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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

07/26/2015 06:30 PM (UTC)
Spawn, Fujin, Sareena, and Rain(unfortunately)
While obviously I'm biased with wanting the inclusion of Sindel I really do think she is perfect for the whole 3 variations thing, to me she wouldn't feel so forced as some of the other characters.

I like the idea of a story segment of her regaining her humanity and her former true self, and dealing with the regret of her actions from the previous instalment . I had this idea that one of her variations could involve her summoning strategically placed mirrors and use her scream to cause them to shatter at opportune moments.
07/26/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
Sindel was my favorite character before the Tanya remake. (Tanya use to be third) but even I know she is not very popular. Hair variation would be sick and then have a scream variation and some other random one like her flips and stuff. She should have flying but ermac already took it. Anyways I don't think they will choose her but I will be happy if they do
07/26/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Why are people so certain that we get a Kombat pack 2 ? confusedconfusedconfused

Apparently during Tremor's stream they slipped up and said Tremor was "the end of Kombat Pack 1" and then got flustered.

I'd take that as good of a sign as any.
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07/27/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
Any character I mention I would take in MKXI but if we were to get more DLC in C these are my picks:

Bo Rai Cho

personally as DLC or for MKXI I'd take any character from 4-Armegedden
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I will rock you.

07/27/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
I have to say this. My top ten pick as of right now.
4.Bo Rai Cho
Windice Wrote:
Sindel was my favorite character before the Tanya remake. (Tanya use to be third) but even I know she is not very popular. Hair variation would be sick and then have a scream variation and some other random one like her flips and stuff. She should have flying but ermac already took it. Anyways I don't think they will choose her but I will be happy if they do

Oh don't worry I'm fully aware of her small following tongue
Now I'm not saying that she was popular before but it almost feels like they put a nail her coffin in the last game, they gave her a useless flight mechanic and completely changed the usefulness of her signature move. I also think lots of people are still salty about her infamous scene.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/27/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
We do know for sure. It is logical and you can check through people's usage. Second of all why take the risk when you can add less riskier characters? People will not give every character a try once. If you do not believe me, go to towers and just download peoples Kombat History. I have seen people who bought the game day 1 and still not play certain characters even once. A lot of players just play the character for their tower ending and stop. People do not give characters a chance. People like playing with their favourites. That is why the same characters that were popular in MK9 are still largely popular in MKX. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang and Johnny Cage. Those were the most popular MK9 characters and they are the most popular returning characters. I am 100% sure if they appear in the next game, they will be the most popular characters in that game as well. People like playing as their favourites.

Prior to release, what would have differentiated the new characters in MKX from the 3D era in being proven? Remember all the hate Cassie was getting when they first previewed the game? And now, she's tops on the usage list (Also note how far down Reptile is on that list considering his fan base). People did try her. They had to for her to become a favorite. Her and Takeda (minus the initial hate) both. All of those characters you listed were the safety net considering how many new characters they were introducing so I'll give you that. They had a clear idea of who people really enjoyed in MK9, plus, they've always known who the key favorites were of the franchise.

I see your points, but what I fail see is how placing Havik, Bo, Ashrah, or even someone like Tremor in the main roster is any riskier than what they managed to do and accomplish with MKX's newbies. Granted, a lot of the newer characters in that era were poorly executed, garnering them much dislike, but there were a few diamonds in the rough. Only real difference this time is how prominent social media's role is in determining how well things have been received by the community. Maybe things could have been a bit different between Deception or Armageddon's announcement and by the time of their release now-a-days. But I'm straying from my point lol.

When it comes to MK11, I really don't see the harm in introducing 3-4 new characters, and re-introducing a small handful of revamped 3D characters with your iconic fan favorites sprinkled on top. The results just might surprise them. If their goal really is to start fresh, continue making new characters on the frontline and just acknowledging that era of characters as NPC's or added fluff to the story, then I wish they'd just come flat out and say it.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/28/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

Prior to release, what would have differentiated the new characters in MKX from the 3D era in being proven? Remember all the hate Cassie was getting when they first previewed the game? And now, she's tops on the usage list (Also note how far down Reptile is on that list considering his fan base). People did try her. They had to for her to become a favorite. Her and Takeda (minus the initial hate) both. All of those characters you listed were the safety net considering how many new characters they were introducing so I'll give you that. They had a clear idea of who people really enjoyed in MK9, plus, they've always known who the key favorites were of the franchise.

I see your points, but what I fail see is how placing Havik, Bo, Ashrah, or even someone like Tremor in the main roster is any riskier than what they managed to do and accomplish with MKX's newbies. Granted, a lot of the newer characters in that era were poorly executed, garnering them much dislike, but there were a few diamonds in the rough. Only real difference this time is how prominent social media's role is in determining how well things have been received by the community. Maybe things could have been a bit different between Deception or Armageddon's announcement and by the time of their release now-a-days. But I'm straying from my point lol.

When it comes to MK11, I really don't see the harm in introducing 3-4 new characters, and re-introducing a small handful of revamped 3D characters with your iconic fan favorites sprinkled on top. The results just might surprise them.

If their goal really is to start fresh, continue making new characters on the frontline and just acknowledging that era of characters as NPC's or added fluff to the story, then I wish they'd just come flat out and say it..

No, I do not remember the hate Cassie got. All I remember was people did not like her model and they fixed that. That is irrelevent anyway since most people who bought this game do not post on message boards or voice their opinion. You are using a extremely small minority and extrapolating that for the entire fanbase which is naive as well as inaccurate. A person could come on this messageboard and thnk Reptile is more popular than Scorpion when it reality Scorpion is massively more popular than Reptile. It is not even a constest.

Comparing new characters to characters that never made it on the roster is illogical for a number of reasons. Firstly, the new characters were always going to be on the roster. Replacing Cassie with Fujin is completely stupid since Cassie was always going to be on the roster no matter what. Same with every other new character. Hypothetically, if Fujin were to playable in MKX and be on the roster, he would have to take the place of one of the returning characters. Secondly, the new characters are always an unknown quantity while those who have preceded them are not, hence the reason why most of the characters that returned to MKX from MK9 were from the top end of the MK9 usage list.

There was less risk in adding them because they are a known quantity. For example, Ermac has a minimal role in the game but is still playbable whereas Fujin is not. Ermac is a character that was popular in MK9, while Fujin has not made a playable appearence since Armageddon, so is much more of an unknown which makes Fujin more of an inherent risk on the roster. Also the reason why Kenshi is the only post MK4 character in the game. NRS know he is the most popular character from that era and he sold a lot from MK9 DLC compared to Skarlet and Rain. That is why the roster is as it is. NRS played it safe and did not take risks with the roster.

There is no point of making any of the returning characters from MK9 DLC. Like I said, the characters who have not made a playable appearence since the reboot should be able to have a chance. NRS have already made a lot of money from the game since it sold very well so they can take risks with the DLC and give some characters that missed the roster a chance. The likes of Fujin, Sareena, Frost, Bo Rai Cho etc etc. If NRS released them as DLC they can better gauge these characters as well from the DLC. If they sell well, great and that character might get more esteemed in NRS's eyes. If they do not sell, then no big loss and they do not get priority next time.

With the budget of big games, developers can not afford to get anything wrong which is why a lot of developers play it safe. NRS chose to bring back mostly the most popular and iconic characters leaving obscurer characters by the wayside. If the less well known characters are going to make a mark, then they have to get a proper chance to oust the established characters. DLC is the perfect chance to show what demand there is for the character. Bringing back Rain, Sindel, Baraka etc etc is pointless since they were in the previous game and had a chance. They are a known quantity. If Fujin sells really well, then maybe next time NRS will have the confidence to put him on the roster of MKXI from the start.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

07/28/2015 03:45 AM (UTC)
ChamKham Wrote:
There are few characters, but unknown:

1) Rain
2) Baraka
3) Smoke
4) Sindel
5) Stryker
6) Kabal
7) Nightwolf
8) Fujin
9) Frost
10) Meat
11) Li Mei
12) Sareena
13) Bo Rai Cho
14) Chrome

What do you guys think?

I honestly can't even remember where Chrome came from. Kinda surprised he makes your list but not Reiko, Havik, Kai or even Tasia.

Personally, if j could pick four, I'd choose Sareena, Fujin, Reiko and Tasia. Since its NRS though and they'd likely want a few more recognizeable names in there, I'd say Sareena, Fujin, Kabal and Baraka (perhaps a darker netherealm version of him).
07/28/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
We do know for sure. It is logical and you can check through people's usage. Second of all why take the risk when you can add less riskier characters? People will not give every character a try once. If you do not believe me, go to towers and just download peoples Kombat History. I have seen people who bought the game day 1 and still not play certain characters even once. A lot of players just play the character for their tower ending and stop. People do not give characters a chance. People like playing with their favourites. That is why the same characters that were popular in MK9 are still largely popular in MKX. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang and Johnny Cage. Those were the most popular MK9 characters and they are the most popular returning characters. I am 100% sure if they appear in the next game, they will be the most popular characters in that game as well. People like playing as their favourites.

Prior to release, what would have differentiated the new characters in MKX from the 3D era in being proven? Remember all the hate Cassie was getting when they first previewed the game? And now, she's tops on the usage list (Also note how far down Reptile is on that list considering his fan base). People did try her. They had to for her to become a favorite. Her and Takeda (minus the initial hate) both. All of those characters you listed were the safety net considering how many new characters they were introducing so I'll give you that. They had a clear idea of who people really enjoyed in MK9, plus, they've always known who the key favorites were of the franchise.

I see your points, but what I fail see is how placing Havik, Bo, Ashrah, or even someone like Tremor in the main roster is any riskier than what they managed to do and accomplish with MKX's newbies. Granted, a lot of the newer characters in that era were poorly executed, garnering them much dislike, but there were a few diamonds in the rough. Only real difference this time is how prominent social media's role is in determining how well things have been received by the community. Maybe things could have been a bit different between Deception or Armageddon's announcement and by the time of their release now-a-days. But I'm straying from my point lol.

When it comes to MK11, I really don't see the harm in introducing 3-4 new characters, and re-introducing a small handful of revamped 3D characters with your iconic fan favorites sprinkled on top. The results just might surprise them.

If their goal really is to start fresh, continue making new characters on the frontline and just acknowledging that era of characters as NPC's or added fluff to the story, then I wish they'd just come flat out and say it.
I didn't read fully what u said cus I'm tired but everyone should read jacqui art in the game. They say something most of us thought which is they made her like her dad to be more like able cus they were scared she wouldn't be liked. That's not risky.
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...And Justice For All

07/28/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
Rain, Sindel and Baraka? Just call it a Garbage Pack and not a Story Pack. More so with Rain due to his has been DLC in MK9. Sindel was just as much of a part of the story as Smoke, Kabal and Nightwolf, all of whom don't deserve a place in this game either.
07/28/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
blanche-or-riot Wrote:
futuretime23 Wrote:
ChamKham Wrote:
There are few characters, but unknown:

1) Rain
2) Baraka
3) Smoke
4) Sindel
5) Stryker
6) Kabal
7) Nightwolf
8) Fujin
9) Frost
10) Meat
11) Li Mei
12) Sareena
13) Bo Rai Cho
14) Chrome

What do you guys think?

Meat was already deconfirmed(by both Boon and Himmerick) a long time ago,Smoke(as much as I would love him back) is on the same boat by a tweet of Boon(and even then,there's the faction kill as well) and you should definitely add Shang Tsung and Noob to the list(Tsung has got a lot of hints in the game,if he's not in the next pack,he's definitely in MK11,and Noob is up in the air,no deconfirmation,for now at least)
Baraka should be number one(already has a model,moveset only needs replacing,plus he's a frequently returning character,not to mention,one of the most popular and iconic MK2 characters. Rain should be lower on the list. (Already was DLC once) Cyrax and Sektor should be added to the list as well. Predator hasn't really taken any of their moves,and designing variations for them shouldn't be that difficult as a result.

Chrome should also be removed

Beat me to it.
07/28/2015 07:57 AM (UTC)
What I want:

1. Havik
2. Reiko
3. Baraka
4. Any Cyborg

What I predict:

1. Spawn
2. Fujin
3. Sareena
4. Baraka
07/31/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
I think they will keep Sindel, Noob, Smoke, Nighwolf and Shang for their returrn in MKXI.

KP2 should consist of...

Bo Rai Cho
Kabal or Cyrax
08/03/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
I think that because comic fared well and had put the spotlight on some characters, they should acknowledge that in eventual Kombat pack 2.


1. Havik
2. Reiko (in MK4 or in comic Blood God costume, not the in the shitty MKA one)
3. Rain
4. Would like Revenant Shao Kahn smile but more realisticaly - Baraka

Would like Fujin before all, but I lost my hope even during initial presentations of the game when I saw that all of his trademark moves were given to ather characters, so there isn't a lot to work with concerning him.

So, don't get your hopes up, obviously we won't get Fujin in this game. I just hope that the are saving him for some prominent role in next MK (along with Li Mei).
08/03/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
SKHammer Wrote:
I think that because comic fared well and had put the spotlight on some characters, they should acknowledge that in eventual Kombat pack 2.


1. Havik
2. Reiko (in MK4 or in comic Blood God costume, not the in the shitty MKA one)
3. Rain
4. Would like Revenant Shao Kahn smile but more realisticaly - Baraka

Would like Fujin before all, but I lost my hope even during initial presentations of the game when I saw that all of his trademark moves were given to ather characters, so there isn't a lot to work with concerning him.

So, don't get your hopes up, obviously we won't get Fujin in this game. I just hope that the are saving him for some prominent role in next MK (along with Li Mei).

Same was said for Tanya if they want they can make it work.
08/03/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:

Same was said for Tanya if they want they can make it work.

I don't find that comparison accurate at all. Tanya still has all of her moves from MKD that were somewhat specific. (Human Cannnon Drill and Split Kick).

Fujin remains without any move from MK4 that was memorable, and without tornado spin and lift there isn't much that can remind you of him.
Also lot of potential moves would probably be similar to Ermac's, so putting him in this game doesn't seem like worthy of the effort.

But, I would really like that you're right and that NRS will do something like that and surprise me. It just doesn't seem likely at all.
08/04/2015 01:25 AM (UTC)
I predict.....

1) Fujin.
2) Sareena.
3) Baraka.
4) Sindel.

Just because they already have them prepared. I'd like to see Reiko and Havik... but I don't think it will happen. Also I'd like to see Stryker, he's my fav... wink
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