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09/29/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
You HAVE to be shitting me.
09/29/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I'd be cool with Jade coming back. Always liked her.

Same here ever since her debut back in MKII but I couldn't stand fighting in UMK3.
09/29/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
That tree picture doesn't prove shit, nor is quality evidence to build a case for Jade.

It's just a cool ass picture of a "living tree" that happens to be highly relevant to Mortal Kombat in general...and not exclusively relevant to Jade.
09/29/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Title changed.

Very stupid of you to believe that your speculation based off of Ed Boon's trollish tweets can definitively prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.
We'll see. If she's in they better make her better than in 9.

Her gameplay felt really stiff, Outfit wasn't great compared to the better costume concepts she had (Just like Reptile and Sonya). And her face was eugh. Oh yeah and "This will be Easy/Too Easy". The only interesting thing was her ending. Still just because she's dead doesn't mean she won't appear (although over Liu, Lao, Jax and Kitana I doubt it).
09/30/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)
Fémme Fatal: Jade, Mileena and Sindel.

Jade rules!
09/30/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
Title changed.

Very stupid of you to believe that your speculation based off of Ed Boon's trollish tweets can definitively prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

Wow, can you sound any more rude? So he made a speculation and made it sound like facts, whoopty do. He's not the first and certainly not the last.
09/30/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
Ok to clear the confusion I might have sounded a little arrogant to "some folks" that Jade was definitely confirmed and I should have pit the air quotes subtitle after the satiric title afterward to veer off any confusion in the first place. I came to my speculation when I followed Boon's previous confirmation with the two Goro photos. So I tried the same pattern with Boon's comments such as the jaded remark, the Girls rule the World song by Beyoncé, the first lyrics of the Bohemian Rhapsody involving the dream-reality sequence in reference to Jade's MK 2011 ending, and the living forest photo (yes I admit that last one is a little dubious). So if I am wrong if Jade doesn't get confirmed, I'll admit my mistake. Besides isn't that what making "almighty" speculations is all about? But so far I'm pretty convinced even with Ed's trollisms that Jade will make an appearance one way or the other.

Now if anyone has a problem with my hypothesis, please counter it with another hypothesis or cram it and troll and insult someone else instead of attacking the content. And I'm thinking of one particular cocktease newbie who doesn't know when to have a good laugh and discuss respectfully about it. When I read Chrome's ridiculous posts, I don't outright insult his character, I IGNORE him. I'll leave it there.
09/30/2014 01:44 AM (UTC)
okay. sorry for being an ass. it doesn't excuse my behavior, but I've had an incredibly shitty day. the recent revelation that the mod here (lol at the fact that there's only one mod - says A LOT, really) censors people is just making things worse when it comes to this place's atmosphere. I'll probably be leaving.
09/30/2014 04:09 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Change thread title to "my own personal theories based on Ed's troll twitter" please.

There's been so many it's krazy
09/30/2014 05:44 AM (UTC)

I didn't see the post you made that got modded, so maybe I'm talking out my ass...

But Mick seems pretty cool. Never had a problem with him and I've said some pretty stupid stuff here.

MKO isn't like Gamefaqs (I've seen you over there too). Gamefaqs mods are a bunch of fucking retards and will ban you over the silliest of comments. Say a cuss word, you post gets deleted. Speak some hard truth. Your account gets banned until you send them an apology letter.

Maybe you just went full potato in one of your posts. I don't know. But this place is cool and filled with fans....just like you....that genuinely love MK. And to show you how cool Mick is, I'll tell you that your name sounds like Lord_GayJoy, and I doubt Mick will mod it.

So stick around.
09/30/2014 08:12 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Last time we saw her she got her "guts" (a blob of blood) torn out of her abdomen by Sindel and left to be one of Quan Chi's Earthrealm slaves for auction.

Yeah...I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that "blob of blood" was her heart and blood isn't like pudding.

Also, if the living forest tweet you're referring to is the picture he posted of a real life tree with a face on it that wasn't meant to be a hint, that was just a picture he liked. He posts funny MK related pics all the time. His caption for that was "Wow someone found a real life MK2 living forest tree!" After that he posted a cartoon of a lonely Smoke sitting outside a ninja party, that doesn't confirm Smoke for MKX and a photograph of a funny looking tree doesn't confirm Jade.

And trying to decipher meaning from Ed Boon's bullshit troll tweets is like sifting through his actual turds trying to discern what he ate before taking them. Sure there's the off chance you might guess right, but why not wait for him to just tell you what he ate and not waste time going through his shit? That goes for everybody who posts his cryptic little troll tweets. Its cool if its fun to speculate and stuff, but don't pretend like you're getting reliable, factual information from them. Nonsense should never "convince" you of anything. We can't all do what our alphabet soup tells us to do. I don't want to live in a world ruled by alphabet soup.
09/30/2014 01:01 PM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
You HAVE to be shitting me.

I thought you had left MKO after that grand speech of yours.

Anyways, people, don't get your hopes up for anyone specific. It might be Jade, it might be Reptile, it might be Fujin, it might be Noob... people are reading the hints differently and it could be either of those characters, and it might even be someone completely different.

Just wait and see who it is.
09/30/2014 01:11 PM (UTC)
I would be happy if it was Jade. She's one of my favorite females. Really, I'd be happy with anybody.
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09/30/2014 02:01 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:We can't all do what our alphabet soup tells us to do. I don't want to live in a world ruled by alphabet soup.

09/30/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:

I didn't see the post you made that got modded, so maybe I'm talking out my ass...

But Mick seems pretty cool. Never had a problem with him and I've said some pretty stupid stuff here.

MKO isn't like Gamefaqs (I've seen you over there too). Gamefaqs mods are a bunch of fucking retards and will ban you over the silliest of comments. Say a cuss word, you post gets deleted. Speak some hard truth. Your account gets banned until you send them an apology letter.

Maybe you just went full potato in one of your posts. I don't know. But this place is cool and filled with fans....just like you....that genuinely love MK. And to show you how cool Mick is, I'll tell you that your name sounds like Lord_GayJoy, and I doubt Mick will mod it.

So stick around.

He's referring to my thread that got closed down because it came from Kombat Tether, in which Mick has a huge problem with that absolutely no one knows why. And when asked, you get no reply.
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