Is Mortal Kombat getting too evil? MKX is brutal!
posted10/04/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)by
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07/25/2003 04:29 PM (UTC)
I just watched the Quan Chi trailer and I don't know, that fatality at the end is pure evil. It's kinda perverse if you think about it. Even the new drum beat added to the beginning and end of these trailers gives an overly evil and dark vibe. With the power of next gen consoles you can portray stuff so realistically now that it just becomes too much. Do you think they should go back to MK2's more "cartoony" yet dark feel? What do you guys think?
10/02/2014 10:45 PM (UTC)
In my opinion, no way :)

I love the dark and gritty style of this game, I also love the more detailed gore , its gorgeous.

I guess I can understand why some might not like it, but I have always loved blood and gore, so im all for it lol
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10/02/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
I appreciate both styles but if I had to pick one of the styles, the more darker style that MKX has is the one I prefer. The leap in technology has allowed NRS to make some of their more creative ideas a reality as opposed to the severing a pre-dertimined points in the character mesh in previous installments. I really get the vibe that this is the game that NRS wanted to make for a long time and now they have the tools to make it so.

Everything about the game is brilliant so far.
10/02/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
No, I love it. MK9 was too B-movie campy. That's great and all, but I enjoy mixing things up. I hope the story is more serious and dark and grim this time around, an I hope the music, stages and character outfits retain that feeling.
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10/02/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
I can see how some are thinking this game is going over the top with the gore and tone. Quan Chi's fatality makes me wince when I watch it, and that hasn't happened in a long time. I guess its not so much how he's dying, as it is that Quan is making him casually stroll to his doom. Its simple, and sadistic, and we haven't even seen the whole damn thing yet!

Does it cross the line? That's all in the eyes of the beholder.
10/02/2014 11:30 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure this is the dark and gritty MK that I've been waiting for. Just the fact that some of these fatalities actually make me feel a greta sign!
10/02/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
This is an adult game, I don't see anything too extreme. I've seen equal or worse deaths in certain TV shows. Scorpions fatality in this game looks very similar to a death in TV show Sparticus, where he slices a mans face off vertically like Scorpion does. I'd say that scene in Game of Thrones episode the Moutain and the Viper is far more disturbing than anything I've seen in MKX yet.
10/02/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Absolutely love it. MKX is blowing me away. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
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10/02/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
This is a rather dumb question.
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

10/02/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
In my opinion, no way :)

I love the dark and gritty style of this game, I also love the more detailed gore , its gorgeous.

I guess I can understand why some might not like it, but I have always loved blood and gore, so im all for it lol
10/02/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
If Mortal Kombat 9 was given this tone it would have been my favorite Mortal Kombat ever, The dark evil overtone is amazing, the lighting and color is finally perfect for me. I wonder if this is the "Dark Gritty" Mortal Kombat that ended up getting replaced with MKvsDC
10/02/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
There are still some light moments in the game. Have a feeling that Ferra Torr will be a comic relief element - the pair who's evil, silly plans are constantly getting thwarted.
10/03/2014 12:06 AM (UTC)
I always say it's a good thing Mortal Kombat doesn't exist. lol

Tournaments with fatalities and monsters and whatnot... it's only cool in the imagination! It all needs to remain in the realm of fantasy!

10/03/2014 12:07 AM (UTC)
Nah ... Quan chi's fatality was the first one I actually enjoyed! I can't wait to see the whole finisher.tongue
10/03/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
This is a rather dumb question.

Maybe the wording is a bit off, but I don't think his question is "dumb". I'm of the opinion that the darker, grittier style of MKX is how MK 2011 should have been. The last MK game had a bit too much cheese.

About the whole "dark, gritty" stuff, it doesn't mean that MK can't or shouldn't have some humor. Comedy does have its place in the series, but it needs to be well-balanced with the more serious elements. NRS seems to be going in a better direction, imo. If they went back to a lot of the cheesy elements, it might go down more of the SFIV route.
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10/03/2014 12:31 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
This is a rather dumb question.

Maybe the wording is a bit off, but I don't think his question is "dumb". I'm of the opinion that the darker, grittier style of MKX is how MK 2011 should have been. The last MK game had a bit too much cheese.

About the whole "dark, gritty" stuff, it doesn't mean that MK can't or shouldn't have some humor. Comedy does have its place in the series, but it needs to be well-balanced with the more serious elements. NRS seems to be going in a better direction, imo. If they went back to a lot of the cheesy elements, it might go down more of the SFIV route.

I doubt they'd put much humor in trailers. MK is known for violence first and foremost, that's what they're marketing. I'm still very sure this game will have its fair share of comedy. Cassie's fatality is a glimpse of it.
Nix Dolores
10/03/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
What if Quan Chi unzombifies the person after he impales them so they become fully aware of what just happened?
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10/03/2014 12:57 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi makes someone eat a knife, big deal, because you totally haven't seen people rip out skeletons and spines, tear of body parts, fucking fry someone to death, rip people in half, and all that other shit.

Yeah, real big fucking deal.
10/03/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
zephyrwestwind Wrote:
What if Quan Chi unzombifies the person after he impales them so they become fully aware of what just happened?

I was wondering about this. For some reason I always thought they were completely conscious and could see, feel, and hear everything but just had no control of it while Quan is controlling, no evidence to support that just something I always assumed lol
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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10/03/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
TS are you trolling or a pussy? Seriously if you're that scared why are you hear?
10/03/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi's fatality is the only one that made me cringe in the whole history of the franchise: I love it! The series has been in need of some mean fatalities for some time now. Brutal and gory fatalities are amazing, but so are the ones that are directly mean and sadistic, and that fits Quan Chi perfectly.

And as someone pointed out already, comedy elements will never leave MK, Cassie's fatality is pretty funny, so there is no need to worry about that being gone. We'll probably see less of it in MKX compared to MK9, but it will still be there, it always has.

In a few ways, I don't like the direction NRS is taking with MKX, but the fatalities we've seen so far are really good (Except Raiden's but he has always had shitty fatalities, so it's ok), Quan Chi's already competing for one of the best ones ever in the franchise, and we haven't even seen it complete.
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10/03/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Im glad this game is as dark as it is. That was one of the few things i didnt like about mk9. It didnt seem as dark/evil whatever as i would have liked.
10/03/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
I can tell you one thing that my parents would completely agree with you : ). I can also admit that this game is pretty damn gritty and dark and i can totally understand where someone might be offended, disgusted, or even downright afraid about this game being how some might put it "Evil". We just have to remember that its just a game and if you don't want your children playing it then don't buy it for them or at least monitor what they are playing. In my personal opinion this its f@#!ing amazing and i want more!
10/03/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Im glad this game is as dark as it is. That was one of the few things i didnt like about mk9. It didnt seem as dark/evil whatever as i would have liked.

Yeah, as much as I love that game and besides the fact it probably has the best gameplay of the franchise, the best "atmosphere" belongs to either MKD or MK4, in my opinion.
10/03/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
When Quan Chi used his trance move on Kano in the video, I could have sworn to see Kano actually wave his arms when he was walking towards him like he still had his consciousness, but he felt paralyzed in his body being controlled by Quan Chi. I think Kano was trying to resist Quan Chi's spell so the latter wouldn't go for an easy offense, but had no control once so ever. I'm actually conflicted with the fatality scenario. Was Kano actually mind-controlled directly by Quan Chi or did Quan Chi just leave the sword with the glowing spell ectoplasm so that stuff could attract Kano's instincts to shove his mouth right through it even though he could have just walked away?

On the topic, I was kind of chilled (literally) when I saw Quan Chi's fatality especially with no background music. I WANT to have more moments like that in MKX.
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