04/21/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
Scorpion was also nude and in-game almost-Revenant Johnny was nude too. I'm sure we got to see how well-endowed he is. Sindel was partially nude last game too.
Daaaamn...someone needs to loosen up a bit.
Didn't think the lack of exposed boobs and stripper heels in MKX will make anyone this salty.

Way to ruin an OBVIOUS joke. "Everyone ,let's have a laugh now...after my diarrhea exploded everywhere"
04/21/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
I don't/didn't have a problem with the skimpy outfits in MK9, they were nice but I also don't think that's the only way for a woman to be sexy. I honestly think the ladies of MKX are sexier than the MK9 women.
04/21/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Daaaamn...someone needs to loosen up a bit.
Didn't think the lack of exposed boobs and stripper heels in MKX will make anyone this salty.

Way to ruin an OBVIOUS joke. "Everyone ,lert's have a laugh now...after my diarrhea exploded everywhere"

Um I guess you didn't actually read anything beyond the first page?

I clearly apologized for my over reaction. I've admitted to being wrong and moved on how mature are you bringing it back up again?
Reptile_896 Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
Daaaamn...someone needs to loosen up a bit.
Didn't think the lack of exposed boobs and stripper heels in MKX will make anyone this salty.

Way to ruin an OBVIOUS joke. "Everyone ,lert's have a laugh now...after my diarrhea exploded everywhere"

Um I guess you didn't actually read anything beyond the first page?

I clearly apologized for my over reaction. I've admitted to being wrong and moved on how mature are you bringing it back up again?

Are you insinuating I jumped to conclusions too early? Isn't that ironic...seeing as you were exploding like champagne before knowing if the OP was joking or not. And you dare shading me with "maturity"?

Pooping in the middle of the room and then apologizing isn't enough, the stench remains. Better make a note to keep it in next time.
Wonder why he's never had a full-ice alt. Would look awesome if he formed it like Iceman in his intro. Or if he would do that to form a full ice version of his Deception armor.
04/21/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
Daaaamn...someone needs to loosen up a bit.
Didn't think the lack of exposed boobs and stripper heels in MKX will make anyone this salty.

Way to ruin an OBVIOUS joke. "Everyone ,lert's have a laugh now...after my diarrhea exploded everywhere"

Um I guess you didn't actually read anything beyond the first page?

I clearly apologized for my over reaction. I've admitted to being wrong and moved on how mature are you bringing it back up again?

Are you insinuating I jumped to conclusions too early? Isn't that ironic...seeing as you were exploding like champagne before knowing if the OP was joking or not. And you dare shading me with "maturity"?

Pooping in the middle of the room and then apologizing isn't enough, the stench remains. Better make a note to keep it in next time.

It's enough for my conscious frankly I don't give a shit if you consider it enough or not, your feelings are not my concern.

Last time I checked human beings make mistakes.Or are humans perfect where you come from?
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

04/21/2015 07:53 PM (UTC)
Why are people getting so upset over this? Seriously, everyone has agenda nowadays. People are so overt sensitive about everything. Show too much skin? It's an agenda against SJW. Show little skin, it's an agenda for SJW. That's pretty much what it boils down to. Good Gravy seriously, everyone is so butthurt about MKX just because they wanted to try something different.

It's funny how people have been saying that MK was controversial back in the day because of its gore and hyper sexualization. That it didn't care what SJWs thought and that by "pandering" it's losing that contraversy. It's actually funny because MKX is probably becoming super contraversial again, but in the opposite way. It's toned down its hyper sexualization, and people pro- MK sexy girls and girl nudity are fuming.

Aren't there other fighting games out there that have the over the top sexual attire that may be suited more to your liking. Why cant MKX be the ONE fighting game where the over the top sexual attire is toned down and be much more mature than it's competitors?

*sigh* But I digress, people will keep screaming, "...b-b-but the males are..." so let me tell you this? If you think the males are sexualized because they show bare chests, that shows more about your sexuality than anything else. I'm gay and showing some bare chested men doesn't make me think OMG SO HOT!!! I'm like eh, it's watevs and move on. See the difference, between men and female thinking is that Men are WAY MORE about the physical aspect of it, hence why women are always sexualized. Sometimes men don't understand that having men showing chest doesn't make them sexualized. I know crazy right!?! But again, it's just men's way of thinking. It makes us who we are, it's human. I think it's a great direction NRS took and if they go back go how things were prior, well at least us SJWs and gays will have this game to sort of look up to haha.

Female and Male sexuality is different. But, then again why am I typing an essay when some of you won't understand. I guess we all should agree to disagree. It is your opinion and I respect it wholeheartedly cuz you are entitled to it.
04/21/2015 07:59 PM (UTC)
An intro with this outfit and Kung Jin would be interesting tongue
04/21/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Mikel2078 Wrote:
Just because we're gay does that mean we're not allowed to have opinions? If there was a thread talking about the hottest female characters I'm sure there wouldn't be an uproar by the gay members on here, but as this post demonstrates if a gay member posts something about a gay character, or an attractive male character it immediately gets flamed under the justification that it's "being shoved down your throats".

You have no right to oppress us and determine what we can and cannot discuss in our threads. If there are 1,000 gay threads on here, so be it it's a reflection of the community here. If you don't like what we have to say then it's very simple: don't read the rest of the thread and GTFO.
oh for the love of god shut the hell up.

Count the many "hottest female character" threads with the threads about if a character is gay or not in this website. In the span of two months I've seen atleast 5 of them about gay characters.

No one's oppressing you. No one's telling you shouldn't play or get what you want. No one's telling you can't have gay characters.

One person was telling these kind of threads have reached an upsetting number and I'M telling that if heterossexual male players are not allowed to get their sexualized female characters, then gay male players (or heterossexual female players) shouldn't get their sexualized male characters.

And yes, having a male character without a shirt showing his perfect abs and muscles is sexualizing them.

Okay, so what? What makes you think that I had a problem with the sexualized females in MK9?

One user, who I'm not bothering answering to directly, said that female characters in mk9 were all sexualized. As if the male weren't. Here's your male character with a perfect body. Who cares about the millions of male players out of shape who might feel uncomfortable. They're part of the majority so fuck their feelings, right?
It's not like people haven't tried to shame me several times for being a white, heterossexual male who is oh so "priviledged" that he can't have an opinion about a multitude of subjects.

Oh poor you. Someone doesn't support something you want. Better bully and shame him in a forum in hope of him getting banned. Not like I haven't met douchebag users who happened to be gay and went on a personal vendetta against others based on the matter that someone disagreed or didn't kiss their douchebag diva feet.

Oh but I forget. When characters show off their abs and how strong and manly they are, for us the priviledged it's a power fantasy. Oh how much have I heard that argument before.

Nobody is telling you, you can't have your naked sub-zero or strongly hinted gay Kung Jin or shirtless Erron Black.

We're telling you that we're tired of hearing you ask for stuff like that every time and we're telling that we're also tired of double standards.

So you're saying that we can have our gay characters but we can't talk about them?
But like you oh so kindly said to me, if you do not like to read stuff like this, kindly get the fuck out.

Like I said in my original response to you, if you want more posts about "hottest female characters" then do something about it don't just bitch and start flame wars in every "gay" post. Anyone has the right to post whatever they want in this forum and if there are more posts about gay things, it's a reflection of the community here and they have the right to do so, and should not get attacked like MileenaFanMKX was. If you don't like all the "gay" posts then start posting and participating in some straight ones, it's not that complicated. If you want female sexualized characters so bad, then do something about it. Start a forum topic about it, write a petition, w/e, but you have no right to come into these threads and start a fight about something that has nothing to do with the original topic of the post. And you say "no one is telling us we can't have gay characters", yet you're saying that we "have to stop asking for them" last time I checked that's still pretty oppressive. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and cannot talk about/ask for. Sorry man but this is America and you can have as many gay threads as there is a demand for. And, you also have the right to be an asshole about it, but I most certainly have the right to call you out for being an asshole. If you don't like being called an asshole than maybe you should stop acting like one ;) .
Syzoth Wrote:
An intro with this outfit and Kung Jin would be interesting tongue

Reminder that Kraken Reptile is Naked.tongue
04/21/2015 09:01 PM (UTC)
Whooo its getting toasty up in this bitch lol I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy reading the back and forth though grin
Honestly anyone who cares about them being sexualized at this point is an idiot.

Who cares who is sexualized? Some loser that gets attracted to polygons male or female will find things to look at regardless.

The only thing design wise you should concern yourself with is 1. Does it fit the character and 2. Does it look good.

That's it. Johnny Cage looks fine shirtless. Sheeva looks okay wearing almost nothing. Raiden would look weird totally shirtless. Kitana would look strange wearing almost nothing.

Some shit works for some characters and for others it doesn't. Who gives a flying fuck about sexualization or whatever?
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/21/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
Mikel2078 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Mikel2078 Wrote:
Just because we're gay does that mean we're not allowed to have opinions? If there was a thread talking about the hottest female characters I'm sure there wouldn't be an uproar by the gay members on here, but as this post demonstrates if a gay member posts something about a gay character, or an attractive male character it immediately gets flamed under the justification that it's "being shoved down your throats".

You have no right to oppress us and determine what we can and cannot discuss in our threads. If there are 1,000 gay threads on here, so be it it's a reflection of the community here. If you don't like what we have to say then it's very simple: don't read the rest of the thread and GTFO.
oh for the love of god shut the hell up.

Count the many "hottest female character" threads with the threads about if a character is gay or not in this website. In the span of two months I've seen atleast 5 of them about gay characters.

No one's oppressing you. No one's telling you shouldn't play or get what you want. No one's telling you can't have gay characters.

One person was telling these kind of threads have reached an upsetting number and I'M telling that if heterossexual male players are not allowed to get their sexualized female characters, then gay male players (or heterossexual female players) shouldn't get their sexualized male characters.

And yes, having a male character without a shirt showing his perfect abs and muscles is sexualizing them.

Okay, so what? What makes you think that I had a problem with the sexualized females in MK9?

One user, who I'm not bothering answering to directly, said that female characters in mk9 were all sexualized. As if the male weren't. Here's your male character with a perfect body. Who cares about the millions of male players out of shape who might feel uncomfortable. They're part of the majority so fuck their feelings, right?
It's not like people haven't tried to shame me several times for being a white, heterossexual male who is oh so "priviledged" that he can't have an opinion about a multitude of subjects.

Oh poor you. Someone doesn't support something you want. Better bully and shame him in a forum in hope of him getting banned. Not like I haven't met douchebag users who happened to be gay and went on a personal vendetta against others based on the matter that someone disagreed or didn't kiss their douchebag diva feet.

Oh but I forget. When characters show off their abs and how strong and manly they are, for us the priviledged it's a power fantasy. Oh how much have I heard that argument before.

Nobody is telling you, you can't have your naked sub-zero or strongly hinted gay Kung Jin or shirtless Erron Black.

We're telling you that we're tired of hearing you ask for stuff like that every time and we're telling that we're also tired of double standards.

So you're saying that we can have our gay characters but we can't talk about them?
But like you oh so kindly said to me, if you do not like to read stuff like this, kindly get the fuck out.

Like I said in my original response to you, if you want more posts about "hottest female characters" then do something about it don't just bitch and start flame wars in every "gay" post. Anyone has the right to post whatever they want in this forum and if there are more posts about gay things, it's a reflection of the community here and they have the right to do so, and should not get attacked like MileenaFanMKX was. If you don't like all the "gay" posts then start posting and participating in some straight ones, it's not that complicated.

If you want female sexualized characters so bad, then do something about it. Start a forum topic about it, write a petition, w/e, but you have no right to come into these threads and start a fight about something that has nothing to do with the original topic of the post.

And you say "no one is telling us we can't have gay characters", yet you're saying that we "have to stop asking for them" last time I checked that's still pretty oppressive. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and cannot talk about/ask for.

Sorry man but this is America and you can have as many gay threads as there is a demand for. And, you also have the right to be an asshole about it, but I most certainly have the right to call you out for being an asshole. If you don't like being called an asshole than maybe you should stop acting like one ;) .

I strongly advise you to read my previous posts in this thread. Maybe, once you do, you won't try to point out things I don't care about.

But I'll make it easy for you. I don't use the female characters. I play them when I have to to unlock something and then use the characters I like using. Which normally aren't the female ones.

I also don't like costumes where they show too much skin.

But now you'll probably ask "so why the hell do you care if the female characters are sexualized or not?"
While I don't use them, others do. If one side should be ashamed of using them and get basically shunned, so does the other side.

Hypocrisy pisses me off.
The females are still sexualized.

Are tight leather pants so mainstream now, instead of being a fetish item?

Human rights can only go so far. They are not for bickering over every little thing.

I can`t fight for my ancestral Viking right to own slaves or perform Human sacrifice to appease our pagan false gods.

04/21/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
I love how SWM Syndrome has put people into a frenzy. By the way, SWM Syndrome is "Straight White Male Syndrome." Other people get represented and suddenly they feel attacked. These are the same kinda attitudes that led to GamerGate.

Get over it. Us straight white male gamers have been represented, and our interests catered 99 percent of the time. I for one like that MKX is more tasteful with the women. Also, Goro is a guy. And he's mostly naked except a loin cloth. Where's the complaints about him?
Bryden88 Wrote:
I love how SWM Syndrome has put people into a frenzy. By the way, SWM Syndrome is "Straight White Male Syndrome." Other people get represented and suddenly they feel attacked. These are the same kinda attitudes that led to GamerGate.

Get over it. Us straight white male gamers have been represented, and our interests catered 99 percent of the time. I for one like that MKX is more tasteful with the women. Also, Goro is a guy. And he's mostly naked except a loin cloth. Where's the complaints about him?

Oh please, It's got nothing to do with that. Some people like different designs for characters, that's all it boils down to.
04/22/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
I'm starting to get sick of this. Let's just not oversexualize anyone. I'd be fine with that. Seriously. I mean it.
04/22/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
I'm down for some ice dong.
04/22/2015 11:18 AM (UTC)
Hecate Wrote:
I'm down for some ice dong.

04/22/2015 11:48 AM (UTC)
To quote the great Kendrick Lamar.

Too many ninja's not enough ho's and most of you ninja's acting like ho's

That just about sums this thread up
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