Jades Whereabouts
posted05/01/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)by
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12/02/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
I think Jade is going to play a major role in MK11. I dont think she will be possessed by this mysterious woman, but I think she will play a part, like a guide for Jade. I think Jade will be the key to reviving the revenants.

My theory: The Mystery woman guided Jade away and restored her. Quan Chi used her disappearance to his advantage. He told the revenants that he killed Jade for disobedience. I think the mystery woman will give Jade powers and the ability to revive people. I think she will revive Sindel and another maybe Smoke, but she is unable to get to Kitana because of Liu Kang. This will give Jade the story she needs to be more than Kitanas sidekick.

What do you guys think?
04/29/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
Sounds cool.

I thought it would be interesting to have her possessed by the mystery woman at different degrees. For example, when Jade gets mad, the woman is more prevalent, but she is always in the back of her mind. I wanted to see Jade drain Ermac of his souls and use them to revive King Jerrod. I would also love is the Mystery Woman was revealed as he One Being.
04/29/2015 07:08 PM (UTC)
I too think they are saving her for the next game, the fact that we didn't see her at all, not even as part of Quan Chi's revenant squad is a little suspicious to me.
04/29/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
I don't know how major she'll be, but I definitely think she'll be back. Her weird ghostly appearance in Kitana's ladder ending being her ONLY appearance in the game?

It almost looked like it was ghost-Jade who was making revenant Kitana dream of her old timeline heroic self.
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04/29/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I too think they are saving her for the next game, the fact that we didn't see her at all, not even as part of Quan Chi's revenant squad is a little suspicious to me.

I agree. She wasn't even given a stand-around-and-do-nothing cameo like Nightwolf or Stryker. Very bizarre that the only reference she got is a Kitana variation. Very strange indeed.
Kitana's ending might be a hint to such scenario. It seems like she was trying to reach out to Kitana, so I can see where you're coming from.
Then the total lack of info in story mode also leaves it open to anything when it comes to Jade's fate.

Though I don't know if NRS loves Jade enough to give her such a major role in the story. Seeing how they usually treat the character...

04/29/2015 07:28 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Kitana's ending might be a hint to such scenario. It seems like she was trying to reach out to Kitana, so I can see where you're coming from.
Then the total lack of info in story mode also leaves it open to anything when it comes to Jade's fate.

Though I don't know if NRS loves Jade enough to give her such a major role in the story. Seeing how they usually treat the character...

Yeah, exactly. I don't see her being enough of a fave to get a starring role. I do think there's something for her to do next game, though.
04/29/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I too think they are saving her for the next game, the fact that we didn't see her at all, not even as part of Quan Chi's revenant squad is a little suspicious to me.

I agree. She wasn't even given a stand-around-and-do-nothing cameo like Nightwolf or Stryker. Very bizarre that the only reference she got is a Kitana variation. Very strange indeed.

Exactly, I thought we would at least see her like we did with Nighwolf, Stryker, Smoke, and Kabal, but she was nowhere to be found which I find very odd lol
04/30/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
Well she's kinda stuck as a Revenant now.
04/30/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Well she's kinda stuck as a Revenant now.

That's the thing -- she isn't. She's nowhere to be found anywhere in the game. Every other slain character appears as one of Quan Chi's servants, even if only in cameo (Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Stryker).

Jade is conspicuously absent, and is some kind of green ghost thing instead in Kitana's ladder ending.
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04/30/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Anyone thinking there are "big plans" for Jade in MK11 are fooling themselves. Despite Kitana's ending hinting at something going on with Jade- who knows if they'll even care enough to touch on that. I don't have high hopes when it comes to the story these days.
04/30/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I too think they are saving her for the next game, the fact that we didn't see her at all, not even as part of Quan Chi's revenant squad is a little suspicious to me.

Agreed. She was a revenant in MK9 but there was not a single peep of her in this game.

She was the only MK9 character that got a flatout deconfirmation way before the game release.
04/30/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Well she's kinda stuck as a Revenant now.

That's the thing -- she isn't. She's nowhere to be found anywhere in the game. Every other slain character appears as one of Quan Chi's servants, even if only in cameo (Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Stryker).

Jade is conspicuously absent, and is some kind of green ghost thing instead in Kitana's ladder ending.

Wasn't she a Revenant in MK9? Although I would be surprised if she didn't show up in the next game as a Revenant. She was Kitana's best friend after all.
04/30/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Well she's kinda stuck as a Revenant now.

That's the thing -- she isn't. She's nowhere to be found anywhere in the game. Every other slain character appears as one of Quan Chi's servants, even if only in cameo (Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Stryker).

Jade is conspicuously absent, and is some kind of green ghost thing instead in Kitana's ladder ending.

Wasn't she a Revenant in MK9? Although I would be surprised if she didn't show up in the next game as a Revenant. She was Kitana's best friend after all.

She was, but something could've happened to her in the 2 or 3 years between MK9 and the Netherrealm War.

I doubt Jade's going to suddenly become a main character or anything, but I do think it's possible she escaped Quan Chi somehow and will return next game as some other type of being attempting to restore Kitana.
04/30/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
Random thought...

Johnny and Cassie have the shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."
Jade has a form of a shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."

Perhaps something to explore in the next game, especially since MKX introduced the green energy as something that is story relevant. It kind of sets it up to be a major part of Cassie's story for the next game.

This could very well link Johnny's ancestors to Edenia.
04/30/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Random thought...

Johnny and Cassie have the shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."
Jade has a form of a shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."

Perhaps something to explore in the next game, especially since MKX introduced the green energy as something that is story relevant. It kind of sets it up to be a major part of Cassie's story for the next game.

This could very well link Johnny's ancestors to Edenia.

This is actually a really great thought. In Kitana's ending Jade is a being entirely composed of pure green energy, too.
04/30/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Random thought...

Johnny and Cassie have the shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."
Jade has a form of a shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."

Perhaps something to explore in the next game, especially since MKX introduced the green energy as something that is story relevant. It kind of sets it up to be a major part of Cassie's story for the next game.

This could very well link Johnny's ancestors to Edenia.

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04/30/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
The absence of Noob, and Jade as a revenant, was puzzling. I'm wondering if they will, in fact, bring her back on in the next game. Now that Kitana is empress of the Netherealm, perhaps SHE will resurrect Jade fully as a revenant, her personal assassin?

But it seems like they're taking Jade in a different direction with the warrior woman. Maybe she wasn't a revenant because Quan chi couldn't keep her under control. Maybe she and Noob escaped his control entirely?

Odd that neither made an appearance in the game, especially when Noob is a key Netherrealm character
04/30/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
The absence of Noob, and Jade as a revenant, was puzzling. I'm wondering if they will, in fact, bring her back on in the next game. Now that Kitana is empress of the Netherealm, perhaps SHE will resurrect Jade fully as a revenant, her personal assassin?

But it seems like they're taking Jade in a different direction with the warrior woman. Maybe she wasn't a revenant because Quan chi couldn't keep her under control. Maybe she and Noob escaped his control entirely?

Odd that neither made an appearance in the game, especially when Noob is a key Netherrealm character

Noob was sucked into the soulnado. The last time that happened to a character (Scorpion), they became the Elder Gods champion, like Jade, I think Noob will be important in MK11.
05/01/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)
I can see Jade being guided by the mysterious woman (possibly an unknown goddess or entity) after being resurrected briefly before willingly accepting a mission to revive the revenants from the Netherrealm. However her close feelings subside for her best friend Kitana as Jade realizes that she enjoys being a tyrannical bitch in the Netherrealm and after being revived, looks to regain the throne through force rather than accept a governmental compromise of a limited monarchy with an elected democracy proposed by Tanya (depicted as a two-dimensional character who wants to free Edenia). Of course Jade still feeling remorseful for a change of actions for Shao Kahn, is disgusted by Kitana not facing her past mistakes and retires the royal court, living in an Outworld oasis as a hermit, giving her martial arts training to Outworld freedom fighters like a benevolent version of Lady Shiva. It's only later as the Outworld conflict and Raiden's invasion of the realm intensifies that brings Jade out of hiding and assist the Outworld freedom fighters and old Earthrealm friends like Johnny Cage and Kenshi fleeing from Dark Raiden in saving Outworld. I think this makes Jade, a mysterious character actually well-developed on her own without the need to be Kitana's "loyal bodyguard." as the only reason for her existence
05/01/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Random thought...

Johnny and Cassie have the shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."
Jade has a form of a shadow kick, and mysterious "green energy."

Perhaps something to explore in the next game, especially since MKX introduced the green energy as something that is story relevant. It kind of sets it up to be a major part of Cassie's story for the next game.

This could very well link Johnny's ancestors to Edenia.

Nightwolf also utilizes some form of green energy, Shao Kahn as well.
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05/01/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
The fascinating thing here is that both Jade's MK9 and Kitana's MK10 endings seem to be connected by this notion of 'awareness' of the original timeline/universe.

It seems likely to me that the woman who posesses Jade in her MK9 ending, who wants to 'reimagine' Shao Kahn's death, reaches out to Kitana in her MK10 ending through Jade, in this ghostly form, and shows her the outcome of Armageddon, with Kitana victorious in the original timeline, for reasons we've yet to see.

Exciting times. Big things are in store for Jade in the future, for sure.
05/01/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
I'd sure like to think that NRS would actually bring this storyline with Jade into the forefront of the next game (or perhaps even as some kind of DLC for this one). It would be a waste to just drop it or keep dangling it in front of us for several games.

And if they do develop it, hopefully it isn't just centered around saving Kitana. Broaden her. Girlfriend needs her own interests and agenda. Unique weapons and phasing powers, but the writers never really did know what to do with her. They've finally got something here. They need to follow up on it, and soon. Don't drag this out with little hints for 10+ years, please.

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05/01/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
I hope Jade don't come back for the next three or four games.

Next game need to bring back Ashrah :3
05/01/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)

I like to think NRS has something good planned for Jade in the future. What will come of Sindel? I still think technically she should be the new ruler of the Netherrealm. But I understand story wise, Lui and Kitana are better for the role.

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