03/23/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
Uhh...is that /thread?
03/23/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
I played MK4. Tanya was tan, like my mom fresh out the tanning salon. You see black? That's called projection, dawg. Is Snookie black?

Now, if you're still salty cause Tanya isnt "black" then YOU are then one that's racist. It shouldnt matter how long she's been in the tanning bed. She can still kick ass.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I played MK4. Tanya was tan, like my mom fresh out the tanning salon. You see black? That's called projection, dawg. Is Snookie black?

Now, if you're still salty cause Tanya isnt "black" then YOU are then one that's racist. It shouldnt matter how long she's been in the tanning bed.

You know this is a shitty conversation if Snooki is being brought in to raise a point. lmao
03/23/2015 06:49 AM (UTC)
How am I a woman, if both of my parents are men?

I don't understand genetics at all.

EDIT: I might be adopted. I'm not sure.

But seriously, NRS can make her skin color whatever goes with the design best. I vote an Egyptian tone, because it seems to be what her design is leaning in towards. A Cleopatra or pharaoh skin would be awesome. Ermac would defiantly have to have a mummy skin, though.
03/23/2015 06:52 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
How am I a woman, if both of my parents are men?

I don't understand genetics at all.

EDIT: I might be adopted. I'm not sure.

But seriously, NRS can make her skin color whatever goes with the design best. I vote an Egyptian tone, because it seems to be what her design is leaning in towards. A Cleopatra or pharaoh skin would be awesome. Ermac would defiantly have to have a mummy skin, though.

Men have both chromosomes?

I actually dont remember. That was too many shots ago...
03/23/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
How am I a woman, if both of my parents are men?

I don't understand genetics at all.

EDIT: I might be adopted. I'm not sure.

But seriously, NRS can make her skin color whatever goes with the design best. I vote an Egyptian tone, because it seems to be what her design is leaning in towards. A Cleopatra or pharaoh skin would be awesome. Ermac would defiantly have to have a mummy skin, though.

"Pharaoh Ermac" is actually confirmed.
This thread would be better if we were talking about Tanya's polygonal, rendered booty.

I mean it's not a real booty, but booty has to count for something, even rendered ones.
03/23/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
Tanya face looks nothing like it did in MK4 or MKD. In MK4 and MKD she had big black lips. Now she have small lips.
03/23/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
Tanya is not tan, she's brown so she's black. Nice White supremacy.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/23/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
Instead of being so black and white about it, why can't Tanya and Jade just be "exotic"?

These topics confuse the hell out of me. I understand the people who are upset IF she's proven to be "whitewashed", because even to me, the skin tone seemed darker in Deception. But arguing over their "race" is just pointless imo. Nobody wins here.

NRS have specified her race in the best way that they're ever going to - "Edenian".

Game over, folks.
03/23/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
Seriously? How many threads about Tanya do we need? Isn't there already a Super Duper thread for her? I'm just wondering, couldn't this have gone in the super thread for Tanya?

The thread is talking about something that is very... awkward to talk about, cause you will have one side that will call you a racist if you say you want Tanya to be black and you have the other side who will say it doesn't matter what her skin color is.

It's simple, you don't like Tanya's new design(Which I am digging) Then go find a corner to cry in, she looks amazing and she looks the best I, personally, ever saw her.

Loving the ancient Egyptian look she is got going for her and I hope they don't change it back to "Random female ninja with different colored clothes".

Skin color doesn't matter to be quite honest, if we going to bring the skin color argument everywhere then we are still not really open minded about things and are still paranoid about this matter.

03/23/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
Skin color matters don't kid yourself.
03/23/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
This fucking forum
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
This fucking forum

Home to the brightest minds on the internet.
03/23/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Please , I can talk about race to anyone on here if you'd like . But it's a black rep for Mortal Kombat thats why people are passionate , alot of people who don't understand aren't black , I was sad about Ermac for awhile , but the fact is she looks lighter in the trailer thats the truth and in a world were you put in beautiful woman in google and the first 30 searches are white , a girl skin seeming to get lighter is a problem .
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The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/24/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
I don't know about her skin color but all I know is she looks a hell of a lot like Pris from Blade Runner this time around

03/24/2015 03:04 AM (UTC)
I love Tanya so much, and i am really glad she's going to be in the game, that said...

03/24/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Just a comparison:

At least MK4 to MKD maintained the same facial structure.

She has never been black....

Hispanic, Brazilian or Middle Eastern?


But Tanya has never been super dark skinned like some are claiming, I have no idea what the fuck those people are talking about maybe y'all should get your eyes checked.

Dude, Im from Brazil and Im 100% sure that if you meet me in USA, you would think I am a white American just by my looks.
03/24/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
I just never saw hers as black. I play MK4 in the arcades and own every version of it and Gold. She definitely has a tan skin tone and I like it that way, however, the skin color wasn't even noticed in the DLC trailer. A lot of characters are looking different than some of their former skins/costumes. For what it's worth Tanya didnt look white and she still gives me that exotic vibe. I don't mind the whole Egyptian look and hey, thats African technically. I say we wait. They fixed Cassie and I have faith in NRS these days to fix things. For gods sake they put Tremor and Tanya in the game! Why stop now? They want Tanya fams happy and if that means fixing her skin then they will.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/24/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:


And Tanya was never "black", she looked more "hispanic". She was other wise light mocha skinned. You get the idea she's been whitewashed from the one brief clip we have of her walking up from the shadows in the kombat pack teaser? Seriously?
03/24/2015 04:49 AM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Just a comparison:

At least MK4 to MKD maintained the same facial structure.

She has never been black....

Hispanic, Brazilian or Middle Eastern?


But Tanya has never been super dark skinned like some are claiming, I have no idea what the fuck those people are talking about maybe y'all should get your eyes checked.

Dude, Im from Brazil and Im 100% sure that if you meet me in USA, you would think I am a white American just by my looks.

That's a real world example though...This is a fictional character how are the two even remotely comparable it was not a personal attack on Brazilians.

That skin tone I just associate with Hispanics, Brazilians or Middle Easterners at first glance.

That doesn't necessarily make it an absolute fact. I'm Cuban dude and I live in Miami this is based on life experience I see people of that skin complexion on a daily basis they are typical Hispanic.

I apologize if it came off the wrong way.
03/24/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)

though i agree that her skin tone is lighter, Tanya in general was never a dark skinned woman. She did seem like a black woman in my eyes due to her facial features (the new Tanya's facial features are less african-looking this time around) but her skin tone was still light in MK4/MKD

though her skin tone is slightly lighter in MKX, my most pressing issue is why she looks raggedy as hell compared to MK4 and MKD!

There is no reason for her design to be so bad when Mileena and Kitana got such high quality ones!

and If they added two straps of cloth hanging from both shoulders (instead of hanging from the left side only), the outfit would be perfect! Also get rid of the cheap tacky beads in place of more fancy jewelry like this

03/24/2015 05:43 AM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:

though i agree that her skin tone is lighter, Tanya in general was never a dark skinned woman. She did seem like a black woman in my eyes due to her facial features (the new Tanya's facial features are less african-looking this time around) but her skin tone was still light in MK4/MKD

though her skin tone is slightly lighter in MKX, my most pressing issue is why she looks raggedy as hell compared to MK4 and MKD!

There is no reason for her design to be so bad when Mileena and Kitana got such high quality ones!

and If they added two straps of cloth hanging from both shoulders (instead of hanging from the left side only), the outfit would be perfect! Also get rid of the cheap tacky beads in place of more fancy jewelry like this


What Jewelry?

All I see is tits.
03/24/2015 06:50 AM (UTC)
mrkareemruiz Wrote:
Skin color matters don't kid yourself.

Death doesn't matter because they can be alive in the next game. Skin color does matter because.... reasons!

Jim Morrison take it away!

"People are strange"
03/24/2015 07:26 AM (UTC)
I thought this was gonna be about her design. I would have agreed, I think it leaves a lot to be desired. I think the yellow should be at least bright and flaring.

As for her race, I've always gotten an Egyptian vibe from her, at least since Deception, and it seems like they're taking her further with that idea this time around... she looks Egyptian to me...
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