09/09/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.

A see lot of that going on around here though lol I don't have any problem with it but I see plenty of cursing and I have seen some obvious flame bait here and there as well lol

Anyway thanks for clearing that up, I was just wondering so I don't accidently say or do something that could result in a ban lol

Ya people dance on the line all the time here, including myself. The mods are pretty relaxed which is good. They realize that the people on here feel very strongly about MK and have a strong mind as to what MK means to them. So certain things that could be taken as flame bait is accepted more often than not.

It is only when it turns excessive (trolling) that the mods would take action

That's actually pretty cool lol im so used to CV and the mods their are kind of strict unfortunately so I wasn't sure what we can or cant do here yet, anyway thanks for the reply, kind of happy to know I don't have to censor myself every time I have something to say lol
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/09/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.

You have to go full scale Hanky Panky.
09/09/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.

You have to go full scale Hanky Panky.

Haha exactly.
09/10/2014 02:16 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

But I can still say what I wished it was.

Yes, that you can do. ^^

I forgot how much you two butted heads. LOL

Nah, we don't butt heads, we butt butts!
Mine is bigger, so I win. ;P
09/10/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

But I can still say what I wished it was.

Yes, that you can do. ^^

I forgot how much you two butted heads. LOL

Nah, we don't butt heads, we butt butts!
Mine is bigger, so I win. ;P

So my stash of money is much bigger, so I just buy a guy with a bigger butt. Or I just make some adjustions on my body and put some fill-ups in there, not that it is needed, because my ass is perfect as it is, I would totally crush you in the Miss-Ass competition.

09/10/2014 08:57 AM (UTC)
09/10/2014 09:33 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I would totally crush you in the Miss-Ass competition.

You probably would, because first of all, I'm not a Miss...

Anyways, sorry for the off-topic.
09/10/2014 10:16 AM (UTC)
09/10/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
About Me
Beast Of The Inner Light

09/12/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
As the oldest Goro fan around here (Just try to debate it.) I'm pretty annoyed about it myself. I don't plan on pre ordering just because of this crap. I'll get the game WITH Goro for cheaper a month after release.
09/12/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Gororules Wrote:
As the oldest Goro fan around here (Just try to debate it.) I'm pretty annoyed about it myself. I don't plan on pre ordering just because of this crap. I'll get the game WITH Goro for cheaper a month after release.

Wait wait wait hold the telephone, isn't it free to pre order the game and get Goro for just the original price of the game? Wouldn't not pre ordering the game mean you would not only have to wait for Goro to become dlc but then pay extra for him on top of that???
09/12/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Gororules Wrote:
As the oldest Goro fan around here (Just try to debate it.) I'm pretty annoyed about it myself. I don't plan on pre ordering just because of this crap. I'll get the game WITH Goro for cheaper a month after release.

Wait wait wait hold the telephone, isn't it free to pre order the game and get Goro for just the original price of the game? Wouldn't not pre ordering the game mean you would not only have to wait for Goro to become dlc but then pay extra for him on top of that???

Yes preordering adds NO ADDITIONAL COST. Its just putting money down and reserving a copy. That's it.

I will preorder eventually. But not until at least January.
09/12/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Gororules Wrote:
As the oldest Goro fan around here (Just try to debate it.) I'm pretty annoyed about it myself. I don't plan on pre ordering just because of this crap. I'll get the game WITH Goro for cheaper a month after release.

Wait wait wait hold the telephone, isn't it free to pre order the game and get Goro for just the original price of the game? Wouldn't not pre ordering the game mean you would not only have to wait for Goro to become dlc but then pay extra for him on top of that???

New games are generally $64.19 after tax. Preordering a game is a minimum of $5, and it goes towards the price of a game you're going to buy anyway. So now you would only owe $59.19 when it releases.....if you didn't put more towards it.
09/12/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
Gororules Wrote:
As the oldest Goro fan around here (Just try to debate it.) I'm pretty annoyed about it myself. I don't plan on pre ordering just because of this crap. I'll get the game WITH Goro for cheaper a month after release.

Wait wait wait hold the telephone, isn't it free to pre order the game and get Goro for just the original price of the game? Wouldn't not pre ordering the game mean you would not only have to wait for Goro to become dlc but then pay extra for him on top of that???

Yes preordering adds NO ADDITIONAL COST. Its just putting money down and reserving a copy. That's it.

I will preorder eventually. But not until at least January.

Lol @ people getting mad then. I will also for sure pre order the game once I figure out which system i wanna get it for. I would pre order it even if Goro wasn't attached, but he is a massive bonus. I think some of us got on different hype trains.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/12/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
I do not think that is was Gororules meant. After about a month the price of a game goes down. I have bought games with pre-order DLC after two months of their release for less then half price.
09/12/2014 09:54 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
I do not think that is was Gororules meant. After about a month the price of a game goes down. I have bought games with pre-order DLC after two months of their release for the less then half price.

If a game has great sales,then the price will not drop after a month.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/12/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
I do not think that is was Gororules meant. After about a month the price of a game goes down. I have bought games with pre-order DLC after two months of their release for the less then half price.

If a game has great sales,then the price will not drop after a month.

Maybe not in the USA but where I live I got Borderlands 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Mass Effect 3 for less then €25 with pre-order DLC after about a month to two months after release.
09/12/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
I do not think that is was Gororules meant. After about a month the price of a game goes down. I have bought games with pre-order DLC after two months of their release for the less then half price.

If a game has great sales,then the price will not drop after a month.

Maybe not in the USA but where I live I got Borderlands 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Mass Effect 3 for less then €25 with pre-order DLC after about a month to two months after release.

......lucky lol!!!
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/12/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
I do not think that is was Gororules meant. After about a month the price of a game goes down. I have bought games with pre-order DLC after two months of their release for the less then half price.

If a game has great sales,then the price will not drop after a month.

Maybe not in the USA but where I live I got Borderlands 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Mass Effect 3 for less then €25 with pre-order DLC after about a month to two months after release.

......lucky lol!!!

If you go on Amazon UK you can get Destiny for the PS4 for £40 when they were selling it for £47 on release. In a month that will go down to £30 no problem.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
09/12/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
I'm still waiting for them to formally announce whatever collector's editions etc. are going to be happening with this game. Then I can transfer my preorder over to that, assuming it's decent.

The preorder bullshit hasn't even begun to start yet. Wait until the store exclusives start showing up.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

09/13/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
*Sigh*... Some people forget that NRS is a section of a commercial business with the main purpose of generating profits by SELLING their products. MKX is one of those products and they need to SELL it to achieve that purpose. Now, in order to SELL, you have to use certain marketing or advertising techniques/tools to do just that as efficiently as possible. For example, offer Goro as a pre-order bonus so that more people decide to actually, you know, PRE ORDER. They don't ask for more money, they simply make sure that they sell as many copies as possible during launch.

So, what the fuck is the problem? If you are going to get the game at launch anyway (something I expect the majority here will do), why not go ahead and pre order? You lay down five bucks now and pay another 55 or so when you go and get the game and for that little bit of trouble, you have early access to Goro. Its entirely up to YOU. No? Too big of a deal? Not worth the five bucks in advance? Not worth the trouble of pre ordering? Not sure if you will get the game at launch? Thats cool, only, stop your fucking whining and accept that you won't have Goro on day1! This is a business and by making this offer, I can guarantee you that they will sell more units at launch than they would have without it
09/13/2014 02:11 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
*Sigh*... Some people forget that NRS is a section of a commercial business with the main purpose of generating profits by SELLING their products.

I don't think people have forgotten that, but rather that they think it sucks that NRS are going to these lengths to do so.
09/13/2014 07:01 AM (UTC)
I don't see a problem with them trying to sell their stuff. In fact, I actually welcome it. You know what I'm more irritated? The fact that I have to now call my cardiologist and get strapped with a heart monitor for a month.

THAT is something to be irritated about. Not some way to get a product selling to people. Hey, if it's a gimmick, I think it's a good one. How many people were complaining that they wanted Goro playable during the last game? Quite a lot. Here's your chance to play him!

I just can't wait to see what they have in store for him.
About Me
Beast Of The Inner Light

09/15/2014 01:04 PM (UTC)
My main point is that having a character be exclusive in a fighting game is lame. And the point that was made about games selling well not going down in price....come on guys XD We all love Mortal Kombat here but It's not the kind of game that stays at a $60 price for very long. This game will NOT be the next Super Smash Bros.
09/15/2014 02:21 PM (UTC)
Gororules Wrote:
My main point is that having a character be exclusive in a fighting game is lame.

Its way better than the stupid preorder costumes from MK9.

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