07/24/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
JerseyManiac1 Wrote:
I wish they would just make every game with more characters. The one game that had a decent amount of characters was the worst game due to those bullshit chain fatalities. 2 DLC packs is a lot of money for one game. And enough of the guest characters. They suck.

But if they are going to add more, I'll take Sindel. Always been a fan of hers. I don't really care who else is there.

You and Detox hit the nail right on the fucking head. I preferred when there was one major event occurring and mini stories happening throughout.

Like in Deception, we have Onaga seizing power and waging war against Mileean and the Outworld/Edenian military

Then we had the stories like Sub-Zero and Kenshi's trekking through Outworld and out maneuvering Hotaru and the Tarkata ect.

Story mode needs to go. We need a new system that allows us to see each characters individual story throughout the events of the game.

For once I agree with you on something. It gets really aggravating when certain characters get the spotlight on them, but we have other characters just occupying space.

Ferra/Torr is a prime example....I could not wait to see them in action and learn more about their background, but we barely got anything.....except a shit ton of questions left unanswered.

Crap, I just realized I quoted the wrong person >.<
07/24/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
Haha mine would be Noob Saibot, Smoke, Sektor and Cyrax too
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/24/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
Li Mei

The roster would only until then- feel complete to me.
07/24/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
My ideal group:

Rain (free)

Kombat Pack 2:

Queen Sheeva OR Sheeva/Kintaro OR Queen Sheeva with a Kintaro related fatality

Havik & Sareena +alts for Tanya & Jason(Halloween DLC pack)
07/24/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
I 100% believe in the guest characters so I'll have a guest list
Ryu or Akuma
07/24/2015 05:20 AM (UTC)
About Me

Where's Fujin?

07/24/2015 07:57 AM (UTC)
Free: Rain

Kombat Pack II: Fujin, Reiko, Havik, Bo' Rai Cho

We'll probably get a female character and so I wouldn't mind Sareena or Li Mei, but I think Bo would be awesome in MKX.
07/24/2015 09:13 AM (UTC)
I think fujin and rain are seeming like the most likely and possibly the most requested but after those two it's anyone's guess they don't necessarily need to have story reference look at Goro and tremor so reiko and havik wouldn't be entirely discounted but I doubt it. Sticking with the theme of this being a much better version of MK4 I hope to see;


But I doubt reiko and noob will make it even though they would sell through the roof!
07/24/2015 11:05 AM (UTC)
My picks:

Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

Klassic arenas:

Wu Shi Academy
The Pit
The Prison (MK4, MKA)

What we'll probably get:

A ninja
A cyber-ninja
A female ninja
07/24/2015 11:27 AM (UTC)
I forgot completely about the cyborgs. I could see Cyrax or Sektor coming back, especially since Predator didn't steal any of their moves and they both have plenty of options for variations.
07/24/2015 01:28 PM (UTC)
The one character I definitely want most is Li Mei, but as for others, too many to suggest, so I'll go with who I think is likely:

One or two popular but underused characters like Fujin, Reiko, Havik, Smoke, Kabal, Sareena or Rain again.

One of the Cyborgs. I'd be amazed if we got both.

Shang Tsung and/or Noob Saibot (among the very few core characters who weren't on the initial roster).

Shao Kahn (a core character who can also provide a WTF factor when he's not a boss)

Baraka (also somewhat of a core character, but nowhere near as much as the aforementioned three)

Finally, a third guest. Even a fourth isn't outside the realm of possibility. As for who they'd be, probably Ash or Spawn if they're as rumored as I've heard. I've also read Tom Hardy's Mad Max was a possibility.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/24/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Do not want to see Baraka, Sindel, Rain or any other character from MK9. I think DLC should be focused on characters that have not been playable thus far. Give those characters a chance and for fans to to show if they care about them or not. I think we also will get a guest character because they sell the best.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/24/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Give those characters a chance and for fans to to show if they care about them or not. I think we also will get a guest character because they sell the best.

Honestly though, the best way to do that would be to include them in the base roster. That way, at least you'll know they're actually going to try them out. I just think someone like Bo, Li Mei, or Hotaru would be risky DLC choices. This late after release anyway. Give the casuals time to let a character grow on them.

As for another guest, I'm really against the idea especially since we've got two already, but yeah, they're the safety net for DLC sales so I guess it's not impossible.
07/24/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
Ok not to be THAT guy, but is this thread all hypothetical? Or did I miss some major news?
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/24/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Give those characters a chance and for fans to to show if they care about them or not. I think we also will get a guest character because they sell the best.

Honestly though, the best way to do that would be to include them in the base roster. That way, at least you'll know they're actually going to try them out. I just think someone like Bo, Li Mei, or Hotaru would be risky DLC choices. This late after release anyway. Give the casuals time to let a character grow on them.

As for another guest, I'm really against the idea especially since we've got two already, but yeah, they're the safety net for DLC sales so I guess it's not impossible.

No, it is not. If you put unproven characters in the base roster there is the ultimate risk that they could get abandoned and it makes already popular characters even more popular since people have less choice. You put all the main characters in the main roster. They are safer bets which is why they are in the main roster.
07/24/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
let's try to narrow the possible returnees,shall we?
from MK1,we only have Tsung left.
from MK2,we know Kahn and Jade are going nowhere,Smoke is very likely on the same boat as them,and Kintaro has no chance in hell of being dlc. That leaves Baraka and Noob as the most likely MK2 dlc returnees. Boon certainly has teased them on Twitter,without either confirming or deconfirming them.
I'd bet one of these two will return,possibly both if we are lucky. It would be really strange if none of them came back.
from the MK3 era,there's Cyrax,Sektor,Rain and Sindel. The rest,oh well,maybe next time.
The cyborgs need no explanation,while Rain and Sindel do have a model and their MK9 moveset already in place.
from MK4,there's Fujin (again,no explanation needed) but I don't bet on Reiko returning(there's just not really any interest on NRS' part to bring Reiko back) and the rest of the MK4 characters(Kai,Jarek) are pretty much unpopular and had no chance of returning in the first place.
as for the 3D era, a lot of them aren't really that popular or loved,and even the few that are(like Li Mei,or Sareena,for example) are mostly ignored by NRS. Hell,Boon himself deconfirmed(and for once,he was,for the most part,relatively straightforward when it came to deconfirming these characters) about half of the DA newcomers before MKX was out.
Let's be real,the few Armageddon newcomers also have no chance of returning (in fact,all of them were already deconfirmed before the game's release)
As for Deception,there's been pretty much just silence on that end. Havik is often the most requested character to return,and arguably the most likely 3D era returnee.
What I noticed is that NRS seems to consider the 3D era characters,for the most part,as crap,and prefer to ignore the fact they ever existed(outside of a few cameos here and there)
MK1: Shang Tsung
MK2: Baraka,Noob Saibot
MK3 era: Cyrax,Sektor,Rain,Sindel
MK4: Fujin
3D era: Havik
07/24/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
Besides the regularly requested Rain, Fuijin, and Smoke, these are my picks:

Cyrax- A little bummed that we didnt get a cyborg this time around. And since Sektor is dead and Cyrax is MIA, why not? He should be the one and only cyborg now and because of that be fully upgraded. For variations why not just embody each of the cyborgs specials? Classic saws/bombs, other being sektors flames and missles, while the last being robo smokes spear and nanobots.

Noob Saibot- another MIA character that was mentioned in the story. I know Johnny has some of his moves now but I think they can come up with a decent moveset
About Me

07/24/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Speak three variations with Baraka , I change my mind that it comes with DLC
07/24/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
I agree to some extent about pick characters for their gameplay potential. .. but I still like them to have a decent plot. I think part of the recent MK games shortfalls, is that it's now more like a movie instead of a tv series.

There is only one main plot and everything else there supports that plot. Where in old games everyone was attempted to be given something to do.

You and Detox hit the nail right on the fucking head. I preferred when there was one major event occurring and mini stories happening throughout.

Like in Deception, we have Onaga seizing power and waging war against Mileean and the Outworld/Edenian military

Then we had the stories like Sub-Zero and Kenshi's trekking through Outworld and out maneuvering Hotaru and the Tarkata ect.

Story mode needs to go. We need a new system that allows us to see each characters individual story throughout the events of the game.

Something like MKDA's konquest mode or Killer Instinct's story mode.

I think a Deadly Alliance style Konquest mode combined with the new story mode would work. It couldve filled in the 20 years in MKX for example.

I think it would be a great tool to teach players the individual characters depth to the more casual players.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/24/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Give those characters a chance and for fans to to show if they care about them or not. I think we also will get a guest character because they sell the best.

Honestly though, the best way to do that would be to include them in the base roster. That way, at least you'll know they're actually going to try them out. I just think someone like Bo, Li Mei, or Hotaru would be risky DLC choices. This late after release anyway. Give the casuals time to let a character grow on them.

As for another guest, I'm really against the idea especially since we've got two already, but yeah, they're the safety net for DLC sales so I guess it's not impossible.

No, it is not. If you put unproven characters in the base roster there is the ultimate risk that they could get abandoned and it makes already popular characters even more popular since people have less choice. You put all the main characters in the main roster. They are safer bets which is why they are in the main roster.

We don't know that for sure though. Yes, of course that's the risk, but Scorpion and Subby whores aside (yo), people will give every character a try at least once. I'm not saying make half the roster obscure characters, just a couple. Exposure, exposure exposure (See Rain/Kenshi/Quan Chi/Shinnok). We got our foot in the door with MKX's cameos.

Also not saying that it's a bad idea to make them DLC, I'd just imagine that if you're a casual and you catch wind of Bo' Rai Cho coming as DLC, yet have no idea who the hell that is, then why bother? Besides, it couldn't be any more risky than creating descendants with the implication that they're possible replacements for some of MK's top icons.
07/24/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:reiko would sell through the roof!

The complete delusion, SMH
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/24/2015 10:59 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
We don't know that for sure though. Yes, of course that's the risk, but Scorpion and Subby whores aside (yo), people will give every character a try at least once. I'm not saying make half the roster obscure characters, just a couple. Exposure, exposure exposure (See Rain/Kenshi/Quan Chi/Shinnok). We got our foot in the door with MKX's cameos.

Also not saying that it's a bad idea to make them DLC, I'd just imagine that if you're a casual and you catch wind of Bo' Rai Cho coming as DLC, yet have no idea who the hell that is, then why bother? Besides, it couldn't be any more risky than creating descendants with the implication that they're possible replacements for some of MK's top icons.

We do know for sure. It is logical and you can check through people's usage. Second of all why take the risk when you can add less riskier characters? People will not give every character a try once. If you do not believe me, go to towers and just download peoples Kombat History. I have seen people who bought the game day 1 and still not play certain characters even once. A lot of players just play the character for their tower ending and stop. People do not give characters a chance. People like playing with their favourites. That is why the same characters that were popular in MK9 are still largely popular in MKX. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang and Johnny Cage. Those were the most popular MK9 characters and they are the most popular returning characters. I am 100% sure if they appear in the next game, they will be the most popular characters in that game as well. People like playing as their favourites.

I do not want to see characters that were in MK9 as DLC. It is time for other characters that have not had the chance to become playable. I hate Fujin but a lot of people want him so make a DLC character and let us see if he has the real support of the fanbase. A litmus test. If it works then NRS might take him more seriously. If not, then no big loss for NRS.
07/24/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
Ok not to be THAT guy, but is this thread all hypothetical? Or did I miss some major news?

On the Tremor Kombat Kast, Tyler referred to the Kombat Pack as 'Kombat Pack 1', then seemed flustered.

Ed Boon has also been teasing more characters.
I feel like Baraka and Rain are kinda shoe ins, what with having new character models already in place. Anyone who thinks that those two aren't extremely likely are probably kidding themselves.

Those two aside, I'm totally down for Fujin and either Sareena or Reiko. Not really a fan of Bo Rai Cho at all, but I suppose he can be re-invented well enough (considering what they've done with other characters). Reiko's probably the least likely though since he doesn't make any sort of in-game appearance, but who knows? By contrast, considering the sheer amount of outcry for him and the fact that he has a fresh new design already in place in the cutscenes, Fujin seems like he'd be a decent bet. Always liked Fujin a lot and felt he never got to fully live up to his potential, so that suits me just fine.

I'm less opposed to guest characters than most here (largely since NRS choices thus far have been pretty great and really fitting for MK), so if I had to pick one there I'd be perfectly fine with either Spawn or T-800, the two most bandied about names in question.
07/25/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
The character models being in doesn't mean all that much. The majority of the work will be in creating 3 variations, fatalities, and brutalities.

This is entirely unprovable, but It's probably much easier creating a new character model thanit would be to give baraka 3 variations.
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