Kitanas role in the story?
posted03/15/2015 12:06 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
So obviously, she wasn't freed during the Netherrealm War along with Jax, Sub Zero and Kung Lao because we see her in the story trailer in zombie mode fighting Cassie and Kung Jin alongside her undead mother. Of course she probably gets whooped and resurrected as a result, hence she's in the roster, playable and restored and wants to kill Quan Chi.

However, after she's restored to her normal self, where is she going to fit in the story and what's going to happen to her? Is she going to be evil, neutral, neutral-good? (she obviously is not a straight up hero anymore judging from her dialogues with Cassie) Do you think she'll survive this time and be in MK11?

One things for certain, I hope she doesn't catch Game Of Thrones Disease and get herself killed again, that would really burn me up.
03/05/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
I think she could possibly start out as a not so good guy, maybe anti-heroish and very reluctant to fight along side Raiden and his forces again, then somewhere down the line decides to fight with the good guys again lol
03/05/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
Perhaps she'll start off as a revenant until later, she's rescued from Quan Chi's influence and fights alongside the heroes.

If Liu Kang ever returns, I would hope that at the end of the game, she recieves a mysteriously letter from Liu that he and her will be truly together someday before the next 500 years for the new Mortal Kombat.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/05/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
I found her dialogue with Scorpion to be kind of unusual and sketchy. I don't know if she was just trying to be a bitch and insult him or if there was some kind of context there.
03/05/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
I have a feeling that staying a revenant is basically her replacing Sareena. Her outfit also screams Tanya to me. She's my favorite female though and I think that if Liu Kang turns evil, she might try to make him good again.
03/05/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
I have a strange feeling her role and connection with Liu will make me remember this MKX story mode for all eternity...

If I had to guess (but I'm probably totally wrong about this since this isn't easy to predict like the changes in the reboot)

I'm assuming the Revenants are freed after Quan Chi is chased back to the Netherrealm at the beginning of the story.

He loses control of Sub-Zero, Kitana, Jax, Kung Lao, and escapes with Kabal, Sindel, Stryker, Nightwolf, Jade, and Smoke, explaining their absence in the game. This is where Kitana's mourning variation comes from.

She won't participate in the Outworld Civil War, but the final story arc of the game I'm betting has Quan Chi as a major villain and Kitana is banding people together to stop him and free Jade and the rest of the dead.
03/05/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
I think the Kitana we've been shown since January is an alt costume (like how Tyler Lansdown said that some of the costumes we're seeing are alts in one of the streams).

I think she might be wholly on the side of Quan Chi through the entire story of MKX. I kind of got the feeling that the scene where her and Sindel were fighting Cassie and Kung Jin beneath a blood red sky was near the end of story mode.

Although that would make me wonder what the hell really happened to Jade. How can a chick who is dead herself mourn someone? confused
03/05/2015 04:11 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
How can a chick who is dead herself mourn someone? confused

That's what rules out her staying a zombie in the story.
JadedReign Wrote:
I think the Kitana we've been shown since January is an alt costume (like how Tyler Lansdown said that some of the costumes we're seeing are alts in one of the streams).

I think she might be wholly on the side of Quan Chi through the entire story of MKX. I kind of got the feeling that the scene where her and Sindel were fighting Cassie and Kung Jin beneath a blood red sky was near the end of story mode.

Although that would make me wonder what the hell really happened to Jade. How can a chick who is dead herself mourn someone? confused

My baseless speculation might explain that, but NRS is probably not going to do something so predictable. The only thing predictable about them these days is that dead characters don't stay dead but that's always been true.
03/05/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
So obviously, she wasn't freed during the Netherrealm War along with Jax, Sub Zero and Kung Lao because we see her in the story trailer in zombie mode fighting Cassie and Kung Jin alongside her undead mother. Of course she probably gets whooped and resurrected as a result, hence she's in the roster, playable and restored and wants to kill Quan Chi.

However, after she's restored to her normal self, where is she going to fit in the story and what's going to happen to her? Is she going to be evil, neutral, neutral-good? (she obviously is not a straight up hero anymore judging from her dialogues with Cassie) Do you think she'll survive this time and be in MK11?

One things for certain, I hope she doesn't catch Game Of Thrones Disease and get herself killed again, that would really burn me up.

Agreed. Based on the dialogues with Cassie and other characters, you can definitely sense that something is different in Kitana.

I predict that in the MKX story during the Netherrealm War, most heroes will be freed except for Kitana. Maybe Kitana is liberated for a moment but returns to Quan Chi to save Jade or Sindel.

25 years later, the new gang finally restore Kitana. Sindel and Jade do not make it back which ignites a huge quarrel between Kitana and the good guys.
Therefore, Kitana refuses to further assist Raiden and the Earthrealm heroes.

Finally, as the heroes seem to be loosing the battle against evil. Kitana returns to make things right. She defeats Mileena and is key in helping the heroes overcome the corrupted Liu Kang.

In the end, Liu Kang dies as well. Kitana at this point has no one left so she returns to Edenia, away from Raiden and the problematic heroes. The Princess rules Edenia and brings this almost extinct realm back to its glorious days.

I would love this to happen but who the hell knows at this point! April is just around the corner!! So we will find out very soon.
03/05/2015 08:05 AM (UTC)
one thing I failed to notice until now- the ornament in the middle of kitana's forehead is of a phoenix with a snake in it's beak.

the phoenix symbolizes resurrection.

the snake usually represents evil.

so I guess that means she does get revived somewhere in the story and she's on a mission
03/05/2015 02:01 PM (UTC)
What if Kitana who gets resurrected after her fight with Cassie and Kung Jin gets to witness seeing Jade and Sindel be killed by Tanya sent by Quan Chi and then is thrown into that volcano by her, but instead her consciousness gets transported to the void where she enters a temple and meet Delia, the great Edenian sorceress goddess (made by Argus) and wife of Argus. Delia calls Kitana "a phoenix of Edenia ready to rise from the ashes" and informs her of the impeding darkness that Tanya, who is messing with forbidden Edenian dark magic will bring to the realms and ultimately the Elder Gods not to mention Shinnok's amulet is in the hands of Mileena and Liu Kang going rogue, corrupted by Tanya's magic and his guilt, burning most of Earthrealm.

Delia's reason for helping Kitana is that she was sick of the Elder Gods including Argus sitting on their asses and letting mortals especially Edenians to be trashed around like shit by Shao Kahn (though she at first chose to stay out of it), but the invasion of Shinnok's forces was the last straw for her plus Delia could have deep sympathy for Kitana's suffering though she could not help her at first. Delia explains that sorcery has been corrupted by the forces of evil for too long and that they needs to be one worthy to counteract these forces and Kitana, in Delia's opinion is the right candidate for it and the incoming war that is to come.

Kitana, is at first highly skeptical of Delia's "concern" citing that the Elder Gods let Earthrealm and Edenia down before and Raiden killed Liu Kang almost dooming most of Earth to Armageddon. Delia, of course says that the Elder Gods are not as good and infallible as mortal perception would let them to believe, but Delia wants to make an exception of that for once in a millennia. Also that Raiden as cold as he was, was in fact trying to save Earthrealm in the end and tells Kitana not to judge him so harshly as he himself is more sympathetic to the mortals than the rest of the Elder Gods

Delia then says that she could not save anybody even Liu Kang, but Kitana makes it clear that she believes Liu is unlike Mileena and Tanya a good person and that his soul can be saved and that if he dies, she would be willing to embody all of the sins she committed under Shao Kahn against Edenia as an act of redemption to fully resurrect Edenia as a whole realm again and that if Liu does survive, Kitana would vow to learn the powers of sorcery as a disciple of Delia to combat Tanya.

Delia then makes Kitana reconsider when she will be doing as she presents Kitana with two viable outcomes which she could not predict: (1) If Liu Kang dies and cannot be saved, Kitana can briefly become a goddess, resurrect Jade, Sindel, and Jerrod, wipe out Shao's legacy on Outworld, and resurrect Edenia only at the cost of her life as a sacrifice or (2) Save Liu Kang and his life, but Edenia will still be merged as part of Outworld and her friend and mother will still be dead. She can relocate her people to Earthrealm (Shang Tsung's island), become the new Queen of Edenia, save Earthrealm and be together with Liu, and Kitana can still become a powerful sorceress under Delia as her disciple and work to combat Outworld and Tanya in the future. Delia, however warns that one choice will doom the other so she instructs Kitana to choose wisely.

However Delia lets Kitana decide that fate when she gets there and instructs Kitana that Taven, her only good son as Daegon has been corrupted by Shinnok and is leading the Red Dragon, is sleeping and that he needs to be awakened as a valuble ally to Earthrealm and Edenia. Finally, Delia touches Kitana's forehead and endows Kitana with some of her powerful magic (wind-themed that can also morph into blue flame) and lets the flames fuel Kitana's rage and determination to resurrect fully from death's grasp and assist the heroes in their mission to stop Mileena and the final boss.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/05/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
Her role in the story is to be the female version of Scorpion.

"im ded
im back n pissed
vinegar-vengence will bee minds!"

I dunno, it's something about that voice of hers. Mmmmhmmm. Me like.
03/05/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
When people are talking about her Revenant self, you know that could have been her at the beginning.

Did she fight with Sindel against Cassie?confused
I don't remember that all.
I saw Cassie fight Sindel, but no Kitana
03/05/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
When people are talking about her Revenant self, you know that could have been her at the beginning.

Did she fight with Sindel against Cassie?confused
I don't remember that all.
I saw Cassie fight Sindel, but no Kitana

In that scene Kitana isn't fighting Cassie one on one but she is literally right next to Sindel. So not sure what you're trying to argue?
03/05/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
Did I miss an important story element at some point?

Why do people seem to think Edenia is a separate realm in this timeline? It's still merged with Outworld.
03/06/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Did I miss an important story element at some point?

Why do people seem to think Edenia is a separate realm in this timeline? It's still merged with Outworld.

No you didn't. I was just saying that maybe after MKX Edenia will be freed and Kitana can reclaim it.
03/06/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
Will die at the hands of Apep.
03/06/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
There are multiple proofs of Kitana having to return with the other heroes.

I still think that revenant we're seeing with Sindel is what happens to Mileena (she even wears purple instead of blue) when she fails to control Shinnokh's amulet and ends up transformed into a zombie. That scene is part of the final stages of the story so it makes much more sense for her to be Mileena AFTER she has had her role in the story than Kitana BEFORE she has the opportunity to have hers as there won't be time for that after those events.
03/06/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
There are multiple proofs of Kitana having to return with the other heroes.

I still think that revenant we're seeing with Sindel is what happens to Mileena (she even wears purple instead of blue) when she fails to control Shinnokh's amulet and ends up transformed into a zombie. That scene is part of the final stages of the story so it makes much more sense for her to be Mileena AFTER she has had her role in the story than Kitana BEFORE she has the opportunity to have hers as there won't be time for that after those events.

I don't know, the zombie we saw looks like Kitana's evil concept art design.

And my gut's telling me that the Red Cloud/Shaolin Temple scene might actually earlier in the story than most of us think.
03/06/2015 06:29 AM (UTC)
I keep seeing people point to her mournful variation as hard evidence she gets resurrected, and I personally don't buy it.

There's nothing to suggest the variation names are anything more than variation names. They don't necessarily need a deeply rooted canon backstory.

Just because one of Sub-Zero's is "Grandmaster" doesn't mean he's necessarily the Lin Kuei Grandmaster in this game (though he may be).

Just because one of Cassie's is "Hollywood" doesn't mean she's also a movie star.

That could just be what they chose to name it based on the fact that Kitana is active in this game and Jade isn't. OR... maybe Kitana only gets "Saved" in the eleventh hour of this game, explaining her fighting Cassie alongside Sindel. That could still make her "Mournful" for arcade gameplay purposes, while still leave her dead/evil for nearly the entirety of the story.

I don't see mournful alone as enough to suggest Kitana definitely gets resurrected alongside the likes of Jax and Kung Lao early on.
03/06/2015 07:22 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I keep seeing people point to her mournful variation as hard evidence she gets resurrected, and I personally don't buy it.

There's nothing to suggest the variation names are anything more than variation names. They don't necessarily need a deeply rooted canon backstory.

Just because one of Sub-Zero's is "Grandmaster" doesn't mean he's necessarily the Lin Kuei Grandmaster in this game (though he may be).

Just because one of Cassie's is "Hollywood" doesn't mean she's also a movie star.

That could just be what they chose to name it based on the fact that Kitana is active in this game and Jade isn't. OR... maybe Kitana only gets "Saved" in the eleventh hour of this game, explaining her fighting Cassie alongside Sindel. That could still make her "Mournful" for arcade gameplay purposes, while still leave her dead/evil for nearly the entirety of the story.

I don't see mournful alone as enough to suggest Kitana definitely gets resurrected alongside the likes of Jax and Kung Lao early on.

What if that scene (Sindel & Kitana fighting newbies) takes place towards the middle of the story or even earlier? What makes you so sure that it takes place towards the end of the story?

MKX Story will cover different time periods. However, it will mainly focus on the time period that takes place 25 years after MK9.

Mournful definitely has a strong tie to the story. Its such a bold move by NRS that has to be explained in the story. We will find out very soon the role Kitana will play in MKX.
The only thing I think Mournful could really mean beyond just using a staff/naginataf like Jade/Sindel would be to imply that Kitana wants to resurrect them.
03/06/2015 12:03 PM (UTC)

I was always under the impression that Kitana was teenaged, the Outworld/Edenia equivalent to Earth's teenage years. In Outworld/Edenia years 10,000 is like 15-19 in Earth years. That is why she started rebelling against her parents (Shao Kahn), questioning her identity, feeling like she didn't belong. Kitana was going through her teenage angst phase.

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