Kano Reveal: What does it mean for GamesCom?
posted08/12/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 12:17 AM (UTC)
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

I think we will get something completely out of left field and get the guest character reveal!

I'm not completely against the idea of a guest character i'm just not a fan of the way it's been done in the past...call me a purist but i perfer MK characters in my MK games.
I thought we would be getting a reveal, but now I'm doubting it, tbh.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

08/12/2014 04:42 AM (UTC)
It means the general public will be able to get some hands-on experience with Raiden, Kano and the rest of the announced characters. Gamescom is all about playable builds, that's its thing.
08/12/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
I thought we would be getting a reveal, but now I'm doubting it, tbh.

based on the recent success of the character reveal trailers maybe we will get the trailers for the remaining confirmed cast. Who knows, I just know NRS won't leave us hanging without nothing. Something tells me this is all going according to plan and schedule for them.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

08/12/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
I thought we would be getting a reveal, but now I'm doubting it, tbh.

based on the recent success of the character reveal trailers maybe we will get the trailers for the remaining confirmed cast. Who knows, I just know NRS won't leave us hanging without nothing. Something tells me this is all going according to plan and schedule for them.

We already go our something - Kano! I guess there could be another reveal, but Gamescom was obviously NRS' stage for Kano.
08/12/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
From one of Boon's tweets, it does seem like we will get another treat at GamesCom. Might be another reveal, but we'll see.
08/12/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
From one of Boon's tweets, it does seem like we will get another treat at GamesCom. Might be another reveal, but we'll see.

Indeed! I'm giddy with anticipation!

Maybe they are revealing MK1 OG's first (could point to a possible Cage, Blade and Liu reveal schedule)

or maybe they are doing it all willy nilly with no particualr order though I find it way too coincidental that we got Raiden and Kano both MK1 OG's

IMO the sooner they start showing off MK2 characters the happier i'll be but based on how blown away I was by the Kano trailer i'll take just about any reveal at this time nothing can turn me off to MKX at this point it's been nothing but great news so far.
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
From one of Boon's tweets, it does seem like we will get another treat at GamesCom. Might be another reveal, but we'll see.

Maybe they are revealing MK1 OG's first (could point to a possible Cage, Blade and Liu reveal schedule)

People will hate that, and I'll love it. It's perfect. :)
08/12/2014 04:56 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
From one of Boon's tweets, it does seem like we will get another treat at GamesCom. Might be another reveal, but we'll see.

Maybe they are revealing MK1 OG's first (could point to a possible Cage, Blade and Liu reveal schedule)

People will hate that, and I'll love it. It's perfect. :)

Sadist. XD
08/12/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
From one of Boon's tweets, it does seem like we will get another treat at GamesCom. Might be another reveal, but we'll see.

Maybe they are revealing MK1 OG's first (could point to a possible Cage, Blade and Liu reveal schedule)

People will hate that, and I'll love it. It's perfect. :)

Sadist. XD

I don't understand how anyone can HATE any of the orginal cast...don't get me wrong i'm not against them sitting out for a game but that doesnt mean i'm hoping for that outcome either. The more characters that are included the happier everyone will be less likely for someone's favorite to be left out. That is what will make me happy grin
08/12/2014 05:07 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I don't understand how anyone can HATE any of the orginal cast...don't get me wrong i'm not against them sitting out for a game but that doesnt mean i'm hoping for that outcome either. The more characters that are included the happier everyone will be less likely for someone's favorite to be left out. That is what will make me happy grin

Well, there's 60+ MK characters in the franchise.
So when NRS says there will only be a certain amount of characters in a game, e.g. 24 characters in MKX, and some of them will be completely new faces, it gets a bit tiresome to see the same faces that are in ALL other games to take up these slots on the character select screen, because that means that if you are a fan of the more obscure characters of the MK franchise, your chances of seeing them returning are pretty slim.

So I can understand why there are people who would dislike them.
08/12/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
Glad they revealed Kano, now all they need is Ermac and I'm set.
I think hate is the wrong word, in most cases at least. They're just AGAINST the idea of them returning, due to an array of reasons that I mostly consider speculative or groundless.
08/12/2014 05:14 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I don't understand how anyone can HATE any of the orginal cast...don't get me wrong i'm not against them sitting out for a game but that doesnt mean i'm hoping for that outcome either. The more characters that are included the happier everyone will be less likely for someone's favorite to be left out. That is what will make me happy grin

Well, there's 60+ MK characters in the franchise.
So when NRS says there will only be a certain amount of characters in a game, e.g. 24 characters in MKX, and some of them will be completely new faces, it gets a bit tiresome to see the same faces that are in ALL other games to take up these slots on the character select screen, because that means that if you are a fan of the more obscure characters of the MK franchise, your chances of seeing them returning are pretty slim.

So I can understand why there are people who would dislike them.

Let's face it it's to be expected at some point. Seniority should have priority, typically from a business point of view your more recognizable characters are going to generate more sales and bring back long time fans from the MK 1- 3 era, Your more obscure characters and vets that don't make it? We live in a day and age where DLC is common place and NRS are typically pretty good about listening to the voiced opinions by fans Obscure and Vets rejoice their is hope for you still!
08/12/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I don't understand how anyone can HATE any of the orginal cast...don't get me wrong i'm not against them sitting out for a game but that doesnt mean i'm hoping for that outcome either. The more characters that are included the happier everyone will be less likely for someone's favorite to be left out. That is what will make me happy grin

Well, there's 60+ MK characters in the franchise.
So when NRS says there will only be a certain amount of characters in a game, e.g. 24 characters in MKX, and some of them will be completely new faces, it gets a bit tiresome to see the same faces that are in ALL other games to take up these slots on the character select screen, because that means that if you are a fan of the more obscure characters of the MK franchise, your chances of seeing them returning are pretty slim.

So I can understand why there are people who would dislike them.

Let's face it it's to be expected at some point. Seniority should have priority, typically from a business point of view your more recognizable characters are going to generate more sales and bring back long time fans from the MK 1- 3 era, Your more obscure characters and vets that don't make it? We live in a day and age where DLC is common place and NRS are typically pretty good about listening to the voiced opinions by fans Obscure and Vets rejoice their is hope for you still!

See, you are speaking from a logical point of view. But if someone is a fan of a character not from the first games and is therefore left out, logic doesn't matter.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/12/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
I'm calling it now Quan Chi will be revealed tomorrow with another awesome Arena!
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm calling it now Quan Chi will be revealed tomorrow with another awesome Arena!

That's not so far off from what I predict could happen.

He's essentially a shoe-in.
08/12/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm calling it now Quan Chi will be revealed tomorrow with another awesome Arena!

That's not so far off from what I predict could happen.

He's essentially a shoe-in.

Raiden = Hero

Kano = Villain

Hero confirmed next?

Personally if Quan Chi shows up I hope it's in Cooking With Scorpion Pt 2.

CHOPPING CUTTING AND MORE CHOPPING ofcourse Quan Chi would be the protein of choice this time :)
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/12/2014 05:29 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

More Kano gameplay, more Jungle gameplay. The End.
You people are getting your hopes so high up it's insane.
08/12/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Personally if Quan Chi shows up I hope it's in Cooking With Scorpion Pt 2.

CHOPPING CUTTING AND MORE CHOPPING of course Quan Chi would be the protein of choice this time :)

...wait what exactly is Quan Chi putting in the food
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
So now that the Kano trailer has been shown, what do you ladies and mentlegen think we will be treated to @ GamesCom?

More Kano gameplay, more Jungle gameplay. The End.
You people are getting your hopes so high up it's insane.

Hey, I'll take what I can get. :)


If they were to follow that pattern, I hope they reveal a heroic new guy next. Out of the four newbies revealed, three of them look downright/potentially villainous, and Earthrealm is dangerously lacking when it comes to warriors.
08/12/2014 05:55 AM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Personally if Quan Chi shows up I hope it's in Cooking With Scorpion Pt 2.

CHOPPING CUTTING AND MORE CHOPPING of course Quan Chi would be the protein of choice this time :)

...wait what exactly is Quan Chi putting in the food

Oh no you gravely misunderstood...HE IS THE FOOD being fed to the denizens of the netherrealm! Mostly because I want the Sub, Scorp & Quan rivalry to end the whole VENGENCE WILL BE MINE plot has grown beyond stale. Also I just can't get behind a character that resembles Mr. Clean...but let's get back to the topic on hand shall we?
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08/12/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Seniority should have priority, typically from a business point of view your more recognizable characters are going to generate more sales and bring back long time fans from the MK 1- 3 era

If we're going to call Kano a recognizable character (the extent of that is really debatable), there are characters from MK2 who are at least as recognizable as Kano and WAY more popular. I strongly doubt Kano would bring in more sales than Kitana, Jax, or Cyrax.

I still don't think the point holds anyway because this game is a post-MK9 release. That game sold millions, and if the old fans didn't know who Sindel was back in the day, they definitely know now. NRS doesn't need to worry about recognizably at this point. People know who Kabal is. They know who Noob Saibot is, and going by online play alone, those guys got WAY more play than Kano did.

Granted, I'm not saying Kano shouldn't be in the game for this reason. A good roster is never democratically selected (thank heavens), but I strongly doubt Kano is back because of fandom. Kano is in because NRS wanted him in. I think that's all there is to it.
08/12/2014 07:36 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Seniority should have priority, typically from a business point of view your more recognizable characters are going to generate more sales and bring back long time fans from the MK 1- 3 era

If we're going to call Kano a recognizable character (the extent of that is really debatable), there are characters from MK2 who are at least as recognizable as Kano and WAY more popular. I strongly doubt Kano would bring in more sales than Kitana, Jax, or Cyrax.

I still don't think the point holds anyway because this game is a post-MK9 release. That game sold millions, and if the old fans didn't know who Sindel was back in the day, they definitely know now. NRS doesn't need to worry about recognizably at this point. People know who Kabal is. They know who Noob Saibot is, and going by online play alone, those guys got WAY more play than Kano did.

Granted, I'm not saying Kano shouldn't be in the game for this reason. A good roster is never democratically selected (thank heavens), but I strongly doubt Kano is back because of fandom. Kano is in because NRS wanted him in. I think that's all there is to it.

My original point was never really ment to be directed towards Kano (though it can apply?) that was more for the point i was making about Kang, Cage and Blade. I'm not saying the absence or presence of a single character will greatly affect sales but it's most definitely a factor to some degree.
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08/12/2014 07:51 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
My original point was never really ment to be directed towards Kano (though it can apply?) that was more for the point i was making about Kang, Cage and Blade. I'm not saying the absence or presence of a single character will greatly affect sales but it's most definitely a factor to some degree.

Well, Kano is sort of the quintessential example, but it I think what I said rings true of all the MK1 characters (except maybe the ninjas). Historically, we've seen the team make the departure. Liu Kang was axed in MKDA, and Deception only had 3 MK1 characters (4 if you count zombie Kang, but they departed so far from the character concept that it's hard to argue the marketing point). Both games sold really well next to their contemporaries.

At the end of the day, I don't think there's anything that could be said for the MK1 cast that doesn't also hold true for the MK2 newcomers.
EDIT: one point that could be made for the MK1 peeps is their film exposure. That may indeed work in their favor, but I still think the extent is arguable.
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