Its Time For A Questionaire!!!
posted09/04/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
It's that time again that I jumble ten random questions out and ask you about stuff that we've seen so far and know what you're all like so here we go.

1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?

5.) What arena is your favorite so far?

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

One character....

7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

More questions will be asked later on when new material heads our way!
08/26/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
1. Raiden and Kano have impressed me the most, may be the fact that they got proper reveal trailers, idk. I'm not impressed or excited for DVorah at all.

2. Scorpion's fatality, it's amazing in full.

3. Raiden's trap variation
Kano's grappler variation
Sub-Zero's ice clone throw variation

4. Kotal Kahn storyline intrigues me the most, due to his status as Outworld's emperor.

5. The jungle.

6. Tanya

7. Devorah, she's utterly lame.

8. Story mode. I will only play arcade mode with the chars i like.

9. Konquest would be ok, but with the story mode being in, konquest is definitely out.

10. Sabrewulf or Orchid from KI
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/26/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
I.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

Scorpion has impressed me the most and Sub-Zero the least.

II.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

Scorpion's Face Off Fatality.

III.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

Scorpion - Hellfire
Kotal Kahn - Blood God
Ferra Torr - Vicious

IV.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?

Ferra Torr

V.) What arena is your favorite so far?


VI.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.


VII.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

I think Scorpion would look better without a loincloth

VIII.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?

Story mode

IX.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

Depends which mini games it is, so yes

X.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

I do not know. I do not care. I will not play as them
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

08/26/2014 03:05 AM (UTC)
1.) D'vorah, hands down, has impressed me the most. Everyone revealed so far has impressed upon me positively to some degree, but Sub-Zero and Scorpion have gotten me the least excited.

2.) I'm partial either to D'vorah's or Cassie's fatalities.

3.) D'vorah - Swarm Queen. Raiden - Displacer. Cassie Cage - Spec Ops. (Those missiles look fun.)

4.) D'vorah's my girl but I'd like to know more about Ferra and Torr. We've gotten the least information about them so far, I think.

5.) The Jungle is my favorite stage so far.

6.) Ideally, Sindel will return. Since that won't realistically happen, Mileena is my final (only, only one) answer.

7.) Not super thrilled about stage interactables, but I'm an old-school fuddy-duddy.

8.) I'll play practice mode to get myself used to the gameplay a little (maybe not if there's a demo), then story mode so I don't get any spoilers through the arcade endings.

9.) I have no real opinion on mini-games.

10.) Well, Warner Bros. owns CNN, so I can hold out hope that Anderson Cooper will be playable.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/26/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all? Most D'Vora Least Cassie

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most? Scorpion's

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most? Kotal Kahn

5.) What arena is your favorite so far? Jungle

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

One character....HAVIK

7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far? Outworld Marketplace looks like it belongs in Street Fighter

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first? Arcade Mode beat it once then onto Story Mode

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out? Yes

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one) Anyone from Killer Instinct
08/26/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's that time again that I jumble ten random questions out and ask you about stuff that we've seen so far and know what you're all like so here we go.

1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?

5.) What arena is your favorite so far?

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

One character....

7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

More questions will be asked later on when new material heads our way!

1) Most: Kano Hasn't: None
2) Raiden's (have not seen Kano's in full)
3) Kano: Cybernetic, Sub-Zero: Cryomancer, D'Vorah: Poisonous
4) D'Vorah or Ferra/Torr
5) Jungle
6) Shinnok
7) Ferra/Torr's fatality
8) Probably story mode (unless we have the Fatality theatre)
9) Left out
10) Reaper from Diablo III
About Me

08/26/2014 03:12 AM (UTC)

1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all? The most has been Raiden, his design is incredible. The least has been Ferra/Tor. I dig the gimmick but the grappling moves aren't distinct enough for me.
2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most? Scorpions full face chop fatality. Sooooo gnarly.
3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using. Cryomancer (Sub-Zero), Brawler (Cassie Cage), Commando (Kano)
4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most? Kotal Kahn, for sure. Dethroned former ruler of Outworld is an intriguing premise.
5.) What arena is your favorite so far? Jungle Arena in the Kano reveal trailer.
6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE. One character.... Mileena
7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far? I've loved most everything but some of the animation / model rendering looked wonky in a lot of the gameplay I've seen. Cassie Cage especially.
8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first? Story Mode, without a doubt. Story Mode always doubles as a tutorial and narrative entertainment for the story. I don't get online until I'm comfortable with the game BUT, if this yet to be revealed Multiplayer mode is super badass, I'll be checking it out sooner rather than later.
9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?Nah. Well, except for something like the challenge tower. Star Labs from Injustice was mini-game ish so something like that would be ok. Kart Kombat, Chess Kombat, and all of that can stay gone.
10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one) I'm not sure. The Predator, I guess?

08/26/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
1) Most: Raiden
Least: Ferra/Torr

2) Scorpion's

3) Sub's Grandmaster (clone throw), Kano's Cybernetic (eye lasers), Scorpion's "Inferno" (demon summons)

4) Kotal, mostly...but Sub-Zero's just to know who he is and, if he's not Bi-Han or Kuai, how they explain where the fuck he came from and if said explanation fucks up the lore some more.

5) The Kove, I suppose. I don't really like any of them all that much so far. I'd like the Outworld Marketplace if the sky and ground was purple like in the Wasteland instead of looking like Earth.

6) Sareena

7) That it looks like the plot's gonna be about what Outworld's like without Kahn, and that if the Shinnok teaser at the end of 9 is dealt with, it will be quick and unsatisfying instead of being main focus like it deserves to.

8) I always start with Story Mode.

9) The Challenge Tower in general was all good, and they've said that it won't return in the same form but the game will have something similar. I really hope whatever they do is more casual and fun missions like MK9 had and not the ridiculously hard "training" bullshit Injustice's STAR Labs was made of, and that you can again buy your way past the ones you can't beat if there are unlockable costumes at stake.

As minigames go, though, the one I'd like to have back the most is Deception Chess.

10) Jago. (EDIT: Shit, I hadn't even thought of Ash from Evil Dead, so I change my vote to him. I just put Jago 'cause a KI char in the Xbone version is likely to actually happen)
08/26/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
the one who impressed me the most is Kano! He is better than ever.
Unfortunately, Scorpion hasn't surprised me at all! the same as always, but I reckon he must be in all the games.

2.) Most impressive fatality was Sub Zero! Great revamp and upgrade from his MK3 fatality.

3.) Kano = Kommando
Kotal Kahn = Sun god
Raiden = Displacer

4.) Kotal Kahn!

5.) The Kove!

6.) Only one?? Thats tough.. ok... FUJIN

7.) Didn't really like D'vorah apparence, but I ll give her a chance.

8.) Arcade mode for test! sure!

9.) The mini games must be in!

10.) Since you asked to no say "I don't want one"I won't answer this one lol
08/26/2014 03:55 AM (UTC)
1.) Raiden the most. Scorpion the least.

2.) Cassie's is hella fun.

3.) Commando, Swarm Queen, Displacer

4.) D'Vorah. Esp what her relationship with Kotal is.

5.) Jungle. I wanna live there!

6.) You all know it........Mileena :P

7.) Scorpion using a clone to do Mileena's teleport kick -.-'

8.) Probably beat arcade once then Story mode

9.) Since I loved chess kombat and a bunch of others, yes.

10.) Well tbh I don't really care. Never played as Kratos or Freddy, so I don't think I will play with anyone they give us. Someone that will increase their sales at least.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/26/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
1. I was most impressed with Raiden and Kano. Raiden's electrical animations alone looks sick, and that displacer variation?? Forget about it! Kano was already bad ass in MK9, NRS really outdid themselves with him for this game. Just wow.

Cassie Cage did not impress me at all. Besides the bubblegum bit, her moves aren't unlike anything I've seen before.

2. That's a hard one. I LOVE Sub-Zero's, D'Vorah's is blissfully disgusting, the detail in Scorpion's and Ferra/Torr's is stomach turning, but I'm going with Raiden's "eye popper" it's almost like he's saying "that will teach you to f with a thunder god!" Love it.

3. Scorpion's Hellfire
Raiden's Displacer
Sub-Zero's Grandmaster

4. Ferra/Torr

5. Snow Forest

6. Damnit Icebaby, just one?! Lol... Noob Saibot

7. Ok, got it lol. Sub-Zero throwing ice balls with one hand and not both.

8. Arcade. Always arcade for me. Kind of a tradition at this point.

9. Test your might, and test your sight should return. The rest could find it's way to a recycle bin or something.

10. John Snow or The Hound from Game of Thrones. (One of John Snow's variations could have his pet dire wolf "Ghost".)

Great questions. This is fun:)

1.) Raiden so far, his variations so far shows how much MKX is a game changer. Scorpion hasn't impressed me and he's my favorite character. Once a proper trailer is out and showing his variations i'm sure it'll change my mind.

2.) Scorpion's is incredible, I love the heart dropping out of the chest and the face slicing. D'Vorah's is a very close second.

3.) Raiden's 'Displacer' sounds like a lot of fun. Kano's 'Cutthroat', or 'Cybernetic' is a hard choice. Sub-Zero's 'Cryromancer' is too wild, favorite variation so far.

4.) Ferra/Torr

5.) Ice Forest, Jungle is a close second.

6.) Smoke, he'd be sooooo fresh looking. Especially after MK9's wacky design, i'd love to see what variations he'd have.

7.) Cassie's posture and model, but i'm sure they're on that. So it doesn't worry me.

8.) Story!

9.) They add replay value and are usually fun. I want them.

10.) Ash from Evil Dead. I'm not even a huge Evil Dead fan, i'm more of an Ash fan. If it was him from The Army of Darkness, he'd wreck shit with a chainsaw variation, a metal club fist variation, and shotgun variation.
08/26/2014 04:28 AM (UTC)
1. Kano- Not bc im a fan of him, i was just impressed with the effort they put into his character. I feel like he is a force to be reckoned with. as should be all Kombatants. Least Impressed, Scorpion bc i think he's been the least shown on.

2. D'Vorah's seeing the gore in full effect really caught my attention with her fatality. I only wonder how her fatality along with others will will effect those like Kano with his metal faceplate. Will it be generic or will it be tweaked for him and others that have distinct features.

3. All 3 of Kano's, Sub Zero's Cryomancer & Unbreakable & Kotal Kahn's Sun God.

4. Torr, not Ferra, but Torr

5. As of right now, its the Jungle simply bc i have a cool Stage fatality idea for it. but 2 is the Outworld market place.

6. I already got my Kano so i am going to go with Baraka!

7. Right now i have NO complaints

8. Training Mode, the Story!

9. Mini games- Only one i care for to return for the game is Test your Might. Everything else was childish & cartoony, this is a serious looking game!

10. Even though i know its close to impossible, I WANT THE PREDATOR
About Me
New sig on the way
08/26/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
1) Best? Raiden, hands down. The worst is Ferra/Torr. I never ever wanted to play Master Blaster in a fighting game.

2) Sub-Zero by miles. Not only is it the sleekest, but it's actually a reference to the FGC. "Getting your back blown out" is an expression popularized by the TYM community.

3) Cryomancer, thunder god, and maybe Nnjutsu. These are all based on style, so this could change.

4) None, honestly. If I had to pick, Ferra/Torr because I have a feeling they're from the Chaos realm.

5) Kove.

6) Wait, is this from MK9, or from the series in general? If it's the latter, then Li Mei.

7) No dash cancelling. RIP MK9 footsie game.

8) Arcade Mode. I want to get the new mechanics down before doing story mode.

9) Puzzle Kombat for sure.
10) Ash
08/26/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)
1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?
-Raiden looks badass with his lightning effects. Cassie Cage's model needs work

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.
-Cassie Cage - Hollywood
-Sub-zero - Cryomancer
-Raiden - Displacer

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?
-Kotal Kahn

5.) What arena is your favorite so far?
-The Cove

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?
-Increasing gore level is fine, but showing female skin is wrong? I have enough of this in my country...enough with biased censorship.

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?
-Arcade mode first to get a feel of the characters

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?
-Yes must have mini games, they make MK feel like a complete package compared to other fighting games.

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)
-Ivy (Soul Calibur) - Would love to see a whip sword Fatality
08/26/2014 05:43 AM (UTC)
1. Almost all characters in MK X impressed me a lot, except CASSIE CAGE, because almost all her special moves and fighting style is so similar to her parents, for example : she has nut cracker which copy paste from her father, upward bicycle kick, which was her mother's special moves,so it kinda bored to see a new characters that was created by just simply giving them old school special moves

2. Scorpion & Kano's Fatality is the best so far

3. 1. Raiden's Master of Stomrs
2. Scorpion's Inferno
3. Dvorah's Venomous

4. For all the new characters that introduced so far, D'Vorah is the one who impressed me a lot, I love the idea and design of the characters and also special moves that is insect based moved which has a very deep relations with her background

5. Jungle

6. Kung Lao is my Favorite Character throughour the MK series, so i want him back

7. The Health/Life meter bar is very short, i would love if NRS can make it longer before the release of MK X, since we know that this is the first MK that has a variation sytem, therefore it will defintely has a lot of special moves per character, so if the life meter bar is short, then it will be less exciting

8. Story mode absolutely

9. I want Challenge Towers back

10. Predator will be nice guset characters to be added on MK X
08/26/2014 05:50 AM (UTC)
elson Wrote:
1. Almost all characters in MK X impressed me a lot, except CASSIE CAGE, because almost all her special moves and fighting style is so similar to her parents, for example : she has nut cracker which copy paste from her father, upward bicycle kick, which was her mother's special moves,so it kinda bored to see a new characters that was created by just simply giving them old school special moves

Upcoming shitstorm
08/26/2014 06:16 AM (UTC)
1) Raiden the most, Sub/Scorpion the least.

2) I'd say D'Vorah's bee-throwing Fatality. Literally jaw-dropping. *rim shot*

3) N/A

4) It's a tie between D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn. I particularly would like to know why Kahn glows Tron-style at times, which I dig.

5) Definitely the one with the flowing river (the Jungle?).

6. I think everyone knows my answer to that.

7) That the roster so far is leaning heavily on the MK1 characters, especially given Boon's prattling about the game having a ton of new names.

8) N/A

9) No opinion.

10) TJ Combo (Killer Instinct).

Yes, these are my pathetic answers. :')

-Raiden. As much as I love to give him shit, His Variations look great, his fatality is hilariously over the top and awesome. Also I like his fancy hat.

On the other side I'm not quite feeling Kotal Kahn. He looks okay certainly not terrible but meh.


-That's hard. I pick D'Vorah. Sure It's like MK4 Reptile's Fatality but look how awesome that shit looks now!


-Ice Clone throwan Sub-Zero. Lightning Trap Raiden. Kano studies all your moves.




-The Snowy Forest.


-Mmm here's a surprise: Not Sheeva/Mileena/Ashrah/Sareena/DA Concept Dairou

It's Kai with a Capoeira moveset and the MK4 fireballs. I just know that he would be lots of fun with that.


-The roster size worries me.


-Several factors decide this. Will the plot leak? Am I strong enough to avoid those leaks? Are my favorite characters in?

Either way Practice Mode comes first.


-Ehhhh take it or leave it...Although Chess Kombat would be fun. But any minigames should have an online version with it. That's what should've happened with Test Your Luck.


-I don't want one.....oh fine! Well I hope the xbox crowd gets a KI character (oddly enough I will be angry with them if it doesn't happen..Fulgore/Riptor) but since I'm a PS4 guy I wouldn't say no to Sweet Tooth.
08/26/2014 06:48 AM (UTC)

1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?
-Raiden because soooo much lightning/Kotal because i'm not fond of gameplay involving big & slow grapply characters(even if he's not a traditional grappler or slow i'm still underwhelmed)

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?
-Scorpion's fatality, which people have seen videos of by now even though I'm sure there are sticklers out there who wouldn't count it since it hasn't been "officially revealed"

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.
-Raiden's Displacement
Kano's Commando
Sub-Zero's Grandmaster

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?
- Normally Kotal Kahn because Kahn but with news of him and D'Vorah being 'allies' it'd be interesting to see what she does and what her motives are, and even if she's directly or indirectly involved with Kotal's inevitable fall of power.

5.) What arena is your favorite so far?
-Honestly I get a somewhat generic feel from all of them so I closed my eyes and randomly pointed at my screen and got 'The Kove'.

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

7.)What's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?
-No post-MK3 arenas making a return

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?
-Arcade mode only so I don't spoil myself with the Story Mode right away. I'm sure once i'm done with the story i'll put MKX on a little hiatus

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?
-Is Test Your Luck a mini game? Because that.

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be?
-Honestly I don't know enough about recent games so I wouldn't be surprised if it were someone I'd have to Google.
08/26/2014 06:52 AM (UTC)
What do you mean by Shitstorm baby?
08/26/2014 06:55 AM (UTC)
elson Wrote:
What do you mean by Shitstorm baby?

People debating that Cassie is unique from her parents, it's been an ongoing debate since her inclusion
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/26/2014 07:40 AM (UTC)
1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

Kotal Kahn has impressed me the most and I'm still somewhat on the fence with Ferra/Torr

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

Sub-Zero's new spine breaker

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

Raiden Thunder God, Inferno Scorpion, Cryomancer Sub Zero

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?


5.) What arena is your favorite so far?

The Jungle

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

One character....


7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

Does the lack of info flow count?

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?

Story of course

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

I'd love to see Chess Kombat back but I don't think it'd fit the tone of the game.

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

Riptor/Cinder for the Xbox, the Predator for PS4
08/26/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

Most: Raiden
Least: Cassie

With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

Scorpion's by far but i'm curious to see how Kano's plays out from start to finish

Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

Kano Cutthroat
Sub-Zero Grandmaster
Raiden Thunder God

Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?


What arena is your favorite so far?

It's a tie between Snow Forest and The Jungle

You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE


Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

The exclusion of Tag Team.

Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?


Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

More replay value is never a bad thing.

Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

Predator or Corvo (Dishonored)
08/26/2014 07:53 AM (UTC)
1.) Out of all the characters that we've seen so far, who has impressed you the most and who hasn't impressed you at all?

-D'Vorah impresses me the most. Cassie impresses me the least, but I think that is because we have seen the least of her. I am very disappointed in her face, as I feel it looks manly and less detailed than other characters.

2.) With the fatalities that we have seen so far, which one has impressed you the most?

I love Scorpion's where the camera pans to a hole in the opponent's chest and we can see the heart swinging. Totally sick.

3.) Name three characters' variations you will definitely be using.

Sub-Zero's ice clone, Raiden's lightening trap, and D'Vorah's Swarm Queen.

4.) Out of the new characters that we have seen so far, which one do you want to know more about the most?

- I want to know more about Cassie.

5.) What arena is your favorite so far?

- I really like the Ice Forest. I love the darkness of it. But the jungle is gorgeous. I hope to see the water interact more with the characters. (Characters get wet, drip, water splashes)

6.) You only get one, name ONE character you want back. JUST ONE.

One character....


7.) Remember, one character. Anyways, what's one thing you don't like about what we've seen so far?

This is being very picky, but I wish that Kano's variations had other colors - besides green and yellow - that way he wasn't reminiscent of a stop light. What about blue?

8.) Story mode or arcade mode, which will you play first?

- Story mode.

9.) Do you want any mini games to come back or should they be left out?

- I enjoy the mini games.

10.) Since there's going to be a guest character, who do you want that guest to be? (And no saying, "I don't want one" tough twinkies we're gettin' one)

- I would love to see a Killer Instinct character since I am a huge fan and don't have an Xbox One. However, I realize that if a Killer Instinct character was a guest, they would most likely be an Xbox exclusive. But my vote is for Orchid.
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