Kitana, Mileena and Jade - a debate about their inclusion in MKX.
posted09/05/2014 10:17 AM (UTC)by
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11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
So... Jade is my favourite character. Anyone who have been on this forum for just a while knows this. I mean, just look at my name. It has Jade in it. I was trying to be clever with the name, but... that has absolutely nothing to do with what I want to talk about now.

So Jade is my favourite character, however, from the three main MK ninja girls (see, I can use MK terminology without bitching about how inaccurate it is! ... fuck.... ), Jade is the least popular one. So I am used to not seeing my favourite character be in every game, I know other characters will be prioritized over her. Because of this, I have other favourite characters.

I generally love the Edenian ladies. They are all fast, have cool weapons and use magic in their fighting styles - all elements I enjoy in a character. But which of them have the biggest chance of being in MKX?


So, Jade is not only one of the lesser popular characters, but she also died in MK9. We all know that death doesn't mean alot in MK9, and I hope to see Jade in MKX as Quan Chi's undead slave, but that might not happen and if we do see her like that, it might just be as a cameo in Story Mode as a background character.

Then we have Kitana. She is arguably the most popular of the Edenian ladies, and also one of the most popular characters overall in the MK franchise. That COULD mean she had the biggest chance of returning to MKX, however, she is currently in the same situation as Jade - dead and Quan Chi's undead slave. So even she might not even be in MKX.

Then there's Mileena. She's alive! And not only that, she was the poster girl in MK9 AND MK Deception as well. Though not having a prominent role in the Story Mode, she is fairly popular. However, she was one of the least played characters in MK9's Online Mode as shown on the main MK site's rank list. It might not mean anything, as Kano was also very low on the list, yet he's made it into MKX. Being alive could mean she has the biggest chance of all the girls to be in MKX though.


From what we know of the three Edenian ladies, I think Kitana has the largest chance, as she is the "original" MK female ninja and the most prominent of the three. She might be dead as MK9 ended, but again, death in the MK universe doesn't have alot of weight. There are numerous ways she could return, either back to life or as Quan Chi's slave - imagine a Brotherhood of Shadow version of Kitana.

Mileena is a close second though. Just the fact she is still alive tips to her favour, but she always seems to be secondary to Kitana, maybe except for in MKD. Perhaps Kitana will sit this one out though and Mileena will be in MKX. Or maybe both Kitana and Mileena will be in MKX.

Jade... I'm sad to say that she will most likely not be in MKX. Her popularity heightened alot in MK9 and she even had a chapter, but even then she was in Kitana's shadow. Story-wise, Jade has always been a support character to Kitana. And she is also dead... now without a spleen! (Damn you, Sindel!!!)


What do you guys think? Which of them do you think have the largest chance of returning, and why? Do you agree with my arguements and conclusions, or do you have other points you want to... well, point out, that I might have missed?
09/03/2014 02:39 AM (UTC)
Definitely some good points brought up in OP.

As for which one is the most likely to return? Tbh I think its a toss up. Based on the points brought in OP I think Mileena makes the most sense, but I do think Kitana has an edge in popularity.

I personally would like to see Mileena make it in. If I absolutely HAD to choose one of the three I would go with Mileena.
09/03/2014 02:41 AM (UTC)
Kitana and Jade are dead.
Though Kitana can appear as DLC because of her popularity.

Mileena was hampered a lot in the gameplay dept. in the past game, something that hadn't happened with her since UMK3. Nothing that couldn't be improved. However, because of the whole "new leader of the Outworld" there are some doubts about her inclusion in the game. At least in the initial roster.

Right now I am leaning to the side, that there will be child of Mileena and Baraka in MKX. And Mileena and Kitana will be added as DLC. Jade can join them, but I doubt that. There are characters who simply have more priority than her.
09/03/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
Jade is not gonna be in the game, at least initially, lbr. She's the one i like the most out of the 3, but her chances are VERY slim. Not very popular outside of MKO, low priority with the MK team, and weak storyline + is dead. But i hope she's DLC, i would buy her.

Kitana i think is a shoe in, unfortunately. She may be the worst and most overrated character in the series, but she's one of the most popular and i can see NRS coming up with some bullshit excuse to include her, over the other 2, even if she died MK9.

Mileena should be way too much more popular than she is with all the promo and hype she's gotten as of late. The fact that people didn't play her even after being the poster girl of the game (and the series) is both worrying and embarrassing. I can see her being in the game seeing how she was alive at the end of MK9, and how the team likes her, but if she misses out i wouldn't be surprised at all, and i think Kitana is much more likely to be in the game than her.
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09/03/2014 02:53 AM (UTC)
Mileena is the only one out of the three who should return in MKX simply because she survived MK9. Death SHOULD mean something in MK, at least for the upcoming game or two. What is the point of killing off characters if it has no consequences and they don't stay dead?

A few of my favorites died too, yet I don't want them to return in MKX. I don't want this Sub-Zero to be Kuai because 1, he turned into a cyborg and 2, he died like so many others. Wether I like it or not, they decided to kill him off and I for one would like to take the MK lore a bit more serious than the story in which characters return after dying and people traveling through fucking time. So, include Mileena and keep Jade and kitana out
I'm going to cheat and say I'd rather have Mileena, Tanya and Skarlet for MKX.

Skarlet has a lot of potential. At this point she could harbor a grudge for Quan-Chi or Raiden killing her master.

I have always liked the traitor angle Tanya has and I think it could be done much better than MK4's one ending movie.

And of course I love Mileena, I love playing as Mileena. If she matured a bit into Deception!Mileena then that would be even better. If say Kotal casts her out then she can break away from the Kitana's ugly sister thing that tends to drag her down and scheme to either kill Kahn and regain her kingdom or take the Tarkatans and some dumb edenians and build her own kingdom in opposition to Kotal.

But if Classic Character DLC was going to be a thing then sure Kitana and maybe Jade.

No offense JR but I didn't really find Jade fun to play in 9 so I wouldn't mind if she sat on the bench (which is what death is in the mk series).
09/03/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
No offense JR but I didn't really find Jade fun to play in 9 so I wouldn't mind if she sat on the bench (which is what death is in the mk series).

None taken. ;)
09/03/2014 03:10 AM (UTC)
I definitely feel Mileena has the highest chance, given Baraka Jr. being hinted at in that video with Adam (?) Urbano. And Baraka's likeliest (er, only?) mate is Mileena. Given how excited Ed Boon was about relatives interacting in the game, I'm going to say she's pretty much a lock.

Kitana is in high demand on Twitter and she is one of the brand's "iconic" classic characters, so I think she definitely has high priority as DLC.

While I would love to see Jade (her being my favorite female character in the series), she doesn't have the same popularity as Mileena and Kitana and, more than likely, won't make it. Damn shame, too....out of any character in the series, I can most easily envision her having three different fighting variations. With her staff, razor-rangs, and her ability to phase through projectiles, you think NRS would have an easy time putting her into the game just from a creativity standpoint. Hell, maybe even "too easy."

09/03/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
I can agree that Kitana is a franchise staple to the game about her returning, well maybe so cause we have a possibility Johnny cage is returning also... but storywise a zombie Kitana walking around how awesome would that be? jk but I I think she would return as a fan favorite too... not as a zombie ofc

As for Melinaa, what role will she have in MKX? Just a hench woman again? well I dont know how she will develop as a character in this segment.. but she is more than happy to return... & please baby baraka better not be Melinna's mother

Jade.. well yeah I agree.. not very popular but all she was is Kitianas BFF.. correct me if im wrong.

conclusion is that kitana is more likely to return, a fan favorite & its makes an interesting story too... thats if they make liu kang return too lol

They all can be also a variation too of a character slot if MK is lazy lol
Fans stance, Rod Stance & Sai stance lol

How come no Tanya though?
09/03/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
SeungjinAngel Wrote:
How come no Tanya though?

Because there is already a thread just about Tanya, so thought I'd focus on the main three Edenian MK ninja ladies. :P
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/03/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)
I am a bit surprised by all the people storming Boon's twitter demanding Kitana but very few have mentioned anything about Mileena. I know Kitana is the most popular but I thought in the past ten years since Deception Mileena had managed to sneak that title away from her, or at least it would be neck and neck. Honestly, I want Mileena in this game. For me personally, it just wouldn't feel like MK without Mileena.

That said, I think Mileena has a high chance of returning simply because I don't see NRS just leaving her character out in the cold, especially considering the dominating presence she had in the MK9 marketing. Kitana will probably make it in right along beside her, If not, she'll definitely be among the first DLC warriors released next summer.
09/03/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I am a bit surprised by all the people storming Boon's twitter demanding Kitana but very few have mentioned anything about Mileena. I know Kitana is the most popular but I thought in the past ten years since Deception Mileena had managed to sneak that title away from her, or at least it would be neck and neck. Honestly, I want Mileena in this game. For me personally, it just wouldn't feel like MK without Mileena.

That said, I think Mileena has a high chance of returning simply because I don't see NRS just leaving her character out in the cold, especially considering the dominating presence she had in the MK9 marketing. Kitana will probably make it in right along beside her, If not, she'll definitely be among the first DLC warriors released next summer.

Mileena's biggest with the cosplay, fanart, and "rule34" crowd.

Twitter is a more mainstream, less "nearly-naked chicks with monster faces are my fetish" demographic.
09/03/2014 04:20 AM (UTC)
I would pick just Mileena
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/03/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
Mileena has the best chance. (although best is still small). Kitana slim has a slim chance becuase of her popularity.

One reason I could see them both in the game is because they hardly touched on the relationship between the two characters in MK9 and their story was left unresolved. So for this reason, IF Kitana is in the game, Mileena will likely be as well. BUT Mileena can be put in the game by herself since Kitana is dead and she is in line for the throne at the end of MK9. Also i think they botched Mileena's story/personality so much that I think it would be cray cray for them to try not just justify it this game.

Personally, as someone else said, I WOULD LOVE if it were Mileena, Tanya, and Skarlet in the main roles this game, but doubt so since theyre all evil. But THAT WOULD MAKE MY LIFE MMKAY

Pros: alive, story opportunity, marketability, notability
Cons: less popular than Kitana, "multiple rulers take over outworld throughout time period story arc" could push Mileena out the story

Pros: popularity, demand, favored by developers
Cons: dead, stale

Pros: Mk9 ending potential
Cons: dead, third wheel to Mileena/Kitana in limited female roster

Last, logistics about the Roster size --
Base on MK9, there will likely be around 7 female character slots:
1. Dvorah
2. Cassie Cage
3. Tanya (most likely)
4. Sonya (assumed)
5. New Character
6. ?
7. ?
8. Ferra/Torr

So that leaves two freaking spots available assuming there will be another new female character, or three spots if sonya doesnt make the roster.

Conclusion: I honestly 100% feel Tanya has the better chance than all these three.
09/03/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)
Mileena is most interesting and popular for the dudebro audience (target audience) so she will be in

Kitana is old and Jade is on a level of blandness entirely her own grin
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-sig by MINION

09/03/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mileena's biggest with the cosplay, fanart, and "rule34" crowd.
Twitter is a more mainstream, less "nearly-naked chicks with monster faces are my fetish" demographic.

Also the decade of Mileena being top girl isn't really accurate. Her presence in MKD is untouched and is indisputable but she got knocked right off again in MKA and was no where to be seen in MKvsDCU. And even though she was used for marketing in MK2011 so were Sonya and Kitana with Mileena only getting the preliminary boost that Scorp/Sub/Raiden etc got, so a vignette and a wallpaper? I don't really remember. So while it was across 10 years it was only for two games.

Kitana is not only the franchise heroine and a series staple but she was also a tournament AND casual favorite. She has more ubiquitous popularity than either Mileena or Jade. People will be looking for her. More than likely Kitana will be in. Mileena too.

Unfortunately Jade's minimal impact on the story and how little use she got in MK2011 (please someone correct me if I'm wrong) probably means that she won't make it in as well. But you never know, she probably got some popularity from MKD as well. I recall her being very well received. I think she falls into that Rain level of popularity.

Having Kitana as DLC would be like having Scorpion or Sub-Zero or Raiden be DLC. She isn't quite at that level but she's too popular to be relegated to add-on status while Jade is popular enough to sell well but her absence in the initial roster won't start campaigns to have Boon's eyebrows shaved off. Jade has that Martian Manhunter/Batgirl status.
09/03/2014 05:50 AM (UTC)
Thats is true, ive always thought that if Kitana is in the game then her sistah will be in the game..

though since kitana is dead and Mileena out & about it would be awkward on what exactly she will be doing with Quan chi... & if they resurrect Kitatana what will Mileena do? Show jealousy over here?

Thats one things they didnt really touch on in MK9 besisde kitana being butt hurt about her clone lol
09/03/2014 08:52 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I highly doubt any of them make it in the game right now. I guess I'll have to make do without Mileena once again.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/03/2014 08:58 AM (UTC)
SeungjinAngel Wrote:
Thats is true, ive always thought that if Kitana is in the game then her sistah will be in the game..

though since kitana is dead and Mileena out & about it would be awkward on what exactly she will be doing with Quan chi... & if they resurrect Kitatana what will Mileena do? Show jealousy over here?

Thats one things they didnt really touch on in MK9 besisde kitana being butt hurt about her clone lol

I doubt Kitana will be "with" or "controlled" by quan chi if she is included in the roster. (See mk:d).

If Kitana is in the game I bet she finds her way out of the netherrealm somehow.
Perhaps then return to an outworld run by Mileena and then kills her. Who knows. But they need closure or resolution given their twenty year history.
09/03/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
I'd also prefer to see Jade over the other two, as she is my favourite, but I know its unlikely for her to appear without them. Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see Mileena and Kitana as well, but with limited space I'd imagine not all three will be in.

I see a lot of people saying Jade isn't popular - but she is far from unpopular! And her popularity isn't limited to MKO, on Eventhubs (a fighting game website) she is the 12th most popular MK9 character among the members when you click on the stats, above Sonya and a number of other popular characters.
09/03/2014 11:32 AM (UTC)
Kitana will b in cuz her n Liu Kang will have a child too
09/03/2014 11:34 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So... Jade is my favourite character. Anyone who have been on this forum for just a while knows this. I mean, just look at my name. It has Jade in it. I was trying to be clever with the name, but... that has absolutely nothing to do with what I want to talk about now.

So Jade is my favourite character, however, from the three main MK ninja girls (see, I can use MK terminology without bitching about how inaccurate it is! ... fuck.... ), Jade is the least popular one. So I am used to not seeing my favourite character be in every game, I know other characters will be prioritized over her. Because of this, I have other favourite characters.

I generally love the Edenian ladies. They are all fast, have cool weapons and use magic in their fighting styles - all elements I enjoy in a character. But which of them have the biggest chance of being in MKX?


So, Jade is not only one of the lesser popular characters, but she also died in MK9. We all know that death doesn't mean alot in MK9, and I hope to see Jade in MKX as Quan Chi's undead slave, but that might not happen and if we do see her like that, it might just be as a cameo in Story Mode as a background character.

Then we have Kitana. She is arguably the most popular of the Edenian ladies, and also one of the most popular characters overall in the MK franchise. That COULD mean she had the biggest chance of returning to MKX, however, she is currently in the same situation as Jade - dead and Quan Chi's undead slave. So even she might not even be in MKX.

Then there's Mileena. She's alive! And not only that, she was the poster girl in MK9 AND MK Deception as well. Though not having a prominent role in the Story Mode, she is fairly popular. However, she was one of the least played characters in MK9's Online Mode as shown on the main MK site's rank list. It might not mean anything, as Kano was also very low on the list, yet he's made it into MKX. Being alive could mean she has the biggest chance of all the girls to be in MKX though.


From what we know of the three Edenian ladies, I think Kitana has the largest chance, as she is the "original" MK female ninja and the most prominent of the three. She might be dead as MK9 ended, but again, death in the MK universe doesn't have alot of weight. There are numerous ways she could return, either back to life or as Quan Chi's slave - imagine a Brotherhood of Shadow version of Kitana.

Mileena is a close second though. Just the fact she is still alive tips to her favour, but she always seems to be secondary to Kitana, maybe except for in MKD. Perhaps Kitana will sit this one out though and Mileena will be in MKX. Or maybe both Kitana and Mileena will be in MKX.

Jade... I'm sad to say that she will most likely not be in MKX. Her popularity heightened alot in MK9 and she even had a chapter, but even then she was in Kitana's shadow. Story-wise, Jade has always been a support character to Kitana. And she is also dead... now without a spleen! (Damn you, Sindel!!!)


What do you guys think? Which of them do you think have the largest chance of returning, and why? Do you agree with my arguements and conclusions, or do you have other points you want to... well, point out, that I might have missed?

Your arguments are fair with good points.

Mileena does have the best chance at returning. However, I would like to see Jade return possessed by the entity in her MK9 ending. Kitana can return undead at the least.

Jade overall for me grin
09/03/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)
Mileena is definitely in MKX. Kitana maybe as DLC. Jade is the only one of those 3 who more than likely won't show.
09/03/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)

I actually want Jade in the most out of the three. Kitana is my favorite, but her and Mileena always get star treatment. I want Jade and Tanya to be playable and Kitana and Mileena in story mode somewhere.

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09/03/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
I'll die a happy man if Kitana comes back.
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