02/13/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads

How early into development did he say it? Has he mentioned it since? Was he talking about cameos in the story mode or playable roster spots? Cuz near the beginning he also said MKX would have more characters than MK9 and thats not really looking to be the case.

I don't fault anybody concerned with the 3d era characters because at this point in time it really does seem like none of them will make it on the roster. My guess is Fujin makes it in as DLC but thats just a guess.
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02/13/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
I just wanna say, I love your MK4 ending's recreations, pls do Kai's some day.
02/13/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
So be it, good riddance.
02/13/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads

How early into development did he say it? Has he mentioned it since? Was he talking about cameos in the story mode or playable roster spots? Cuz near the beginning he also said MKX would have more characters than MK9 and thats not really looking to be the case.

I don't fault anybody concerned with the 3d era characters because at this point in time it really does seem like none of them will make it on the roster. My guess is Fujin makes it in as DLC but thats just a guess.

Pretty sure it was around E3 or shortly after when it was stated by Boon and it was to a fan site, not the press so that gives it a little more credibility. However at the time literally all they were discussing was playable characters and they wouldn't breathe a word of story mode other than the single sentence "It's 25 years into the future" over and over and over and hadn't even begun talking cameos yet so that doesn't match the timeline of information revealed.

Onto being concerned about their inclusion, it's obvious their tactic post E3 is to solely give big reveals to MK9 returnee's so I don't see exactly why that's a reason to be scared. We know of 13 spots, that's still 11 more to be revealed if the roster size wasn't increased.

However, go with me on this..... even if the total number on the select screen hasn't increased after Goro's inclusion, that still leaves the inevitable likelihood of characters being unlocked secretly via story mode like in MK9 which could increase the roster size by other 2 or more and they could be picked via the '?' square or grouped into the same square that could possibly also house the 4 or more future DLC characters. That either increases the chances of those couple unlockables being 3D characters or increases the chances of a couple 3D characters being part of the initial 24 roster count.

My overall point being, we're barely over half way there knowing the full roster, we don't know what secrets this game will hold, we don't know the DLC, we don't know what any extra post Kombat Pack characters will be, there's just too many uncertainties at the moment to say anything definitively.
They seem to be more relevant in the comic than in the game.

So at this point I prefer the comic, lol.
02/14/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
We also have to consider the timeline; we know this game covers the span of 25 years and thanks to the guys at NRS, we know it jumps back and forth in time which more than likely means we're going to get some sort of section that covers the Netherrealm War since that and his interactions with Kenshi were the catalyst for Scorpion's drastic character change/growth. We know there are going to have to be more characters introduced for that section because we know Raiden's heroes win and we know for a fact it probably is NOT only Raiden, Sonya, Johnny and probably Kenshi. They need more on their side than that. The same can be said for Shinnok's forces; we know we're going to see him, Quan Chi and the revenants but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a few more surprises on either side of the fight.
02/14/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
God I can't wait for April so these threads will stop showing up every day. Why people can't go back a few pages is just beyond me. Probably not even a few pages, probably would just have to slightly scroll down there's so many of them.

Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads.

Keyword we will "see". That could mean in story but not playable. He never confirmed them being in and being onvthe roster.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/14/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)

Thread finished or let the speculation begin?

I like thread finished.
02/14/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
God I can't wait for April so these threads will stop showing up every day. Why people can't go back a few pages is just beyond me. Probably not even a few pages, probably would just have to slightly scroll down there's so many of them.

Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads.

Keyword we will "see". That could mean in story but not playable. He never confirmed them being in and being onvthe roster.

Shaun just told me that at least one will be playable.
02/14/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads

How early into development did he say it? Has he mentioned it since? Was he talking about cameos in the story mode or playable roster spots? Cuz near the beginning he also said MKX would have more characters than MK9 and thats not really looking to be the case.

I don't fault anybody concerned with the 3d era characters because at this point in time it really does seem like none of them will make it on the roster. My guess is Fujin makes it in as DLC but thats just a guess.

Pretty sure it was around E3 or shortly after when it was stated by Boon and it was to a fan site, not the press so that gives it a little more credibility. However at the time literally all they were discussing was playable characters and they wouldn't breathe a word of story mode other than the single sentence "It's 25 years into the future" over and over and over and hadn't even begun talking cameos yet so that doesn't match the timeline of information revealed.

Onto being concerned about their inclusion, it's obvious their tactic post E3 is to solely give big reveals to MK9 returnee's so I don't see exactly why that's a reason to be scared. We know of 13 spots, that's still 11 more to be revealed if the roster size wasn't increased.

However, go with me on this..... even if the total number on the select screen hasn't increased after Goro's inclusion, that still leaves the inevitable likelihood of characters being unlocked secretly via story mode like in MK9 which could increase the roster size by other 2 or more and they could be picked via the '?' square or grouped into the same square that could possibly also house the 4 or more future DLC characters. That either increases the chances of those couple unlockables being 3D characters or increases the chances of a couple 3D characters being part of the initial 24 roster count.

My overall point being, we're barely over half way there knowing the full roster, we don't know what secrets this game will hold, we don't know the DLC, we don't know what any extra post Kombat Pack characters will be, there's just too many uncertainties at the moment to say anything definitively.

Also "?" Refers to random.
02/14/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Boon. Has. Already. Stated. We. Will. See. 3D. Characters. Past. MK4. So. Please. Check. Other. Threads

How early into development did he say it? Has he mentioned it since? Was he talking about cameos in the story mode or playable roster spots? Cuz near the beginning he also said MKX would have more characters than MK9 and thats not really looking to be the case.

I don't fault anybody concerned with the 3d era characters because at this point in time it really does seem like none of them will make it on the roster. My guess is Fujin makes it in as DLC but thats just a guess.

Pretty sure it was around E3 or shortly after when it was stated by Boon and it was to a fan site, not the press so that gives it a little more credibility. However at the time literally all they were discussing was playable characters and they wouldn't breathe a word of story mode other than the single sentence "It's 25 years into the future" over and over and over and hadn't even begun talking cameos yet so that doesn't match the timeline of information revealed.

Onto being concerned about their inclusion, it's obvious their tactic post E3 is to solely give big reveals to MK9 returnee's so I don't see exactly why that's a reason to be scared. We know of 13 spots, that's still 11 more to be revealed if the roster size wasn't increased.

However, go with me on this..... even if the total number on the select screen hasn't increased after Goro's inclusion, that still leaves the inevitable likelihood of characters being unlocked secretly via story mode like in MK9 which could increase the roster size by other 2 or more and they could be picked via the '?' square or grouped into the same square that could possibly also house the 4 or more future DLC characters. That either increases the chances of those couple unlockables being 3D characters or increases the chances of a couple 3D characters being part of the initial 24 roster count.

My overall point being, we're barely over half way there knowing the full roster, we don't know what secrets this game will hold, we don't know the DLC, we don't know what any extra post Kombat Pack characters will be, there's just too many uncertainties at the moment to say anything definitively.

Also "?" Refers to random.

Of which that space will more than likely not be there upon release because as it stands there is not a space for DLC and there will have to be. Also, we now have solid confirmation there's more than just Quan Chi and my argument about story mode above.
02/14/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
Thank god. Maybe now people will stop bitching about this being Mortal Kombat 9 - 2.
02/14/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)

Thank you, Greyjoy. Hopefully that'll quiet the pessimists for a while.
02/14/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Some people just got to chill. There is still 2 months to go before release and there nearly is still half of the roster yet to be revealed. You got to think positive and stay positive.

Also, any character won't be a "waisted spot", not even Kobra.
02/14/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Kitana's Royal Storm variation and Kung Lao having a whirlwind spin that sucks his opponent in definitely spells slim chances for Fujin whom everyone assumed had the best chance of any 3D era character to return. But then when the game was officially announced this summer, I thought Kotal's heart removal meant that there would be no Kano, so who knows. But then again, Kano as unpopular as he may be, will always take precedent over any MK4+ characters.
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02/14/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
Did somebody say kobra wouldnt be a wasted spot really, no offense your entitled to your opinion but putting inspector gadget in would get get a better reception.
02/14/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
I think Tanya has a good chance of making it. I have a good feeling about her. Shinnok and Reiko are possibilities as well. As for Fujin, it depends on what they do with his moveset. I doubt he will be getting his mini tornado back now that Kitana has it.
02/14/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)

Honestly, - I just automatically see this and think Kenshi confirmed. zzz Nice for Kenshi fans (of which, I am one), but he was the only post-trilogy character to luck out in 9. With space being sparse and creatives making clear their feelings on 3D-era (a couple at most), it's a disappointing prospect.

At this stage I'll be over-the-moon with 1 MK4 character who isn't Quan Chi, and 1 Post-MK4 character that isn't Kenshi. I am also in the camp which wants the names which keep recurring: Fujin, Havik, Tanya, Shinnok, Bo Rai.

I really, really hope we see some of these different and re-imagined faces.

Still remember the fuss over Rain's inclusion in MK9 and post-trilogy characters have turned into this game's Rain. At least back then, I remember Ed tweeting "we still have DLC for characters like Rain". This time around, very few bones for 3D era fans sad
02/14/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:

Honestly, - I just automatically see this and think Kenshi confirmed. zzz

You got all that from ONE word?
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02/14/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
kenshi plays an important role in the comics setting the story up for his son to be this luke skywalker type figure, as boring as it sounds kenshi is undoubtedly the best character to come out of the 3d era.
02/14/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
as boring as it sounds kenshi is undoubtedly the best character to come out of the 3d era.

I respectfully disagree, but then again you know what they say about opinions.
02/14/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:

Honestly, - I just automatically see this and think Kenshi confirmed. zzz

You got all that from ONE word?


A LONG-series of trilogy reveals, continued apathy from creatives on 3D era characters, hints of Havik and Fujin deconfirms, Kenshi's inclusion in MK9 & the MKX comic, careful and restrained use of language in relation to 3D era characters, and yes, finally, one word "yes" tweets to questions like this.

All considered, the post-trilogy characters feel like an unwelcome after-thought from NRS and it's unrealistic to expect 2 or 3 max.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/14/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
I'm willing to agree that it's Kenshi first, although there's still some room for more characters from that era, considering how little we know about the remaining slots on the roster (or even, to be honest, how big the roster is).

02/14/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Kenshi and Shinnok.
I am sorry for Havik.
The rest of the 3d era characters can go and fuck themselves.
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