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02/12/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

I lold a lot. Then, i said to myself: this guy is right.

Jade is a character absolutely unnecesary in MKUniverse. This is time to never come back.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/12/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

@mkmileena: You do realize that your little icon picture is a render of Kitana recolored to look like Mileena?

Personal deflection at its finest again.

Thanks for commenting on my icon from 2006.

@everyone who thinks I think Kitana herself personally chooses her move set. I am aware how it works, but every time you want to 'blame' developers, I don't want to her it followed attacking MIleena for the same damn thing she is not in control of.

If you want to live in denial that Kitana has one original variation in this game and the other two loosely based on other characters, that's fine. But be nice about it.

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02/12/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
You're also bringing up gameplay from really old games, where copy pasting was universal.

All of the gameplay and animations in MKX is unique to the characters...We'll have more info on Kitana's variations tonight, but the one special she does in mournful is something Jade never had.
02/12/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Oh the rest of the things were just taken away? Ok thanks for using different wording.
I'm not sure if you're being obtuse or just a twat but sure.

mkmileena Wrote:
Here's a quicklist of stolen/borrowed moves that Kitana has used
Square wave punch (Sonya/MK2)
Only Kitana has this move and when Sonya had it too they changed the name of HERS not Kitana's.

mkmileena Wrote:
Pixie Dust Teleport (Jade/MKA)
Only Kitana has this move and she used it more often than Jade.

mkmileena Wrote:
Rolling Fury (Mileena/MKDC)
This was lowkey grimey in MKvsDCU tbh.

mkmileena Wrote:
Jades staff playstyle (Jade/MKX)
We haven't actually seen anything from this so nah.

mkmileena Wrote:
Other things she tried to steal:
A "kiss" fatality
This isn't even applicable.

mkmileena Wrote:

Mileena's deception outfit
That they designed for Kitana. You're welcome.

mkmileena Wrote:

Sindels long hair (MK9 primary)
Her hair has been long since 2002.

Get money.

Blade4693 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

I like this guy.

Lmaoooo that was pretty much my reaction to his comment.
Same lol. But I love Jadesad

I wouldn't say I am a fan, but I like Jade too. That's why I like the idea of the Mournful variation Kitana has, if Jade isn't going to be in at all I think having Kitana use her weapons in honor of her is the next best thing lol
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/12/2015 05:26 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
You're also bringing up gameplay from really old games, where copy pasting was universal.

All of the gameplay and animations in MKX is unique to the characters...We'll have more info on Kitana's variations tonight, but the one special she does in mournful is something Jade never had.

Old games or game? Mk2 was the only copy and pasting job applicable.

She has preceded to borrow moves in mka, mkda, mk9, and mkx.

About Me

02/12/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
You're also bringing up gameplay from really old games, where copy pasting was universal.

All of the gameplay and animations in MKX is unique to the characters...We'll have more info on Kitana's variations tonight, but the one special she does in mournful is something Jade never had.

Old games or game? Mk2 was the only copy and pasting job applicable.

She has preceded to borrow moves in mka, mkda, mk9, and mkx.

It's not until MK9 that characters actually felt individualized. Copy pasting is all over the series prior, not just with special but normals in all the 3D games too.

If you consider any of the gameplay in MK9 or MKX as such, that's a far stretch and ridiculous.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/12/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
You're also bringing up gameplay from really old games, where copy pasting was universal.

All of the gameplay and animations in MKX is unique to the characters...We'll have more info on Kitana's variations tonight, but the one special she does in mournful is something Jade never had.

Old games or game? Mk2 was the only copy and pasting job applicable.

She has preceded to borrow moves in mka, mkda, mk9, and mkx.

It's not until MK9 that characters actually felt individualized. Copy pasting is all over the series prior, not just with special but normals in all the 3D games too.

If you consider any of the gameplay in MK9 or MKX as such, that's a far stretch and ridiculous.

I felt they were individualized in the 3d era, and yes I do feel certain aspects are being shared. However,I won't attack and label your opinions since you don't seem to agree.

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02/13/2015 01:23 PM (UTC)
RainReptile Wrote:The fact that Kitana has a Jade variation makes sense story-wise, considering Jade is her best friend and she's doing it to honor her in some way. But gameplay wise, Jade was one of the worst characters in MKX. Unless they improve on that staff move set, it's a wasted variation.

Well, yes to the story reasons. No to the fighting style. I like Jade's fighting in MK9, tricky to use most effectively, but once i got the hang of her i really liked using her staff for mid-to-short-range mayhem. But that's how it is with every character. Some people like a style, others don't. Personally I don't care for grapplers, but that's all down to preference.

umbrascitor Wrote:
She didn't exactly steal Jade's staff mind you. It was just sort of lying there, and Jade certainly wasn't coming back for it.

OOOWWWW!!! Jade fans gonna need a bagful of Rawst Berries for that burn! (Even if it was unintentional.)
02/14/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Mileena is an actual clone of Kitana.
Jade is Kitana's palette-swapped buddy.
Skarlet is an Ermac-derived former rumor about a red palette swap of the one actor who played those previous three.
Tanya is the yellow to Jade's Green Lantern.
Li Mei and Mileena shared sais.
Frost used Sub-Zero's moves.
Sheeva exists to be a female counterpart to two male Shokan.
Kira used fighting styles from three other characters, as well as specials.
Sareena did that as well.
Ashrah had slightly modified specials used by other characters for years before her introduction.

Oddly, Sindel is one of the very few female characters that I can't really tie into the clusterfuck of move-sharing, derivation, and shared characteristics.

In all of this, an acknowledged sharing of moves for story purposes is probably the least disruptive move-sharing in Mortal Kombat. Yet it seems to have the most outcry.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/14/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

Thread should have self destructed after this comment. There just isn't anything more meaningful to say. Well done sir!
02/14/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
Kitana's moves borrowed from other characters:
-Sonya's Square Wave Punch
-Jade's vanishing winds
-Mileena's rolling fury
-Jade's Staff Grab
-Jade's glaive throw
-Jade's Nitro Kick

Kira's moves borrowed from other characters:
-Sonya's Kiss Of Death
-Kano's Cannonball

Jarek's moves borrowed from other characters:
-Kano's Cannonball
-Kano's eye laser fatality
-Kano's Heart rip fatality

Cassie's moves borrowed from other characters:
-Cage's nut punch
-Sonya's air grab

02/14/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Ok. let the haters in.

No need for that. The OP has enough hate for the entire thread.
02/14/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
As a Kitana fan... I'm not happy about her having Jade's moveset. I'm not happy because I wanted 3 KITANA variations. Not 2 variations plus Jade.

Maybe if the variation didn't carbon copy Jade's moves I'd be okay with it... but it doesn't.

To me it's like, if you want Jade's moveset in the game then either go all in and put in Jade or don't put in the moveset at all :/
02/14/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
Alot of people hate Skarlet thats a shame sad
02/16/2015 05:09 AM (UTC)
I love how MKMileena is hating Kitana
02/16/2015 06:14 AM (UTC)
Dude get over it. Don't mess with the princess! Jade has always paled in comparison to Kitana. When I play MK with my cousins I usually always battle them with Kitana and they get mad when I always win. Be grateful that Jade is being represented in game as a variation.
02/16/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
Hide your women and possessions
Kitanas a thief
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 09:18 AM (UTC)
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:
As a Kitana fan... I'm not happy about her having Jade's moveset. I'm not happy because I wanted 3 KITANA variations. Not 2 variations plus Jade.

Maybe if the variation didn't carbon copy Jade's moves I'd be okay with it... but it doesn't.

To me it's like, if you want Jade's moveset in the game then either go all in and put in Jade or don't put in the moveset at all :/

Intellectual/mature Kitana fan/constructive discussion

starzilla83 Wrote:
I love how MKMileena is hating Kitana

chadspade Wrote:
Dude get over it. Don't mess with the princess! Jade has always paled in comparison to Kitana. When I play MK with my cousins I usually always battle them with Kitana and they get mad when I always win. Be grateful that Jade is being represented in game as a variation.

Blue-Mario Wrote:
Hide your women and possessions
Kitanas a thief

The opposite.
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