I actually like her having Jade's staff and glaive as a tribute to a fallen friend. And having a more refined version of Mileena's Leaping Neck Bite which ties them together more.

It's just the Skarlet-like dash'n stab that bums me out.
02/12/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
And OP is reaching. Some of those moves are barely the same, if at all. And assuming Kitana will have the same moves Jade had just because she has her weapon is flat out idiotic. And playstyle =/= moveset....
02/12/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
.... and here we have mileena... A character so uninteresting that it only took her about 20 years to finally gain one new move (mk9).... oh and its basically copy and paste from catwoman's from mk vs dc.... go figure...

see, the same things you nitpick about kitana are the same things anyone can nitpick about any other character to have touched this franchise. And lets not talk about copy and paste when your favorite character is a cloned knock off of another... literally.

why someone bothers to post something like this is beyond me....
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02/12/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
andy88 Wrote:
The worst case of that is Ermac and his Injustice Superman movement. They had the animations ready so they just pasted it. I think it was the only reason.

I think they decided not to put Jade into the game and thought that they will make fans happy by giving her moves to Kitana.

On the other hand they made some changes that I think were unnecessary. I dont know why they did change Reptile's force ball animation. It was so characteristic for this character...

I disagree. He floats in his MK9 win animation and in his special moves. I think it's a nice touch for his character.

I do agree that they shouldn't have changed Reptile's reverse clapping animation. I always loved the look of that but maybe they'll change it before the game is released.

I belive now, that one of the main reasons why they include certain characters in the game and some of them not is because they want to have a big diversity in terms of gameplay. Which is not neccesary a bad thing. It all depends from which perspective you look.

I think they made Ermac float just because they had this ready Superman animation. This makes him differ more from Kenshi who also uses telekinetic moves. Some people like this new Ermac but I am in the group that do not.

I expect to see Kabal, Smoke and Cyrax for the same reason. They have very interesting and distinct gameplay. (I will be super happy if that is the case)

But people who expect some characters to appear because of their story relevance, they might be disappointed.

I think if they are to announce 3d characters than now is the last moment (I hope personaly that these will be only MK4 fighters). They definitely have to save some fan favourites for DLC (and by this I mean general public not harcore fans). I think much more people recognize characters from MK1-3 period. So they rather put Smoke into DLC than Tanya or Fujin.

These are only my speculations.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/12/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
Dude, Smoke made a career out of this for like ten years before he started to get his own shit. Kitana's had it pretty good.
02/12/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

I like this guy.
02/12/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
The inferior princess will bow before the Empress.
02/12/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

I like this guy.

Lmaoooo that was pretty much my reaction to his comment.

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02/12/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
What is it so terrible about adding a little wink to the fans, referencing her best friend's moves? It's not lazy nor unimaginative, it's actually really smart, that they have done before, they could have easily added another type of variation, this was a choice.

Please don't tell me you guys seriously believe Jade isn't playable because of this? I can't help but to think this is the root of the problem, besides Kitana fans, obviously.
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02/12/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
I knew one of two people made this thread before seeing who the OP was lol. But uh yeah, go ahead and reach for the sun moon and stars.

The only thing she really stole was the rolling move. The rest of it are things that were taken away from other characters that Kitana still has.

Stay mad though.
02/12/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
Its not stealing or copying if it is 20% different
example teleport attacks
kung lao(slow)getting hit by a parked car
scorpion(moderate) easy to see coming
mileena (fast) harder to see coming

Moves are repeated because you can only hit a person in so many ways.
Can you imagine a mk character getting interviewed for a role in MK
Interviewer: Whats special about you?
Nightwolf:I can shoulder charge
interviewer: We already have someone that does it. (Shao kahn)
Nightwolf:I use a bow
Interviewer:Some new guy already got that
Nightwolf:I can use lightning
Nightwolf:I use both axe and dagger
Interviewer: We got a guy with a big knife already
Nightwolf: I can reflect projectiles
Interviewer: sure.....how about you reflect on your so called specials before trying again.

No one knows where he gone to after mk9, some said he teleported off to some unknown realm with sindel and to this day they are still shagging it.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/12/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
Ok, this should be fun. I guess I'll address the flaming Kitana fans at once.
I'll first point out that the synopsis of this thread, as told by Kitana fans, is that "a bitter Mileena fan is reaching for excuses to bash precious Kitana becuase I am jealous that she is so special in all ways Beyonce."
But lets get to it.
AgentK Wrote:
Lol @ the inferiority complex from Mileena fans. It's so sad.

Hi there. It is indeed sad that this is the "go to" deflection mechanism of such Kitana fans, to try to project any criticism onto Mileena or Mileena fans. But "Lol" right?
This thread is even more hilarious given the fact that the OP has taken Kitana's picture and changed it into Mileena as his/her avatar. Stealing, you say?

My avatar is more than likely 10 years old, thanks for finally commenting on it. :) ~~
riomarz Wrote:
.... and here we have mileena... A character so uninteresting that it only took her about 20 years to finally gain one new move (mk9).... oh and its basically copy and paste from catwoman's from mk vs dc.... go figure...

Hi there, thanks for sharing. The topic is again, about Kitana. But if you would like to address your deep feeling towards Mileena in a way feel free to elsewhere.
Furthermore, the same move you are now preceding to slight mileena for "stealing" from catwoman is now used by your very precious Kitana in MKX. Sloppy thirds anyone?
see, the same things you nitpick about kitana are the same things anyone can nitpick about any other character to have touched this franchise. And lets not talk about copy and paste when your favorite character is a cloned knock off of another... literally.
Again, deflecting the copy and paste strategy onto Mileena to rectify Kitana's habbit of move stealing is getting old. And for a "knocked off cloned character of another" (palette swap ninjas anyone?) Mileena has a whole more lot of originality than the original. Sad. ----
oracle Wrote:
I knew one of two people made this thread before seeing who the OP was lol. But uh yeah, go ahead and reach for the sun moon and stars.

Hi there. Glad I'm on your mind. Funny tho cause I dont post much, and bashing Kitana is the least of my priorities. If you think otherwise, I gladly welcome you to find posts exhibiting such behavior. (beyond this thread of course).

he only thing she really stole was the rolling move. The rest of it are things that were taken away from other characters that Kitana still has.

Oh the rest of the things were just taken away? Ok thanks for using different wording.

Stay mad though.

Im not. Im just pointing it out after seeing further gameplay of Kitana's.

I'd be pretty pissed if I was a Jade fan tho. Watching Mileena running around with steel fans or Kitana waiving around sais would obviously anger any fanbase of the two.
02/12/2015 06:38 AM (UTC)
"Haterz gonna hate" as the Cage family say hahaha.

Show more love for the Princess because without her Mileena wouldn't exist.

NRS reuse many specials on characters, nothing wrong with that if the moves fit. At the end of the day, KITANA is arguably the most iconic MK female because she is unique and stands out.
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02/12/2015 11:07 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Oh the rest of the things were just taken away? Ok thanks for using different wording.
I'm not sure if you're being obtuse or just a twat but sure.

mkmileena Wrote:
Here's a quicklist of stolen/borrowed moves that Kitana has used
Square wave punch (Sonya/MK2)
Only Kitana has this move and when Sonya had it too they changed the name of HERS not Kitana's.

mkmileena Wrote:
Pixie Dust Teleport (Jade/MKA)
Only Kitana has this move and she used it more often than Jade.

mkmileena Wrote:
Rolling Fury (Mileena/MKDC)
This was lowkey grimey in MKvsDCU tbh.

mkmileena Wrote:
Jades staff playstyle (Jade/MKX)
We haven't actually seen anything from this so nah.

mkmileena Wrote:
Other things she tried to steal:
A "kiss" fatality
This isn't even applicable.

mkmileena Wrote:

Mileena's deception outfit
That they designed for Kitana. You're welcome.

mkmileena Wrote:

Sindels long hair (MK9 primary)
Her hair has been long since 2002.

Get money.
Blade4693 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

I like this guy.

Lmaoooo that was pretty much my reaction to his comment.
Same lol. But I love Jadesad
Mileena and Jade own their very existence to Kitana ...

02/12/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)

@mkmileena: You do realize that your little icon picture is a render of Kitana recolored to look like Mileena?

02/12/2015 12:08 PM (UTC)
Wait. It's supposed to be Mileena in his/her avatar? Really? LOL!
targaryenprince777 Wrote:
Mileena and Jade owe their very existence to Kitana ...

Except they were all created together in MKII so...huh?
Yeah, they were ... but , Kitana was a character originally planned to show up back in MK 1 as Kitsune ...there are some renders, sketches of her, but eventually she had shown in MK2 ... Mileena and Jade derived from Kitana's character design, later on ... soo ... huh ... wink
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02/12/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
I think a lot of people say that because canonically Kitana came first. And I think conceptually too.
02/12/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

"Tell me he did not just say that" - Booker T
targaryenprince777 Wrote:
Yeah, they were ... but , Kitana was a character originally planned to show up back in MK 1 as Kitsune ...there are some renders, sketches of her, but eventually she had shown in MK2 ... Mileena and Jade derived from Kitana's character design, later on ... soo ... huh ... wink

So then it doesn't matter since they all owe their existence to Kitsune, not Kitana.

Winking Smileyface.
yeah, to a ' fan lady ' ... double wink :)
Mileena Stan
02/12/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It's not that Kitana isn't interesting enough to have her own moves, it's that Jade isn't interesting enough to be her own character.

That's actually true.
petrcech Wrote:
At the end of the day, KITANA is arguably the most iconic MK female because she is unique and stands out.
But she doesn't though, that's the thing. There's nothing particularly ground-breaking about her character which hasn't been done before - save for her fans, that is.
02/12/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
What on earth?

She didn't "steal" any moves. NRS/Midway gave them to her.
RepTeezy Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
Skarlet sucks.

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