Johnny Cage / Sonya Blade
posted06/30/2014 04:57 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
First of all, these 2 are my favorite characters in the series, and i am assuming they won't be playable in MKX, since they would be too old AND there would be a character (Cassie) sharing many moves with them.

While i am sad my 2 favorite characters will most likely not be playable, i can let them go since they left their legacy in the series in the form of their daughter. It's truly a bittersweet feeling, especially if future games are sequels to MKX and the old timeline / MK9 are left behind forever.

On another topic, i am affraid my 3rd favorite character, Kenshi, will either miss out or be an Elder and i'm not here for that. I'm scared for the earthrealmers, since the edenians, outworlders and netherrealmers will look/ be intact whereas 25 years if a big deal for humans from earthrealm. :-/
I could totally see Kenshi coming back as a mid 50 to early 60 year old man. That would be fuckin' awesome. I couldn't really see anyone else coming back as an old person, with the same skill as they had. Other than Kenshi. He'll be 80 and without moving a muscle could take down 15 dudes at once. Since the game is taking place after MK9, I have a feeling some people are dead for good, or will get revived. Not many of them though, maybe Liu.
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06/11/2014 12:46 AM (UTC)
Eventhubs has the article: Cassie Cage - daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya

Glad to see them trying to move the story forward. I just hope this doesn't turn out like Soul Calibur 5, where they introduced a ton of new characters that didn't go over too well.

Also the other new characters are:
Kotal Kahn
D'Vorah (insect lady)
Ferra/Torr (brawler characters, ferra is the midget)
06/11/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I could totally see Kenshi coming back as a mid 50 to early 60 year old man. That would be fuckin' awesome. I couldn't really see anyone else coming back as an old person, with the same skill as they had. Other than Kenshi. He'll be 80 and without moving a muscle could take down 15 dudes at once.

As much as I'd prefer Kenshi to stay younger, he certainly would fit the bill for one of the aged returning characters. It's not like he can avoid aging 25 years (unless he dies or something.) Very well might work out nicely.

In regards to the utter disaster that was SCV's legacy characters, I don't think it's possible for anyone to do a worse job than Project Soul did (even if they were rushed.)

I cringe at the thought of Natsu succeeding Taki, and Pyrrha and Patroklos replacing Cassie and Sophie (and Setsuka.) *Barf*
As for Cassie Cage, I'm genuinely interested to see her in action. I'm also very pleased by her modest clothing and normal bewbz. Maybe, she'll be a wise-ass like her father.
06/11/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
First of all I'm really really really really happy to finally see that at least one couple on Mortal Kombat did well.

I know this game is about gore, death and all that stuff, but in storytelling you need some relationships here and there and MK was lacking it, so I'm happy these 2 had a daughter.

Now if Kuai Liang and Sareena could have their own story too it would be great (Kitana and Liu Kang was a lot of potential thrown to the bin).

About Kenshi:

- First option is he could be some kind of badass veteran. Think something like Auron from FFX fused with MK's Kenshi.

- Second option, his sword might help him with the aging problem as it contains spirits of his ancestors... because magic. In MK Legacy he seems to stop aging.

- Third option: As the game happens on the span of 25 years, we might get a first costume where he's young and a second costume where he's as described on the first option.
06/11/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Too bad Johnny Cage won't be in, I liked him. As for Sonya, thank goodness she'll be out.
As for Cassie Cage...welcome smile Wonder how she'll turn out altogether?
06/11/2014 01:56 AM (UTC)
They'll both be in the game.
06/11/2014 01:58 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
They'll both be in the game.

06/11/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
I'm guessing the romance will be offscreen. But I'm curious because there's a 25 year gap. So there's a lot of time in between to show Johnny and Sonya raising or training Cassie.
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06/11/2014 02:06 AM (UTC)

like i said in the other thread, I hope they are 55 years old and playable!

"Too old"? What does age have to do with being a leading, playable character in a fictional story? Older characters are usually the most badass - drunk, sorcerers, human or otherwise.
So... I know I'm finally back, but I really wish I knew how queve was reacting right now. Lol
06/11/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
So... I know I'm finally back, but I really wish I knew how queve was reacting right now. Lol

Ahaha,was actually wondering the same thing lol.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/11/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
In a sense I'm happy to say goodbye to Cage and Sonya, mainly because they've been dull to me from a story stand point for the past decade. Nothing is ever new with them. That being said I'm not sure about Cassie having both of their moves, that just screams "Kira the second coming" to me. She's also seeming to be an exact replica of her mother which makes one wonder why even go through the trouble of making up this new character if she's basically Sonya with a name change?

I hope I'm wrong. At the very least she should have a personality all her own or one that is a perfect blend of her parents. Like maybe she can be this hard as nails commander like her mother but still sometimes manages to throw out a witty one liner reminiscent of her father every now and again?
06/11/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)

History, time, death has never been important in mortal kombat and I hope the return of Sonya Blade soon.
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06/11/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:
History, time, death has never been important in mortal kombat and I hope the return of Sonya Blade soon.

>assuming she's dead

The hell are you people talking about?

She's probably alive and well and looking like this:

06/11/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:
History, time, death has never been important in mortal kombat and I hope the return of Sonya Blade soon.

>assuming she's dead

The hell are you people talking about?

She's probably alive and well and looking like this:

We can only hope! That's so badass!
06/11/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:

History, time, death has never been important in mortal kombat and I hope the return of Sonya Blade soon.

"History, time, [and] death" never being "important in mortal kombat" is precisely the reason why MK has been stuck repeating stories and offering little character development for existing characters. Sub-Zero and Scorpion fight. Cage is a stuck up ass. Sonya hates Kano, etc etc.

Taking time, death, and history seriously is a great thing, at least in terms of storytelling. It can only make the MK Mythos stronger.

That being said, we still got someone screaming "KHAN!" in Star Trek Into Darkness. My point there being that there are still loads of opportunities to respect and represent past iterations of the series while still moving forward.
06/11/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
Bittersweet, indeed :*) smile

I was convinced that Sonya would be among the first definite big reveals and confirmations for MKX during this event. I must admit that this took me by surprise (a shocking, happy, and bittersweet surprise).

If this game was always meant to take 25 years later in the story, well, this only makes sense. Sonya and Johnny have such a high place within the world of MK that this was meant to happen. In a way, I will always love and remember how Sonya and Johnny were present during this big day for MK.

Though it wasn't them the ones to be revealed, I am glad to see that it was their descendant one of the chosen characters for this big event. Fan-fiction comes to life, and a big success for this loving couple. Finally a happy ending for two of our heroes (way to go Cage, you scored).

Cassie Cage, welcome to MK and to the heart of the fans. I only hope you manage to live up to the (ginormous) expectations.

PS: I do expect her parents to return. Would not be surprised if they are hidden.

ProudNintendofan Wrote:
So... I know I'm finally back, but I really wish I knew how queve was reacting right now. Lol

Aww, thanks smile

Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
So... I know I'm finally back, but I really wish I knew how queve was reacting right now. Lol

Ahaha,was actually wondering the same thing lol.

Awww wink
06/11/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
hey guys, new to the forums here, forgive my lack of a proper intro. Thought I'd join amidst all the MKX hype. I mean seriously this game looks dope. Now onto the topic at hand.

I was not prepared to find out that Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade were gonna have a love child together, who would be playable. I mean these two were at each other's throats in mk9. I wonder if they had her out of wedlock or were in a genuine marriage. HYPE!
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/11/2014 04:42 AM (UTC)
It's awesome to see you come back for your reaction on this, Queve. :D

I'm beyond happy this finally happened with them, really. And I'm normally happy romance is largely sidelined in MK, but I hope we see them share a kiss at least. Needs to happen.

Wait, wait. I can picture it. They're in a dire situation against Shinnok, all hope is lost, and he figures what the hell, now or never, psyches himself up before stealing said kiss, and mutters to himself "Johnny Cage is not afraid to die," before he makes his move. It all turns out well. grin
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

06/11/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
Sadly I believe that Quan Chi probably killed them both and Cassie Cage is in the game to avenge them.

i think that Kenshi will be in the game but look similar to Shujinko
06/11/2014 04:52 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
It's awesome to see you come back for your reaction on this, Queve. :D

You are sweet smile Happy to see that you among other lovely faces are still around.

Shadaloo Wrote:

I'm beyond happy this finally happened with them, really. And I'm normally happy romance is largely sidelined in MK, but I hope we see them share a kiss at least. Needs to happen.

Wait, wait. I can picture it. They're in a dire situation against Shinnok, all hope is lost, and he figures what the hell, now or never, psyches himself up before stealing said kiss, and mutters to himself "Johnny Cage is not afraid to die," before he makes his move. It all turns out well. grin

I approve.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/11/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
I'm still amazed that this fucking happened. Like, I would never think this would happen in a million years. It's weird.
06/11/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I'm still amazed that this fucking happened. Like, I would never think this would happen in a million years. It's weird.

Really? To me this was very...

Boon's reaction to the fans' reaction basically summed up my reaction.

People were cheering and all like "WHAT!?" and Boon was just like "i kno rite?!"

I mean. I didn't EXPECT it, per se. But it feels very natural, and it still somehow manages to feel like fan service to me. I think about how long we've been stuck on the same characters and stories, and something feels very awesome about having this next generation child of two long-standing fan favorites with a romance dating back to the 90's.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/11/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
My initial reaction was "Oh shit is that Johnny Cage's sister or something? Maybe a cousin?" As soon as I heard "Daughter" I what the fucked. Just wasn't expecting that.
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