story mode allows the user to enter the role of many different characters, and the cinematic scenes (especially with Gen 4 graphical enhancements) will look PHENOMENAL. Unless they find a way to successfully recreate an open world that allows players to connect equally with who ever they control, then it looks like story mode to me.
06/04/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
I do wish Story Mode covered all characters, or at least had a good side/bad side.
06/04/2014 02:48 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I do wish Story Mode covered all characters, or at least had a good side/bad side.

Kinda wish they all had a chapter. Then when you clear them all you get the True Ending(Finale). Like BB and P4A
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06/04/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
I personally love MKD style Konquest Mode because of the open world gameplay. Loved the freedom to run around the realms and talked to all of these NPCs (or kicked their ass) and find a ton of cool secrets and easter eggs. It was great times. I'm sure we'll just get a story mode again though, but I do hope they cover more characters this time around.
06/04/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I personally love MKD style Konquest Mode because of the open world gameplay. Loved the freedom to run around the realms and talked to all of these NPCs (or kicked their ass) and find a ton of cool secrets and easter eggs. It was great times. I'm sure we'll just get a story mode again though, but I do hope they cover more characters this time around.

MKD wasn't terrible but it was boring as hell sometimes. Don't get me started with the voice acting. I legit laughed at some(most) of them
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/04/2014 02:58 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I personally love MKD style Konquest Mode because of the open world gameplay. Loved the freedom to run around the realms and talked to all of these NPCs (or kicked their ass) and find a ton of cool secrets and easter eggs. It was great times. I'm sure we'll just get a story mode again though, but I do hope they cover more characters this time around.

That's what I loved about Konquest in Deception. It was almost a separate game. Very immersive and did everything story mode would do but a thousand times better. Story mode is just so damn repetitive. Cut scene. Fight. Cut scene. Fight. Cut scene. Fight. Absolutely boring.
06/04/2014 03:00 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I personally love MKD style Konquest Mode because of the open world gameplay. Loved the freedom to run around the realms and talked to all of these NPCs (or kicked their ass) and find a ton of cool secrets and easter eggs. It was great times. I'm sure we'll just get a story mode again though, but I do hope they cover more characters this time around.

That's what I loved about Konquest in Deception. It was almost a separate game. Very immersive and did everything story mode would do but a thousand times better. Story mode is just so damn repetitive. Cut scene. Fight. Cut scene. Fight. Cut scene. Fight. Absolutely boring.

I liked the Story Mode :c It was like a movie to me.
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06/04/2014 05:41 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
What I was going to say. I think with Konquest it can be hit or miss. My favorite so far was in MKDA. My least favorite was the poor man's Shaolin Monks we got in MKA. I didn't even bother finishing it.

If I got a chance to make my own character, like in a REAL way not the Shujinko way I might like Konquest. OR if I got to run around with the MK character of my choosing I might like the Shaolin Monks way more.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/04/2014 07:07 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty jazzed to find out to be honest, I hope someone asks Ed at E3. In terms of preference for me,

1: Konquest, but it'd be hard to incorporate playing as all fighters without Shujinko's morphing. So maybe a Konquest with chapters? With each chapter you explore and play through a location e.g. Scorpion escaping from the Netherrealm into Outworld, Raiden repelling invaders from Earth etc. Problem is that there wouldn't be the total free-roaming element from MKD, but this could be somewhat offset by spreading the characters around: if you bring back Havik and Hotaru, we have Chaos and Order there

2: Story mode with Heroes and Villains modes, and no Chapters forcing unnatural fights

3: Story mode

4: Training mode like MKDA. Once was enough!

I think its likely to be 3. They got Kiefer Sutherland in to do voice-work, I doubt they'd go so big unless it was the movie-esque experience we saw in MK9 and IGAU. So its likely 2 or 3, and 2 sounds too cool to be true
06/04/2014 07:13 AM (UTC)
I would welcome a return of Konquest mode. Isn't it every MK fan's dream to explore the realms one by one? Both story and Konquest would be ideal. But if I had to choose one, I'd pick Konquest.
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06/04/2014 11:16 AM (UTC)
The Storymode ala MKvsDC/MK9/Injustice seems likely and I think its actually better for the game.

I secretly want Konquest mode though..... Anywho, Storymode will likely return, I'd love for them to ditch the whole character chapters and just have a general scene progression, if would be cool if your character in certain parts..say Cage and Sonya run into Baraka and reptile, you get to choose if you play as Sonya or Cage and who you fight. and of course give some of the villains a bit of love.
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