09/08/2014 09:48 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Are half the people posting in this thread drunk, including the OP? Seriously, a lot of you guys are coming off as frothing, incoherent fanboys.

Goro isnt a big deal. If you're getting the game on release then this is a non-issue. Calm your tits.

You seem to spend most of your time on here complaining about others on here than actually talk about Mortal Kombat. :/

I thought I was the only one who noticed
09/08/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
Goro is a waste in any situation.

So I only mind the time they are working on that boring MK1 horror, they could use the time to work on better characters or on Kintaro.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/08/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Goro is a waste in any situation.

So I only mind the time they are working on that boring MK1 horror, they could use the time to work on better characters or on Kintaro.

That is nonsense. You do not know what "situations" Goro will be in MKX and it has not been made public Goro's gameplay either.

Besides people like having everything the game has to offer when they buy it even if they will never use said content.
09/08/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
I can see where the OP is coming from.

If you plan to get the game Day 1, then yeah, this isn't an issue (unless you don't have your console connected to the internet). There is certainly enough time between now and release to save your money.

However, if you don't pre-order...let's say because you're undecided since NRS is leaking out info at a pretty slow pace or because you aren't following the game news all that much and hear about it after release, then you have to shell out an additional $5.

For all practical matters, it makes little difference ($5 is little to me, to some, it can be a big difference). But I can see someone having issue with the principle of paying for something that's already on the disc as a kind of penalty for not pre-ordering. I think that's a valid gripe.

09/08/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
I can see where the OP is coming from.

If you plan to get the game Day 1, then yeah, this isn't an issue (unless you don't have your console connected to the internet). There is certainly enough time between now and release to save your money.

However, if you don't pre-order...let's say because you're undecided since NRS is leaking out info at a pretty slow pace or because you aren't following the game news all that much and hear about it after release, then you have to shell out an additional $5.

For all practical matters, it makes little difference ($5 is little to me, to some, it can be a big difference). But I can see someone having issue with the principle of paying for something that's already on the disc as a kind of penalty for not pre-ordering. I think that's a valid gripe.

I am sorry but I cannot sympathize with people who have a principal of not paying for extra content.

It is a method of marketing that is embraced by nearly every gaming company these days. It has become the norm.

If you feel this way you are thinking about it entirely wrong. The content was always going to be extra. In this day and age people are hungry for more content from the get go. Everything needs to happen fast so what companies do is devote a portion of their team to "extra content" during the production of the game (leading up to the release.)

NRS is not making a full game then cutting out a percentage of it and slapping 5$ on it and selling it. They are merely expediting new content. If you dont have internet then I am sorry but no extra content will ever be available to you unless they come out with a complete edition on disc a year down the road. So why bother complaining?
09/08/2014 03:27 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:

For all practical matters, it makes little difference ($5 is little to me, to some, it can be a big difference). But I can see someone having issue with the principle of paying for something that's already on the disc as a kind of penalty for not pre-ordering. I think that's a valid gripe.

Some people think of it as a penalty for not pre-ordering but I think of it more as a bonus/reward for pre-ordering lol

Anyway, if anyone has an issue with the principle of paying for it or just don't care then they should just not pay for it and play the game without Goro, if they want guaranteed access to Goro on day 1 then they might want to play it safe and pre-order the game. Don't get me wrong I understand their POV but it is what it is.

09/08/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
I really don't get the problem people are having with this DLC, in fact, I really don't see a problem with majority of the stuff that gets a handful of complaints.

I mean, what pleases you guys?

I'm going to pre-order this game. I'm waiting a little bit for the collector's edition to be available to pre-order (if it is already, then I need to make a stop at the mall). If you don't want this, don't pay five extra dollars. If you want this, then pay the five extra dollars.

It's a matter of you wanting something now rather than getting it later with it being more expensive.
About Me

09/08/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
It's not even extra though, it's just putting money down on something you already intend on buying ahead of time. Also, if $5 is a lot of money for you then you need to stop reading this right now and go find a better job. I mean real talk, if you're THAT strapped for cash then video games as a hobby right now isn't for you.
09/08/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
It's not even extra though, it's just putting money down on something you already intend on buying ahead of time. Also, if $5 is a lot of money for you then you need to stop reading this right now and go find a better job. I mean real talk, if you're THAT strapped for cash then video games as a hobby right now isn't for you.

About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

09/08/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I never understood the constant bitching about pre-ordering. It's not like you have to pay $60 dollars right then and there. Just put down 5 dollars and bam- Goro is yours.

Pretty much this. Pre-order "exclusives" have been around since the beginning of the 360/ps3 era. Its just the way the business is now. Also, if you're going to buy it, whats the big deal? Its all about marketing
About Me

09/08/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
I can see people tripping out about retail store specific pre-order content (like the retro costumes in MK9) but I really don't think that's the case with Goro. I didn't really care about the retro skins (they looked like booty to me) so I didn't sweat not having Mileena's MK 2 unitard.

Also with Injustice and the IoS Arkham skins...people on the NRS community sites were just giving away the unlock codes so I'm sure people would do that again. Community members will look out for other community members.
09/09/2014 07:16 AM (UTC)
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.
09/09/2014 07:25 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

Well, that's not the case. However, I'm not going to ask you to accept it or tell you to deal with it, because I know you won't. I know you will continue to bitch about it, so telling you not to would be futile. I'll let the mods deal with that when they've had enough about you.

What I CAN tell you is that you aren't going to get your way. Goro is pre-order and WILL therefore appear in MKX. As for Sonya, she is heavily suggested to be in the game as well, however, nothing is confirmed yet, so you can cling on to the meager hope that she won't.
09/09/2014 07:39 AM (UTC)
Lol i'm just back from my vacation to Tokyo, San Francisco and Saint-Tropez of 6 weeks and then Jaded already start to bitch about banning me, it's been 7 weeks since I last cursed Sonya Blade..

I can buy your soul, you really want to go that road with ME? Lol.
About Me

Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/09/2014 07:57 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.
09/09/2014 08:08 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Lol i'm just back from my vacation to Tokyo, San Francisco and Saint-Tropez of 6 weeks and then Jaded already start to bitch about banning me, it's been 7 weeks since I last cursed Sonya Blade..

I can buy your soul, you really want to go that road with ME? Lol.

It would mean I had a soul to begin with for you to buy. You're out of luck on that one though.

Anyways, welcome back, I hope you had a nice trip.

To be back on topic however, I will repeat myself and say though you wish otherwise, Goro is in. You can choose not to pre-order MKX so you won't get him, and even if you do pre-order, you can just choose not to download him so he won't appear in your specific copy of the game. But you are powerless against him being in others, and if you play online, you might bump into some who play as him as well. You can just quit the match though, but it will show on your score, however, if you don't care about that then that's no problem.

I do hope you will be able to cope with this in a healthy manner... though I doubt it.
09/09/2014 08:13 AM (UTC)
Well I know its not that way, but I just wished it was, it was a hopefull thought, I know Goro is the pre-order.

But I can still say what I wished it was. Now I still fear for Sonya being in the game together with her horrid daughter.
09/09/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

But I can still say what I wished it was.

Yes, that you can do. ^^
09/09/2014 12:22 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

But I can still say what I wished it was.

Yes, that you can do. ^^

I forgot how much you two butted heads. LOL
09/09/2014 01:37 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

But I can still say what I wished it was.

Yes, that you can do. ^^

I forgot how much you two butted heads. LOL

They are as bad as each other
09/09/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol
09/09/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.
09/09/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

09/09/2014 04:31 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.

A see lot of that going on around here though lol I don't have any problem with it but I see plenty of cursing and I have seen some obvious flame bait here and there as well lol

Anyway thanks for clearing that up, I was just wondering so I don't accidently say or do something that could result in a ban lol
09/09/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just wished Sonya Blade was Pre-order material, and Goro never appeared at all.

2 flies in one hit.

I haven't seen you for a while.

Thought you'd been banned or something.

How does one get banned on this site? I'm kind of new here so idk, I read the rules but I don't remember seeing anything that would result in a ban., maybe I missed it or something lol

Excessive Cursing, Flaming, pretty much being an all around ignorant ass. You'll get warned before you get banned. Also breaching the infringement policies like uploading magazine pictures etc.

A Mod can correct me if I am wrong but that is how I see it.

A see lot of that going on around here though lol I don't have any problem with it but I see plenty of cursing and I have seen some obvious flame bait here and there as well lol

Anyway thanks for clearing that up, I was just wondering so I don't accidently say or do something that could result in a ban lol

Ya people dance on the line all the time here, including myself. The mods are pretty relaxed which is good. They realize that the people on here feel very strongly about MK and have a strong mind as to what MK means to them. So certain things that could be taken as flame bait is accepted more often than not.

It is only when it turns excessive (trolling) that the mods would take action
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