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04/21/2015 10:24 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:


OMG!! Consider that pic stolen. Fuck me that's funny.
04/21/2015 11:29 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Aquarius_D Wrote:
Nothing wrong with oversexualizing the males, but I wish they adopted a similar practice for the females in MKX sad


Don't you dare share that sentiment, less you will incur the wrath of all the would be SJW's that championed for all the females to be covered up thanks to the MK9 fiasco.

double standards y'know? but fuck it as long is caters to what you like no one will raise an eyebrow!


Naked Subby?


Stripper heel wearing Sonya and Jade sliding down a pole?



I dont care if we get a sexy alt for Mileena or whoever. It should be an alt and not their main costumes too.

Also, if we can get Flesh pits Mileena, why cant we get Johnny Cage in a G-string?
04/21/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
Because SJWs are impossible to reason with.

Go to the MK2011 and see the sexisim shit storm that was generated for yourself.

But you bring up sexualized males and suddenly everyone is okay with it?

Yeah sounds like hypocritical bullshit to me.

Suddenly because the game is catering to a specific demographic It's all puppies and rainbows?

Yeah no fuck that noise.
04/21/2015 11:58 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Because SJWs are impossible to reason with.

Go to the MK2011 and see the sexisim shit storm that was generated for yourself.

But you bring up sexualized and suddenly wveryone is okay with it?

Yeah sounds like hypocritical bullshit to me.

Suddenly because the game is catering to a specific demographic Its all puppies and rainbows?

Yeah no fuck that noise.

Its because every girl was sexualized in MK9. Mileenas boobs were abouy to pop out. Jade barely had her nips covered. Sonya is wearing a pretty skimpy outfit for an army woman. Kitana wasnt really dressed like a Princess. Sheeva barely had her vag covered. Sindel boobs were almost out to.

Its ok to have a girl or two dressed skimpy or have a skimpier outfit. Whats unacceptable is having every girl with her tits almost out. There havent really been any sexualized guys.
04/21/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Because SJWs are impossible to reason with.

Go to the MK2011 and see the sexisim shit storm that was generated for yourself.

But you bring up sexualized and suddenly wveryone is okay with it?

Yeah sounds like hypocritical bullshit to me.

Suddenly because the game is catering to a specific demographic Its all puppies and rainbows?

Yeah no fuck that noise.

Its because every girl was sexualized in MK9. Mileenas boobs were abouy to pop out. Jade barely had her nips covered. Sonya is wearing a pretty skimpy outfit for an army woman. Kitana wasnt really dressed like a Princess. Sheeva barely had her vag covered. Sindel boobs were almost out to.

Its ok to have a girl or two dressed skimpy or have a skimpier outfit. Whats unacceptable is having every girl with her tits almost out. There havent really been any sexualized guys.

I like Tits & Ass though so why can't I be catered to as well?

Because some keyboard warriors decided to stand up for virtual characters from behind a computer screen?

Who cares if their outfits aren't practical it's damn video game it's not supposed to be based on real world situations.

Want to cater to all sexual preferences? Fine but give each person the ability to toggle "sexualized" outfits on and off.

Similar to the way you could tone down the levels of blood in the earlier MK titles.

An old saying comes to mind "give them an inch and they will want to take a mile"

You all clamored for homosexual representation in MKX and you got what you asked for, Now you want fully undressed male characters?

Again it comes down to forcing your views upon others no one likes that shit stop it. No good can come from it.

You all went from wanting equality & representation to full on wanting MKX : Rainbow Edition.
04/21/2015 12:27 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 9 had poor character design. NRS realizing this and taking the steps to improve it was a blessing, not the result of some hidden agenda from the SJW boogeymen.

Stop making assumptions and generalizing people. Not everyone who dislikes poor female character design is gay, not everyone who's gay wants sexualized male characters, and not everyone who makes jokes has an ulterior motive...
04/21/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Because SJWs are impossible to reason with.

Go to the MK2011 and see the sexisim shit storm that was generated for yourself.

But you bring up sexualized and suddenly wveryone is okay with it?

Yeah sounds like hypocritical bullshit to me.

Suddenly because the game is catering to a specific demographic Its all puppies and rainbows?

Yeah no fuck that noise.

Its because every girl was sexualized in MK9. Mileenas boobs were abouy to pop out. Jade barely had her nips covered. Sonya is wearing a pretty skimpy outfit for an army woman. Kitana wasnt really dressed like a Princess. Sheeva barely had her vag covered. Sindel boobs were almost out to.

Its ok to have a girl or two dressed skimpy or have a skimpier outfit. Whats unacceptable is having every girl with her tits almost out. There havent really been any sexualized guys.

I like Tits & Ass though so why can't I be catered to as well?

Because some keyboard warriors decided to stand up for virtual characters from behind a computer screen?

Who cares if their outfits aren't practical it's damn video game it's not supposed to be based on real world situations.

Want to cater to all sexual preferences? Fine but give each person the ability to toggle "sexualized" outfits on and off.

Similar to the way you could tone down the levels of blood in the earlier MK titles.

An old saying comes to mind "give them an inch and they will want to take a mile"

You all clamored for homosexual representation in MKX and you got what you asked for, Now you want fully undressed male characters?

Again it comes down to forcing your views upon others no one likes that shit stop it. No good can come from it.

You all went from wanting equality & representation to full on wanting MKX : Rainbow Edition.

That is the most ridiculous bullshit i have ever heard. You think we want MKX: Rainbow edition? Lol ok. From now on every single MK male should be gay. Yep thats what we want. Smh

I said that it is ok to have a sexualized female or two and for them to have a sexy alt. It is not ok for every female to be skimpy.

I simply said that if we can get Flesh Pits Mileena, why cant we get G-String Johnny Cage?

And you think you arent caterted to in video gaming with you liking tits and ass. You have got to be fucking kidding me. In MK9 all the girls tits were flopping all over. You dont see the guys junk flopping all around. In video gaming in general, women are often half naked. So dont even pull that. Like I said, Its ok to half some half naked women, just not all females need to be.

04/21/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)
Still waiting on the OP to confirm if joke or not.

I wont let it go until its settled. Ive already apologized for my reaction.
04/21/2015 01:50 PM (UTC)
04/21/2015 02:11 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Still waiting on the OP to confirm if joke or not.

I wont let it go until its settled. Ive already apologized for my reaction.

The way this thread so quickly went to hell is hilarious - yet the darn SJW's are "RUINING MAH GAMES WITH THEIR OVERREACTIONS!!!".

It was a joke. It was CLEARLY a joke. No-one would ever use a Sub-Zero naked skin, myself included, even if I think Sub is sexy. It would be distracting and stupid.

I had no problem with the fleshpits skin, because it made sense; she had just come out of cloning. But Sonya in heels and Jade doing a striptease, Kitana winking at the camera? They were also ridiculous, just like a naked Subby would be.

MKX has fixed that. There are some costumes that you could argue are 'sexualized' for the men, but it's only two of them, and they're not nearly as bad as any of the costumes in MK9 were. The outfits across the board in this game are much more realistic and look so much cooler, it's ridiculous and insulting to insinuate that we're trying to make MK: Rainbow Edition by making a joke about a naked Sub-Zero. Erron Black might be sexualized in your opinion, but if anything, it's a nice bit of fanservice, in a similar vein to Kitana's Tournament skin. It's no big deal; it's an alt, and only one costume out of over 50!

I am fine with some sexualization in BOTH directions, like MK9 Flesh Pits and MKX Erron Alt. But you need to take a chill pill and stop feeling so threatened because there's one sexualized costume, a freaking watered-down gay character that has nowhere near as much exposition as the straight characters, and a freaking JOKE.

Gaymers exist, straight women exist, bi people etc. all EXIST, and we play MKX too. Having one skin to go against your ENTIRE GAME of fanservice is nothing so you need to relax.

And also, I again re-iterate, it was a joke. A joke with an ironically straight delivery, but a joke nonetheless. I don't want anyone in the game to be naked. It would be stupid.
04/21/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
Fair enough.

Confirmed to be a joke. Nothing else needs to be said on the matter. We can all continue having a laugh about it.

You can never be too careful with these forums. Can't really tell if serious or not over the internet.

Nobodies feelings were hurt over the course of the discussion anyways.
04/21/2015 02:18 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I like Tits & Ass though so why can't I be catered to as well?

Just wanted to answer this completely separately to make my point:

You can. Absolutely. However, doing it only for you, and doing it to the point that it becomes ridiculous ala MK9, would annoy everyone else. On top of that, having EVERY female character (including fucking Sheeva) be sexualized would be ridiculous.

I'm perfectly fine with there being a naked Mileena if there's a naked Subby. But we'll never see a flesh pits costume for a guy because of double-standards. So you getting every female character in a game get sexualized, and me getting one male character get sexualized, hardly seems like it's enough to get mad about to me.

Tell you what, let's pitch a DLC pack to NRS. I get naked Subby if you get naked Kitana, deal? grin
04/21/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

I like Tits & Ass though so why can't I be catered to as well?

Just wanted to answer this completely separately to make my point:

You can. Absolutely. However, doing it only for you, and doing it to the point that it becomes ridiculous ala MK9, would annoy everyone else. On top of that, having EVERY female character (including fucking Sheeva) be sexualized would be ridiculous.

I'm perfectly fine with there being a naked Mileena if there's a naked Subby. But we'll never see a flesh pits costume for a guy because of double-standards. So you getting every female character in a game get sexualized, and me getting one male character get sexualized, hardly seems like it's enough to get mad about to me.

Tell you what, let's pitch a DLC pack to NRS. I get naked Subby if you get naked Kitana, deal? grin

Pff what is this DoA?! (mods bruh...DAH MODS)

It's no fun if you don't leave anything to the imagination. Might as well watch porn.

Want J.Cage in a loincloth because he is a narcissistic full of himself dbag? Be my guest it fits his character so i'm okay with it.

Aslong as it FITS the character and NRS gives me an option to toggle the costumes on and off during lan or online play i'll be fine with it.
04/21/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
No flopping junk in video games? Fight against Lucifer at the end of Dante's Inferno lol that shit was ridiculous
04/21/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
I really want MKX: Rainbow Edition.

We're talking about a palette-swap ninja themed DLC pack, right?
04/21/2015 03:04 PM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
I really want MKX: Rainbow Edition.

We're talking about a palette-swap ninja themed DLC pack, right?

This, I can get behind this idea grin
04/21/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Soooooooo anyone got a link to the full comic or nah? lol
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/21/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Let me fucking guess you bitched about Flesh Pit Mileena but this Naked Subby is perfectly acceptable?

GTFO of here with your pathetic ass double standards.

Sexualized male costume? Erron Black Alt

Character confirmed as gay? Kung Jin

Just fucking stop it already you've won. Trust me when I tell you that you're making the gay MKO community look like attention craving fuck bags.



Sincerely a straight male user that is tired of your fuckbaggery.

while I wouldn't go as far as opening the bag of worms you just did, simply because many gay users on many websites are the kind that you just don't want to piss off, I do agree that this double standard is annoying.

To be honest, if male heterossexuals should be ashamed of wanting skimpy outfits for the female characters to the point that the entire female roster of the game were redesigned to be wearing outfits that didn't look like stripper outfits, gay males should also be ashamed of wanting skimpy outfits for the male characters.

We don't get ours, you don't get yours.

But alas this isn't true. We don't get ours. You got yours. Rain and Erron Black's alt.

For us? Nothing. The female oufits are all modest looking. Even Kitana's tournament outfit... ffs even Mileena is modest looking. Mileena.

04/21/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
I mean women are sexualized all the time in games , music , tv . I think girls want guys to be sexualized in a level close to how they've been.
04/21/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Let me fucking guess you bitched about Flesh Pit Mileena but this Naked Subby is perfectly acceptable?

GTFO of here with your pathetic ass double standards.

Sexualized male costume? Erron Black Alt

Character confirmed as gay? Kung Jin

Just fucking stop it already you've won. Trust me when I tell you that you're making the gay MKO community look like attention craving fuck bags.



Sincerely a straight male user that is tired of your fuckbaggery.

while I wouldn't go as far as opening the bag of worms you just did, simply because many gay users on many websites are the kind that you just don't want to piss off, I do agree that this double standard is annoying.

To be honest, if male heterossexuals should be ashamed of wanting skimpy outfits for the female characters to the point that the entire female roster of the game were redesigned to be wearing outfits that didn't look like stripper outfits, gay males should also be ashamed of wanting skimpy outfits for the male characters.

We don't get ours, you don't get yours.

But alas this isn't true. We don't get ours. You got yours. Rain and Erron Black's alt.

For us? Nothing. The female oufits are all modest looking. Even Kitana's tournament outfit... ffs even Mileena is modest looking. Mileena.

How in gods name are Erron Blacks alt and Rain over sexualized? What? They are not at all. Shirtles men are not skimpy. A sexualized costume for guys would be like a g-string or speedo Tournament Kitana, Classic Kitana and Mileena, and Jacquis alt are all showing skin.
04/21/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)
Seriously, if Erron Black and Rain are 'sexualized' then Johnny Cage and Liu Kang being shirtless for most of the series must have been porn!

Get over yourselves. Kitana still practically has her tits out even in MKX.

Sorry you can't see Mileena's actual pubic bone anymore, that must be really hard for you.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/21/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Seriously, if Erron Black and Rain are 'sexualized' then Johnny Cage and Liu Kang being shirtless for most of the series must have been porn!

Get over yourselves. Kitana still practically has her tits out even in MKX.

Sorry you can't see Mileena's actual pubic bone anymore, that must be really hard for you.
apologies accepted. It really is hard to me.

If it's acceptable for male characters to show their body, why isn't acceptable for female characters to do the same?

You get male characters showing off their, what I presume, sexiest parts. Their toned upper body. And that's totally fine by everyone including me.

Yet you get female characters showing off their sexiest parts and that suddenly isn't fine? Why the double standard? Having a female character fully clothed that barely shows any skin and curves is not sexy. Not to me atleast. Doubt I'm in the minority here too.

Get over ourselves?

This coming from someone who's clamoring more special characters to show off their special sexuality and to appeal to it?

People like you are the reason why I don't care for gays, feminists and all the douchebags who think their rights are more important than others.

You're not more special than me.

You get something, I want something too.

And the moment you step on my rights for you to get yours, is the moment we have a problem.

also not that it matters, but I used Mileena's flesh pit outfit only once. also not that it matters too, but I rarely use female characters. Especially if they're oversexualized. I do prefer the outfits the female characters have in mkx compared to mk9. But if the males get to have sexualized outfits, so do the females.
04/21/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Seriously, if Erron Black and Rain are 'sexualized' then Johnny Cage and Liu Kang being shirtless for most of the series must have been porn!

Get over yourselves. Kitana still practically has her tits out even in MKX.

Sorry you can't see Mileena's actual pubic bone anymore, that must be really hard for you.
apologies accepted. It really is hard to me.

If it's acceptable for male characters to show their body, why isn't acceptable for female characters to do the same?

You get male characters showing off their, what I presume, sexiest parts. Their toned upper body. And that's totally fine by everyone including me.

Yet you get female characters showing off their sexiest parts and that suddenly isn't fine? Why the double standard? Having a female character fully clothed that barely shows any skin and curves is not sexy. Not to me atleast. Doubt I'm in the minority here too.

Get over ourselves?

This coming from someone who's clamoring more special characters to show off their special sexuality and to appeal to it?

People like you are the reason why I don't care for gays, feminists and all the douchebags who think their rights are more important than others.

You're not more special than me.

You get something, I want something too.

And the moment you step on my rights for you to get yours, is the moment we have a problem.

also not that it matters, but I used Mileena's flesh pit outfit only once.
also not that it matters too, but I rarely use female characters. Especially if they're oversexualized. I do prefer the outfits the female characters have in mkx compared to mk9. But if the males get to have sexualized outfits, so do the females.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? No gay person thinks they should have more rights then you.

"We get something, I want something to". Lol EVERY SINGLE FEMALE WAS SEXUALIZED IN MK9. Where were the sexualized guys? They werent there! Being shirtless isnt sexualizing to a guy. I didnt whine and say "oh my god. Im so upset there isnt eye candy for me to stare at in my video games wahhhhh:(".

It is ok for the females to have a sexy alt, but what the feminists and others are saying is that not every girl should be sexy. Most should be realistic. Dont you think girls might feel uncomfortable a little bit with the MK9 costumes? Im sure I know quite a few straight guys who would feel uncomfortable if the male characters dicks were almost visible.
04/21/2015 06:07 PM (UTC)
Just because we're gay does that mean we're not allowed to have opinions? If there was a thread talking about the hottest female characters I'm sure there wouldn't be an uproar by the gay members on here, but as this post demonstrates if a gay member posts something about a gay character, or an attractive male character it immediately gets flamed under the justification that it's "being shoved down your throats".

You have no right to oppress us and determine what we can and cannot discuss in our threads. If there are 1,000 gay threads on here, so be it it's a reflection of the community here. If you don't like what we have to say then it's very simple: don't read the rest of the thread and GTFO.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/21/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
Mikel2078 Wrote:
Just because we're gay does that mean we're not allowed to have opinions? If there was a thread talking about the hottest female characters I'm sure there wouldn't be an uproar by the gay members on here, but as this post demonstrates if a gay member posts something about a gay character, or an attractive male character it immediately gets flamed under the justification that it's "being shoved down your throats".

You have no right to oppress us and determine what we can and cannot discuss in our threads. If there are 1,000 gay threads on here, so be it it's a reflection of the community here. If you don't like what we have to say then it's very simple: don't read the rest of the thread and GTFO.
oh for the love of god shut the hell up.

Count the many "hottest female character" threads with the threads about if a character is gay or not in this website. In the span of two months I've seen atleast 5 of them about gay characters.

No one's oppressing you. No one's telling you shouldn't play or get what you want. No one's telling you can't have gay characters.

One person was telling these kind of threads have reached an upsetting number and I'M telling that if heterossexual male players are not allowed to get their sexualized female characters, then gay male players (or heterossexual female players) shouldn't get their sexualized male characters.

And yes, having a male character without a shirt showing his perfect abs and muscles is sexualizing them.

One user, who I'm not bothering answering to directly, said that female characters in mk9 were all sexualized. As if the male weren't. Here's your male character with a perfect body. Who cares about the millions of male players out of shape who might feel uncomfortable. They're part of the majority so fuck their feelings, right?
It's not like people haven't tried to shame me several times for being a white, heterossexual male who is oh so "priviledged" that he can't have an opinion about a multitude of subjects.

Oh poor you. Someone doesn't support something you want. Better bully and shame him in a forum in hope of him getting banned. Not like I haven't met douchebag users who happened to be gay and went on a personal vendetta against others based on the matter that someone disagreed or didn't kiss their douchebag diva feet.

Oh but I forget. When characters show off their abs and how strong and manly they are, for us the priviledged it's a power fantasy. Oh how much have I heard that argument before.

Nobody is telling you, you can't have your naked sub-zero or strongly hinted gay Kung Jin or shirtless Erron Black.

We're telling you that we're tired of hearing you ask for stuff like that every time and we're telling that we're also tired of double standards.

But like you oh so kindly said to me, if you do not like to read stuff like this, kindly get the fuck out.
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