I want Shinnok to stick around for a few more games.
posted04/30/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)by
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08/08/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
Enjoyed him so much as a villain and it was SO nice to see another 3D era character back in a prominent role and getting some more mainstream exposure again!

I'm soaking all of this up, but I do wish Shinnok could return for the next game at least. Doubt it though considering how things ended. But at this point in time-

Shinnok > Shao Kahn

Shinnok > Quan Chi

Quan Chi can be retired for a while.
04/28/2015 08:38 PM (UTC)
Story Mode spoiler :

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

I have a feeling Liu Kang and Kitana will keep Shinnok's head around for a while. Head in a jar calling the shots or as a source of unlimited energy.
04/28/2015 08:57 PM (UTC)
ToolCool literally has the same thought I did, I feel like they will keep his living head in a jar or something, maybe try to find somebody who can use magic/sorcery to get him a body.


It was stated he cant die because he's an elder god, and that's cool, I get it, it makes the whole "There are worse fates than death" thing work. I do wonder though, what would happen to him if somebody just stomped his still living decapitated head into mush, like a spilled plate of lasagna?

I guess he would just be a living puddle of mush?
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04/28/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
I figured he couldn't talk. He looks like he's trying to speak in the epilogue, but nothing was coming out. He mouthed the words, "Help, this bitch went cray."
04/28/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/28/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
I certainly do wish to see him back. Great voice acting and demeanor in this game - they instantly took the lamest boss ever in MK and made him so perfectly arrogant. Loved it.

Though I disagree with Shinnok > Shao Kahn. Not in a million years.
04/28/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
He's dead, dead as Sektor....

In other words the devs need merely slap his head on a new body and he's good to go again :P
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04/28/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
I definitely want shinnok to stick around. Give him 2 or 3 more games then take a break. He definitely is my absolute favorite character in the entire game. I would love to see him grow more now that the story has been replenished.
04/28/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Shinnok=Shao Khan
Shinnok=Shang Tsung

All villains have a place.

Shinnok is a beast, but he was not nearly terrifying enough.
04/28/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Enjoyed him so much as a villain and it was SO nice to see another 3D era character back in a prominent role and getting some more mainstream exposure again!

I'm soaking all of this up, but I do wish Shinnok could return for the next game at least. Doubt it though considering how things ended. But at this point in time-

Shinnok > Shao Kahn

Shinnok > Quan Chi

Quan Chi can be retired for a while.

I hope Quan Chi and Shao Kahn stay dead. Permanently. More new villains please!
04/28/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
His head was still alive in the post ending credits so most likely he will be in the next game
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/28/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Enjoyed him so much as a villain and it was SO nice to see another 3D era character back in a prominent role and getting some more mainstream exposure again!

I'm soaking all of this up, but I do wish Shinnok could return for the next game at least. Doubt it though considering how things ended. But at this point in time-

Shinnok > Shao Kahn

Shinnok > Quan Chi

Quan Chi can be retired for a while.

I hope Quan Chi and Shao Kahn stay dead. Permanently. More new villains please!

Couldn't agree more.

Wouldn't mind if Shinnok played the "Quan Chi" role for a few games, aka the "Manipulator behind the scenes". I just don't want MKX being one and done for him. Dude is gaining new fans and I'd like to see that momentum continued.
04/28/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah I would love to see him stick around, definitely my favourite MK villain. Although a new main boss would be okay with me too. But I agree, please no "one and done" and the background sorcerer like Quan Chi used to play would be awesome for him.
04/28/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
Holy shit, I just got an idea! Has anyone seen the move "The Re-Animator"? It's from 1985. If you have, you know where I'm going with this....

(and no, I don't mean Shinnok's severed head going down on Cassie, not that part of "The Re-Animator")

I hope it's kinda like the Liu Kang/Kitana/Kung Lao route, He's dead (kinda), but because he still has SOME role, he should be a fully playable character!
04/29/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
I wonder what Raiden did to the body. Thinking he'll use the new Emperors as figureheads if he can still speak.
04/29/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
I do wonder how Raiden removed Shinnok's head and somehow made it so it stays alive on it's own. However,given that Shinnok was in SF's custody at the end of MKX(but before the mid credits scene),along with D'Vorah,it does make me wonder if she's going to suffer the same fate as Shinnok: NRS seems to not want to repeat the main villains for each new MK installment(at least,based on what we've seen for MK9 and MKX) so I'm guessing him,D'Vorah and Chi are getting kicked out of MK11,while Dark Raiden,Kang and Kitana will most likely be the main villains for the next installment. they did do something like this in MK9,with Quan Chi(although there,it didn't come completely out of left field,unlike MKX). Oh well,maybe in MK12? or MK13?
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04/29/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
Spoilers: MK11 all about the special mini-game where the decapitated heads of Shinnok and Moloch battle it out for...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
... the right to claim Quan Chi's body as their own.
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04/29/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
Shinnok or even corrupt Shinnok as a boss was as bad as an idea as having Shinnok as a boss in MK4 and MK Gold. Way too easy to beat and nothing to "special" about him. Also a boss shouldn't really be selectable and IMO should remain as the only unselectable character of the game and have moves and powers that rival any other fighter and Shinnok doesn't seem to have that and never has. Looking at Kahn he had some brutal moves that were powered up and he seemed nearly impossible to defeat but Shinnok I beat first time and a boss shouldn't be that easy.
04/29/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
Like others in the thread, I'm sure his head will be around in some form.

But you can't really have Shinnok as a full character in another game without him playing a major part, and I think they're trying to avoid having the same major threats in a row.

Shinnok was really cool in the scenes he did have in story mode, but in intros he sounded cheesy and weird. (A lot of characters do though)

I wish they would've kept him as the antagonist for the entire game rather than having him escape, get trapped again, and then escape again.
04/29/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
Shinnok is an awesome character in MKX, I hope NRS uses him again.
04/29/2015 04:37 AM (UTC)
trynax Wrote:
Shinnok or even corrupt Shinnok as a boss was as bad as an idea as having Shinnok as a boss in MK4 and MK Gold. Way too easy to beat and nothing to "special" about him. Also a boss shouldn't really be selectable and IMO should remain as the only unselectable character of the game and have moves and powers that rival any other fighter and Shinnok doesn't seem to have that and never has. Looking at Kahn he had some brutal moves that were powered up and he seemed nearly impossible to defeat but Shinnok I beat first time and a boss shouldn't be that easy.

I thought Shao Kahn was super easy in MK9, waaaaay too easy even on Expert mode.
04/29/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
Shinnok=Shao Khan
Shinnok=Shang Tsung

All villains have a place.

Shinnok is a beast, but he was not nearly terrifying enough.

The truth have been spoken.

Shinnok is awesome but I was really disappointed and upset with what they did with him. They started off really good in Chapter one but then Shinnok disappeared for ALL the game up until we see him get his ass kicked by Cassie Cage and then get his head cut off and thrown on the floor as an example to all those who oppose Dark Raiden.

Fucking stupid! Corrupt Shinnok could have been really freaking cool but really when you see him in story he gets his ass kicked by none other than Cassie fucking Cage, can't say it enough, it's just fucking stupid to have Cassie defeat an Elder God.

Am I crazy? Does anybody else see how stupid this is? A mortal human defeats an Elder God. Basically what they are saying is that Cassie Cage can defeat Raiden and Scorpion,Sub-zero,Goro,Kotal Kahn and every mother fucker on the roster.

Shinnok is an ELDER GOD. He is supposed to only be defeated by someone of equal power or by someone who possess the Amulet to imprison him.

Oh my god, look everybody Cassie Cage is the new supreme ELDERx2 GODDESS. SHE CAN DEFEAT ANYBODY INCLUDING THE ELDER GODS THEMSELVES.

I personally say No, I like Shinnok way too much for me to agree on him showing up only to be Cassie Cage's bitch.

He looked completely pathetic and that makes me upset, I really thought they were going the right direction when I first saw him in Chapter one but It was my mistake trusting idiots like the MK Writing team.

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04/29/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Unless they give him intelligence and some character, no thanks.

Shinnok is probably the worst thing in story mode: random evil god without a shred of intelligence. That eventually leads to his downfall.

04/29/2015 06:32 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
Shinnok=Shao Khan
Shinnok=Shang Tsung

All villains have a place.

Shinnok is a beast, but he was not nearly terrifying enough.

The truth have been spoken.

Shinnok is awesome but I was really disappointed and upset with what they did with him. They started off really good in Chapter one but then Shinnok disappeared for ALL the game up until we see him get his ass kicked by Cassie Cage and then get his head cut off and thrown on the floor as an example to all those who oppose Dark Raiden.

Fucking stupid! Corrupt Shinnok could have been really freaking cool but really when you see him in story he gets his ass kicked by none other than Cassie fucking Cage, can't say it enough, it's just fucking stupid to have Cassie defeat an Elder God.

Am I crazy? Does anybody else see how stupid this is? A mortal human defeats an Elder God. Basically what they are saying is that Cassie Cage can defeat Raiden and Scorpion,Sub-zero,Goro,Kotal Kahn and every mother fucker on the roster.

Shinnok is an ELDER GOD. He is supposed to only be defeated by someone of equal power or by someone who possess the Amulet to imprison him.

Oh my god, look everybody Cassie Cage is the new supreme ELDERx2 GODDESS. SHE CAN DEFEAT ANYBODY INCLUDING THE ELDER GODS THEMSELVES.

I personally say No, I like Shinnok way too much for me to agree on him showing up only to be Cassie Cage's bitch.

He looked completely pathetic and that makes me upset, I really thought they were going the right direction when I first saw him in Chapter one but It was my mistake trusting idiots like the MK Writing team.

Sektor should have been the one to kill him
04/29/2015 10:12 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
Shinnok=Shao Khan
Shinnok=Shang Tsung

All villains have a place.

Shinnok is a beast, but he was not nearly terrifying enough.

The truth have been spoken.

Shinnok is awesome but I was really disappointed and upset with what they did with him. They started off really good in Chapter one but then Shinnok disappeared for ALL the game up until we see him get his ass kicked by Cassie Cage and then get his head cut off and thrown on the floor as an example to all those who oppose Dark Raiden.

Fucking stupid! Corrupt Shinnok could have been really freaking cool but really when you see him in story he gets his ass kicked by none other than Cassie fucking Cage, can't say it enough, it's just fucking stupid to have Cassie defeat an Elder God.

Am I crazy? Does anybody else see how stupid this is? A mortal human defeats an Elder God. Basically what they are saying is that Cassie Cage can defeat Raiden and Scorpion,Sub-zero,Goro,Kotal Kahn and every mother fucker on the roster.

Shinnok is an ELDER GOD. He is supposed to only be defeated by someone of equal power or by someone who possess the Amulet to imprison him.

Oh my god, look everybody Cassie Cage is the new supreme ELDERx2 GODDESS. SHE CAN DEFEAT ANYBODY INCLUDING THE ELDER GODS THEMSELVES.

I personally say No, I like Shinnok way too much for me to agree on him showing up only to be Cassie Cage's bitch.

He looked completely pathetic and that makes me upset, I really thought they were going the right direction when I first saw him in Chapter one but It was my mistake trusting idiots like the MK Writing team.

You are a brave person making comments, speak the truth. However this was all a dream in Raidens head. I hope Shinnok returns as a manipulator for Onaga and Shao Kahn, and their combined form is the One Being. The sub bosses could be those 3 and the main boss a fusion as the one being.
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