02/10/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
I hate it! Why Fujin? I can see Kabal but Fujin? I hope he;s still playable or at least dlc. Fuck!
02/10/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!
02/10/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
If fujin isnt in, there's no reason liu kang shouldnt make it.
02/10/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?

Because out of all the Post Trilogy characters, I think it's safe to say that Fujin is among the highest requested out of all of them. And they mean to tell me he's fucking dead?

Granted, this is a living tower mission, so there's still hope.
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02/10/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
While yes, we don't officially know who all will make the roster... as of right now it is NOT looking good for Fujin... and that is disappointing. Honestly, I am underwhelmed with the returning characters so far. I expect we will never have a game without a Subzero and Scorpion, and I'm fine with that.. but there are 3d era characters that I would much rather see than people like Kano, and Jax, and even Raiden at this point.. (not that I have any thing against those characters)
02/10/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
I think it's funny how people here have been complaining about characters not staying dead. Now there's a rumour that Fujin is dead, and suddenly it's the end of the world? Please. If he in fact is dead, they can just bring him back just as easily as any of the others.
Death really doesn't mean a lot in this game, remember? confused
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02/10/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
True... They can bring him back.. but they aren't going to say he's dead in this game.. and then bring him back in this game.. if he is dead he'd probably come back next game... and that would still suck for people who have been waiting since Armageddon to play as him again...
02/10/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
Extispex Wrote:
I think it's funny how people here have been complaining about characters not staying dead. Now there's a rumour that Fujin is dead, and suddenly it's the end of the world? Please. If he in fact is dead, they can just bring him back just as easily as any of the others.
Death really doesn't mean a lot in this game, remember? confused

Seeing as they possibly killed him in favor of more characters who were just in a game last go around, hes one of the most heavily requested out of the 3D characters and the last time Fujin was featured was almost 20 years ago not including a game where everybody was guaranteed a spot.....yeah, pretty much a slap right in the face considering Ed's been toying with his fans on twitter a bunch lately.

If he's not in there then Boon's trolling is becoming a little more than just trolling at this point. It's borderline annoying, especially for fans of this heavily unused characters. No offense to anybody, its just really beginning to piss me off how little these great characters are utilized.
02/10/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Good riddance Fujin!
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/10/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
Fujin will suffice!

I have a hunch Kabal and Baraka are 2/4 of the Kombat Pack.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/11/2015 12:00 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Some also fail to realize that the world and this fandom does not revolve around your demands or mine for that matter. As a whole yes our concerns do matter, but thats where majority rules comes in. They can not make everyone happy with every aspect of the game. For example, I dont give a shit about Reptile, but he's in the game and may very well be taking a spot of a character I'd rather have, but I'm well aware that Reptile has assloads of fans so it makes sense that they added him. I can act betrayed by nrs and make 25 topics about how I'm not buying the game but that would be nonsensical for the reasons I have already stated.

There are many things to enjoy about this game, but some people would rather throw eggs at the developers and only focus on the negatives.
02/11/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Some also fail to realize that the world and this fandom does not revolve around your demands or mine for that matter. As a whole yes our concerns do matter, but thats where majority rules comes in. They can not make everyone happy with every aspect of the game. For example, I dont give a shit about Reptile, but he's in the game and may very well be taking a spot of a character I'd rather have, but I'm well aware that Reptile has assloads of fans so it makes sense that they added him. I can act betrayed by nrs and make 25 topics about how I'm not buying the game but that would be nonsensical for the reasons I have already stated.

There are many things to enjoy about this game, but some people would rather throw eggs at the developers and only focus on the negatives.

While this is all true, there are only so many times I can personally get excited for certain characters anymore after SO many years. It'd be more interesting if they, oh I don't know, gave characters turns and had them sit out a game then come back and alternate again. But that'll never happen and I've accepted it. However, the blatant disregard for the majority of that era of characters is something absolutely no one in this fan base can argue because it's real and it has nothing to do with members of this board being pessimistic, if anything it's the cause.
02/11/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
Fujin can still be playable if he dies in the story mode. Didnt they say a few kharacters die in story but nothing like mk9
02/11/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Ahh, and the standard retort -, "you don't know who's in til it's released." It's just been confirmed in a magazine Fujin's DEAD. D-E-A-D. In this game, DEAD. And no, I don't believe that anyone outside of trilogy (even then!), will be killed in one game and brought back in the same game. So, if there ever was a time Fujin fans are entitled to a little whinge it's right now, in this thread.

Seriously, this game could be four months into release, someone would complain about lack of 3D characters and FMs would still be writing "well, not every secret's been found yet". Complete joke.

I think planting this little tidbit of news was a subtle way for NRS to gently soften the blow. Guess they're aware now how eagre the community was to see some of that era's characters on the playable roster.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/11/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Some also fail to realize that the world and this fandom does not revolve around your demands or mine for that matter. As a whole yes our concerns do matter, but thats where majority rules comes in. They can not make everyone happy with every aspect of the game. For example, I dont give a shit about Reptile, but he's in the game and may very well be taking a spot of a character I'd rather have, but I'm well aware that Reptile has assloads of fans so it makes sense that they added him. I can act betrayed by nrs and make 25 topics about how I'm not buying the game but that would be nonsensical for the reasons I have already stated.

There are many things to enjoy about this game, but some people would rather throw eggs at the developers and only focus on the negatives.

While this is all true, there are only so many times I can personally get excited for certain characters anymore after SO many years. It'd be more interesting if they, oh I don't know, gave characters turns and had them sit out a game then come back and alternate again. But that'll never happen and I've accepted it. However, the blatant disregard for the majority of that era of characters is something absolutely no one in this fan base can argue because it's real and it has nothing to do with members of this board being pessimistic, if anything it's the cause.

But this is a new era. Mk9 covered mk1-3. Mkx covers 4 and onwards, they have already shown Shinnok at the end of mk9 and Fujin in the comics. With their involvement in mk4 it is a given that they show up, it's too obvious. I'd bet half my income tax that they're in this game.

On top of that Havik is shown in Noob's ending. Kenshi and Rain are playable in mk9 and Deagon and Frost have been hinted. They have not forgotten about these guys.
02/11/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Ahh, and the standard retort -, "you don't know who's in til it's released." It's just been confirmed in a magazine Fujin's DEAD. D-E-A-D. In this game, DEAD. And no, I don't believe that anyone outside of trilogy (even then!), will be killed in one game and brought back in the same game. So, if there ever was a time Fujin fans are entitled to a little whinge it's right now, in this thread.

Seriously, this game could be four months into release, someone would complain about lack of 3D characters and FMs would still be writing "well, not every secret's been found yet". Complete joke.

I think planting this little tidbit of news was a subtle way for NRS to gently soften the blow. Guess they're aware now how eagre the community was to see some of that era's characters on the playable roster.

There's no actual proof yet that this guy is telling the truth.

God, I hope Fujin isn't dead. That would seriously fucking suck.
02/11/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Some also fail to realize that the world and this fandom does not revolve around your demands or mine for that matter. As a whole yes our concerns do matter, but thats where majority rules comes in. They can not make everyone happy with every aspect of the game. For example, I dont give a shit about Reptile, but he's in the game and may very well be taking a spot of a character I'd rather have, but I'm well aware that Reptile has assloads of fans so it makes sense that they added him. I can act betrayed by nrs and make 25 topics about how I'm not buying the game but that would be nonsensical for the reasons I have already stated.

There are many things to enjoy about this game, but some people would rather throw eggs at the developers and only focus on the negatives.

While this is all true, there are only so many times I can personally get excited for certain characters anymore after SO many years. It'd be more interesting if they, oh I don't know, gave characters turns and had them sit out a game then come back and alternate again. But that'll never happen and I've accepted it. However, the blatant disregard for the majority of that era of characters is something absolutely no one in this fan base can argue because it's real and it has nothing to do with members of this board being pessimistic, if anything it's the cause.

But this is a new era. Mk9 covered mk1-3. Mkx covers 4 and onwards, they have already shown Shinnok at the end of mk9 and Fujin in the comics. With their involvement in mk4 it is a given that they show up, it's too obvious. I'd bet half my income tax that they're in this game.

On top of that Havik is shown in Noob's ending. Kenshi and Rain are playable in mk9 and Deagon and Frost have been hinted. They have not forgotten about these guys.

Considering a good chunk of them have already been deconfirmed, I wouldn't hold my breath on that. As for cameos and the like, yeah, that's probably all the majority of them will get.
02/11/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
White_Lotus Wrote:
Netherrealm can care less about 3d era characters.

What makes you say that? Is it because they didn't get chosen to fight DC? Or was it the fact only 2 of them made it in the re-do of games they weren't in to begin with? Other than that they are on pretty much on par with the trilogy games. Some characters who have kept going (Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, Quan Chi, Tanya, Kenshi), some characters who have only showed up again in compilation games (Stryker, Sheeva, Rain, Kintaro, Chameleon). Honestly, without Ermac, Jade, Kabal, Sindel, and NIghtwolf showing up in Deception they would be added to the list, and they only made up less than 1/5 of it's roster. We know maybe 1/2 of MKX's roster.

The whole "NRS hates the 3D era" basically comes down to MKTrilogy getting a remake. MKII characters usually make it in as the klassics and the rest are an even mix of newbies and returns. It has been like that in every game since MK3, minus the non-canon and recon games, and MKX will be the first straight forward sequel since Deception.

Sorry if this seemed like a rant, I just wanted to say this to any one who thinks NRS doesn't care about certain characters because they haven't been seen in a while.
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02/11/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
But you guys, we still have so many MK9 characters to be revealed yet!! why complain?


Be grateful they're prepared to make a game and take your money at all!! Who the hell are YOU to request a favourite character?? How dare the audience try to inform and influence the game into one they'd enjoy more!!

*sigh* This forum has been over this argument 50 million times.

As a popular saying goes, its not what you said it's the way you said it. You guys know damn well no one is saying you can't ask for a character or make request. It's the excessive pessimism and jumping to conclusion thats bothering people. People complaining about their character not being in the game is silly because unless Boon deconfirm it we dont know who is not in the game.

Ahh, and the standard retort -, "you don't know who's in til it's released." It's just been confirmed in a magazine Fujin's DEAD. D-E-A-D. In this game, DEAD. And no, I don't believe that anyone outside of trilogy (even then!), will be killed in one game and brought back in the same game. So, if there ever was a time Fujin fans are entitled to a little whinge it's right now, in this thread.

Seriously, this game could be four months into release, someone would complain about lack of 3D characters and FMs would still be writing "well, not every secret's been found yet". Complete joke.

I think planting this little tidbit of news was a subtle way for NRS to gently soften the blow. Guess they're aware now how eagre the community was to see some of that era's characters on the playable roster.

It's a standard retort to a standard argument.

It's been confirmed that he's dead? 1. He a god, his resurrection makes sense more than anyone else's even if he was dead. 2. We still don't know if the magazine is accurate. I'm not calling the op a liar, but as someone stated, magazines haves been wrong before. Before Resident Evil 6 came out, there was a magazine that said Chris and Jill were married, much to my dismay, they are not.

And what's a joke is that even if they did release a 3d character people would still complain because it's not their 3d character.
02/11/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
Sounds good to me hope it's true and they Are both non playable frees up some more spots!!!!
02/11/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
I don't believe that anyone outside of trilogy (even then!), will be killed in one game and brought back in the same game.

Raiden killed himself in Deception and came back as Dark Raiden.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/11/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
First of all, have we even verified the truth of this yet? Are we arguing about the OP without confirming its claim first? Because if we are, then that's just silly.

Second... okay, I like Fujin. I mostly like him because it's nice to see Raiden have a little competition in the god department. But one thing confuses me, and always has: Aren't Fujin's powers kind of lame?

WAIT WAIT WAIT hear me out, please. Yes, wind in the form of tornadoes and hurricanes and stuff can be a devastatingly destructive power... on a large scale, like a tornado wiping out a small town. But on a fighting game scale, wind attacks are basically on the level of hitting your opponent with a summer breeze. Loads of people complain about Rain having lame powers because "come on, it's just water." They call him Squirtle and say that his attacks couldn't possibly hurt you. (Obviously, none of these people have ever been hit by a high-pressure hose.) Wind, arguably, is even weaker than water, but yet Fujin has tons of fans and most people think Rain is a pushover. Rain has more personality, too, and deeper ties to the story so far, despite appearing in the same number of OT games as Fujin.

Now, I'm not trying to hate on Fujin. He's one of my top picks for mid-series characters to get the MKX treatment, because I can see them doing some cool stuff with him. But truth be told, I'm not quite sure why he seems to have such a devoted, rabid fanbase who acts like he's the best and most important character ever. He has a place in Mortal Kombat, sure, but he just doesn't come across as a very intimidating fighter to me, and never has. Cool, but not amazeballs awesome. A second-class Raiden, both story-wise and power-wise. It frankly amazed me that he would be the last surviving god in MK4 rather than Fire or Earth God, but maybe Shinnok just had a hard time catching him, Idunno..

I'd love to see him step it up and really give Raiden a run for his money, but if he's not in the next game I'm not going to be too awfully disappointed.

I'm a little more saddened by the loss of Kabal (provided, of course, that any of this report is actually true in the first place, I remind you) but I guess there just isn't room in the story/roster for everyone's favorites. Just have to wait for next time or whatever.
02/11/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
I really hope Kabal makes it into this game, I'd love to see his design and gameplay for MKX.

Fujin I don't really care for that much, he's one of those characters I always forget about.
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02/11/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
@umbrascitor What you said about his powers is one of the main reasons I am excited about him most likely being in this game. I want to see what they have done with him. Considering how cool every body else looks I have faith that he's gonna be awsome. If not, oh well it's not the end of the world, i'll be sad for a little, but I'll get over it.
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02/11/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
Oh boy I never thought Fujin could be the big bad but it wouldn't surprise me. If Kabal returns then that is okay by me.
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