Im kinda irritated about the Goro situation.....
posted09/16/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)by
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07/30/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
Yay Goro is back, thats kool.... However this is bullshit if he is gonna be a pre order exclusive.... Most pre order exclusives never become available to everyone else it seems like. However if they make Goro available to everyone day one as dlc for like five bucks or whatever then im down with that. But if Goro ends up only available to those that pre order then ultimately Goro wont mean anything when it comes to high lvl play. And my problem with preordering is that it sucks! Every fucking time i preorder something, they call me weeks later to tell me they have it after i already got it.... Plus i got a 360 and want a ps4 but dont know when ill be able to afford a ps4 so idk if i might end up getting two versions of the game or not....
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09/07/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
I am pretty sure that Goro will be made available to download for everyone at some point not long after release. It seems counter-intuitive to not do so.
09/07/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
Every game that NetherRealm's had with preorder downloads has eventually become available for download, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. You just might not get it for a few months till after the game's release.
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09/07/2014 07:31 PM (UTC)
Worst case scenario, you'll have to purchase Goro for $4.99. They'll definitely make him available to everyone in the long run.

Here's what I'm wondering: if this game has a standard cast of 24 characters... is Goro the 25th? 24th character? That'll be interesting to see.
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09/07/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
Not like I buy a lot of games, but I don't think I've ever played a fighting game where any preorder exclusives weren't available for purchase later on. I wouldn't worry about it.
09/07/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
What's the big deal with pre-ordering a game you're going to buy anyways? I pre-order every game I purchase.
I'm still on the side of until they announce it's some sort of exclusive pre-order in a specific store, then Goro will be a code in every single copy of the game. With the whole sticker thing saying there's a code inside to play as Goro. A lot of games do this now just to get pre-orders in and get an idea of how many copies they're going to sell. Black Ops 2 did this, Nuketown 2025 was said to be a pre-order bonus. But when I got the game at Best Buy there is a code inside the case and those copies are in abundance. Until those sell out, then there won't be a code in the next set of copies. They probably make a couple million copies of the game with the "pre-order" code in it.
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09/07/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
PC version, code cracking may allow Goro to be playable on the PC at least.
09/07/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Worst case scenario, you'll have to purchase Goro for $4.99. They'll definitely make him available to everyone in the long run.

Here's what I'm wondering: if this game has a standard cast of 24 characters... is Goro the 25th? 24th character? That'll be interesting to see.

I think Goro is counted as DLC. The real interesting question is if we get 6 characters like Injustice did for DLC, does he take the place of one of those or will we still get another 4-6 characters later down the road?

I also just don't get a lot of the internet anger towards this whole Goro thing. Goro's free, all you have to do is put down 5 dollars. It'd be one thing if it were a one store exclusive, like GameStop (hate GameStop), but it's just pre-order anywhere if I'm not mistaken. This has kinda been the norm for years now, games get extra guns, missions, maps, what have you with pre-orders. Even Arkham Knight is doing it with two character missions. So the fact that MKX is giving out a free character if you pre-order isn't exactly shocking to me at all.
09/07/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
MK9 had pre-order exclusives like the classic skins. They became available to purchase or in the Komplete Edition. So I wouldn't worry.

So I hope this time, people aren't being "scammed" (for lack of a better word) by people who pre-order the game, to purchase the DLC code for Goro for ridicilous prices, like last time with the classic skins.
So just be patient, they will most likely be available later on for everybody.
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09/07/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
PC version, code cracking may allow Goro to be playable on the PC at least.

Don't forget the console modders that get to play already on disc DLC for free.
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09/07/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
I never understood the constant bitching about pre-ordering. It's not like you have to pay $60 dollars right then and there. Just put down 5 dollars and bam- Goro is yours.
09/07/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
If you want him just play it safe and pre-order the game. You have plenty of time to pre-order. You just need to decide what console you are pre-ordering it for. I don't quite understand your dileema about them calling you letting you know that your game is there though. If you pre-order the game from a certain store just go to that store on release and tell them you pre-ordered it, don't wait for them to call you, also don't go and buy the game somewhere else, that doesn't make sense lol
You don't even have to get it on day one, if you legitimtiley pre-ordered the game you will get a copy of the game when you go to pick it up unless they are sold out, but if you tell them you pre-ordered and they can confirm you did they will make sure you get a copy with whatever pre-order bonus comes with it.
09/07/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
We don't exactly know how the Goro situation is going to go down just yet, we only know that if you do pre-order you will have him day 1 as an exclusive character. Is he gonna be DLC or just a pre-order bonus? Who the fuck knows.

They'll probably make some announcement soon enough with his trailer explaining how it's gonna work.
09/07/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
I hate this kind of things. I didn't mind that much with MK9 because it was only skins (and partly because I thought they would be unlockable by playing the game. So naive), but now is a full character I won't get to play as because I can't pre-order, even when he is there on my disc. I will not only have to wait, but will probably also have to pay extra, to play as character that has been on my disc the whole time. It's disgusting.
09/08/2014 12:23 AM (UTC)
All I know is he better not count as one of the DLC kharacters n we better get more than 6 DLC kharacters or ill b pissed cuz thats ridiculous. So many ppl were bitching they stopped at 4 in Mk9. They wanted more n.the sales were good plus now they have it for more systems so sales will b even better. With somany klassics nbeing left out,they'd b a fool not to release a bunch of klassics. Ppl will.jump all over them with as good as this game looks.
09/08/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
If you want him just play it safe and pre-order the game. You have plenty of time to pre-order. You just need to decide what console you are pre-ordering it for. I don't quite understand your dileema about them calling you letting you know that your game is there though. If you pre-order the game from a certain store just go to that store on release and tell them you pre-ordered it, don't wait for them to call you, also don't go and buy the game somewhere else, that doesn't make sense lol
You don't even have to get it on day one, if you legitimtiley pre-ordered the game you will get a copy of the game when you go to pick it up unless they are sold out, but if you tell them you pre-ordered and they can confirm you did they will make sure you get a copy with whatever pre-order bonus comes with it.


Seriously, it costs you 5 dollars upfront. If you want Goro, pay the $5 now or at some point before the release, and then pay the remaining $55 (+tax) on the day of release.

If you don't want Goro, then pay $60 (+tax) on day of release.

It really is that simple.

And, as Blade pointed out, don't buy two copies of the game if you don't want two copies of the game. I don't even know why this was mentioned. confused

Don't buy something if you already have it pre-ordered! Common sense, really...

Honestly, pre-order, and the exclusives that go with it, isn't the devil. It simply ensures you a copy of the game with a small down payment (you're going to buy the game anyway, right?). And almost all pre-order exclusives go on to become DLC to the general public a few months to a year later. tongue
09/08/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
You pay to pre-order? Here it's free...
09/08/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You pay to pre-order? Here it's free...

My GameStop requires $5 down, yeah (or $25 down for CE's). Hardly breaking the bank, though, tbh.

Plus, I want Goro. grin
09/08/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Yay Goro is back, thats kool.... However this is bullshit if he is gonna be a pre order exclusive.... Most pre order exclusives never become available to everyone else it seems like. However if they make Goro available to everyone day one as dlc for like five bucks or whatever then im down with that. But if Goro ends up only available to those that pre order then ultimately Goro wont mean anything when it comes to high lvl play. And my problem with preordering is that it sucks! Every fucking time i preorder something, they call me weeks later to tell me they have it after i already got it.... Plus i got a 360 and want a ps4 but dont know when ill be able to afford a ps4 so idk if i might end up getting two versions of the game or not....

Where does it say that Goro is a pre-order exclusive?
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09/08/2014 06:13 AM (UTC)
Why people bitch about a $5 pre order for a game there going to buy on day one anyways? Really is there anyone on this website 7 months before launch that is not going to buy this game?
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09/08/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
If you're on this website and you're not planning on buying MKX at launch then... what the fuck are you doing on this website?
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09/08/2014 07:39 AM (UTC)
When you get the game just go on to Ebay and look for someone selling there code.

I bought Far Cry 3 used, and an online pass was £8 from the PSN store, but I went on to Ebay and got one for £1. I'm sure there will be something similar for this.
09/08/2014 08:04 AM (UTC)
Are half the people posting in this thread drunk, including the OP? Seriously, a lot of you guys are coming off as frothing, incoherent fanboys.

Goro isnt a big deal. If you're getting the game on release then this is a non-issue. Calm your tits.
09/08/2014 08:06 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Are half the people posting in this thread drunk, including the OP? Seriously, a lot of you guys are coming off as frothing, incoherent fanboys.

Goro isnt a big deal. If you're getting the game on release then this is a non-issue. Calm your tits.

You seem to spend most of your time on here complaining about others on here than actually talk about Mortal Kombat. :/
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