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08/12/2014 07:59 AM (UTC)
As long as it's not Fuu-Jin or Sareena, I'm cool
08/12/2014 08:04 AM (UTC)

Point taken and understood maybe if I could just take off my rose-tinted nostalgia glasses...I guess I was just stretching the idea because i'm keen on the inclusion of the entire roster of both MK1 and MK2 except for maybe Sonya, Kitana and Jax I could careless about any of them. As for the fans of those characters? Bark loud enough and i'm sure NRS will hear your cries. As I stated before DLC is here to stay and the completionists and loyal fanbase will all jump at the chance to snag their favs.

TL:DR The more the merrier.
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New sig on the way
08/12/2014 08:57 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Point taken and understood maybe if I could just take off my rose-tinted nostalgia glasses...I guess I was just stretching the idea because i'm keen on the inclusion of the entire roster of both MK1 and MK2 except for maybe Sonya, Kitana and Jax I could careless about any of them. As for the fans of those characters? Bark loud enough and i'm sure NRS will hear your cries. As I stated before DLC is here to stay and the completionists and loyal fanbase will all jump at the chance to snag their favs.

TL:DR The more the merrier.

Nostalgia definitely plays its part. For me though, it's more about the atmosphere than the characters, and right now, everything seems filled with grays, yellows, and shaded lighting. I need some color, lol! I was hoping the next reveal would have some color in it, and we got Kano with gray pants and no shirt. They even sucked the blue out of Sub's mask. I'm dying over here.

I do like the MK1 characters overall. Those cats are great, but they're like the wheat bread of the series. I need my MK2 pastrami. And some mustard... maybe ketchup, too.
08/12/2014 09:10 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Nostalgia definitely plays its part. For me though, it's more about the atmosphere than the characters, and right now, everything seems filled with grays, yellows, and shaded lighting. I need some color, lol! I was hoping the next reveal would have some color in it, and we got Kano with gray pants and no shirt. They even sucked the blue out of Sub's mask. I'm dying over here.

I do like the MK1 characters overall. Those cats are great, but they're like the wheat bread of the series. I need my MK2 pastrami. And some mustard... maybe ketchup, too.

Yes! I'm in complete agreement with you. Sub's mask is an atrocious piece of garbage. I just really dislike his look as a whole this time around I thought his MK9 look was spot on perfect. The sooner they confirm, Shang, Baraka, and Reptile the happier i'll be. As for Cyrax and Sektor? due to the limited amount of space I think we will get one of the two I can see Sektor making the cut so they can finally close out the Sektor vs Sub fight for the LK Grandmaster spot. Though I like Cyrax (would love to see his Helicopter fatality return!) i don't think he'll make the initial roster and will be saved for DLC.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/12/2014 09:22 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I don't understand how anyone can HATE any of the orginal cast...don't get me wrong i'm not against them sitting out for a game but that doesnt mean i'm hoping for that outcome either. The more characters that are included the happier everyone will be less likely for someone's favorite to be left out. That is what will make me happy grin

Well, there's 60+ MK characters in the franchise.
So when NRS says there will only be a certain amount of characters in a game, e.g. 24 characters in MKX, and some of them will be completely new faces, it gets a bit tiresome to see the same faces that are in ALL other games to take up these slots on the character select screen, because that means that if you are a fan of the more obscure characters of the MK franchise, your chances of seeing them returning are pretty slim.

So I can understand why there are people who would dislike them.

Let's face it it's to be expected at some point. Seniority should have priority, typically from a business point of view your more recognizable characters are going to generate more sales and bring back long time fans from the MK 1- 3 era, Your more obscure characters and vets that don't make it? We live in a day and age where DLC is common place and NRS are typically pretty good about listening to the voiced opinions by fans Obscure and Vets rejoice their is hope for you still!

See, you are speaking from a logical point of view. But if someone is a fan of a character not from the first games and is therefore left out, logic doesn't matter.

Logic absolutely matters. I love Kobra, but everyone else hates him so logically he has no chance. Because I know everyone hates him, I don't mind that I'll never see him again because, logically, NRS would never make a decision that would make 1% of the fanbase happy and 99% pissed off. See? Logic. Just because it doesn't mean anything to you, doesn't mean everyone else looks at things from the same emotional point of view
08/12/2014 09:54 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

More Kano gameplay, more Jungle gameplay. The End.
You people are getting your hopes so high up it's insane.

I think it's insane to not expect something new and not insane at all to expect NRS to do some legit marketing for this game and maintain momentum. There is no reason to allow disappointment and releasing stale info at Gamescon would be disappointing. A reveal at an international forum should be similar to Raiden's reveal, a surprise and 100% fresh.

Personally, I'd be excited to see a reveal trailor for Shinnok to get an idea where NRS is taking him with character design and how his variations will be implemented. I'm all about nostalgia with this series, but I could personally do without Sonya, Johnny, and Liu as playables. Shinnok on the other hand hasn't been seen since Armageddon which was not a proper revamp after his only appearance in MK4.

08/12/2014 10:59 AM (UTC)
I expect a demo Version with the current 8 fighters and maybe a Video with gameplay. And a hint for a new reveal of an MK4-MKD character.
08/12/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm calling it now Quan Chi will be revealed tomorrow with another awesome Arena!

That's not so far off from what I predict could happen.

He's essentially a shoe-in.

Raiden = Hero

Kano = Villain

Hero confirmed next?

Personally if Quan Chi shows up I hope it's in Cooking With Scorpion Pt 2.

CHOPPING CUTTING AND MORE CHOPPING ofcourse Quan Chi would be the protein of choice this time :)

How can you possibly call Raiden a hero, when he made such a mess?

I'm calling Shinnok.
08/12/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
Yeah, because heroes can't always fail.
08/12/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)
I had this sneaking suspicion that the video was leaked rather than revealed. It just doesn't make sense to me why NRS would let someone else drop the new information rather than them. I would think they could benefit from the attention.

Boon's reaction on twitter was normal. Just the basic "glad you like what you saw!" kind of deal but I could imagine behind the scenes it was more like "WTF"

Just seems odd that a full scale reveal would come 3 days prior to a massive gaming convention that NRS is going to.

It really leaves me at a loss for whether this means we will get a new reveal at gamescom or if that was a leaked video of what was supposed to be revealed. I am leaning towards the latter.
08/12/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote: How can you possibly call Raiden a hero, when he made such a mess?
I'm calling Shinnok.

Raiden God of Thunder Protector of Earthrealm. I'm pretty sure that is his offical title. He will always be a hero to me a flawed one. because everyone falls every now and again.

Shinnok would be a great contrast reveal to Raiden.
08/12/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
Raiden saved Earthrealm in its entirety, though there were some sacrifices along the way before it happened. However, saving a whole world and billions of people, that's pretty heroic.

A hero isn't flawless.
08/12/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Raiden saved Earthrealm in its entirety, though there were some sacrifices along the way before it happened. However, saving a whole world and billions of people, that's pretty heroic.

A hero isn't flawless.

Sounds good grin
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/12/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.

I'm just now starting to get excited about MKX again, I do not need a guest character ruining that excitement right now. I know it's coming but I don't wanna know who they are until at least most of the other characters are revealed.

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08/12/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
I'm not expecting anything more for GamesCom, other than more footage of Raiden and Kano.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/12/2014 06:28 PM (UTC)
I've swallowed the lump in my throat that is Sonya, Johnny and Kang. If they're in, *sigh*. Fine. MK1 reunion ftw. I know it won't hinder my enjoyment of the game.

Just go ahead and give them to me at Gamescom so I can look forward to someone else.
08/12/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.

I'm just now starting to get excited about MKX again, I do not need a guest character ruining that excitement right now. I know it's coming but I don't wanna know who they are until at least most of the other characters are revealed.

I just have no idea why the guest character can't be DLC instead of starting roster.
08/12/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
what the next event where they can show more mortal kombat x reveals and stuff
08/12/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
gosoxtim Wrote:
what the next event where they can show more mortal kombat x reveals and stuff

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/12/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.

I'm just now starting to get excited about MKX again, I do not need a guest character ruining that excitement right now. I know it's coming but I don't wanna know who they are until at least most of the other characters are revealed.

I just have no idea why the guest character can't be DLC instead of starting roster.

Well when Boon has mentioned the possibility of a guest character he would allude to Freddy and Scorpion being the best selling DLC characters of their respective games, so that might mean they'll have the guest be DLC.

It only makes sense as that's the best way from forcing people who do not want the guest- not to be forced to have them.
08/12/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.

I'm just now starting to get excited about MKX again, I do not need a guest character ruining that excitement right now. I know it's coming but I don't wanna know who they are until at least most of the other characters are revealed.

I just have no idea why the guest character can't be DLC instead of starting roster.

Well when Boon has mentioned the possibility of a guest character he would allude to Freddy and Scorpion being the best selling DLC characters of their respective games, so that might mean they'll have the guest be DLC.

It only makes sense as that's the best way from forcing people who do want the guest- not to be forced to have them.

I'm sincerely hoping that's the case.
08/12/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.

I'm just now starting to get excited about MKX again, I do not need a guest character ruining that excitement right now. I know it's coming but I don't wanna know who they are until at least most of the other characters are revealed.

I just have no idea why the guest character can't be DLC instead of starting roster.

Well when Boon has mentioned the possibility of a guest character he would allude to Freddy and Scorpion being the best selling DLC characters of their respective games, so that might mean they'll have the guest be DLC.

It only makes sense as that's the best way from forcing people who do want the guest- not to be forced to have them.

Good point.

Plus, they can make a buck on it so to speak.
08/12/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
gosoxtim Wrote:
what the next event where they can show more mortal kombat x reveals and stuff


i mean after gamescom becuase gamescom is happing right now
08/12/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
gosoxtim Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
gosoxtim Wrote:
what the next event where they can show more mortal kombat x reveals and stuff


i mean after gamescom becuase gamescom is happing right now

Oh, then I dunno.
08/12/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I've swallowed the lump in my throat that is Sonya, Johnny and Kang. If they're in, *sigh*. Fine. MK1 reunion ftw. I know it won't hinder my enjoyment of the game.

Just go ahead and give them to me at Gamescom so I can look forward to someone else.

Indeed. I agree.
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