03/23/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Just a comparison:

At least MK4 to MKD maintained the same facial structure.

She has never been black....

Hispanic, Brazilian or Middle Eastern?


But Tanya has never been super dark skinned like some are claiming, I have no idea what the fuck those people are talking about maybe y'all should get your eyes checked.

...You do realize that not all black people are the complexion of a Hershey bar, right?

You also do realize Hispanic and Brazilian is not a race, but cultures that are made up of different kinds of races.

And you do realize she has no race as she's a fictional character not from this world.

Please, stop talking.

When did I say those were races? Those are ethnicity's but you're welcome to put words in my mouth like a child I guess?

Want to look stupid be my guest, you've always been an expert at making yourself look bad with assumptions and shit.

Let's bring up the topic of the child tantrum you threw over your precious purple puppets treatment in the comics.

I see you've jumped to the Tanya bandwagon now #BandWagonBitch

She's a fictional character but her skin complexion has to be inspired from a real world ethnicity right?

Move along though i'm not hear to argue with children with napoleon complex, salty ass ninja.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Just a comparison:

At least MK4 to MKD maintained the same facial structure.

She has never been black....

Hispanic, Brazilian or Middle Eastern?


But Tanya has never been super dark skinned like some are claiming, I have no idea what the fuck those people are talking about maybe y'all should get your eyes checked.

...You do realize that not all black people are the complexion of a Hershey bar, right?

You also do realize Hispanic and Brazilian is not a race, but cultures that are made up of different kinds of races.

And you do realize she has no race as she's a fictional character not from this world.

Please, stop talking.

When did I say those were races? Those are ethnicity's but you're welcome to put words in my mouth like a child I guess?

Want to look stupid be my guest, you've always been an expert at making yourself look bad with assumptions and shit.

Let's bring up the topic of the child tantrum you threw over your precious purple puppets treatment in the comics.

I see you've jumped to the Tanya bandwagon now #BandWagonBitch

She's a fictional character but her skin complexion has to be inspired from a real world ethnicity right?

Move along though i'm not hear to argue with children with napoleon complex, salty ass ninja.

*snaps finger* Oh no you dent-ent!

And I'm not jumping on a bandwagon, I just hate ignorance, which is what your post was spewing. That was bigger than a video game character. Saying people must be blind because they envision her as black leads me to believe that you must assume that all black people obviously are as dark as night, with big lips, big noses, love basketball and enjoy a good watermelon eating contest.

My friend is almost the complexion of Kitana, has a small nose, tiny lips and I assure you she's "black". *Gasps* Shocking, I know!!! Black people come in more than one color? Wuuuuut!?

You need to get out more. People comes in all shades of the rainbow. Stop going by what you see on TV, kid.
About Me

03/23/2015 05:43 AM (UTC)
03/23/2015 05:43 AM (UTC)
Uh huh....So now i've been labeled a racist because...dafuq?

You just finished telling me that she is fictional character and that she is not based on real world individuals

Now you're telling me I need to get out more because not all people are the same skin tone.

Which is it Mr.Indesicive?

Don't direct quote me anymore insinuating that i'm a bigot when I'm a minority as well and I live in one of the biggest cultural melting pots in all of the USA.

Again your premature assumptions make you look bad. Instead of jumping the gun you should allow other to fully explain themselves.

Ofcourse you started this when you decided that I was unfit to share my opinion who the fuck do you think are again peon?

03/23/2015 05:45 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Just a comparison:

At least MK4 to MKD maintained the same facial structure.

She has never been black....

Hispanic, Brazilian or Middle Eastern?


But Tanya has never been super dark skinned like some are claiming, I have no idea what the fuck those people are talking about maybe y'all should get your eyes checked.

...You do realize that not all black people are the complexion of a Hershey bar, right?

Technically race is a social construct, so you can draw whatever the hell lines you like; there's no real scientific basis for the concept of race.

That being said, we can lump her into a physical type based on her facial structure.

Right away we can rule out Congoid and Australoid.

Tanya exhibits little to no prognathism - her lower jaw doesn't have a noticeable protrusion.

She has a much narrower nasal aperture, which can be seen by how narrow the bridge of her nose is.

She hasn't got a pronounced sub-orbital ridge; her brow is almost disturbingly flat.

What is most noticeable about Tanya, however, are her pronounced cheekbones and square jaw.

By examining Tanya's features very crudely, I would say that she possesses both Caucasoid and Mongoloid biological characteristics.

This would lend support to those arguing she appears more South American. Europeans with Caucasoid features bred with the Natives possessing Mongoloid features.

Also, she's basically an alien, and a fictional character, and not even a good one.
03/23/2015 05:47 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Uh huh....So now i've been labeled a racist because...dafuq?

You just finished telling me that she is fictional character and that she is not based on real world individuals

Now you're telling my I need to get out more because not all people are the same skin tone.

Which is it Mr.Indesicive?

Don't direct quote me anymore insinuating that i'm a bigot when I'm a minority as well and I live in one of the biggest cultural melting pots in all of the USA.

Again your premature assumptions make you look bad. Instead of jumping the gun you should allow other to fully explain themselves.

Ofcourse you started this when you decided that I was unfit to share my opinion who the fuck do you think are again peon?

Oh no! I never labeled you as racist at all! Just a bit ignorant. That's all.

That said, it's all in good spirits. Believe what you want to believe. March to the beat of your own drummer, dance on your own, take a walk on the wild side.

No hard feelings?

About Me

03/23/2015 05:51 AM (UTC)
What if Tanya is really just one of those Valley Girls who spends way too much time in a tanning bed?

03/23/2015 05:54 AM (UTC)
No hard feelings at all, carry on everyone nothing to see here.
03/23/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

About Me

03/23/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

03/23/2015 06:05 AM (UTC)

03/23/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

03/23/2015 06:11 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?
03/23/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?

I keep reading the title as "I'm really happy about Tanya's back" and I keep coming in to see the trailer about her booty.

But no such trailer is to be found.
03/23/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
I keep reading the title as "I'm really happy about Tanya's back" and I keep coming in to see the trailer about her booty.

But no such trailer is to be found.


She's blk so she must have a big booty amiryt?


Seriously we should get trailer about her gluteus maximus, I'd never stop watching it.
03/23/2015 06:25 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?


Kamidogu used to be my main MK site back in the day but I left because I felt bad for causing a situation such as this.
Years have passed since through those years I learned that it doesn't matter. So please, enlighten me if you can about this subject. Otherwise I'll continue to be ignorant in the future.
03/23/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?


Kamidogu used to be my main MK site back in the day but I left because I felt bad for causing a situation such as this.
Years have passed since through those years I learned that it doesn't matter. So please, enlighten me if you can about this subject. Otherwise I'll continue to be ignorant in the future.

When she said she was born with Kitana's complexion, that didn't include skin color, just the way her face is shaped and all of that.
03/23/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?


Kamidogu used to be my main MK site back in the day but I left because I felt bad for causing a situation such as this.
Years have passed since through those years I learned that it doesn't matter. So please, enlighten me if you can about this subject. Otherwise I'll continue to be ignorant in the future.

When she said she was born with Kitana's complexion, that didn't include skin color, just the way her face is shaped and all of that.

Ah, thank you.

See? That wasn't so hard. We can all be friends here.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?


Kamidogu used to be my main MK site back in the day but I left because I felt bad for causing a situation such as this.
Years have passed since through those years I learned that it doesn't matter. So please, enlighten me if you can about this subject. Otherwise I'll continue to be ignorant in the future.

When she said she was born with Kitana's complexion, that didn't include skin color, just the way her face is shaped and all of that.

Ah, thank you.

See? That wasn't so hard. We can all be friends here.

Omg! I know right?! *Hugs* Besties 4 lyfe!
03/23/2015 06:41 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
Please explain how your friend is black is she's Kitana's complexion.

Because she was born to black parents...?

That's kinda how it works...

But if you're born to ginger parents, yet you're not a ginger, that doesn't make you a ginger, right? So how does this work?


Kamidogu used to be my main MK site back in the day but I left because I felt bad for causing a situation such as this.
Years have passed since through those years I learned that it doesn't matter. So please, enlighten me if you can about this subject. Otherwise I'll continue to be ignorant in the future.

When she said she was born with Kitana's complexion, that didn't include skin color, just the way her face is shaped and all of that.

Ah, thank you.

See? That wasn't so hard. We can all be friends here.

Omg! I know right?! *Hugs* Besties 4 lyfe!

03/23/2015 06:43 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't hug Ahnka he has Leprosy & Genital Herpes.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 06:45 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I wouldn't hug Ahnka he has Leprosy & Genital Herpes.


I think you're confusing me with your anus hun and the nest of feral rats that live in there.grin

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